Have you ever experienced a phase of your Soul journey that just seemed baffling as hell?
Did you ever think thoughts like, “WTF is happening? Did I just step into The Twilight Zone?”
And, did you ever feel that these related situations appeared to slow down your overall progress in life for any combination of energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual?
I have these past two months or so, though I’ve been doing my best each day to embrace what IS, as well as BOUNCE BACK in various ways.
However COMMA today, I feel MUCH lighter, freer, and more peaceful than before, so I’m sharing the profound wisdom I gained from these so-called “negative” life experiences, as well as the “positive” experiences that inspired me this morning.
After completing this post, I was reminded of a related post from 12/21/2013, “Embracing a Setback to Set Forward,” that contains various stories of seeing the Light within the so-called darkness, to include so-called failures in life—ultimately, all stepping stones of Soul success.
So I’m reminded from within that from a limited, 3D linear, human perspective, we can easily label a phase in our life as “slow progress” due to the outer world appearance that one has “failed” (at a relationship, job, career, business, etc.) and/or one is “behind” (i.e., in an online course, program, school, etc.), and whatever else is measured via the individual and Collective logical mind that’s about outer world.
But from an unlimited, 5D+ Multidimensional, expanded, Soul/Spirit perspective (inner world), that same “delayed” or “slow” phase could be a MAJOR set up—from one’s Higher Self/Source/Universe: Spirit/Goddess & Soul/God within—for a sudden LEAP in Soul growth/spiritual evolution/expansion of Consciousness, that for many, take lifetimes to REALIZE.
It’s like the intro of one of the recent posts, “Rapid Changes: Effortlessly Letting Go & Being Rebirth“: The sudden, rapid growth of Chinese Bamboo Trees after invisibility and seemingly no growth for years.
Image above by oadtz via Pixabay
This post contains interactions from three (sacred # 3) interconnected Souls doing our best to Be WHOLE and authentic, rather than only righteous, good, and light, which is only half of the same Cosmic Coin, and also not completely authentic.
The original comment was for Peter Sage’s Elite Mentorship Trainer (EMT) Program, Module 4, “Choose Your Superpower,” with the most recent reply comment on top.
Note: R______ is an Elite Mentorship Forum (EMF) Graduate peer—we completed the 6 month online course the beginning of May ’22—and is currently an EMT peer as well; below is his reply to my original comment to Peter Sage (towards middle of post):
This is a powerful read for me, Barbara. So much here for me to ponder, that I might come back to read it again.
For now, I got a huge hit of illumination from your gift of your words about Shadow meaning unknown and the idea of Golden Shadow, positive aspects as well as negative. The shadow self has been a significant part of my personal healing over many years, but this idea had never occurred to me. I think it will open up another aspect of this work for me, for which I am deeply grateful.
8 hours ago
My Reply to R______:
R______, I’m so glad you benefited from the share, thank you so much for your helpful feedback.
I’m also grateful that you’re now able to expand your shadow work experiences by incorporating both sides of the same Cosmic Coin, so that you can remember and Be more of your Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self.
As I’ve shared before, I very much appreciate you showing up in my life, since you have often shared much Unconditional Love that was deeply heartfelt.
To add to that—and I haven’t shared this part with you because I just realized it while typing this message—you have mirrored a level of Golden Shadow aspects that I seemed to have rarely experienced within both the EMF and EMT group.
The best I can describe the FEELING is Soul Home, which I sometimes experience from those who feel like Heart-centered Soul Families. So thank you again.
I wish you profound healing on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—as well as many forms and non-forms of uplifting abundance (that stems from Prosperity Consciousness, and like Peter teaches, Being Wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST).
I may not know much about you from a human perspective, but from an expanded perspective, I have no doubt that you are an AMAZING Soul/Spirit/Man/EMT/WIse Teacher/Wise Student.
Before todays’ live call with Laz [professional and new VP for Team Sage; form Navy SEAL and businessman], and your deeply heartfelt reply comment, I was so close to fully letting go of EMT since I had experienced unexpected blessings in disguise (deep heartbreaks) within two months or so.
