Image by Free Fun Art from Pixabay
Definition of shamelessly: in a way that shows that you are not ashamed, especially about something generally considered unacceptable. Cambridge Dictionary
To Be transparently honest, though I intuitively and strongly KNEW what I needed to just come out and say…
I often wondered if it was just my ego, that wanted to believe such things.
[Update within brackets only added on 4/16/2024: Just in case this has been my ego—creating numerous series of daily synchronicity for the past 13 years—then may this post satisfy your heart’s dream to become the GREATEST version of yourself for the highest benefit of the Self/self/interconnected Life within many worlds ❤️🔥 😘💖🐻🫂]
UPDATE added on 5/13/2024:
“ The Truth About Reincarnation – Bashar”:
UPDATE added on 4/27/2024:
I shared the following message for related video, “8 Signs Someone is Manifesting You
Dolores Cannon“:
Wow, thank you so much for sharing such profound messages.
I had many flashbacks while 👁️👀👂, many more earthly and otherworldly puzzle pieces 🧩 came together, and I now have a much deeper understanding and appreciation of the BIGGER picture of my spiritual journey.
I paused this video multiple times to reflect and ponder.
Deeply appreciate you 🙏, and will donate again.
Continue Being a beacon 🌅 of Light & Unconditional Love for the Self/self/humanity/interconnected 🕸️ Life 🌳🌼✴️ within this world 🌏🌎🌍 & way beyond 🌌🌠♾️.
Mulantis 🕊️🐲|🐮🐯|💖
Side Note: Our individual and Collective Ego starting as individuated Souls from The WHOLE Spirit, and thus becoming (STILL ENERGETICALLY CONNECTED) individuals in physical worlds…
that comes with the perfect and highly effective package deal that contains…
what appears to be “separation” from interconnected Life, aka Opposites/Contrasts/Duality/Polarity/
Our ego/Ego—that simply exists the best it knows how (to help us to survive and even THRIVE in physical worlds)—though NOT meant to be the Captain of the ship 🚢, (Spirit IS the ancient and profoundly wise Leader of the 🛳️: WHOLE Self/self )…
has been deeply traumatized by this physical world of “separation”/contrasts…
which was then heavily conditioned by a patriarchal world, to lean much more towards the dominant, fear-based, aggressive, masculine energy (NOT Divine Masculine Energy/God essence/Higher Mind version)…
But as we evolve on ALL energetic levels—mentally, emotionally, physically 🧬, and spiritually—RE-MEMBERING ✨ more and more, and REopening our Hearts more (with healthy boundaries)…
a MERGE develops with our further opening (with discernment) and awakening, immature version of ego minds…
towards its mature, EXALTED state of itself—Higher Mind/God Essence/Light Frequency/Divine Masculine, profoundly wise version of masculine energy…
thus, REUNITING ALL aspects of WHOLE Self/self (Spiritual Self & physical self)…
REBIRTH 🪷🐦🔥to ➡️ MERGED Heart/Mind—aka Spirit & Soul/Yin & Yang ☯️/Moon 🌚 & Sun 🌞/Water 🌊 & Fire 🔥/Divine Feminine 🚺 & Divine Masculine 🚹 Energies/Dark (Unknown) ⚫️ & Light 🕯️(Known)/Cold 🥶 & Hot 🥵/Creative 🎨🎼✍️ & Analytical 🤓🧐🤔😯/Soft 🧸& Hard 🪨/Receiving 🤲🏼 & Giving 🫂 /Magnetic 🧲 & Electric ⚡️/The Wave & Particle/Om Mani Padme Hum 🙏 (indivisible, unified ONE)/MerKaBa ✡️/Alpha & Omega/♾️.
