I shared the following comment message for the YouTube video, “7 Crucial Signs Your Breakthrough Is Near”:
I was deeply moved, so I cried 🥹 while watching this very helpful video that was encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and Consciousness expanding.
Thank you so much 🙏🏼 for creating and sharing this Soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt message that was so spot on, and exactly what I needed to tune into at this time⌛️.
I very much appreciate all the Light 🕯️/expanded perspectives, Unconditional Love 💗 , and profound wisdom 💖 this channeled message contains.
I ended up typing many related details, stories, epic dreams, insights, and realizations—to include a recent series of Divine Synchronicity of the theme of “Being on Fire 🔥”—but I’ll share it separately as a post so that I don’t take up a lot of space here.
[UPDATE added later: Post title, “Synchronicity of Being on Fire ❤️🔥: Dream of Dog on Fire vs Dream of God Enki 🔥, Fire & Flames 🔥 Signs at Madonna Concert 🎶, Movie Damsel 👸🏻🐲 & The Return of Authentic Twin🔥”]
Continue SHINING 🌟⭐️ BRIGHT 🌌🌠🌅!!
The following was omitted from the above comment due to its lengthiness ☺️:
For 13 years, I’ve experienced fluctuations within my spiritual/physical journey, but I was able to bounce back with minutes, hours to a day(s), though no longer extended periods like the past (to include phases of deep depression that could last for weeks to months).
But starting from the summer of 2023, and many times throughout this year of 2024, to include yesterday, it felt like I’ve been through another MAJOR PHASE of a lot of INTENSITY on all energetic levels—mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
And this included:
my mother’s health declining again, and then being hospitalized with new heart and liver issues—alongside second stroke symptoms—soon after I arrived in Korea after over a decade…
two of my aunts were diagnosed with cancer soon after I left Korea…
my closest aunt shortly passed away from cancer (after we all found out the news of both of them having it)…
filing for a divorce with my husband of almost 18 years at the beginning of this year…
continued to have even more vivid dreams of various challenges within parallel or alternate Earth world realities (as though this world’s challenges aren’t enough 😅)
Starting a new spiritual/physical career…
and I’ve been questioning my life purpose and life path lately.
While typing, I just noticed a pattern that this seemingly chaotic and intense phase seems to occur every decade, the most difficult one was in 2001.
As time goes by, especially recently, I’ve noticed that all that I used to be interested in, passionate about, excited about, and looked forward to—to include my bucket list—increasingly decreases, and sometimes at a rapid rate, to include the past two days (and this includes losing interest in a lot of foods I used to enjoy).
For instance, I’ve only been to a few major concerts my entire life, so I was excited to watch Madonna’s celebration tour.
Though I wasn’t a hardcore fan—who followed all the details of her life and her music (that applies to all musicians and other celebrities)—I have enjoyed a lot of her hits since middle school or so.
So the vibrant gay guy announcer at her concert was spot on when he announced at the beginning of this concert, that some of us had been waiting 40 years for that moment. 😄
But rewind over an hour before this moment, when my husband dropped me off in front of the Footprint Center building to go park.
Right before getting out of my husband’s truck, I suddenly didn’t feel like going.
As soon as I opened the vehicle door, I felt out of the truck, which was the first this has happened in almost 50 years of my life (falling out of a vehicle).
I must’ve initially landed on both of my feet, and then immediately onto my right knee (which hurt a lot), with my left knee bent and catching myself.
I thought it was strange HOW I landed—in the kneeling position, a gesture where one honors another (or even proposes to a lover).
It just now reminded me of honoring Spirit within (Mother Goddess), doing whatever needs to be done—like Sadhguru’s wisdom quote poster I saw online recently—even if my physical self no longer wants to experience whatever.
I then received a reminder from within, of the times I was fully present at many locations throughout the world in order to ground Cosmic frequencies—the way 😇# 822 full presence message reminds me at times—to include a Joel Osteen “Night of Hope” event once (about a decade or longer in San Antonio), though I wasn’t Christian, but enjoyed his uplifting presence and motivational speeches at the time.