In a nutshell, I chose to fully trust, be loyal to, and dedicate much invaluable focus, energy, and time to another, only to learn TWICE (different times) that this person was only looking out for themselves the entire time while misleading with ongoing acts of overwhelm, confusion, non-action, and hopelessness.
So one of the major life lessons that I’m learning about lately is NON-ATTACHMENT to EVERYTHING in Life, especially people; and this doesn’t mean not caring or caring less, but becoming more NEUTRAL (as I AM Presence within).
I realized that I can continue to Be authentic and fully present with others, and share much Light (beneficial information, knowledge, and wisdom) and Unconditional Love—to include maintaining healthy boundaries and Being discerning— but no longer be surprised or even shocked by ANYTHING that shows up in return, to include the lack or absence of genuine caring, honesty, loyalty, etc.
This goes hand in hand with what I trust to be the ultimate Life Lesson, which is Unconditional/TrueLove (for self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond).
Another Life lesson that I’ve been incorporating, is to use more of my invaluable focus, energy, and time on myself when it comes to working on my goals, which can be perceived as selfish to others, but it’s actually part of self-love.
Because if we’re often spending a lot of time placing other’s needs over ours (and placing our needs and goals on the backburner)—while they’re taking care of their own needs behind closed doors—then we can’t blame them in the end.
And we don’t even need to blame ourselves since the individual and Collective Ego’s BLAME GAME has been, and continues to be, a never-ending, vicious cycle of ongoing conflicts, battles, and wars within both INNER and OUTER worlds.
Like Peter has taught, we can only share from our overflow, and it’s time for me to unconditionally love myself more, so that I can refill my inner cup/heart, and have it effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life.
Like the main theme of our live call today with Laz, I’ve been more effortlessly letting go of EVERYTHING that no longer serves WHOLE self/Self (to include habitually unhealthy relationships).
And the last but not least Life Lessons I’ve further learned from the blessings in disguise are Unconditional Forgiveness (since this person didn’t apologize both times), and Divine Wisdom (everything happens for a beneficial reason, despite temporary outer circumstances).
I’m continuing to learn from personal experiences, others’ experiences, and from insights that my husband shared today, the differences between unhealthy competition and healthy competition.
And that an extremely competitive person—competitive in an unhealthy way due to lack mentality/poverty consciousness and excessive masculine energies (rather than a balance of both masculine and feminine)—can trigger so-called others in similar and different ways.
So when someone (whom I initially felt hurt by) observes an extremely competitive person (a 3rd party), s/he can become triggered with deep fear due to being reminded of similar childhood experiences—ex. older siblings who were extremely competitive due to the father being this way—that were repressed during childhood, and further suppressed throughout adulthood.
Therefore, though s/he normally isn’t extremely competitive (unknown/shadow aspect), s/he may suddenly feel a strong urge to be so in order to avoid feeling ashamed again (for perhaps never being the “winner” of all the home competitions).
This can lead this person to SWING THE PENDULUM TO THE OPPOSITE EXTREME by suddenly becoming extremely competitive without care of how this may negatively affect another.
However, it more than likely isn’t intentional to be hurtful; it’s more than likely just a survival tactic within a world that had FELT so competitive (which in turn created, false, fear-based beliefs).
I trust that we can all gracefully embrace and integrate this ultimately neutral “COMPETITIVE” aspect into its higher, exalted state that benefits self AND others, and NOT just the self (which can be selfish and unhealthy).
We can simply Be, do and share our best without believing a desperate need to get ahead of others since “the more slices of pie others take, the less there is for me” LACK mentality.
From an expanded, Multidimensional perspective, the Quantum Field—aka the Cosmic Womb & Heart/The Void/The Unknown/The Divine Mother Goddess essence/The One of Many Names (Ultimately The Nameless)—contains UNLIMITED possibilities and probabilities, various forms and non-forms of abundance (to include our INVALUABLE SELF-WORTH, a Divine birthright, and energetic money that can be used in ways to benefit self/others).