THE RETURN to our TRUE/WHOLE, core essence.
the way we were as PURE/WHOLE babies
[ UPDATE within lime green brackets only added 4/18/2024:
Jesus’ True Teachings Hidden by The Church Regarding Balance & Harmony: Profoundly wise teachings stemming from MUCH FURTHER BACK ANCIENT TIMES, to include 36,000 years ago, especially from God Thoth, God Enki and The Mother Goddess—especially via Mary Magdalene’s representation of The Mother Goddess (& God) incarnated in physical form as Trinity—like Goddess Hathor/Sekhmet, God Enki-Enlil, Goddess Innana-Ereshkigal, Jesus-Lucifer (Bringer of Light)/ and the other halves of like others, to include Mercury/Hermes/Thoth/etc.—as MERGED Heart/Mind poetic expressions in “Thunder, Perfect Mind” that is a powerful Divine Feminine Voice of uniting ALL opposites, which is Unconditional/True Love of ALL of interconnected Life within this Universe and beyond:
Jesus said to them, “When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one [wounded feminine and masculine energies into Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies], so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom].” Gospel of Thomas ]
Related Post in This Blog: “A Vision of One Eye 👁️ in Center of Squares Within Squares Wormhole”
[ Though I have left this world’s religions long ago, there are still gems within all religions, other rigid belief systems, and our individual and Collective beliefs.
I highly resonate with this reading—“Gospel Of Thomas Saying 37 – Becoming Fearless” (that includes NOT being ASHAMED, by blogger A Spacious Place—though I wasn’t able to leave a gratitude message, since I’m not part of (this blog is, and apparently, one is not able to share comments between the two, which doesn’t make sense since they’re both WordPress.___, but I’m probably just ignorant of how this works due to not being that tech savvy).
The following is an excerpt from this reading:
[Gospel of Thomas Saying 37]
Yeshua’s students asked: When will you appear to us,
and when will we see you?
Yeshua answered: When you strip naked without being ashamed
and trample your clothes underfoot like little children,
then you will see the Son of the Living One,
and you will be fearless.
(Matthew 24:3; Matthew 18:3)
To “strip naked” is to let go of ahamkara. My “clothes” represent all those things in which I have sought my sense of identity. They are the things in the external world by which I have attempted to establish my sense of self. They are the means by which I seek to establish my value as a human being.
Small children do not need these “clothes”. This is why Jesus said,
Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:3)
Children have no need to create for themselves any sense of identity in the external world. Small children have not yet reached the unfortunate stage of life where they feel the need to prove their worth or demonstrate that their lives are meaningful and valuable.
end of above excerpt ]
end of side note 🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩
Plus, I didn’t feel confident enough, though I have shared this truth in more roundabout ways within this blog.
Because such a WILD claim would INSTANTLY and AUTOMATICALLY further label me as the ULTIMATE of:
grandiose thinking, delusional, 🦇💩 CRAzy, very arrogant, narcissist, blatant liar, mentally ill, desperate for attention, inflated self-importance, believing one is special or chosen (though I even experienced a series of Divine Synchronicity for the keyword “Chosen”), entitled, ETC.
However, I’m at a state in my life now where these human judgments don’t matter anymore (even self-judgments).
I completely embrace 🫂 ALL “negative, wrong, bad, and even evil” human labels (see related post below).
As I’ve shared within this blog, I’ve been called MANY negative, and even cruel, hurtful labels starting very early childhood—mainly from my deeply wounded mother—at school (while being bullied), throughout adulthood, and especially the worst of the worst label from a family friend of 20 years or so.
Shared in post: “Pondering, Embracing & Integrating a Family Friend’s Text That I Am Pure Evil”
Granted, I found out the beginning of March this year (from my adult son), that she shared with him that she had crossed the line, and that it wasn’t her place to say this, which I appreciated.
Interestingly, I had unconditionally and fully forgiven her not too long before I heard this unexpected, deeply heartfelt news, that brought me to tears.
She is wonderful mother who raised my children with my first husband (which I’ve shared details about in the above related post).
I visited my children annually while I was in the hectic Army life, and we went on many trips exploring.
At my second unit in Hawaii, I did my best to explain to small children about a divorce, and asked them if they’d like to live with mommy.
They REALLY wanted to live with their daddy too, and this was completely understandable, though very difficult.
My well-meaning, DEEPLY WOUNDED mother was extremely controlling.
So I didn’t want to force my children to live with me; plus, I had NO DOUBT that their father loved them deeply too.
My children and I had been separated for 3 years—while I visited them annually—due to an entire year of Army training; hence, they were very attached to my first husband.
The first year included: Basic Combat Training/BCT, then my first MOS/Army job’s Advanced Individual Training/AIT, followed by CEWEOC.
