INTRO: I shared the comment below for the Creator of this image on right => Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay:
Thank you for sharing this perfect image that instantly reminded me to unconditionally embrace ALL (ultimately NEUTRAL) aspects of our Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical self)/Self (Spiritual Self/Higher Self/Soul/Spirit).
The color, blue, also reminded me of the throat chakra and honest expressions (or even silence); and how we can courageously express our inner truths at times—in healthy ways and without judgment––to include our authentic emotions and true feelings.
We can also be completely at peace with NOT being able to express at times as well. I used this image for post: [this one]
^^^end of comment shared^^^
I initially shared this post as an update to the previous, related post, “A NEW Kind of Open Mic Comedy: An Invaluable, Multidimensional Experience“; but realized that it can helpful on its own (and this post was inspired by Victor Oddo, Creator of the video below).
I shared the following comment for a helpful YouTube video that caught my attention this morning (due to a related experience), “Remedy For Blocked Chakras… (throat chakra healing)“; and I experienced an epiphany afterwards—the “brain farts” (aka mistakes) helped me to love myself more—which reminded me of why I love following my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/insights/inner-wisdom, since they’ve been gifting me with profound wisdom:
Thank you Victor for this helpful message! I’ve noticed a pattern for almost two decades, that whenever I felt an INTENSE energy within my heart and then throat chakras, Spirit within (Higher Self) was communicating to me to have the courage to SPEAK UP, and to share highly beneficial information.
However COMMA they often seemed to be the most inconvenient times! Lol
Example: At a huge meeting of very intimidating, military and civilian interrogator instructors, or at other large gatherings where my mind was initially like, “I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.” [excerpt of this story further down, under subtitle, “Excerpt of Story Mentioned Above”]
But I’ve learned to gradually and fully trust these states, and just allow whatever needs to be shared to simply open my mouth and let the words flow out of my mouth.
I didn’t know what channeling was back then, but I believe that I was channeling my Higher self during those extremely challenging times.
And what’s amazing about these experiences, was that they always worked out so beautifully, because they were definitely soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, and highly beneficial for self/others. And I (and even others) would often be surprised or shocked by whatever was expressed.
Anyhoo, I also INTENSELY FEEL pressure on my 3rd EYE chakra area when I’m about to meditate at a deep level, to include intending to astral travel with eyes closed and while lying in bed (usual method, but not always).
This past Thursday night, while performing open-mic comedy at Oak Creek Brewery in Sedona—since they had their newly created, 2nd open mic exclusively for comedy—I had several brain farts (the most I’ve had since sporadically doing this hobby)! Lol
But to my delightful surprise, they didn’t bother me as much as they would have in the past (like perhaps 5% as opposed to like 70% if I had to throw numbers out there).
So I was very grateful that I was able to experience something more profound after those seemingly “imperfect” moments; and that’s to unconditionally love WHOLE self/Self more despite temporary, outer circumstances (part of my new set for this month, that I intend to further perform in Flagstaff, Sedona again, Phoenix areas, and even Dallas, TX, the last week of this month, since my husband and I are going there for his Tom Ferry event, so I thought WHY NOT perform there as well since it’s an opportunity! ^_^).
I’m going to stop typing soon since I’ve had a tendency to OVERSHARE—and even Silvia, the co-founder of my first ayahuasca retreat, bluntly told me this Lol, a blessing in disguise (that I needed to hear from another who was authentic, honest and BOLD enough to just say it)—and I’m working on that. [Further details about this under subtitle, “Update” further below] [UPDATE added 8/8 at bottom of post regarding what I forgot about the aspect called, OVERSHARING]
It would’ve been nice to visit Austin as well—where you and your Soul family is at—but perhaps next time.
I may even consider doing your version of an ayahuasca retreat in Costa Rica the future, that you do with Aaron and Pattie.
But for my first experience, I had to go for something very strict and extensive (to include the preparation phase).
Have a pleasant weekend with your loved ones! ^_^
^^^end of comment shared^^^
I shared this comment for the Creator of this image on left => Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay:
Thank you Stefan for sharing this gorgeous, peaceful, and uplifting image that instantly reminded me of the Cosmic Heart (that includes Hgiher Mind)/Unconditional Love for ALL of interconnected Life within this world and beyond (that includes Light)/Holy Spirit (WHOLEy Spirit)/The Great Spirit/Yin (that includes Yang)/Moon (that includes Sun)/The Unknown (that includes The Known)/The Void/The Cosmic Womb/The Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities (that includes probabilities)/The Wave (that includes God Particle)/Prime Creator/Creator of ALL Creation: Crop Circle 6666/The Divine Mother Goddess (that includes original God)/I AM Presence/Alpha & Omega/The One of Many Names (Ultimately The Nameless). I used it for post: [this one]
Excerpt of Story Mentioned Above
The following is one of multiple, true stories within the post, “Embracing a Setback to Set Forward” (so-called failures in life—all stepping stones of success):
Gradually Accepting Being Highly Sensitive
Once, while stationed at Ft. Huachuca, AZ, I was sitting in a meeting for the instructors at the Human Intelligence Collector/Interrogation schoolhouse. I sat quietly as usual, just listening to other people (e.g., Military and Civilian leaders, head instructors, seasoned instructors, etc.) give out advice and information.