While waiting for this concert to begin, my husband added his usual witty comment that we appeared to be at an AARP convention, which was hilarious because it seemed true.
Many women who were dressed in the famous Madonna ensemble—shirt hanging off on one shoulder, a matching hairbow and net, half gloves—appeared to be in the age range of late 40’s through 70’s, to include a 300 lb or so woman in a hot pink outfit.
My husband—like many, typical males (and even females)—said that it would be cute wearing such outfits if they were younger; and I agreed with laughter since I could understand his society-conditioned perception.
However, I also shared with him a new perspective, how I loved that these women (regardless of age and outer appearance)—as well as A LOT of super enthusiastic and vibrantly dressed gay men—were having so much FUN!
They seemed unapologetic about who they were, what they preferred to wear, how they showed up, and how they danced.
I especially enjoyed the full presence of a very excited, older man to the right of me, who was dancing most of the time, and singing along to practically all the songs with the lyrics fully memorized.
He was having A BLAST—and reminded me of adorable and funny Carlton from the hilarious, “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” TV show with Will Smith—-unlike his wife, female friend, of family member whom he came with.
I had a strong feeling that they were a married couple who were fully aware that he’s gay, though from how he was dressed and appeared (like a regular guy), it would be hard to tell.
So even at the Madonna concert, I did my best to simply be fully present and enjoy her harmonious music and fabulous performance—despite some INTENSE, seemingly disharmonious frequencies at times—since it was an overall great show.
It was apparent that Madonna was tired most of the time, and I felt deep compassion for her. And who can blame her?
For at least 5 DECADES, she’s been going above and beyond on all energetic levels (even spiritually later), and super active with many dance routines; even her physical body needs to rest and relax more.
I also deeply appreciated a few of her authentic, Soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt and inspiring messages, to include the reminders to freely and fully express ourselves, and, “don’t go for second best baby” that she sang in a new, amazing way.
Madonna—despite her so-called flaws labeled by society—is a great example of a strong, courageous, BOLD, unapologetic, powerful ☄️☄️☄️💥💥💥, 😎 bad@$$ ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥, Trailblazer 🔥🔥🔥.
Anyhoo, I intuitively and strongly knew this would be my last concert, since I, too, was exhausted from many of this world’s life experiences.
And though I’ve often looked forward to visiting Phoenix—mostly due to their choices of various, delicious restaurants that Sedona doesn’t have—
for the first time in 7 years, I lost interest even in Phoenix and all the food there, which was intriguing.
I wondered if I had reached what was near the end of an Earth journey; but after watching this video, perhaps it’s an end to a long phase, but the birth of the completely NEW that I had not experienced before.
I also experienced a particular series of Divine Synchronicity recently, which I’ve been deeply appreciating (synchronicity that is) throughout my—though I had called them signs from God in the distant past—and though I’ve been even more aware of synchronicities within 13 years.
In a nutshell, I went through moments of doubts on whether or not blogging for 13 years was a highly beneficial idea for the Self/self/interconnected Life of this world and beyond (or was it mostly my ego?).
Granted, I did watch one of your videos this new year of 2024, about the signs of a Healer, to include channeling (usually first via journaling, that I had intuitively sensed, but it was very reassuring to have outer world confirmations as well).
So I deactivated and then activated my blog a few times over months, and then asked, demanded and even commanded recently (and thanked ahead of time) for A VERY OBVIOUS AND CRYSTAL CLEAR ANSWER—THAT I CAN CONFIDENTLY RECOGNIZE AND INTUITIVELY KNOW—whether or not its best to keep it activated or not.
Since I didn’t feel like I was receiving an answer for a while—something I experience at times (as though it’s just me and dead silence, stillness and pitch black darkness)—I deactivated my blog until I knew for sure what was best for Self/self/others.