Plus, after BCT, and before AIT, I had to wait for my above top secret clearance to be approved.
It took a long time since I had lived in Korea most of my childhood, going to DODDs schools for military kids.
And when I was stationed at my first unit n Korea, you couldn’t take family there.
Plus, I was involuntarily extended there twice (the second time to be a witness for a court case).
All of these stories shared in detail within this blog.
Being a full-time Earth mother wasn’t my main Life Purpose (I realized later), which I used to feel very sad and deeply depressed about (even becoming a workaholic in the Army).
So when it comes to the former family friend/mother who raised my children…
I have no doubt why her name is Mary—like Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, or other names but same, core essence of Divine Feminine, like, Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet…
The One of Many Names, but ultimately The Nameless…
and why I experienced a bizarre synchronicity where multiple women named Mary showed up as customers within the early afternoon, at a boutique I worked at in Sedona years ago (shared further details in blog).
At that time, I intuitively and strongly KNEW that this particular series of Divine Synchronicity—outer world MIRRORING🪞inner world—was the Universe’s way of reminding me of the significance of this name, MARY, that I didn’t think much of for 20 years.
My main Life Purpose is to experience the rainbow 🌈 spectrum of The Mother Goddess essence (Divine Feminine Energies/Higher Heart/Love Frequency)—that includes Her other half of the Cosmic Coin (God essence/Divine Masculine Energies/Higher Mind/Light Frequency)—within many earthly and otherworldly realities of parallel Universes/Multiverse/Omniverse…
ALL simultaneously happening in the PRESENT moments of NOW as past/present/future…
since multidimensional realities are not like linear realities that includes space, time, and distance (i.e., past then present then future).
And this experiencing of the WHOLE Self/selves within both inner and outer worlds…
includes the POLAR OPPOSITE EXTREMES of Terrible Mother—that society has often labeled and judged me as—and Unconditionally Loving Mother…
not just for my own children and Earth families, but interconnected Life of many worlds…
even for many other sentient and non-sentient Life forms often rejected by society…
to include:
the sick (haven’t been afraid to catch anything from people who might be ill),
mentally ill (fully embraced, even my mother, and patients at a mental health facility),
homeless (haven’t been afraid to interact and share attention, active listening 👂, unconditional love, food, drinks, money, profound wisdom, helpful resources, this blog, etc.),
prisoners (exchanged many long letters with my nephew for a while, my half-sister’s adult son, who passed away years later 😔; my sister probably believes I didn’t care, but that’s far from true, and I hope she reads this),
Iraqi detainees (wasn’t afraid of them during deployment, and even befriended 2, though we obviously couldn’t stay in touch like pen pals 😄),
the diseased (wasn’t afraid of people during COVID, though cautious) etc.
cockroaches 🪳, flies 🪰, spiders 🕷️, snakes 🐍, grasshoppers and crickets🦗, ants 🐜, gnats, mosquitoes 🦟, weeds (that have their own, unique beauty), etc. (related post stories shared within blog)…
and even some of the most “evil,” DEEPLY WOUNDED beings (Souls with amnesia), who become: murderers, rapists (been raped twice), sociopaths, psychopaths, serial killers, tyrants, politicians, other types of corrupt people, etc. (though they weren’t born this way).
Even in dreams, I’ve transformed what appeared to be “scary monsters” into men (at least once, after having sex with one).
In one dream, in a nutshell—since already shared story—I splashed water 💦 onto 3 , aggressive black wolves 🐺 (though most wolves have been peaceful in dreams)…
and they transformed into what appeared to be sleeping and floating men.
I trust that’s the Master Alchemist aspect of WHOLE Self/self, Master of Frequencies, able to TRANSMUTE lower/dense/negative/“dark” (unknown) energies.
Within 13 years of many earthly and otherworldly dreams and experiences within this particular physical reality,
I have shared an abundance of WHOLE Self/self—Spiritual Self & physical selves (right/wring/good/bad/light/dark/etc.)…
personal stories, insights, profound wisdom, various forms of Divine Synchronicity (to include number synchronicity), animal spirit guides messages, Starseed Soul Families of various Star Systems, and much more.
It’s WAY TOO EASY to ONLY share with others the positive, acceptable, approvable, likable, and lovable aspects of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self.