Note: Thank you for image on right.
However, at one point, one of the experienced instructors (a very cocky guy who I ended up liking later) made an insensitive comment about how he thought the newly selected instructors/re-class Non-Commissioned Officers/NCOs (we came from a different job/MOS, and were previously chosen to go on a certain type of deployment after graduating from our 2nd MOS–97E/35M), had no place at the schoolhouse, and explained in an obnoxious manner of how we didn’t have prior experience, how we weren’t qualified enough (in his opinion), how we didn’t even have the experience of going on long deployments (like the seasoned instructors did), etc.
What he didn’t realize that it wasn’t about the length of the deployment, that some soldiers (who went on conventional deployments) often bragged about. Only 13 out of 300 plus soldiers were even selected to go on the shorter deployment.
Upon initially being selecting by the higher ups of the unit and schoolhouse leadership, there was an intense screening process that involved various written and visual tests [to include IQ tests], as well as individual and board interviews.
However, my intention wasn’t to compare the different types of deployments. As I noticed the uncomfortable facial expressions of my former classmates (which I learned later were my own reflections), I had a strong surge of what felt like intense energy fill the top center of my chest.
I was very familiar with this experience, because I eventually figured out that it meant God wanted me to speak from my heart, although my ego self (which I only knew as the “fearful” side of me then) was very uncomfortable about the idea due to fear of being judged, ridiculed, criticized, verbally attacked, etc.
Note: Thank you for image on left.
I don’t recall what I said verbatim, but I basically told him that I disagreed with him, and explained what I believed. I informed him that we (my classmates and I) were selected to be instructors for a good reason; otherwise, we wouldn’t be there in the first place.
I continued that it’s true that seasoned instructors have more experience, but even they had to start somewhere…some time. And if they truly are the experienced ones, then they should be willing to teach the new instructors to be great leaders as well. After all, it’s not like we can undue what’s already been done.
I also mentioned that it’s not always about what one learns through books, because an instructor can be seasoned, but that doesn’t necessarily define him/her as a good or even great instructor if he/she doesn’t put his/her full heart into it.
I then gave examples of what I had observed so far of certain, anonymous “seasoned” instructors (i.e., doing a half-ass job, being lazy, often “away from work area” for long periods of time, habitually being late to early morning formations, constantly talking bad about their soldiers rather than molding them to become better soldiers, etc.).
Anyone can have the credentials, but not everyone is willing to genuinely care for soldiers, take care of them, help them to learn (not just about their job, but also about life), and give them guidance on how to be a better soldier and person.
Note: Thank you for great quote and image on right.
I then added that I was confident that my classmates were more than qualified, because they represent who great soldiers/leaders are. The look on that seasoned instructor’s face was unexpected; he looked surprised, and he didn’t have anything to say afterwards, although he did approach in person later.
After we went on break, my partner instructor asked me if he could have a word with me on the bench. Imagine a 6′ 2″ (if I recall correctly) Mr. Clean in an Army Combat Uniform…that was my partner; oh, and he wore these light gold framed glasses as well. He was a re-class (changing MOS/job) like me—a former MP.
Note: Thank you for image on left.
I used to tease him how he was a mirror image of Mr. Clean, to include his smile. I’ve seen several guys in the Army who could maybe pass for the Mr. Clean look, but no one came close to him.
Anyway, sometimes, my battle buddy and I bumped heads because I didn’t always agree with him, which bothered him because he wasn’t used to it.
Note: Thank you for image on right.
Anyway, the following was our brief dialogue on the bench:
SSG 6’2″ (my battle bud/SSG Clean): “You can’t just say things like that! Can you imagine how you made him feel?”
SSG 4’9″ (me): “But yet, it’s okay for him to make us feel unworthy?” Are we just supposed to sit there and just take it, when I know deep down that it’s not the truth? Is that what you’re suggesting?”
SSG 6’2″: “He was just stating his opinion.”
SSG 4’9″: “So was I.”
SSG 6’2″: “You owe him an apology.”
SSG 4’9″: “He already apologized to me before I left for break.”
