This post was copied from my notes this morning that I allowed to flow—which I’ll add more insights to, another day, if there are any—since I need to get ready to leave my hotel in Los Angeles soon, back to temporary home Sedona):
Image by H. Newberry from Pixabay
6/14/2021 (Mon)
I noticed this YouTube video yesterday and saved it to watch this morning => “Temple of Hathor & The Keepers of the Pleiadian Kundalini Codes.”
I was super excited that FINALLY, a great quality video came out—with a lot of helpful info—regarding Goddess Hathor and the Temple of Dendera.
This sacred location (without a doubt) has been on top of my bucket list since I had dreams of ancient Egypt and toning there, perhaps as a Priestess, shared within this blog a while back.
I also had a dream once of toning in a cave, recorded in post, “The Dark Being and Jesus Within Me” (under subtitle, “The Disguised Nightmare” of July 8, 2013).
What’s amazing, is that in the middle of the above mentioned video, they started talking about Goddess Hathor BEING THE MOTHER and how she provided breast milk to humanity and beyond (which I’ve read before several times, but this repeated information ignited a memory).
I thought I wasn’t able to recall any dreams this morning, but then I suddenly remembered the vivid dream about breastfeeding a baby on my right-hand side—correlating with the right side of the body/left hemisphere of the brain/male energy/ego—and I suppose “he” was starving, since he took my breast and started drinking desperately.
I also recall milk overflowing and there were some on my hand(s), just how I recently had another vivid dream about an adult cow being filled with an abundance of milk, and it also coming out of Her mouth in doc => “Dreams: Joel Osteen, Nappa Cabbage & Hole, Cow & Abundance of Milk.” (I looked up various dream interpretations to sense what felt light, as well as followed my inner-wisdom regarding the symbolic key words)
I also received an insight that because I had created and shared this post from yesterday—“Fully Embracing Negative, Wrong & Bad Aspects of Whole Self” (that more than likely hurt my ego to some degree)—that this dream mirrored to me that I had nurtured this infant energy aspect represented as a whole baby.
Recently, while reading the book, The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage late at night, and after the very early morning, I sensed to look up, and noticed 12:12 am (which I’ve been seeing for a while, and would usually remind me of I AM Presence/Balance & Harmony, the breakdown of I AM in previous post).
I also noticed 144 as usual, which often reminds me of Soul Families; but the above interpretations, that I haven’t heard of before, are helpful as well.
By the way, the above mentioned book blew my mind because some of its contents matched some of my dreams so far (which will be another post once I complete this book).
I intuitively know that more and more earthly and otherworldly puzzle pieces are beautifully coming together to provide a BIGGER PICTURE.
Also, the next chapter that I’ll be reading from the above mentioned Lyra book, is actually about the Pleiadians, which matched this particular series of synchronicity as well, since they are mentioned within this video.
Side Note: I’ve read books by Barbara Marciniak, who had channeled the Pleiadians a while back, and most of the information felt right/light/true to my Heart.
And I have no doubt that whatever information (Light) that I come upon in Divine perfect timing and order, is meant for my individual and collective Soul’s highest benefit.
The following are just some of the helpful quotes that I typed from the above mentioned video (they might be missing some words, so see for yourself):
“All the constellations in The Temple of Dedera are held by 12 columns with the head of Hathor, looking into the forward direction of time and space.
The number 12 is most important code to understand the different perspective of the sphere; by this, we can find many of the codes of the Universe. 12 faces of the planet are facing 12 constellations […]
the constellations within the temple tell us how the Universe, Milky Way, and we move. 12 vibrations related to 12 nodes of music; 12 also projections of geometry.
12 x 12 = 144, so when you reach 144 vibrations of within the code of The Truth, you will find all the perspectives of the Universe, So all the vibrations are encoded in the 12 columns.
So 144 represents the main structure that we call Seed of Life (72 + 72, many faces of the 5 point pentagon).
144 as a seed of matter, 144 as a seed of energy, and 144 as a seed of vibration [see screenshot saved in folder, “Goddess Hathor, 12 & 144].
144 x 3 = 432, which is the perfect vibration to align with the Heart, which is the main purpose of the temple, to align with the Heart of The Mother (Goddess).
So 432 is the vibration to accomplish to reach the core of this temple. Here, you can reach the perfect energy to create within The Void.
The Kundalini is in every matter that exists.
Is it possible that not only does this temple encoded with an understanding of how the Universe works, but the provide the tool from whence we came thousands of years ago? [Btw, so God Enki & Goddess Namu from Ursa Major, the Mother Bear constellation? Look up another time]
Could this mysterious temple of Dendera, dedicated to the Mother of the Cosmos, be one of the last remaining book of the Atlantean knowledge and our origins on the planet? […]
This is also one of the last remaining Feminine temples during a time when Her Wisdom was fading from the minds of the people.
I also shared the following comment for this video:
Reuniting All
1 second ago
Thank you so much ALL for sharing this co-created, well-made, very helpful, and wonderful video. ^_^ Continue to Be an invaluable Divine gift to your full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self/humanity/merging worlds/interconnected Life within this world and way beyond. You are deeply appreciated. ^_^
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