Intro: I shared this message for the creator of this image => Thank you Dean for sharing this gorgeous, mysterious, and captivating artwork—with a perfect combinations of colors—that reminded me of the Lioness Spirit Guide/Animal Totem/Power Animal that I dreamt of this morning, as well as RECLAIMING INNER POWER via Goddess Sekhmet-Hathor, and powerful, major transformations on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—for our individual and Collective Consciousness (symbolized by the Butterfly Spirit). I used it to create a poster, and within post: [this one]
Image by Dean Lewis from Pixabay
Dream: Ebb & Flow Dance with Lioness
I dreamt of a large LIONESS this morning, that I was cautious about, while we seemingly played an ebb and flow game of approaching and then distancing, while also climbing up a fence screen.
Personal Dream Interpretation
While reflecting, journaling and doing dream work, I realized that I am moving towards building trust and deep bonds with a Soul Sisterhood—on an Earth, Galactic, and even Universal Soul Family level—whom I highly resonate with, who FEEL light/true to my Heart.
And I have NO DOUBT that this is another form of RISING(symbolized by climbing upward) & RECLAIMING of Heart’s Inner Power, a REBIRTH of the Divine Feminine Goddess essence within (ultimately, regardless of gender).
I did a quick search for any Lioness Power Animal posters, but only saw one. So I decided to create my own 3 posters, incorporating a quote from website, UniGuide (by Kristen M. Stanton) and images from Pixabay (bottom of post), which I will share via Instagram as well.
This dream also helped me to experience an epiphany about a similar dream I had years ago, that I’m pretty sure I recorded and shared within this blog, though I don’t recall which one since it was brief, and I included it as a story within stories.
Dream: Ebb & Flow Dance with Centaur
It was a real life-like dream of being within a very dimly lit room.
There was a small, dark brown, circular table, and I was one side, and a centaur—half man on upper body and half horse on lower body—was on the other side.
And just like this dream, I felt cautious—though not a higher degree of fearful—and we also did this similar, ebb and flow dance of getting close to one another, and then distancing ourselves, as we moved side to side around this table that was our physical barrier.
I recall receiving an insight about the horse spirit guide (whose main message reminds me of FREEDOM), as well as the Alpha Centauri star system that I had very briefly read about somewhere years ago, but didn’t give much attention to (perhaps due to NOT being ready for this particular, beneficial information/Light).
As I’m typing away, I also felt drawn to quickly look up starseed (aka starseed soul) traits related to the above, though I’ve realized within a decade ago, that I was able to relate to various star systems (as shared within this blog), to include but not limited to: Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, Orions, Andromedans, Lyrians, The Anunnaki, etc.
Personal Dream Interpretation
I also realized after journaling this morning that the centaur (which, again, is half man and half horse, seems to further be symbolic of FREEDOM as WHOLE self/Self—BOTH physical, human self and instinctual, natural, wild, and authentic spiritual Self.
And the table being both a CIRCLE and the color BROWN, reminds me of the Divine Mother Goddess, since the former is one of symbols of Her, and the color brown often reminds me of two things (which I’ve also shared within this blog detailed, personal stories before).
In a nutshell, the first reminder stems from when my Korean mother told me a story about my birth—that the doctors, nurses, her and my Japanese-American bio dad all thought I was dead, since I wasn’t crying after multiple slaps on the butt, and I was the color of wood.
And as I’ve mentioned before, I found it odd that she didn’t used the Korean word for the color brown, but said TREEย (namu, pronounced nah-moo), though I initially misinterpreted the word as wood.
Well, I once had a dream of holding onto dear life what appeared to be a thick, horizontal, metal pole way up in the sky.
I was so scared—because I have an INTENSE fear of heights in this particular, physical reality (though NOT in some other earthly and otherworldly dreams where I’m confidently flying—that I whispered, “God, I’m scared.”
The hard-ass metal pole transformed into brown, tree bark, and a thick and long layer of it peeled off, wrapped itself around me, and gently landed me on the ground.
I didn’t realize until much later (and even more clearly now)–especially after reading about The Tree of Life and the Divine Mother Goddess (that created the original God/Her other half)—that the God that I reached out to in this dream was also the Goddess, though ultimately, they are BOTH 2 sides of the SAME Cosmic Coin, regardless of the earthly names that physical beings use, plus, they are genderless, unless incarnated in a physical world.
Personal Interpretation for Both Lioness & Centaurย Dreams
So whether it was this centaur dream (of half man/half horse), or the similar lioness dream (animal &ย physicalย self), I trust that there are still remnants of fear energy within regarding the attaining of FULL FREEDOM in BOTH physical and spiritual worlds.
However COMMA to BE FREE for BOTH, I must FULLY recognize, acknowledge, embrace, and integrate…
whatever “negative” shadow aspects—or even “positive” Golden Shadow aspects—that I still FEAR, to include some of the ultimately neutral aspects mentioned two Alpha Centauri starseed traits I briefly checked out.
I now realize that I need to further incorporate more of the beneficial side of aspects such as: : tech savvy, competitive, selfish, aloof, independent, working with a community of like-minded (and like-hearted) peers to co-create highly beneficial changes (though I’ve been doing so online with about a small group of Soul Teachers).