I then had the most vivid and disturbing dream —that I recalled the morning of 3/16/2024 Saturday—that seemed to be an OBVIOUS AND CRYSTAL CLEAR ANSWER that I had requested, demanded, and even commanded.
For 13 years, I had dreams of many earthly animals and otherworldly creatures before—to include dogs (especially my former pet dog, Kami, whom I’ve had otherworldly adventures with in dream state)—but I don’t ever recall dreaming of a dog on fire 🔥.
It was completely understandable that I had perceived it as very disturbing. I was very upset and in panic mode, not knowing how to help this dog who was running around.
Strangely, only half its body was on fire. And at one point, I witnessed half of its body burned to the point where I could only see its muscles.
I wondered, “WHY did I have this dream?” and “What was the symbolism of this?”
After having looked up many different dream interpretations for 13 years—especially related to animal spirit guides, animal totems, and power animals—I’ve learned that dogs in dreams often represent unconditional love, friendship, loyalty, and other heart-centered words.
And though I’ve grown to believe that Fire symbolizes The Sun/Divine Masculine Energies/Yang/Higher Mind/Soul/God essence—like the Dream of a blue, fiery Being whom I called Enki in a dream—I’ve also been conditioned to believe by society of the damage that fire can do, to include the burning of innocent people and animals alive in the distant past by corrupt, fearful people.
So it was natural for me to REACT to the burning dog from a state of deep fear.
A while back, I was even enraged when I read about a boy who burned a puppy alive, and couldn’t believe anyone would be capable of such horrific and heartless things.
This boy was more than likely extremely abused—like many males who had sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies throughout human history—but that’s no excuse, because I was also habitually and extremely abused throughout childhood.
I hadn’t thought about this until now, which is another reason why journaling (to include blogging) has been very helpful all these years.
Why was it that I wasn’t fearful, and in panic mode, when I saw a fiery Being (literally a being on fire 🔥)—whom I referred to as Enki (like Hod Enki [it autocorrected to Hod, though I meant God] who created humans)—when he reached out one of his arms, and I noticed that it was charred black?
I simply placed my hands over and under his seemingly wounded, burnt hand (like a sandwich), as though I was deeply healing it/Him.
But yet, I was very upset about the fiery dog and half of its charred body.
Just like Enki, the dog wasn’t fully wounded, only a part of his full body.
So perhaps I need to shift my perspective, and not take onboard most of the negative dream interpretations online about a dog on fire.
Anyhoo, I felt that I had wounded and/or transformed (via the fire) half of the unconditionally loving, loyal, and best friend aspects of WHOLE Self/self (represented by the dog)
by deactivating the abundance of earthly and others stories I had shared about many experiences of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self within this blog; so I reactivated it.
At the Madonna concert, I noticed that the young man sitting in front of my husband, was wearing a black sweatshirt the had “In Flames 🔥 “ on the back (see photo right below).
And I instantly, intuitively, and confidently knew it was part of this particular series of Divine Synchronicity.
Plus, Madonna included much fiery flames 🔥 within her concert.
Shortly after we came home from Phoenix yesterday—and just wanting to relax and enjoy a movie—my husband asked if I’d be interested in checking out the new movie titled, “Damsel,” that includes an empowered, female, main character and a dragon 🐉.
I agreed, and felt grateful for this empowering and inspiring movie that had an incredible twist to it.
Plus, within this movie, there were scenes of ____ catching on fire 🔥 —as well as much flames 🔥 from the dragon 🐲—which again, instantly reminded me of synchronicity, and added more puzzle pieces 🧩 to recent happenings.
And I just realized now, that this REPEATING “BEING ON FIRE 🔥” theme is not negative, like the old way of individual and collective, conditioned thinking; because in these recent scenarios, it’s symbolic of MAJOR TRANSFORMATIONS 🐍🪲🐛🦋.
I had been so tired of the movie industry showing mostly negative portrayals of E.T.s, aliens, and other “mythical” creatures like dragons in movies.
So it was refreshing to see some high levels of creativity rather than the same old crap that many “creators” dig out of the graveyards of past movies, TV shows, songs, etc.
