This morning, I noticed this brief message by Teal Swan, that showed up in my homepage:
Image by Irina Kuzmina from Pixabay
Teal Swanย ย 2 hours ago
“In spiritual communities, the ego runs the show by thinking, speaking and acting like what a person IMAGINES a transcendental, enlightened person would think, speak and act like.”
So I followed my inner guidance as usual, and shared the following comment:
I’d like to give Teal (and team) a benefit of a doubt that this extreme, one-sided statement was intended to spark comments and interactions, rather than shared as the only truth.
Because such statements can cause some people (who aren’t discerning) to suddenly place everyone within spiritual communities in the limiting box of “ego running the show.”; hence, becoming more judgmental towards others, and spiraling further down into separation consciousness.
From one perspective, Teal’s statement seems true due to 1) having watched various YouTube videos within the spiritual communities (and attended some of their sessions, events, retreats, etc.), and 2) multiple personal experiences while working and living in Sedona—known as the Mecca of Spirituality—since 2017.
Example A of 1):
While checking out some videos from one particular spiritual coach, I strongly sensed some red flags. He represented himself as very positive—often teaching ways to raise one’s vibrational frequency (even permanently, another red flag since we are humans in a physical world with a rainbow spectrum of natural and neutral emotions).
But despite his seemingly sincere positive ways at times, his way of teaching often felt judgmental, aggressive, manipulative, and controlling to varying degrees (subtle to noticeable). In one video, he stood on some platform, so that he was looking down at the YouTube viewers, as if to imply that he was superior; it was a bit of a turn off, so discontinued watching his videos.
However, when I expanded my perspective, I realized that he—like the rest of interconnected Life, has a Divine Purpose—so he has somehow helped many people in his own, unique ways.
Plus, they were attracted to him for a beneficial reason—even if that means learning the life lessons of: CONTRAST, following one’s inner guidance/intuition/inner-wisdom first and foremost, being discerning, having healthy boundaries, etc.
Example B of 1):
I’m also grateful that there are also Soul Teachers within the online, spiritual community who seem to be the real deal, to include Teal—whom I’ve been watching for years, attended her NYC event, and have grown to unconditionally embrace her full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self (which includes her own ego that shows up at times as well, just like the rest of us).
Example A of 2)
A while back, I came upon a spiritual teacher’s YouTube channel, and ended up watching a lot of her videos. Like Teal, I highly respected and admired that she shared expanded perspectives.
She also seemed to radiate the most sincere, gentle, loving energies I had ever experienced from another female—so graceful, eloquent, and deeply compassionate in her method of teaching.
Since she lives in Sedona (and I do too), I made an appointment with her for a session. To my great surprise, she was completely different from her YouTube persona.
Throughout most of the session, she was more like a Marine Drill Sergeant (who’s usually playing a role)—very distant, aggressive, judgmental, controlling, and demanding.
So I tactfully brought up the fact that I decided to have a session with her because of who she seemed to be online; and she replied—with a serious facial expression, to include non-blinking, wide-opened eyes—“Well, why didn’t you just say you would like for me to be respectful and kind!”
Though I was baffled by her crazy@$$ reply, I informed her that a client shouldn’t have to ask her to be something she’s been portraying in her YouTube videos.
It was a awkward moment after that exchange of words, but OH WELL. Though she suggested that we have additional sessions in person, and later via email, I declined.
When I expand my perspective, I can understand that she (like the rest of us), is simply being and doing her best from whatever state of consciousness that she’s at; so rather than resent her, it’s beneficial to forgive and let go, while still maintaining healthy boundaries (i.e., not having another session with her again).
Example B of 2):
I also worked with an older woman a while back (in Sedona), who was a Meditation Coach for 30 years. However, I learned that it doesn’t matter how many years of experience someone has in a whatever field, it doesn’t necessarily make them an expert in that area.
The same applies within the military community (regardless of branch); just because one served 20 years or so, doesn’t necessarily mean they were exceptional, honorable, or anything close (since it’s not necessarily quantity over quality).
Anyhoo, this coworker’s habitual, passive-aggressive words, behaviors, and actions towards her coworkers and husband, often revealed that meditation definitively wasn’t helping her (let alone others). She asked me to attend one of her classes once, and I politely declined.
Granted, she had her sincere, kind moments at times, but other times, her kindness came off a bit eerie. Though it was crystal clear that she was stewing with anger at times, she would start humming or singing—which reminded me of the back in the day movie, The Hand That Rocks the Cradle.
Other times, she would suddenly shout (in the middle of work), random expressions that include very spiritual words (but didn’t FEEL like it), to include how she hugged a tree before coming to work.
Before I left that job, I had several opportunities to actually have a heart to heart talk with her, in order to find solutions for a harmonious and healthy work environment (since there were a lot of complaints about her behind her back, and understandably so, since I became very frustrated at times as well).
But the connection was also to help her to get her needs met directly, rather than indirectly via passive-aggressive ways (something I learned from Teal, and having been doing my best to recognize such moments where I may be like that).
For instance, rather than her just turning off the AC or heater whenever she felt like it—without any concern for other coworkers—I suggested that perhaps she could ask something like, “Hey guys, do you mind if I turn off the AC? I’m feeling cold right now.”
To my great surprise, she was very receptive to the idea; and since that conversation, she expressed herself more in a healthy and tactful way, and a problem that was apparently ongoing for a few years, was finally resolved via honest and tactful communication.
My other coworkers—who didn’t feel comfortable talking to her about this main problem—felt relieved that we could just meet halfway.
I also had a conversation with her about conditional love vs unconditional love (since the topic came up), and she replied, “I didn’t think that humans were capable of unconditional love, only a God or Goddess.” Moments like these helped me to SEE her with compassion.
Like many of us, there was a deeply wounded, little girl inside an adult woman’s body, yearning to experience Unconditional/True Love (for self/others).
Example C of 2):
While living in Sedona, a nice neighbor gifted me with her spiritual book, after I gifted her children a coloring book, coloring pens, and a Harry Slother keychain (that I initially bought for a former coworker, who was a huge fan of Harry Potter and sloths, but we parted ways).
In one of the chapters, she shared the red flags to look out for when it comes to false, spiritual teachers; and one of them was their need to wear spiritual clothes in order to appear spiritual and/or holy to others.
This was ironic, because the cover of her book—along with some other photos online—showed her dressed in a spiritual-looking, full, white gown and a white hood-like cloth on her head; and her husband also wore what appeared to be a very traditional ensemble of mostly white clothing (perhaps to represent the ancient Essences, whom they taught about).
Example D of 2):
On the flip side of this coin, I have also crossed paths with a handful. within Sedona’s spiritual community, who seemed to fully represent what it means to WALK the talk, to LEAD by example, and to actually LIVE the PROFOUND WISDOM.
They radiated genuine full presence, peace, authenticity, honesty, unconditional kindness, wisdom, and more—to include Sohanna (a wonderful Reiki Healer who works with Arcturian energies), and Anahata (an impressive Healer from Shamangelic Healing whom I had a mind-blowing, first breathwork experience with).
There are other examples, but this is a LONG@$$ comment already, so I’ll end here. Hope this helps whoever happens to cross path with this message.
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