Intro: I shared this comment with the creator of this image => Image by Henryk Niestrรณj from Pixabay : Thank you Henry for sharing this image of the powerful, Full Presence of a HUGE, Oak Tree within the mystical woods, surrounded by a network of interconnected trees, and a gorgeous, starry, night sky.
It further reminded me of the profound symbolism of this type of tree that we can relate to—a strong, core, Divine & human foundation within ourselves that not even the fiercest of winds can bring down.
Image [above left] by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
The vast, unlimited sky also reminds me of our Galactic & Universal Soul Families that are both within us and all around us, and support us on our adventurous, life journey of expanding our individual and Collective Consciousness. I used if for post: [this one]
Image by beate bachmann from Pixabay
I shared the following message for the helpful video, “LEO | I HAD TO STOP YOUR READING! SPIRIT NEEDS YOU TO HEAR THIS INSTEAD, PLEASE!! January 2022“:
Thank you Mariah for this deeply heartfelt message that showed up in Divine perfect timing and order, despite it being a “past” video from January of this year.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Because from an expanded, Multidimensional perspective, the so-called past/present/future are all simultaneously happening in the NOW, unlike physical world, 3D linear perspective where there’s past, present and future.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
I don’t always check out YouTube videos that show up in my awareness, since I’ve been flowing with how I FEEL at whatever moments; but I strongly sensed to click on this video, and I’m grateful that I did.
Image by MariangelaCastro from Pixabay
I fully trust that you, as a clean channel, were channeling this message to whoever could highly benefit from it, regardless of the number of people since we are all energetically connected as Souls (and Entanglement of Quantum Physics proves this and supports the merging of physical and spiritual worlds).
They say hindsight is 20/20, and this message confirms this. I KNOW (intuitively and experientially) EXACTLY what you’re talking about, as well as who (multiple).
My intuition is increasingly becoming RAZOR SHARP; hence, I can STRONGLY SENSE others’ vibes—their presence, their vibrational frequency/FEELING state within that they radiate out.
Image by Ralphs_Fotos from Pixabay
So even if another says the “right” or “good” words—or even if they do their best to put on a fake smile and/or adjust other non-verbal cues to include their body language—if they are NOT Heart-centered, and these verbal and non-verbal expressions are merely coming from their logical minds trying to manipulate, calculate, control, etc., then I can quickly identify it.
Image by Nel Botha from Pixabay
[ This section deleted from comment since no more space: Even if someone is more logical mind centered, and has gathered A LOT of spiritual information/data, mostly from books, videos, websites, blogs, online programs and/or courses, events, retreats, extensive research, etc.—rather than via personal experiences/experiential knowledge/profound wisdom—I’ve learned that this doesn’t automatically make them an expert in spiritual matters (let alone mystical matters: direct-experiences with the Divine).
Image by hartono subagio from Pixabay
Because it’s not about how much the logical mind collects from the outer world, but how the mind follows and becomes aligned with the Heart within inner world; thus Becoming integrated and merged Mind/Heart, as ONE.
Image by press ๐ and โญ from Pixabay ]
Anyhoo, this intuitive ability—and other psychic/ESP/Multidimensional abilities—is available to all of us, which can develop like a muscle the more we connect with our Hearts, pay attention to it, acknowledge it, and appreciate it.
Regardless of what type of Soul relationship (within physical bodies)—family members, friends, former coworkers, former neighbors, acquaintances, online program and online course peer groups, online interactions, etc.—I KNOW EXACTLY who’s been genuinely supportive, and who hasn’t been, despite outer appearances and expressions.
You’re absolutely right, for almost 30 years, I’ve been on a mostly solitude path as a mystic (which I’ve embraced), even though I’ve had some relationships here and there (mostly a handful or so of family members), very few friends (mostly none for a little over a decade), a first/ex-husband, a current husband, two adult children, a pet dog (who passed away), and two pet cats.
But despite being on a seemingly lonely path at times—even with physically present relationships like my current husband of over 15 years (whom I’ve known for 17)—I’ve been connecting and communing with various aspects and extensions of the Divine within both inner and outer worlds (which kept me going, helped me to BOUNCE BACK, even after extremely challenging times).
