During very challenging times—especially with major, tragic events like the recent, school shooting in Uvalde, Texas—fear-based, energetic states, emotions, and feelings of: shock, confusion, powerlessness, deep sadness, depression, anger, rage, etc., can either CONSUME us, like a RAGING FOREST FIRE…
OR, or give us the opportunity to RISE ABOVE the fiery, dark ashes, as THE PHOENIX BIRD of REBIRTH within; we are always FREE to CHOOSE.
Granted, whenever we experience trauma and/or intense heart pain, especially loosing a loved one(s), it’s completely healthy and needed to go through a natural, grieving process that enables deep healing (as long as we don’t become LOST within it for an unnecessary and non-beneficial, long period; see bigger picture further below).
I shared this message for the creator of this image (on right above) => Image by Leandro De Carvalho from Pixabay: Thank you Leandro for sharing this intriguing and powerful image that invited me to look up the various interpretations and meanings of the Heron Power Animal, Spirit Guide, and Animal Totem. I came upon this image, in Divine perfect timing and order, while checking out images for the Phoenix Bird. I used it for post: [this one]
I thanked the creator for sharing this perfect, EYE-catching image (on left) that immediately ignited profound reminders and further insights within me.
In order for us to fully and truly experience crystal clear CLARITY, we must first experience its opposite state, which can be CONFUSION (or other similar contrasts).
Likewise, this applies to all other so-called OPPOSITES of Life within the duality/polarity of physical worlds—aka Heart & Mind/Spirit & Soul/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known)/Water & Fire/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies/Goddess & God/etc.
For instance, in order to fully EXPERIENCE what it FEELS like to Be and FEEL Powerful—i.e., Divine Power within (merged with Divine Love & Divine Wisdom) that doesn’t need to misuse or abuse—we must first experience what it FEELS like to feel powerless.
And last but not least, in order to fully and truly EXPERIENCE what it FEELS like to unconditionally forgive, and to Unconditionally Love—both two of the top, Life lessons that we can gain profound wisdom from should we be open to the invitation—we must first experience the opposites, like a so-called “bad guy(s)” (another Soul) who acted in a FEARFUL way.
But if there’s nothing to forgive, how can we ever EXPERIENCE (experiential knowledge/wisdom) and FEEL what it’s like since mere concepts don’t provide this.
So-called “wrong, bad, and/or evil” people PLAY these “negative” parts (as Souls) in order to provide other Souls the golden opportunity to have whatever Life experiences that provides the Divine Gift of exploring, experiencing, learning, growing, and evolving (on all energetic levels: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual). I used this for post: [this one]
This morning, I felt guided from within to check out a spiritual newsletter email that I don’t always read, and found out about the tragedy in Texas that I wasn’t aware of, but was grateful that it showed up in Divine perfect timing and order.
I haven’t been watching the mostly negative, major fear instilling, society-conditioning, media news for about two decades (even while in the Army), though I’ll sporadically tune into certain minor and/or major events.
After reading various information online—that was a HUGE NEON SIGN PATTERN of similar past events throughout modern human history—I experienced a major change within.
I noticed that my emotions didn’t take over the entire ship (WHOLE self/Self), as it often did, especially as a highly sensitive to ultra sensitive empath aspect who DEEPLY FEELS; but rather, I remained effortlessly neutral, calm, and seemingly fearless.
In the past, such old, outdated, soul-draining, fear-based, horrific human events stirred up INTENSE sadness, hopelessness, judgments, resentment, anger, vengefulness, condemnation, and even RAGE.
I would get sucked into the fear-based Collective energies that would often cause a rapidly, spiraling down effect.
But I’m realizing more than ever before, that we cannot help contribute anything to others if we, ourselves, are LOST within the storm.
So I’m reminded to Be in this world, but not of it—i.e., Be The Eye within the storm/Be Full Presence/I AM Presence/I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Integrated & Merged Mind & Heart (with Heart leading Mind).
I have no doubt that we must SEE (with CLARITY) the BIGGER picture of Life.
I thanked THE GREATEST POWER/Divine Power, Divine Love, & Divine Wisdom within this Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse and beyond—Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Holy Spirit/Great Spirit/Monad/The Divine Mother Goddess essence/Cosmic Heart & Womb/The Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities/One of Many Names (Ultimately, The Nameless)/THE ONE (that created the original God/1 became 2)—ahead of time (the most effective form of PRAYER) HOW I can best contribute to humanity at this time.
First and foremost, thank you Cosmic Heart for sending your Unconditional Love essence and high vibration energies to all those who need it; because only the Divine Mother Goddess essence within inner and outer worlds can DEEPLY HEAL humanity and beyond.