[continuing in post]
I shared the following comment for a related video, “August Energy Update & The LION’s Gate Portal!” where I ironically share further details about the frowned upon “OVERSHARING” aspect mentioned above LOL:
Thanks Vic for sharing this refreshing message regarding not needing to “dim our Light, reduce our authentic true self/Self, and not rustle any feathers.”
I shared earlier today in your “throat chakra” video, that the co-founder of my first ayahuasca retreat stated that I OVERSHARE; and that I appreciated the helpful feedback, though how the message was delivered was a bit rough. [UPDATE added 8/8 at bottom of post regarding what I forgot about the aspect called, OVERSHARING]
Well, due to NOT wanting to share too many details—since I’ve been working on finding a harmonious balance of sharing, but not oversharing—I didn’t mention other related parts of that story.
In a nutshell, it wasn’t necessarily WHAT she said, but HOW she said it; and we ended up INTENSELY butting heads after the retreat, to include me expressing my inner truths and authentic feelings.
This included my observations of her own projections of all the “negative” aspects that she didn’t like about herself (hence, she didn’t like about me), that she didn’t recognize, despite her own teachings of shadow work and inner child work.
And to my great surprise, she replied to my email, and asked to meet and talk for lunch (while I was still in Itacare, Brazil, a surf town, for a couple of weeks after this 11 day retreat, that was overall well worth it and amazing).
Anyhoo, I was grateful that we met, because we ended up talking for about 2.5 hours or so, and was able to enjoy some unique and delicious pizza, and meet halfway.
It was also heartfelt when she admitted that perhaps her being triggered by my oversharing was due to her not fully understanding all that I had shared (since English isn’t her first language, though I shared with her that she speaks it pretty well). [UPDATE added 8/8 at bottom of post regarding what I forgot about the aspect called, OVERSHARING]
The following is one of the messages I had shared with her (whom I’ve been at peace with, and even shared a 5 star positive review on 4 different review platforms: 1 extra from her request for all the participants to do so for 3 links):
By the way, I trust that in Divine perfect timing and order, you will also embrace and integrate certain [“negative” version of] shadow aspects that still bothers you [about me/others], such as:
oversharing (that you do at times)…
being preachy (that you also do at times while not being an active listener at times, and even cutting people off in the middle of them expressing)…
draining (that you are to yourself for being a workaholic, and that you are to your employees at times making them redig stuff, etc.)…
“little tyrant” that you compared me to (though your family and friends told you that you could be much softer)
“talking like a machine gun” that I was compared to (though you admitted to usually being very blunt [and dominating conversations]).
It’s something to ponder since you do teach about shadow work, and that whatever we judge in others, we are as well (and judge about ourselves), and whatever triggers us, let’s us know that those aspects have not been healed.
When you both [her and her assistant] watch the testimonial video—[that I initially volunteered to be a part of but later told them to delete (though most participants didn’t for various valid reasons)]—you can observe your verbal and nonverbal cues, to include your [judgmental, aggressive and accusatory] tone, and be transparently honest.
^^^end of the above message to her and her assistant^^^
I have noticed an ongoing pattern throughout my adult life of almost 50 years, that no matter where I go, I have a strong tendency to…
“rustle feathers”…
[INSERTED LATER: I realized later that this, “SHAKING THINGS UP” aspect (mentioned above) IS the “Shakti” “Kali” and “Sekhmet” half of The Divine Mother Goddess—“The Destroyer” aspect that basically cleanses ALL that which no longer serves, in order to REBIRTH what’s highly beneficial for interconnected Life within this world and way beyond]
to be a major pain in the ass to others; and I used to hate that about myself, since it triggers a lot of people and seems to cause a lot of problems, and I’d be like,
“WHY am I like this?!!”
However COMMA I’m continuing to expand my perspectives/unlimited individual and Collective Consciousness, SEE (with CLARITY) the BIGGER picture of interconnected Life, to include the importance of unconditionally loving our WHOLE self/Self more and more (without judgments), and realizing that whatever happens to be shared can somehow highly benefit self/others, though the limited, physical mind may not be able to know or even comprehend all or any of the reasons.
So even though I was told by the retreat lead instructor that I was oversharing, to include giving too many unnecessary examples, ironically, one of the participants actually asked her for more examples when it was the instructor’s turn to talk, since she didn’t give enough.
Plus, other participants at this ayahuasca retreat shared with me (mostly in person) how very helpful my shares were for them.
And one profoundly wise and quiet—[I also realized very chatty at times, and everything in-between]—man shared that one of my shares (that was criticized by the instructor), was actually very powerful for him, since it was about gracefully embracing and integrating shadow aspects of ourselves that are frowned upon by society (examples further below).