R______, THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing the precious gift that is you/You, and for igniting within me deep heart healing, intuitive insights, integration of WHOLE self/Self, inner-peace, gratitude, appreciation, and Light-ness.
You seem like a deeply loving person who also strives to Be WHOLE—not just righteous, good, and light (only half of the coin and not completely authentic)—so I wish for us to master Being Unconditional Love for self/others in a balanced and harmonious way (ebb and flow), in Divine perfect timing and order, how it’s meant to be.
Love you Soul brother <3 <3 <3
My Original Comment to Peter Sage on 4/8/2022 for EMT Module 4, “Choose Your Superpower” Video:
I was falling behind with EMT for at least two months due to various reasons (personal and EMF and EMT related); however COMMA this module helped me to further BOUNCE BACK, since THAT’S what matters (i.e., not giving up, but rather, building trust of the unlimited possibilities that’s available within Life/Universe/the Quantum Field/The Cosmic Womb & Heart).
I FEEL excited again to Be Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self in ever expanding ways, to include as an amazing Elite Mentorship Trainer, Student, and Entrepreneur.
Thank you Peter for sharing multi-faceted, Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE you/You, and all that you contribute to humanity and beyond.
To be transparently honest with you, I initially and somewhat placed you on a pedestal during USM, and then parts of EMF, due to mostly being exposed to your Golden Shadow aspects (i.e., the “positive” aspects), that shined so brightly in a highly stimulating, enthusiastic, very creative, super animated, humorous, entertaining, FUN, and magical way.
Granted, shadow aspects are typically associated with “negative” ones, though SHADOW basically means UNKNOWN, whether “positive” or “negative.”
Anyhoo, I continue to respect and admire the way you create (in your own unique way) a program and course that further merges the physical and spiritual worlds, assisting with the expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness (Soul & Spirit growth and evolution) on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual (and even financial and material, taking it to a whole other level, an AWESOME combo package).
I’m also grateful that you taught us about not needing to place anyone on a pedestal, which became even more apparent to me on this journey, though I had chosen to always follow my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom/gut feeling/other love-based energies FIRST AND FOREMOST for a little over a decade.
I’m grateful that I was able to continue learning, even from another great Soul Teacher, who I prefer to Be (and not be), and what I prefer to say and do (and not say and do), thanks to the Divine gift of CONTRAST/opposites within duality/polarity of physical worlds.
You, like all other interconnected Souls (of THE WHOLE/THE ONE) have been doing an amazing job of MIRRORING to me BOTH “positive” and “negative” aspects (ultimately NEUTRAL) that I can learn from, so that I can better KNOW self/Self as well (like the famous saying, “Know Thyself”); and I have no doubt that I’ve been various mirrors for all “others.”
I also wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve been a major pain in the ass for you and Team Sage, due to having a tendency to openly express, though I don’t mean to be.
I just realized, at a deeper Soul level, that it’s better to be authentic, transparently honest, and hopefully tactful, and share what’s highly beneficial for others/self, then only express what others/self may feel very comfortable to hear.
I had been feeling comfortable asking you questions since you’ve taught multiple times that “Questions are the steering wheel of the mind.”
In this video, and at least one other time, you also shared a related quote by Richard Feyman, “I would rather have questions that cannot be answered, than answers that cannot be questioned.
But because I’ve observed at least a few times, that you didn’t seem pleased with the questions I submitted—via your non-verbal cues, that you even said in this video, tells us much more about whatever state we’re in—I recently discontinued asking anymore, to prevent making you feel uncomfortable and creating seemingly awkward situations during live calls.
But in this video, you shared what you had learned at the world famous business school—the two types of teachers who had the biggest impact on students; and that you basically resonated with the second one, which would suggest that you fully embrace students asking questions that may even challenge your own teachings at times, since once, again, DOGMA is not being open to new information that may further expand perspectives/consciousness (what you also teach).