And this includes, but is not limited to: Higher Self/Universe/Multiverse: God/Soul/Sun/Yang/Fire/Light/Higher Mind & Goddess/Spirit/Moon/Yin/Water/Unconditional Love/Higher Heart, Angelic Realm, Ascended Masters, Animal Spirit Guides (Animal Totems, Power Animals), Elemental Realm, Earth Soul Families (mostly online Souls, to include Soul Teachers and/or YouTubers whom I highly resonate with, like you Mariah): Galactic & Universal Soul Families (Arcturians, Pleiadians, Andromedans, Sirians, Lyrians, Anunnaki, etc.).
It’s true that it’s wise to Be Discerning when it comes to so-called others, since an uplifting, empowering, and inspiring goal is to maintain healthy, loving relationships, while letting go of the ones that are habitually (key word) draining (i.e., NOT a beneficial influence).
I agree with you that it’s also wise to be cognizant of all those who happen to suddenly come out of the woodwork as they notice your life improving; thank you for this great reminder since we don’t need inauthentic energies (with ulterior motives) in our lives.
I’d rather not have any friends (or other types of relationships) than FAKE ones. It’s interesting that you mentioned about others basically mocking at one’s dreams, since I’ve actually experienced that a total of 3 times within a few years (to include a month or so ago).
Of course, it never FEELS good to have such an experience, but when I expanded my perspective, I realized that mocking others stems from fear energy; we cannot truly, fully, and UNconditionally give to others from an empty or barely-filled, inner cup/heart.
However, those who habitually and unconditionally love themselves, are confident in themselves, respect themselves (and their dreams), will naturally support others and others’ dreams as well.
When we pay attention, we can notice that those who usually WITHHOLD various forms of love—to include genuine compliments (NOT talking about insincere, CONDITIONAL flattery that’s trying to get something for themselves)—are those who have low self-esteem; hence, are unable to UNconditionally and FREELY give to others.
Realizing this, we can have compassion for them, rather than feel hurt by them, or feel angry at them, though it’s okay to FEEL whatever we truly FEEL at any given moment, while doing our best to process ultimately neutral emotions in healthy ways; that way, they DON’T get pushed down/suppressed, and then unexpectedly EXPLODE later in an out of control manner.
[ Side Note: I shared this comment for => Image [on right] by ์ฉํ ๋ฐฐ from Pixabay: This instantly reminded me of childhood, where my Korean cousins had these dolls at our grandmother’s house, and the three of us were given the nickname “The Ugly Trio Dolls” as well, Lol. Thank you for sharing this! ^_^ I used it for post: (this one; childhood photos of my two cousins and I within this blog’s category page, “A Message for My Inner-Child and Interconnected Soul Families“) ]
As long as we don’t get LOST or DROWN within sadness and anger, we’ll be okay. Ultimately, from a BIGGER picture, expanded perspective, NO ONE and NOTHING can shake our inner world’s peace.
Even if another pointed a gun to our head, and threatened to end our life, we still have free will and options.
We can be very fearful, and beg them to save our life (though there’s no guarantee they’ll even listen), OR, we can take a deep breath, connect with the Divine within, embrace what IS, look them in the eyes, smile, and perhaps gently and gracefully say something like, “Do what you need to do, thank you, and see you on the other side Soul brother.”
And if our mouth is covered, we can express this silently. I did this once, long ago, and after some point, while looking into this person’s eyes, he suddenly fell to his knees and started crying, which was deeply heartfelt and profound; and I was able to unconditionally forgive him when I was able to SEE (with crystal clear CLARITY) the BIGGER picture in Divine perfect timing and order.
Granted, I have no doubt that Spirit/Heart/Goddess never had the need to forgive since S/He KNOWS that EVERYTHING that happens, occurs perfectly, ultimately, for the highest benefit of our individual and Collective Soul growth/spiritual evolution/expansion of our Unity Consciousness (that includes separation consciousness, just as the LIGHT FREQUENCY includes the visible colors red through violet, and just as the LOVE FREQUENCY includes the vibrations of fear through compassion; and together, they are the merged version of God & Goddess essence within and without).
I have no doubt that if it’s time to go, it’s TIME to go, and I’ve learned that if it’s NOT time to go, then it WON’T happen, no matter what our physical ego self tries to do.
