Right after reading the very helpful, heart-felt and inspiring reading, “Arcturians: We Are You,” I read through the comment section since there were only 10 comments (and not like 50-100+).
I was also curious what others experienced as well, who have similar interests as me, to include Arcturians and other Guardians of Light within the Galactic Family.
Note: Poster on right found next to link => www.aurenkaplan.com (thank you)
I’ve only met one male human being in my life recently—other than someone on blog world or Twitter—who I was able to have a very stimulating conversation with due to him Being so open and interactive with uncommon and highly interesting topics.
The other person was one female human being back in 2001 whom I wrote about in a few posts to include, “Inspiration.”
The following are the themes that the male being—who is another reflection of my continuing inner change within—and I talked about during our conversation:
- Being present in the Moment of Now
- noticing and appreciating the small things in life
- following one’s path of excitement and passion
- loving one’s creativity and expressing it freely
- not judging others, but rather, Being deep understanding
- Being empathy and compassion
- letting go of habitually negative people (even if they are earthly family members), things, events, etc
- fearlessly doing things that liberate us and allows us to Be who we truly are (Divine Presence within)
- embracing solitude time to really be able to reflect, contemplate, and deeply understand ourselves while practicing self-awareness, self-worth, self-esteem, self-respect, self-confidence, self-forgiveness, self-compassion, self-acceptance, self-empowerment, and self-love; hence, allowing us to better understand others
- accepting and loving oneself unconditionally, which allows us to fully do so for others as well
- unity consciousness
This male being is not a lover-boy or new, 3rd husband. I may not have such spiritual or mystical conversations with my husband (which I did yearn for in the past), but I reassured him that it didn’t matter anymore.
My husband may not be able to share such deep topics with eloquent words, or even regurgitate various spiritual teachings, but the more I paid attention, I noticed that he habitually walks the walk.
Just to give a few examples: he’s very consistent with his positive attitude and outlook on life; he’s very giving of unconditional love to others with his gentle kindness, willingness to help, and use of humor in various situations; and he often appreciates the small things in life.
My husband once helped a photographer (who asked for his assistance) create a new website for his professional photography business (for free, since the photographer’s business was slow and my husband sensed that he was a nice guy).
In return, the photographer was so grateful that he offered my husband free usage of his online photos for my husband’s real estate blog section, as well as a few, free photography shoots.
One day, my husband asked me if I could join him for lunch so that I could meet this photographer, and then afterwards, head out to one of his client’s land so that the photographer can do his shoot.
Although there was a small part of me that was a bit tired of participating in various personal events of my husband’s clients—to include lunch or dinner gatherings, birthday parties (adults and kids), other gatherings, etc.—I sensed that my Divinity within was giving me, yet, another opportunity to re-connect with another soul (to help one another to heal and spread Light and Love), so I accepted his invite; and I’m grateful that I did.
My husband told me that we (the photographer and I) were just effortlessly flowing back and forth with our conversation with much excitement. Even the nice photographer mentioned that it felt like we had known each other for a while.
I agreed, it was so comfortable, although I had just met him. I also shared with him that he was the first male person I had ever had such a conversation with, and that it was definitely a pleasure to have met him.
Granted, the photographer wasn’t your typical male—he’s gay; but it didn’t matter, because we were able to go beyond shallow, earthly labels, and connect at a deep, soul level.
The conversation was fulfilling, unlike the numerous, typical, mundane superficial interactions that occur in society today that often prevents true bonding between people.
Some of the extreme examples are all the top gossip and earthly dramas of general society that intentionally and excessively distracts us from Being fully present in the Moment of Now/Being who we truly are (Divine Presence within us), such as:
- one too many highly unprofessional and emotionally immature news broadcasters judging, ridiculing and condemning to the extreme those who are not like them on shows like Fox News, when they have the powerful tool of media available to them to inspire and deeply move humanity and beyond
- one too many old-fart politicians arguing, debating and pointing fingers everywhere except towards themselves rather than Being wise, old men that they’re meant to Be, that society looks up to with much respect and admiration (on regular news and other TV shows that are intended to instill fear into general population)
- the never-ending dramas of so many Hollywood stars, to include actors, actresses, musicians, etc. on TV and in magazines, since “negative” attention is better than no attention
- shows like The Jerry Springer Show that proudly display how low humanity can go on a social and emotional level just to get attention on national TV, since once again, “negative” attention is better than no attention
- the seemingly never-ending postings of selfies, religious recruitment posters to “save” oneself, types of food one drinks or eats throughout the day/week/month/year, small talk about the weather or what’s fashionable these days, how one thoroughly wipes their ass (just threw that one in there for shits and giggles and to show how ridonkulous Facebook can get), polite gestures of an emotionless reply/comment or an easy “like” to avoid meaningful, face-to-face connections or heart-felt phone conversations (on social media like Facebook)
As I basically mentioned above, I noticed that I’m being drawn more and more to those whom I resonate with; and the section in light green below is my reply to a comment—1 of the 10 comments for the reading/link above—that was one of those magnets.