You seemed to be more of the first type of teacher during EMF and EMT live calls—between the two that you mentioned—though at times during EMF and EMT calls, and especially within the USM, EMF and EMT Modules, as well as the USM live power coaching live calls, you seem to radiate the second type of teacher more (just my observations).
I share this and other forms of “positive” and “negative” (ultimately NEUTRAL) feedback with you just in case no one else did, and/or you weren’t aware of it.
I have NO DOUBT that as highly evolved in Consciousness as you–or anyone else similar in vibrational frequency state—may seem to be thus far, there’s definitely room for further growth.
However COMMA I’m continuing to learn that if many so-called others only or often MIRROR to us JUST the positive aspects and feedback—especially due to not wanting to rock the calm and/or intimidating boat—then that won’t help any of us to fully KNOW our WHOLE selves/SELVES.
This morning, I read a very brief quote by Sadhguru from his newsletter email, that was a perfect puzzle piece for this particular series of Divine Synchronicity, since I was pondering about this theme again, recently, regarding others and self (since like you basically teach, there is no separation).
And it was such a great reminder for all of us: “When people give advice, always look at them if it has worked for them.”
Because like you teach, we can learn something at a conceptual and intellectual level, but it’s a whole other ballgame to learn something at an emotional [and spiritual] level, which personal experiences come into play—(i.e., experiential knowledge/wisdom, that can gift profound wisdom when receptive to it)—to include LEADING BY EXAMPLE, which you do well at times .
My journey so far within EMF and EMF has been—like the analogy that you shared within this video (one of your major strengths)—a roller coaster ride.
But I’m very grateful for having the opportunity to cross paths with wonderful you/You—with no more regrets, though there were times I didn’t respect and/or admire you and certain members of Team Sage due to some ongoing red flags (that I’ve shared), though there have been positive contributions as well.
However, I was able to recently SEE (with CLARITY) the BIGGER picture; and I was also reminded that ALL of us are doing our best from the Consciousness that we live and visit, ALL of us are learning and growing at our own pace, and ALL of us can reinvent ourselves as a NEWER version at ANY GIVEN MOMENT.
I trust that one day, I can further show you my deep appreciation via my representation of your company/organization as an amazing Elite Mentorship Trainer/Student/Entrepreneur, though ultimately (like you said), as authentic, Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self (I AM [full-stop] Presence).
This, of course, doesn’t stem from needing your approval, or to impress anyone, but to simply SHARE a greater version of self/Self with you and interconnected others.
I also look forward to sharing with the world an authentic 5 star review for USM, EMF and EMT, that can hopefully touch many Souls/Hearts, which I trust will happen in Divine perfect timing and order.
Granted, I haven’t completed USM due to switching over to EMF—that I was told by my coach at the time that it’s USM on steroids—but that’s perfectly fine.
Well, this has been, yet, another LONG@$$ comment, but oh well, C’est La Vie amigos & amigas, have a wonderful weekend! ^_^
Peter Sage’s Reply Comment:
Long but very authentic and I felt where you were coming from. Much appreciated, even if i don’t always say it openly. Thank you X
My Reply to Peter on 4/9/2022:
Thank you Peter, appreciate you much as well.
Other “Dance” Posts
- “The Cosmic Dance of Our Intuitive Heart & Logical Mind“
- “The Cosmic Dance Between Fiery, Life-Ending Meteors and Awe-Inspiring, Beautiful Fireworks“
- “The Vegan vs Non-Vegan Dance“
- I recently started a very clean diet due to preparing for my first, 11-day ayahuasca retreat in Brazil, Spirit Vine, where they grow and serve organic ayahuasca, provide a lot of transparent information and resources on their website, have many all 5 star reviews, and are very serious about the sacred ceremony, deep healing, and profound transformation on all energetic levels (though everyone will have their own unique experiences in their own ways). Plus, I highly respect and admire that they’re NOT a place that’s known for recreational purposes and/or half-ass ayahuasca healing sessions that requires many revisits to see any solid, beneficial results.
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