So I don’t fear death, experienced it enough times in dream state, and twice in this physical reality (aka near-death experience).
I fully trust that death is merely a transformation of energy state, the way solid ice (like our physical bodies) can melt into water (had a vivid dream years ago where I witnessed an unknown being transition from physical body to dripping fluid state [shared in post, โThe Dark Being and Jesus Within Meโ (under subtitle, โThe Disguised Nightmareโ ofย July 8, 2013)]), which can then evaporate into steam (our free Souls).
So I say, whenever we FEEL guided from our Hearts to unconditionally share with interconnected Life, then let’s simply and BOLDLY do so.
There’s no need to fear what so-called others will do with what we shared, because that’s not something we need to waste our precious focus, energy, and time being concerned with or worried about.
I’m REMEMBERING more and more each day to RECLAIM my INNER POWER, since whenever we connect with our Hearts, we automatically connect to the Cosmic Heart Power/The Divine Mother Goddess essence—aka Prime Creator/Creator of ALL Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Monad/Holy Spirit/Great Spirit/The Cosmic Womb (that created the original God)/The Great Void/The Unknown/The Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities/The Wave (that contains the God Particle)/Mother Earth/Galaxies/Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse/The One of Many Names (The Nameless)/Alpha & Omega/Eternity—which IS ultimately the GREATEST, UNSTOPPABLE DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE WISDOM, & DIVINE POWER.
A simple, yet, highly beneficial reminder to ask ourselves (whenever needed, probably daily and often): “Is what I’m thinking right now, disempowering (stemming from fear energy), or Self-Empowering (stemming from love energy)?” And choose from there.
Mariah, I’m so grateful that I crossed paths with you because I can tell that you are very open-minded (yet discerning), open-hearted (with healthy boundaries), authentic, refreshingly honest, unconditionally loving (to the self/Self/others), compassionate, deeply empathetic, intuitive, wise, strong (within), courageous (willing to be vulnerable, a great strength), humorous, talented, and much more.
Your are an invaluable gift to yourself/Yourself/humanity and beyond, and your Heart-centered contributions are deeply appreciated.
Continuing SHINING BRIGHT Soul sister, our world is a much better place because of wonderful Souls like you! ^_^ Mulantis: Reuniting All
I shared the following message for a great reminder video, “LEO | I HAD TO PAUSE YOUR READING! SOMEONE WATCHING HAS A RARE SPIRIT & SOUL“:
Mariah, THANK YOU SO MUCH for this deeply heartfelt message, where I felt STRONG, Unconditional Love energy within my Heart chakra space in the center of my chest, that almost made me cry tears of joy.
You asked, and my answer is, you made COMPLETE sense, and I thanked Spirit within for the Divine gift that is you/You, and your loving contributions to humanity and beyond.
In the brief time since I’ve crossed paths with you, you’ve felt more like Soul Family than most people I’ve known my entire life (of almost 50 years!); so you’re absolutely right, just because family members are blood related, doesn’t necessarily mean that they FEEL like a deeply loving Soul Family.
Your flowing, verbal and non-verbal expressions were Heart-centered, pure (as in WHOLE), and POWERFUL, and FELT light/true to my Heart, which is why I fully trust in your clean channeled messages from Spirit.
You, too, have a RICH Soul & Spirit within—with Multidimensional gifts, strengths, abilities, skills, talents, Heart-centered values, deep character, integrity, honesty, inner-strength, courage, a great sense of humor, and much more—that RADIATES such an authentic, sincere, warm, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, and inspiring vibrational frequency (your CORE essence).
You are deeply appreciated LOVE, and even though I don’t know you from a human level, I can very comfortably say that I love you (at the Soul level).
And I wish you an ABUNDANCE of various forms and non-forms of AMAZING Life experiences that are birthed from your CORE essence, which includes Prosperity Consciousness—Being Wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST, especially with intuitively KNOWING your precious/invaluable/priceless existence and self-worth (a Divine birthright).
And may you always remember that we experience obvious blessings, or blessings in disguise (that we can gain profound wisdom from), and to often ask yourself, “Is this disempowering or SELF-EMPOWERING?”
Continue SHINING BRIGHT SUPER STAR, and have a wonderful week, appreciating many PRESENT and pleasant moments of NOW!!! ^_^
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