Intro: I shared this message for the creator of this image on right => Thank you Robert for sharing this perfect image, that reminded me of the Cricket Spirit Guide/Animal Totem/Power Animal that I encountered recently, as well as the symbolism for LEAP OF TRUST/FAITH/CONSCIOUSNESS via shadow work (represented by the unknown/”dark” hole in ground), that lead to the Light (i.e., the now grounded cricket who is out of darkness and in the light). I used it for post: [this one]
Image by Robert Balog from Pixabay
I shared the following message for the video, “5 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon (August 27, 2022)“:
Thank you Victor for this helpful video that included some SPOT ON insights. I especially FELT your very passionate, powerful and inspirational vibes towards the end.
I recently returned from a week trip in Dallas, TX, and it was an interesting combo package of invaluable experiences that’s about MAJOR TRANSFORMATIONS, as you stated.
And starting a couple of days before the New Moon last night—since I usually experience the INTENSE and POWERFUL Moon energies (New, Full, Supermoon, and/or Eclipses) a few days before and after—I felt OVERWHELMED at certain points, and even exhausted, since it takes A LOT of energy to TRANSFORM within.
I even slept for almost 12 hours starting last night—the most hours I’ve slept in a long time—where I also had many earthly and otherworldly alternate reality dreams (that also goes hand in hand with feeling very tired since it takes A LOT of energy).
Anyhoo, I recorded more details in my daily, typed journals, but I’ll share some information (Light) for this particular series of Divine Synchronicity that I experienced in and around Dallas.
I had signed up for open-mic comedy at Dallas Comedy Club (DCC) last Monday night, and I made the list of 30 or so people (since it’s like a lottery they stated).
However, due to sudden flooding in Dallas, they closed the bar; and this flooding (due to further RISE of the Divine Feminine WATER energies) is a recurring theme I noticed wherever I travel to (to include Brazil for a month).
So approximately a dozen people showed up because they, too, didn’t know that DCC had posted on fb a couple hours prior this update.
But rather than be disappointed about this sudden change of plans, four open-mic comedians (to include myself) decided to look for another bar, hang out together, practice our sets in front of one another, and simply have fun.
A couple from Florida, who was really looking forward to watching open mic comedy that night, agreed to join us (since we invited them), and it worked out perfectly.
The wife wanted to treat her husband to some comedy since he’s a Marine Veteran who suffers from PTSD, and they both smiled and laughed a lot, which was soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt.
Plus, because our minds and hearts were open to a NEW and UNKNOWN experience, we connected at the Soul level, and felt so comfortable in each other’s presence, as though we had known each other for years (perhaps part of Soul Families).
We also had a couple of drinks, and shared uplifting, empowering, and consciousness expanding stories with one another.
And one of the Life lessons I learned was to further embrace and integrate the “religious people” aspects, who were different than the typical Christians who are often about conditional love (i.e., only truly loving IF others are receptive to their religions).
Granted, my adult son is a different kind of Christian as well, who strives to Be Unconditional Love, rather than the common conditional love within humanity.
One person from this small group was a really nice, outgoing, and funny lady, who’s a Baptist in her late 50’s, and she had recently started open-mic comedy, which made me further realize that it’s never too late (since I’m in my late 40’s).
And the lady who was part of the couple, is an unconditionally loving and very wise Catholic, even embracing her adult, lesbian daughter, stating, “She’s much more than that label that doesn’t define her whole self.”
So I thought of a “joke” that’s not exactly funny, but enlightening: What happened when a Baptist, Catholic, and Mystic walked into a bar?
They contributed to magically (via transmuting old energies) expanding the individual and Collective Consciousness.
I also signed up for Wednesday night’s open-mic comedy at DCC, but this time, my name—along with the 3 other open-mic comedians who were on the Monday night’s list—wasn’t on the list of 30 people.
So I emailed them expressing that it makes sense that the Monday’s list would be able to perform for Wednesday night, since they were cancelled due to the weather, but I suppose they have their own system.
My new acquaintance friends were really looking forward to performing, so I was hoping to at least get them a spot, but I let it go since I sensed it was time to simply move on, rather than try to resist what’s already happened.
So I proceeded with the second part of my plan for that Wednesday night; I signed up and performed at Hyena’s Comedy Club.
But rewind a bit that night, and they “forgot” about me TWICE, though I was the 4th one on the list to sign up at 9:00 pm, the specific time that Gregg told me to sign up over the phone.
When I approached the female emcee after the first group of 10 or so (“block 1 of 3”), she informed me that they do NOT go in order, according to the sign-up sheet, which I had never experienced before.
After the male emcee announced the final performer at the end of block 3 (that wasn’t my name), I asked him what happened, and he apologized, stating that he couldn’t believe they all forgot about me.
So I was like the 30th person very late on a Wednesday night, and I even mentioned as my intro that even the crickets had checked out.
And this CRICKET theme was amazing since I had noticed ONE cricket early that day right before lunch, and my husband and I saw SO MANY crickets at a huge parking lot, after a Lada Gaga concert, the first big concert both of us had even been to in our entire lives.
And I looked up the cricket spirit guide/animal totem/power animal interpretations, to include LEAP OF FAITH for my current life path.