I (my limited physical mind) thought that I was just going to leave a simple reply; but once I started typing away/going with the flow, I realized that I had typed a somewhat lengthy one, so I turned it into a post.
I sensed that I was meant to share this message, not only with the person who made the comment that caught my attention, but with others as well who happen to come upon this post. I will share the following reply with McCroft with this post link:
Hello McCroft,
I immediately recognized a synchronicity after reading the comment where you mentioned the movie Battleship along with the symbolic meaning of the anchor scene.
I’ve recently focused on Being grounded more than usual, so the theme anchor highly resonates with me. In addition, last night, I very briefly watched some scenes from the movie Battleship only because my husband had mentioned that one of his former soldiers (back in his Army days) recently posted on Facebook that he was an extra on it.
It was definitely no coincidence that I finished reading the Arcturians’ post today, as well as came upon your neon words.
After I read the paragraph that included your comment, “I want to sprint ahead but I’m stuck in the 3D world with my earth vessel,” I realized that the various efforts that I’ve been putting toward changing within (which I didn’t give myself enough credit for) were indeed very helpful in Being present in the Moment of Now; hence, increasing my vibrational frequency to Being Divine Presence within.
Thank you so much for reflecting back to me what I needed to learn (as a human being)/remember (as a soul) in order to know more of who I truly am.
Now, I would like to give back to you (and others who may read this as well). 😉 Like you, there were many times where, I felt “stuck in the 3D world with my earth vessel.”
But then, I was reminded of several teachings from my extensions of Divinity within (thanks to my daily intention statements, to include, “My intention is to confidently know all the teachings of wisdom that I’ve learned/remembered, and apply them to my daily life”), and the following are a few examples:
- To Be aware and pass the life lessons of 3D and 4D (to include dream-state) worlds, with much forgiveness and unconditional love (for self and others) from the book We, The Arcturians
- To respect, speak highly of, honor and unconditionally love self, who allows us to experience this physical reality ==> from the book The Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians
- His disciples said to him, “When will the Kingdom come?” Jesus said, “It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying, ‘Here it is, or there it is’; rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it.” The Gospel of Thomas 1:13
So in regards to your comment, “I want to sprint ahead but I’m stuck in the 3D world with my earth vessel,” I understand that you meant figuratively.
However, you might want to literally try sprinting (or even walking, jogging, and/or running) while being surrounded by beautiful and breathtaking nature—like at a local park, or around your neighborhood.
It’s such a liberating experience! At first, if the body’s not used to it, it could feel unmotivated and heavy; but once you hang in there for about a week or two, then the magic happens.
I noticed that being around uplifting nature, exercising often (even in small doses), drinking purified and refreshing cucumber and lemon water, and eating healthier (less or no dense foods such as red meat, as well as foods that lower our vibrational frequency, like sugar and wheat flour) not only feels so much better, but it also helps me to show my earth vessel/my temple that I truly do love and honor it unconditionally, rather than giving it lip service as usual by not Being present in every Moment of Now and wishing I wasn’t stuck in 3D (which I forgive myself for).
And the more I accept and love myself unconditionally, the more present I am in the Moment of Now, the more I’m able to Be my Divine Presence within while being around self and others (especially those who are very “negative”/wounded, unconscious soul sisters and brothers), and the more I’m able to see with clarity the already existing “heaven” of the 3D world and the amazing human body/earth vessel, rather than feel “stuck” in it.
Hope this helps my soul brother. Once again, thank you for helping me to see more clearly. We were meant to cross paths. ^_^