Plus, I looked up meaning of being on fire, and I saw quotes like:
“playing, working, etc.extremely well” –
“It means you’re doing well and/or you’re getting a lot of things accomplished.”
“Dreaming that you are on fire
Alternatively, it can also represent transformation – that you’re shedding a burden ready for regrowth. In this sense, it’s a sign of rejuvenation – that fire can cleanse, purify and lead to better things once the flames are extinguished.”
Since ALL of Life is energetically connected—like Entanglement of Quantum Physics—I further trust that what applies to the individual, physical/ego self, also applies to the greater, non-physical Self, and the rest of Life within many worlds of this Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse.
Ultimately, there is no separation; and like Madonna simply and very briefly reminded her audience at one point…there is Unity.
So even when it comes to this blog, I now realize that it contains expressions of WHOLE Self-self—Self (Non-physical Self: Goddess & God, Angelic Realm, Other Higher Beings of the Spiritual Realm, to include Ascended Masters) & individual/ego self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)—and none is better or worse than other parts, but equally valid and invaluable.
As I’ve shared in this blog a while back, in a nutshell, I attended an event in Sedona by a spiritual teacher.
At one point during his teachings, he started making fun of the individual and Collective Ego—a pattern I noticed from some male spiritual teachers in Sedona and online from around the world.
I eventually learned that they had a judgment towards their own individual ego; hence, they had a judgment towards the Collective Ego, which often came in form of criticism and ridicule.
Anyhoo, this spiritual teacher—who didn’t seem this way in his book—acted like he was lost in darkness while making fun of the ego/Ego.
I raised my hand, and then shared something to the effect that this wasn’t funny, since I had a vivid dream in 2001 of feeling terrified while roaming around in pitch black darkness (which a scene from the 🎥 Damsel, did a great job of portraying; the main, female character is a convincing, great actress).
That’s when I shouted 3 times—increasingly and intensely louder each time—to Jesus, though I had never called out to Him in physical reality; plus I had left the church shortly before a week of these spiritual dreams.
After the third call, I felt a very powerful, Full Presence within me/in front of me, that made my fears go away; and I had two of these dreams at different locations.
I also had dreams of the WHOLEy-Holy Spirit entering my body while I was roaming the desert alone, as well as another epic dream of gracefully and fearlessly flying into a cave—after a male voice told me to—in what appeared to be the Grand Canyon.
After calling out this spiritual teacher for making fun of the individual and Collective Ego—after he preached about Unconditional Love and Unity—he looked at me with a stoic facial expression, strong eye contact, and with a non-enthusiastic tone of voice, said, “You’re on fire 🔥 .”
I thought it was an insult because of how he expressed this phrase, until I later found out what it meant.
And by typing away today, I was just reminded of something very important that I had forgotten—I have been, and I AM on Fire 🔥.
And though I’ve often doubted my intuitive decision to suddenly move to Sedona, Arizona without ever visiting this location—due to many hell 🔥-like 🌋☄️💥💨🌪️🌫️experiences here, and even having crossed with some of “the worst” people I’ve met within humanity (though some great Souls as well)—I now fully trust that this, too, was part of the Divine Plan.
And by “the worst” within humanity, I don’t mean people like murderers, rapists, sociopaths, psychopaths, serial killers, etc., who are outwardly and clearly “wrong, bad, and evil.”
But like the famous saying, “wolves in sheep’s clothing”—though I like both wolves and sheep, and this quote doesn’t do 🐺 justice—who often talk about how often they go to church, how much faith they have in God, how “high vibes only” they are, etc., though their actions don’t habitually match what they say.
I now fully trust in all the Divine Synchronicity that I’ve experienced thus far.