Thank you for the reassurance that the children and adults who have passed away from this tragedy didn’t suffer too much pain, and didn’t die in vain; but rather, their deeply loving and highly evolved Souls had volunteered (before being born) to participate in this major event in order to contribute in a very profound way to our individual and Collective Soul Growth/spiritual evolution/expanding Consciousness.
Since moments, situations, and events at much smaller scales, have a tendency to NOT grab the attention of much need changes within this world, the Divine has orchestrated ways to do so, though from the limited, human perspective, it doesn’t make any sense.
Because our logical minds can ask questions like:
- WHY another tragedy?!
- WHY young children?!
- Because many other similar events that often included older, high school children apparently wasn’t enough for this world’s leaders to care to make MUCH NEEDED CHANGES (and not just about guns, but WHAT MAJOR FACTORS LED UP TO the school shootings that humanity as a WHOLE need to pay better attention to in order to be PROACTIVE rather continually REACTIVE)
- Who is this shooter?!
- There are many levels of perspectives to include the following, but ultimately, from a BIGGER, expanded, Multidimensional perspective, they can all be true, partly true, and/or not true:
- He is wrong, bad, and/or evil
- He is a sociopath or psychopath
- He’s mentally ill
- The devil (or something other ill spirit) made him do it (By the way, it’s TIME to END the outdated BLAME GAME, the scapegoat, the black sheep)
- He was abused in one or a combination of ways—psychologically (mentally and emotionally), physically (to include sexually), and/or spiritually—at home, school, and/or some other environment
- He’s a deeply wounded Soul who didn’t have the opportunities to HEAL his heart, whether form this lifetime and/or from other lifetimes
- As a highly evolved Soul, he volunteered to participate in a tragic event within this world, as “a very bad guy,” in order to contribute to MAJOR CHANGES
- There are many levels of perspectives to include the following, but ultimately, from a BIGGER, expanded, Multidimensional perspective, they can all be true, partly true, and/or not true:
- I can only imagine what it must FEEL like to be the parents of these children. WHY did they (and the other adults) experience this?
- Every Soul walks their own unique path, serves their own Life Purpose (to include Life missions within the main purpose), and explores, experiences, learns, grows, and evolves at their own pace. There are so many earthly and otherworldly factors from one to various lifetimes that play into what Life lessons Souls are meant to benefit from at whatever level of Consciousness they are at.
- Example: Some Souls have chosen to EXPERIENCE (experiential knowledge/wisdom) what it’s like to FEEL the profound Life lesson of Unconditional Forgiveness during this lifetime.
- But in order to have such an experience, one must have something to forgive at such as deep level (i.e., UNconditional forgiveness, because there are no apologies, or other conditional reasons to forgive, such as: in order to be approved by a higher power like God,ย in order to go to a placed called heaven, in order to avoid going to hell, in order to approved by others, etc.)
- If they SEE ( with CLARITY) the BIGGER picture, they will choose to experience what they came here for (among other reasons), and BE FREE from within; they will also fully trust that they’re children are free spirits as well—since death is a transformation of energy state, like ice to fluid to air—and they have the opportunities to EXPLORE whatever earthly or otherworldly Life experiences within this Universe and beyond
- If not, they will continue to suffer from the unhealed heart wounds within, whether in this lifetime or more
- Example: Some Souls have chosen to EXPERIENCE (experiential knowledge/wisdom) what it’s like to FEEL the profound Life lesson of Unconditional Forgiveness during this lifetime.
- Every Soul walks their own unique path, serves their own Life Purpose (to include Life missions within the main purpose), and explores, experiences, learns, grows, and evolves at their own pace. There are so many earthly and otherworldly factors from one to various lifetimes that play into what Life lessons Souls are meant to benefit from at whatever level of Consciousness they are at.
- What about the shooter’s grandmother and his parents?
- Like the examples of the Multidimensional perspective for the shooter above, the same applies
- Will parents, grandparents, and other caregivers need to live in constant fear, walking on eggshells in order to avoid possibly setting off a teenager with inner turmoil?
- Absolutely NOT. Focusing on such fears will only MAGNIFY these energies. In order to Be EMPOWERED, rather than disempowered, we need to connect with our Heart (with a simple intention)—so that we are aligned with our already merged version of integrated Mind/Heart (with Heart leading Mind)— expand our perspective and SEE (with CLARITY) the BIGGER picture. To SIMPLIFY:
- In Life, we can only be and do our best, and that’s more than enough
- We can share Unconditional Love with loved ones in various ways, to include but not limited to:
- Being Fully Present with them during interactions in person, phone calls, text messages, emails, etc. (to include ACTIVE LISTENING): I HEAR you, I SEE you, I FEEL you, I LOVE you
- Giving them FREEDOM (interchangeable with LOVE) to Be their authentic WHOLE selves, without need to manipulate and control them and their life paths
- Paying attention to their verbal and non-verbal cues to see how we can help (as an invitation, not by forceful insistence)
- Communicating in loving, honest, and tactful ways (rather than nagging, criticizing, blaming, shaming, abusing, etc.)
