The following are parts 1-13 of the post, “The Strange Increase of Death and Disease Showing Up“:
- A Reinterpretation of Independence Day (Part 1 of 13)
- Symbolic Message from a Murder: Conditional Love vs Unconditional Love (Part 2 of 13)
- Five Uncles
- Adoptive Dad
- Oldest Step-brother
- Biological Father’s Third Wife
- Biological Father
- Family Friend
- Acquaintances
- Neighbors
- Strangers
- Pet Dog
- Spirit as Creator of Order After Chaos
Symbolic Message from a Murder: Conditional Love vs Unconditional Love
I started this post, “The Strange Increase of Death and Disease Showing Up,”on 3/3/2016, after having three more experiences of another’s disease or death entering their lives during that time-frame—all of whom I personally know/knew.
I then took a pause blogging, which I trust was meant to happen. Since then, I’ve experienced the death mentioned in Part 1 of this series, and three other deaths with those who reside in the same, two-story apartment building (the story of the latter two—an elderly couple—shared in Part 10 “Neighbors” of this series since I had started a friendship with the wife).
We live in a very quiet and clean apartment complex within the outskirts of our city that has the feel of a tranquil, countryside neighborhood.
There seems to be a combination of people who reside here—though mostly Caucasian and elderly—as well as the presence of old and young trees, bright green grass lawns that are well kept, colorful flowers, picnic areas, the daily orchestra of many birds and cicadas, and a residential pool, gym, and recreation center.
However, just like everywhere else throughout this world, there is a dark side.
This past Saturday, around 2 a.m. and before 4th of July, I was awakened by a commotion right in front of our apartment building.
While still feeling disoriented, I heard loud sirens and noticed multiple, flashing reds lights piercing through our closed window blinds.
I got up and peeked through the window slits, and noticed at least three fire trucks parked outside, an ambulance, two police cars, and a handful of bystanders facing to the right side of our building.
I said to my husband, “I wondered what happened” and was considering going outside to check it out, and he asked me if I was going to be the nosy neighbor.
I understood where he was coming from because my husband and I had seen public safety vehicles come around a few times before, and the only thing we found out was that an elderly neighbor had fallen down, and was taken care of by the emergency service units.
Seemingly seconds after I went back to bed, I noticed from our bedroom window back to back shadows of men sprinting across our patio; the energies felt so intense.
Although my curiosity was growing by the moment, I realized that going outside would only be getting in the way of whatever was going on.
In addition, if there was a fire, or some other emergency, there would a procedure to exit all the residents of the building.
Upon waking up later in the morning, my husband (who was already up) informed me that on his smoke break, he saw a fireman returning the fire-hose back to the truck, though most of the other emergency service vehicles had left.
When we checked out our neighborhood website (that one of our neighbors had created and shared with us), we found out that within our small, two-story apartment building, there was a murder.
It was such strange, new feeling since I had only heard about murder through mass media (e.g., TV, movies, magazine, back in the day newspapers, etc.) and from the personal stories of certain detainees during deployment (during my Army days).
In over 40 years of my life, I had never knowingly experienced a murder happen around me, let alone very near me, though there were some close incidents that could’ve led to someone’s death I suppose, which I’ve included in old posts, “Not Flight or Fight…but Freeze” and “Forgiving the ‘Bad’ To Help Them Remember They are Good Souls.”
Apparently—in a nutshell—a young man in his early twenties visited his ex-girlfriend here, and ended up getting stabbed multiple times by another young man.
The stabber claimed self-defense, but who really knows what happened since there could’ve been various factors involved.
But the police made a reasonable point in that despite any form of disagreements within relationships, there’s no need for the situation to escalate to the point where someone ends up getting stabbed multiple times and then placed right outside the door. My husband and I didn’t bother to follow-up since there was no need to dwell on it.
Instead, I asked Spirit within for an answer as to what I’m meant to learn from this type of outer experience showing up so close in my physical reality.
Such things can easily be brushed off as meaningless, but for a while now, I’ve been choosing to see meaning even in the seemingly insignificant and/or tiny of places, things, people, and other life forms (example posts, “To Fleas and Fruit Flies: What Message You Got?” and “The Choice to Minimize or Maximize Any Experience“)
So far, I trust that I was reminded to share with interconnected others the importance of knowing the difference between what society often considers love and true love.
As we’ve seen throughout human history, conditional love can cause A LOT of pain and suffering, to include one of the worst case scenarios…murder.
I’ve learned (as a human)/remembered (as soul/Spirit within) that conditional love—that many within society experience; hence, the very high rate of breakups and divorces—is often needy, desperate, demanding (having a lot of expectations), manipulative, controlling, obsessive, possessive, very jealous, and/or other similar energies that stem from the very low fear vibrations within the love frequency spectrum.
However, true (unconditional) love is allowing (self and others much freedom to simply be), embracing (of so-called differences and dislikes), unconditionally forgiving (even when another doesn’t verbally apologize), unconditionally giving to self and others (while maintaining healthy, assertive boundaries), compassionate to self and others (without emotional attachment, like feeling obligated to stay in an unhappy relationship because society says it’s the “right” thing to do), unconditional accepting/loving of self and others, and other similar energies that stem from very high vibrations within the love frequency spectrum.
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