That’s why the license plate of the yellow moving truck from Helotes 🌽 TX, included 777…
why I saw my birth month, day, and last two digits of my birth year as highway signs enroute to Sedona, AZ…
why a car suddenly pulled in front of us in Sedona with license plate 3333 (twice in one day; and this particular number sequence, 3333 as well as 33 & 333, has been reminding me of the presence of many supporting Ascended Masters, whom I’ve also dreamt of before)…
and why I noticed (and then bought) an already made AZ license plate at an art store that has my 3 initials plus 0144 on it:
0 is the circle/The Mother Goddess/WHOLEy-Holy Spirit/long forgotten, oppressed, repressed and suppressed Holy Ghost, that created the original Light Frequency/Soul/God and it’s 144,000 individual main splits of Soul Families/Twin Souls/Twin Flames 🔥
The sacred reunion of Twin Flames 🔥is an extremely RARE Cosmic level of Unconditional/True Love of a WHOLE Being reuniting with another WHOLE Being, who do profound spiritual work together in various worlds.
True Twin Flames 🔥 are NOT related to many humans who have (intentionally or unintentionally) corrupted the topic of Twin Flames 🔥 , and made it into a circus of a shallow version of conditional love—that includes much drama, indecisiveness, back and forth chasing, confusion, extreme lack of healing, and only romance-related connections like: just candlelight dinners, sex without deep emotional and spiritual connection, material gifts, etc.
The Return
is not only The Return of the Divine Feminine/Mother Goddess, but also The Return of The Divine Masculine/God.
I just noticed the first image below due to the flames 🔥, and this plus the other images were saved in my phone on February 29, 2024 (and took a photo of a desert 🏜️ on way to Phoenix 🐦🔥 on 3/2/2024, because my daughter-in-law shared that she likes cacti 🌵):
And the images below were saved because they reminded me of the many epic, cosmic and numinous dreams I’ve had, to include:
Being Goddess Sekhmet-Hathor in past/present/future lives, roaming in a desert many times, interacting with lions and tigers, walking alongside 2 lions, telepathically communicating with a lion and a black cat, often interacting with cats in dream state and real life (have 2 pet cats Shadow 🐈⬛ & Leo 🐈), red wind/Holy Spirit entering my body at a desert, flying next to a white dove aircraft who landed on a tiny green island 🏝️, rolling like a lamb, shouting out to Jesus 3 times while lost and being helped twice, wandering in feline land, etc:
The following is an update to this post—another puzzle piece 🧩 confirmation related to the fire and flames theme 🔥 of this post—and is from the last paragraph update for the post, “Considerate vs Inconsiderate, & Further Forgiving 🫂, Embracing & Integrating Catholics”:
And I even deeply appreciate a recent series of Divine Synchronicity (post title/link below photo), which the following photo further confirmed (that this elderly family friend shared this morning, that includes half of the wedding gifts we gave them yesterday):
Another Update from the above mentioned “considerate vs inconsiderate” post:
Last Update
Yesterday, after my husband and I dropped off their marriage paperwork, I looked into the elderly lady’s eyes, and was able to see her in a new light.
I deeply felt unconditional forgiveness for her, as well as unconditional love (which cannot be rushed or forced via the reasoning mind).
And this afternoon, though the remnants of past, fear-based energies briefly resurfaced, after pondering yesterday’s brief, yet deeply heartfelt moments of now, I had a realization.
And this perfectly matches the recent “Fire 🔥 & Flames ❤️🔥 Synchronicity” post, as well as the related writings on the candle 🕯️ photo that this elderly lady recently texted me (which is further below).
In order to deeply experience something, such as a true, Twin Flame sacred reunion—especially in the outer, physical world, after recognition in the inner, spiritual world—one must first experience its CONTRAST/OPPOSITE/DUALITY/POLARITY.
Because experiencing both extreme “opposites” of COLD 🥶 and HOT 🥵, helps us to deeply appreciate WARM 🥰🫠.
Having experienced an abundance of “DARKNESS” in life, helps us to deeply appreciate the LIGHT.
And having experienced much fear-based energies, helps us to deeply appreciate Unconditional/True Love (for the self/Self/interconnected Life within this world and way beyond).
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