Intro: I shared this message for the creator of this image => Thank you for sharing this image that you tagged as—Chess, Dark, Light, Pawn, Shadow, and Strategy—that reminded me of how we can realize the most wise and highly beneficial game and strategy for Life in general.
I trust that it’s to gracefully embrace and integrate the so-called opposites/contrasts of Life (2 sides of the same Cosmic Coin), to include: dark & light—within ourselves FIRST AND FOREMOST, and the outer world will eventually MIRROR inner world.
Since I am not familiar with chess, I looked up the meaning [of pawn] and came upon one (by Collins English Dictionary), “In chess, a pawn is the smallest and least valuable playing piece.”
And this definition reminded me that we, humans, don’t like to be that which is considered “unacceptable” “unlikable” “unlovable” “weak” and other “negative” aspects not approved by this world’s mostly fear-based society of low consciousness.
But one of the profound wisdom teachings that I learned from Goddess Sekhmet-Hathor, is that in order to truly Be Powerful (without misusing or abusing it), one must first EXPERIENCE, FEEL, AND KNOW (via experiential knowledge/wisdom) its so-called opposite, which is powerlessness.
So I trust that the same applies to pawn related words like “smallest” and “least valuable” that I’m able to deeply empathize with since I have experienced both.
So I now further realize that though “smallest” is usually associated with “weakest” in a very male-energy, logical mind-dominated, extremely competitive world; however, there are many small, tiny, to quantum level of Life forms within this Universe and beyond that contain IMMENSELY POWERFUL energies, especially the merged Light (God) & Love (Goddess) Frequency (that creates, maintains, and destroys).
I also realize that we will deeply appreciate our invaluable and priceless worth as Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, once we experience the society-conditioned, false belief (the illusion) of NOT being valuable. I used this image for post: [this one]
^^^End of Intro^^^
This morning, while following my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/insights/ideas/breadcrumbs of joy (to whatever degree), I came upon some very helpful readings, videos, and reminders by profoundly wise Master Teachers like Bashar, Carl Jung and Alan Watts.
I then came upon unfamiliar territory space—where I shared a comment for a reading below—that I further recognized as one of my unknown/shadow aspects of WHOLE self/Self, since one of the similar posters I came upon yesterday (the “I/me/my” one mentioned below) slightly triggered me (a sign that something is NOT fully healed and integrated from within).
It was, yet, another ironically judgmental “spiritual” teaching about the individual and Collective Ego—as if this only “righteous” “good” and “humble” person doesn’t have an ego (the individual self that is)—seemingly instilling more fear within humanity, and causing more judgments and further separation within people, and all around them.
I shared the following message for the reading, “12 Lessons from Ego is the Enemy“ that included the image of this book on right; and the revealing key words of this book cover, EGO, ENEMY, FIGHT, and OPPONENT are ironically from the overly dominant (rather than balanced and harmonious), aggressive, masculine energy of the ego (the unawakened version of masculine energy) that’s been conditioned by society to only be right, good, and light aspects of WHOLE self/Self, causing the individual and Collective Ego to become extremely judgmental towards everything that’s NOT shiny on the outside/or behind the many masks):
Whenever we make an ENEMY of ANY ultimately NEUTRAL aspect of the WHOLE self/Self, we will continue to add fuel to the fire of conflicts, battles, and wars within inner and outer worlds.
And we will never be able to truly, fully, and unconditionally love WHOLE self/Self=-let alone so-called others/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond—so long as we continue to judge (even in a subtle righteous and superior way) whatever aspects are a part of us.
One of the teachings that’s floating around in this world, is that whenever we say the words, I, me, and my, it’s all about our [society frowned upon] ego.
So I suppose this person—or even group of people who believe this—NEVER use such words? Because being an ego is always inferior without any benefits and Divine Purpose (that ALL of Life has via simple existence)?
And if it’s true that using such words equates to one being the “unacceptable” ego, is this teaching contracting or expanding? Is it disempowering or empowering? Is it exclusive or inclusive? Is it part of separation consciousness or Unity Consciousness? Is it fear-based or love-based? You get the picture.
There are also “spiritual” teachers who teach about ego in judgmental ways—as if they themselves have no ego (individual self)—which is IRONIC considering that the individual and Collective Ego is known to be very judgmental (though the ego is more than this, to include doing its best to help us to survive and even thrive in a very challenging world).
[Edited paragraph]: Perhaps when the fearful ego (younger male energy) is deeply moved by Heart/Spirit/Goddess within us and all around us, it remembers (as a Soul) and learns (as physical self) to release society-conditioned fears and fear-based beliefs, and become its transformed, higher, exalted version of itself as the more mature, spiritually evolved, profoundly wise, and powerful, Divine Masculine Energy/God essence.
It is the natural state of the individual and Collective logical mind to separate, organize, categorize, differentiate, compare, measure, etc. the stull of Life in order to understand.
But as we separate less and less with the FEELING and KNOWING Heart, we realize that there are 2 Cosmic forces at play within the duality/polarity of interconnected Life of physical perspectives and physical worlds, both within us and all around us.
There are many earthly labels such as: Unified Self & Individual Self (aka Ego)/Heart & Mind/Spirit & Soul (Awakened Ego)/Ying & Yang/Moon & Sun/Dark (Unknown: to include Unconditional Love) & Light (Known: to include conditional love)/Water & Fire/Goddess & God/Buddha Consciousness & Christ Consciousness/Devil (Devi/Goddess/Female Christ) & Jesus (Male Christ/Ascended Master)/etc.
However COMMA as we separate even less, we end up with The One/The Whole/Unconditional Love/Divine Mother Goddess essence (that contains Light/God essence)/Unity Consciousness.
There was a [well-intentioned, yet unaware], older man who went around teaching as many people as possible that the mind is evil and the heart is not.
But yet, he was using his mind to think and communicate; so perhaps it’s about the highly beneficial teamwork of the integrated Mind/Heart (with the more ancient, experienced, unconditionally loving, profoundly wise, and powerful Heart leading mind)?
Some related thoughts that we can entertain are:
“Can we get rid of our mind, ego, right arm, emotions, feelings, eyes, etc.?
If not, how can we finally end the inner world conflicts, battles, and wars (FIRST AND FOREMOST, before expecting outer world changes)?
How can we be at peace with such “unacceptable” aspects that we continue to hold a strong judgment towards, even behind the mask of righteousness and goodness?
Perhaps embrace and integrate them into Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self?
I highly resonate with profoundly wise Master Teachers like Carl Jung and Alan Watts, who share with humanity and beyond expanded perspectives of interconnected Life, to include Being and Becoming WHOLE (not just one half side of the Cosmic Coin).
Because as long as we continue to play the old, outdated, limiting, disempowering, fear-based, individual and Collective BLAME GAME—within our inner world and outer world—-we will exasperate separation between all of Life (separation consciousness), rather than unite (Unity Consciousness/Unconditional Love for the self/others/Life).
Mastering something is NOT about having control and power over something perceived as less than, but to realize that the so-called other aspect(s) is a part of the WHOLE self/Self; hence, working together as ONE.
May we all RE-MEMBER our forgotten parts of ourselves/others, so that we can REUNITE, EXPERIENCE (experiential knowledge/wisdom), and FEEL what true BLISS IS, within us and all around us—like our own version of Heaven on Earth that’s overflowing with obvious blessings, and blessings in disguise.
Thank you for sharing you/You, part of the Divine gift of MIRRORS of Soul relationships.
Ahaya Mulantis
Posters shared via Instagram as well (click on each image to see a large version)
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