- Sincerely asking them about them (their needs, wants, future dreams, preferences, interests, hobbies, beliefs, values, perspectives, thoughts, feelings, how their day went, who their friends are, etc.)
- Absolutely NOT. Focusing on such fears will only MAGNIFY these energies. In order to Be EMPOWERED, rather than disempowered, we need to connect with our Heart (with a simple intention)—so that we are aligned with our already merged version of integrated Mind/Heart (with Heart leading Mind)— expand our perspective and SEE (with CLARITY) the BIGGER picture. To SIMPLIFY:
- How can humanity contribute to highly beneficial changes when it comes to these tragic events?
- Rather than focusing on creating more weapons, continuing to bicker about politics, being corrupt, trying to find other planets with life forms (that humanity can also destroy since they can’t even take care of planet Earth and humanity as a society), building secret underground facilities, etc.—that will NOT save them should there be another round of a MAJOR EARTH “CLEANSING” (especially with the scheduled return of the Anunnaki/one of many probabilities)—the so-called leaders and innovators of this world can focus more on what truly matters to humanity (to include the Collective CRY that’s been happening throughout the ages for DEEP HEALING on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual)
- Rather than some comedians continuing to joke about the benefits of buying and using guns, abnormal and/or “crazy” people, perhaps it’s time to incorporate highly beneficial contents for comedy sets, to include but not limited to: Unconditional Love (for the self/Self/others/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond), wisdom (to include profound wisdom), and humor, that when combined can be deeply healing and uplifting (that more aware and spiritually evolving comedians are integrating)
- Rather the creators of video games including guns in their products—that can (key word) condition players (especially less mature and stable ones) to become emotionally desensitized and disassociated to what can ACTUALLY happen when they use REAL guns on REAL sentient people—they can use their talent and creativity to make beneficial games, especially the ones that can strongly influence children
- Rather then humanity as whole continuing to JUDGE, CONDEMN, REJECT, SEPARATE, SUPPRESS, IGNORE, DENY, RIDICULE,, and play the seemingly never-ending BLAME GAME to self/others, perhaps IT’S TIME to WAKE UP (11:11) as Souls, and FACE all that we FEAR, BOLDY EMBRACE & INTEGRATE all neutral aspects into WHOLE self/Self/others, DEEPLY HEAL (individually and Collectively), TRANFORM, and RISE above the so-called chaos, to SEE the BIGGER picture, like a hawk (Spirit) flying above the dark valley (physical world reality)
- I will add additional insights if or when I receive them. I don’t have all the answers—hence, the key word “some” within the title of this post—but I fully trust that at least sharing what I can now, will have its benefits. I need to go get ready to leave soon. If you would like to share anything, please do so, since I have no doubt that we can all benefit from helpful information, knowledge, and wisdom (aka Light) and the sharing of Unconditional/True Love (for the self/Self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond)
I initially titled this post, “Only The Mother Goddess Can Deeply Heal the Tragedies of Humanity & Beyond,” but decided to change it to a title that’s more relatable and hopefully helpful to many within humanity.
Everyone of us is able to DIRECTLY connect with the Divine—Heart/Unconditional Love/Goddess & Mind/Light/God—within us as a MYSTIC, when we choose to further open our minds and hearts (toward discerning open-mind and open heart with healthy boundaries).ย
Though it’s also beneficial to learn from OUTER world Soul Teachers—and NOT just spiritual teachers, gurus, monks, pastors, priests, priestesses, healers, etc., but ANY Soul (to include children and Mother Nature)—I prefer to follow my own INNER world’s guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom FIRST AND FOREMOST, aka The ULTIMATE Master Teacher/Master Healer/Master of Frequencies/Master Alchemist/Master Builder (Creator).ย
Thank You Spirit/One Heart/Divine Mother Goddess, for some answers regarding the tragedies of humanity and beyond.
Additional Details Before Finding Out
This morning, I felt guided from within to read a newsletter email that I don’t always read, and I realizing that I’m developing a deeper trust/faith, that when we follow our inner guidance/Heart/intuition/Goddess within, it leads to an opportunity to contribute to the self/Self/others/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
This email was from Jamye Price, and I’ve been using her Cosmic Consciousness Ascension deck for almost two years, and as I’ve already shared within this blog, this Light Language spiritual tool (one of various) has been SPOT ON with matching personal experiences, as well as deeply healing on all energetic levels.
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