He’s now a new, long distance friend since I shared with him (and even my husband later) that I think Nick’s the most gentle, refreshing and transparently honest person I’ve ever met.
He’s like a free-spirited, authentic, and pure (as in WHOLE) kid who’s also a very wise, old Soul.
Nick has a highly stimulating, beautiful mind that’s willing to dive deep into his own shadows, and shine Light upon them.
He also has a deeply loving BIG Heart that’s working towards unconditionally loving his WHOLE self/Self, to include his precious inner-child—something all Souls within humanity and beyond can highly benefit from Being and doing.
Anyhoo, below are a few examples of the realizations I had shared that day at one of the ayahuasca retreat workshops:
I can be very diligent, but I can be lazy at times—and everything in between—and that’s completely okay.
I can be deeply loving, and I can be an aggressive bitch at times (that’s not meant to be misused or abused)—and everything in between—and that’s completely okay.
I can be very social, and I can be socially awkward—and everything in between—and that’s completely okay.
By the way, I took a break from watching any YouTube videos while in Brazil for a month, but it FEELS so awesome to reconnect with what seems to most highly resonate with Earth/Galactic/Universal Soul Families—multi-faceted, multidimensional, soul-igniting, and deeply heartfelt, highly evolved Beings like you! ^_^
Btw, I added this note to my phone calendar thanks to you and Melanie:
Let it be FUN🤗& EASY🏞 ! This will be set as a daily reminder from now on in my📱📆. Victor shared in his refreshingly encouraging, empowering, and inspiring 📹 [YouTube video], [DELETED THE REST OF THIS PARAGRAPH IN YELLOW =>] “Aug ♒️Update [for entire month] The🦁’s [Lion’s] Gate Portal” Melanie’s reminder (who does 😇[angel] readings). 👁👀 on 8/6/2022 (Sat). Also, this video plus his previous “throat chakra” one inspired me to 🕷🕸💖[create] a detailed “oversharing”—aka abundant🌳/generous😁—blog post today, “Signs to Have the Courage to Speak Up, OR Embracing Not Being Able to Express” that I LOVE🥰, and also added to my blog’s category pages: “About” & Earthly & Otherworldly 🧩 Pieces.”
I will continue watching your video.
Wow Vic, your willingness to be deeply vulnerable was so heartfelt and moving. Thank you so much for sharing wonderful you/You as always.
I’m also glad your were able to SEE an expanded, Multidimensional perspective of why it was so important, and highly beneficial, to embrace Pattie’s authentic, true feelings, and her invaluable need to be in Heart-centered, Full Presence, and to be genuinely heard by others (just like the rest of us).
An Epiphany:
My bungalow roommate at this ayahuasca retreat surprisingly said to me one day, “There’s a difference between being vulnerable and oversharing.”
This statement was a bit ironic since I often actively listened to her stories (to include traumas), and I even shared several things with her for the entire retreat, since she apparently didn’t use the suggested packing list that the co-founder/lead instructor emailed us.
And even a bigger surprise was that she mentioned this again—but in a very judgmental way this time (with the micro-expression of contempt eyes)—in front of the other retreat participants, during the testimonial video right after the instructor aggressively accused me of draining everyone due to my oversharing.
And it didn’t occur to me until after this retreat, that according to my roommate, her generously sharing nude photos of herself via social media is NOT oversharing (i.e., negative, wrong, or bad), but her merely being vulnerable (i.e., positive) as an art form.
But yet, when I shared via verbal expression, it’s considered oversharing.
I even shared with her that her nude photos are beautiful, but I didn’t realize at that moment that my own authentic sharing can be transparent, generous and beautiful as well.
[UPDATE added 8/8 at bottom of post regarding what I forgot about the aspect called, OVERSHARING]
^^^end of above comment^^^
Another Related Post
“Different, Yet, Effective Ways of Teaching via Unconditional Love“
Related Post
“Turning the Other Cheek, When It Is & Isn’t Abuse & Jesus Honoring Heart/Goddess“
The following is an excerpt from this post:
And YES, like you, Gill, and Bruce concluded as part of your “most challenging warrior award” to me on EMF14 graduation day, I can share MASSIVE amounts of information, knowledge, and/or profound wisdom; and I fully EMBRACE it, and don’t give a RAT’S @$$ about GOOP (like you teach).
But remember, you, too, have shared MASSIVE amounts of the same, you too can be overly assertive—border-lining aggressive, like during most of the EMF and EMT live calls, though enthusiastically positive and kind during USM calls—and like you’ve shared in your first reply comment to me, you and I are very much alike (though very different as well).
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