I shared the following on my new Facebook business page, Mulantis (I also shared the posters within this post) [Facebook account deleted for final time on 11/12/2018]:
This is a LONG@$$ post, but I promise you, it will be SO worth it, so as long as you’re willing to Be open minded and open hearted, which is essentially…integrated Mind/Heart.
I have asked myself once why I even bother sharing stuff on this new fb page since I’m apparently the only one who visits here; however COMMA just in case some soul crosses this space out of mere curiosity while on the toilet and scratching their @$$, here’s my gift to you. ๐
I wish for you (and your loved ones) to be open to a golden opportunity to release your state of poverty consciousness—which trillions within humanity have been stuck in throughout human history.
This low vibrational state has caused so many of us to struggle and suffer in life due to all the fear-based, HEAVY@$$, individual and collective beliefs that we carried on our backs, that no longer benefit us.
Old, outdated, patriarchal, false beliefs such as “HARD WORK = lots of money” that many of us have bought into, has been proven over and over again to be a wet, MEGA LOAD of doo doo.
Rich and wealthy people are aware of this ancient, Japorean secret of Prosperity Consciousness; and I’ve learned that they not only easily attract the flow of neutral and highly beneficial money, but they also allow $$ to work for them. Side Note: Ok, maybe the secret’s not “Japorean” per say, but that just’s my background, and I like using the fun adjective. :-p
So let’s all transform to our soul’s Divine birthright, which includes amazing Prosperity Consciousness, a state of Being (our vibrational frequency/FEELING state) that has the immense power to attract various uplifting abundance into our lives—OR the opposite, depending on our overall low or high vibrations that we radiate out—which ultimately comes from the Universe within, aka Source (Soul/Spirit within)..
I shared the following as my profile intro for Mindvalley, where I’ve been taking online lessons that I choose from the “Unlimited Abundance Course” by Christie Marie Sheldon—whenever I feel like it—that’s been gradually showing its effectiveness:
I intend to simply Be, and enjoy the rest of my life experiencing the various gifts of uplifting abundance from the very loving, supportive, and generous Universe from within.
This includes, but is not limited to—beneficial and continuous flow of MUCHO money, inner-truths (and Cosmic Truths), profound wisdom, gratitude, deep appreciation, inner-peace, freedom, fiery passion, creativity, free-spirited adventures, play, joy, sharing, and Unconditional Love.
Simultaneously, l also intend to embrace and integrate more and more neutral aspects of whole, full-potential, Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit), so that I can simply Be whatever aspects I choose to be, and only do whatever I FEEL like doing at every moment effortlessly.
I trust that this deep desire and sacred, unconditional self-love will help me to fully and truly embrace and contribute to interconnected Life within this world, Galaxy, Universe, and beyond.
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