If I don’t embrace and integrate these positive or negative shadow aspects, I will continue to be intimidated by them—like the cautious ebb and flow dance with the centaur and lioness—and/or I judge these ultimately NEUTRAL aspects within self/others.
For instance, I think most people don’t like to be associated with “negative” aspects like […] (continuing in next, upcoming post, “Embracing & Integrating Neutral Shadow Aspects: Jealous, Aloof, Selfish & Famous”).
In addition, embracingย and integrating these once unknown/shadow aspects, will allow me to honor the deep desires of Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, and LIVE my Full-Potential by continuing to follow my Heart’s passions and excitement for Life.
This requires tuning into more COURAGE, and to Be more BRAVE & BOLD, like the LIONESS aspect of the Divine Mother Goddess Sekhmet-Hathor (whom I created posts about, shared toward bottom of this post).
This why I’ve continued to enJOY journaling (privately) and blogging (publicly) for over a decade, because I’ve gained an abundance of insights, realizations, epiphanies, profound wisdom, etc.—
Dream: Seeing Jerry Seinfeld, His Daughter & Mother
Perhaps in another dreamโshared with Angelo so that he can be a witnessโI was in a long, somewhat narrow hallway (symbolic of OPPORTUNITIES/Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities)
I hardly ever focused on Jerry Seinfeld in the very distant past (decades) through near past, though he’s an obviously intelligent, seemingly nice, talented and funny guy.
Even with his very popular Seinfeld sitcom show, I’ve only watched bits and pieces of it—though it was funny and I think even hilarious at times—because I had to work a lot back then, and didn’t have the time; and as decades passed by, I just gradually lost interest.
And I definitely havenโt thought about (let alone focused on) Jerry Seinfeld lately—since I don’t care to follow the lives of celebrities, and I haven’t watched entertainment new (and definitely not the mostly negative news) for almost two decades—so I ‘m pretty certain that this particular dream is symbolic, rather than a manifestation in dream state of what I’ve been frequently focusing on.
For instance, I had dreams in the distant past of certain characters from a few TV shows that I diligently watched—to include the American sitcom, The Big Bang Theory, that I loved, along with Modern Family—which was understandable since I watched many episodes even twice, sporadically throughout the years (something that I usually don’t care to do), and they were still funny the second time around.
I donโt recall ever seeing or hearing about any of Jerry Seinfeldโs family members, but I did a very brief search today out of curiosity; and I found it amusing that his mother actually appears petite, the way she did in my dream.
To my right side, I saw Jerry Seinfeld (perhaps symbolic of the comedian aspect within) and his younger than tween daughter in an area that was lit by sunlight.
To my left side, I saw the back of his petite mother with dark brown, shoulder-length hair and wearing a dress suit like outfit, in an area that was dark.
And within this dream, I was aware that she was rich or wealthy and that it was because theyโre Jewish (Lol, a society-conditioned stereotype generalization).
She was taking her granddaughter to have fun, for some rides I think.
Personal Dream Interpretation
Seeing Jerry Seinfeld matches masculine energies of: RIGHT side (of the hallway), mature man (currently 68; looked up online)/DIVINE MASCULINE, as well as aspects of LIGHT (in sunLIGHT area), SUCCESS, FAME (spotLIGHT) and Outer World Abundance/Riches/Prosperity (with limitations).
His daughter is perhaps symbolic of the feminine aspect of my inner child, and her grandmother (Jerry’s mother) is perhaps symbolic of the matching feminine energies of LEFT side (of the hallway), DARK/UNKNOWN (area they were in)/The Void/The Cosmic Womb/Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities, GRANDMOTHER figure/older WOMAN/CRONE aspect of the Divine Mother Goddess, and ABUNDANCE/Inner World Wealth/Prosperity Consciousness (without limitations).
After briefly exploring various, online dream interpretations (to include for celebrity below), and for โdream meaning of seeing the backside of someone walking away,โ I didnโt resonate with any of them; so Iโm going to use be receptive to my intuition, inner-wisdom and insights.
In addition, I recently had another, bizarre dream of throwing a male, right arm down the left side of a hallway, and then seeing children of various ages smiling and laughing their happy asses of, shared within post, ” .”
And I just realized after typing the above that these two dreams are similar as well. Wow.
I choose to trust that the profoundly wise CRONE aspect of the Divine Mother Goddess Self was taking my feminine inner child self (a part of Her) to have FUN exploring the UNKNOWN/DARK hallways of UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES, beyond that of the usual abilities, talent, skills, success, fame, and abundance/riches/wealth of the typical outer world that I’ve witnessed thus far (represented by Jerry Seinfeld). Arigato Beloved Self.
The following is from Dream Dictionary website:
Celebrities that appear in our dreams represent own desires to be noticed, or relating to your own unacknowledged potential that needs to be explored within. The specific celebrity that appears in your dream contains hidden elements that alternatively are found within the dreamer.
I will review this post tomorrow and make any needed changes, to include spelling and grammar corrections.ย
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