Anyhoo, though other male open-mic comedians were still there when I performed, most of them were outside smoking, and the handful of people that were inside, weren’t supportive, to include a few females with their extra slow claps LOL.
However COMMA despite non-supportive environments never feeling pleasant—to include some open-mic comedy clubs of mostly “dirty looks giving” males who are overly competitive (like Ali Wong shared in her book, Dear Girls)—I was able to SHIFT my perspective, and SEE (with CLARITY) the blessing in disguise from this “negative” experience, which I wasn’t able to do before.
And that is, to FULLY SUPPORT myself FIRST AND FOREMOST (which I did).
I chose to continue loving my Spirit-inspired creativity, and Heart-centered willingness to generously share my gifts with humanity and beyond—especially open-mic comedy that integrated physical world with spiritual world, and include an abundance of humor, highly beneficial information (Light), profound wisdom, and Unconditional Love (for self/others/Life).
And thanks to Lizette’s reminder—the rare Catholic lady who was willing to WALK THE TALK of Unconditional Love, BE LIVING WISDOM, and LEAD BY EXAMPLE—I was able to incorporate that wisdom into this very challenging situation.
She shared that every morning, she asks herself who can she be to ADD to humanity [self/others] rather than take away.
So though it wasn’t part of my set—and I was aware that it could take away time from my own time to perform—I shared that I had been to many open-mic comedy clubs from various states and cities, but laughed the most at this one, because the open-mic comedians there were highly creative and very talented (which is completely true).
I just trusted that if they’re meant to find out, they will, since the sets were probably recorded.
To my great surprise, when I performed at Backdoor Comedy Club the night after—that was ironically very adamant about clean comedy, despite their bar name LOL (and a new opportunity I fully embraced, despite my set containing curse words, which I adjusted)—I experienced the OPPOSITE of the night prior.
I felt SO GRATEFUL to experience a very supportive audience, who smiled, laughed, clapped and cheered a lot, and even shared their uplifting, non-verbal and verbal compliments to include a high-five from a Native-American looking, older gentleman on my way back to my seat, and an enthusiastic, “I loved your energy!” from two, college-student females.
I was then reminded of the invaluable GIFT of CONTRAST.
[I forgot to mention this part: This GIFT of CONTRAST also included the two, not so welcoming guys I had to check in with at Backdoor Comedy Club.
One was a tall, black guy who talked about his experience with a football player, and one was a chubby, nerdy looking, white guy who had a bitter set.
They both weren’t that funny, which explains why they were even more insecure, unfriendly, and perceived a new person (me) as a threat.
Unfortunately, I’ve learned that many guys are like this within the comedy field, that’s heavily dominated by fiercely competing males.
And Ali Wong and other female comedians, to include female open-mic comedians, have confirmed this.
Granted, some male comedians aren’t assholes, and are even very supportive and friendly.
I look forward to meeting one who is balanced in their Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies within; but I also realize that I must consistently and habitually Be WHOLE within FIRST AND FOREMOST, in order for the outer world to eventually MIRROR to me this sacred NEW relationship in Divine perfect timing and order.]
By first experiencing non-supportive open-mic comedy environments, I was able to DEEPLY APPRECIATE the very supportive ones, more than before.
What was also intriguing, was that there were 3 LAWYERS (older gentlemen) who performed open-mic comedy at the last club, who the emcee announced were regulars.
So even people who have very logical-minded careers are tuning into their creative sides (their Hearts/Divine Feminine energies within, their right hemisphere of their whole brain).
THIS is further PROOF of RAPID, MAJOR TRANSFORMATIONS taking place on planet Earth during these times! ^_^
I plan on continuing to perform in Sedona, Flagstaff, and the Phoenix areas (and even in Oahu Hawaii the last week of October).
I was also delighted to see that Stir Crazy Comedy Club in Glendale (Phoenix area) had posted their first, annual open-mic comedy contest, “The Funniest Person in the Universe”; love that the title includes Universe, since I’ve been thanking the Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse (ultimately Highest Self) for amazing major changes in my life/interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
I’m going to participate in this contest for FUN, simply Being and doing my best to share my own talent, without needing to compete in an unhealthy way, and continue to be supportive of other open-mic comedians (since everyone has their own unique creativity).
Anyhoo, thank you again Vic for being part of the ongoing, consistent, and supportive Earth/Galactic/Universal Soul Family.
I’m happy for you that you and your loved ones are doing great, to include Aaron, who sounds like a true and loyal friend.
I shared this post link as part of my permanent (until deleted) Highlight story within Instagram, under the title, “Embracing Diversity Within Unity“; you can click on the Instagram icon near the top of this blog to check out.
After typing the above paragraph, I was reminded from within about an insight that I had received recently, but forgot about.
So I’m also embracing diversity within unity by now ALLOWING people to be unsupportive as well, since they have every right to do what they please.
In addition, I can be that way, too, at times, if I’m being transparently honest with myself; and we can all be ANY NEUTRAL aspects of WHOLE self/Self to whatever degree.
I’m realizing more than ever before that Unconditional Love is indeed interchangeable with Freedom, as Neale Donald Walsch had shared in his CWG trilogy books (and/or other books of his that I had read since 2001); and I included this theme within a bit that’s part of my current open-mic comedy set.ย
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