ANYONE can do that, and billions have.
But I’ve been sharing many negative, unacceptable, unapprovable, unlikable, and unlovable aspects of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self as well.
And when it’s time to go 👋🏼💀🪦🔥—that I also welcome with gratitude 🙏—I will continue to be proud of myself for having the courage to Be Authentic and WHOLE throughout my life, to the best of my ability.
Because how can we ever REMEMBER (as our Spiritual Selves)—and learn as our physical selves—the TRUE meaning of Unconditional Love…
(for the Self/self/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and way beyond)…
if we don’t start deeply understanding, have pure compassion for, empathizing with, unconditionally forgiving, embracing, profoundly healing, and integrating other, once lost parts of ourselves/others?
Even during my first and last sacred retreat to Egypt a couple of years ago…
inspired by vivid dreams related to ancient Egypt,
as probably a Priestess TONING very LOUD 🗣️”AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”…
an Egyptian Master Alchemist shared…
that there’s a difference between women who express various aspects of the Mother Goddess, and a reincarnation of Her.
I intuitively and strongly sensed to read in-between the lines, but didn’t ask him for clarification, due to trusting in the subtlety and the unspoken.
I now have NO DOUBT, that I was meant to hear that important, puzzle piece 🧩 of NEW 🐣Information (Light 🕯️) from him (who also referred to us as Soul Family).
So I’m now able to fully embrace—and FULLY, confidently, and publicly announce the integration of the sacred honor of experiencing many Divine and miraculous experiences (to include physical worlds).
I’ve been deeply grateful for many of these mysterious experiences throughout my life, and continue to be.
I just didn’t know what to do with all this ABUNDANCE of new Information (aka Light frequency), that were sometimes overwhelming…
especially with many dreams per night and morning, daily synchronicity multiple times per day, and frequent downloads of insights and ideas.
But rather than continue to complicate things, I’ve been choosing to simply go with the Cosmic Flow of interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
I just did my best to share as much as I could, whether via this blog, within many comments for YouTube videos, websites, blogs, reviews (for businesses), personal conversations, open-mic comedy performances, etc.
I INTUITIVELY KNEW I had to do share with humanity and beyond.
I even have many more typed, private journals and blog draft posts that haven’t been shared yet; because unless i clone myself, it’s A LOT to process and keep up with.
That’s one of the reasons why I was going to write a book—and even created 50 draft pages years ago—but it seemed more important to share what keeps coming into my awareness.
Plus, I strongly sensed many earthly and otherworldly puzzle pieces 🧩 coming together.
So perhaps waiting for the BIGGER picture is more beneficial to Self/self/interconnected Life of many worlds.
After all, I noticed that as time goes by, I gain an increasingly deeper understanding of so many vivid dreams, and connected, physical reality experiences.
As Bashar has even shared not too long ago in a Next Level Soul podcast, the more we share with one another, the more we EXPAND our individual and Collective Consciousness; and I’ve been sharing this as well.
And as far as highly probable, extreme judgment from this world…
I now fully welcome it 🫂.
I shared this UPDATE comment for a YouTube video (that I created a post about) titled, “More Soul Awakening Truths Revealing Like Rapid Wildfire🔥: Jesus‘ Teachings from Thoth, Black (Garment) Pope, True Origin of Bible & MANY Leaving Manmade Religions”:
Last UPDATE 🕯️💖 4/16/2024: The Black Stone that’s harder than granite instantly reminded me of at least 2 of Mother Goddess Sekhmet statues; and healing temples instantly reminded me Mother Goddess Hathor’s Dendera Temple (both Being 2 sides of the SAME Cosmic Coin, Sekhmet 🦁-Hathor 🐮 or Hathor 🐮-Sekhmet 🦁).
Thank you both for an abundance of fascinating information! 😲😃🤩Appreciate your work.
You guys make a great team, flowing 🏞️🪼🫠 with your conversations, and even incorporating much humor. 🥰
Going to subscribe to both YouTube channels.
[attempted to donate twice, but your link led to a blank page; just wanted to let you know]
UPDATE 🕯️💖 4/15/2024:
I’ve had spiritual dreams of both Jesus/Thoth since 2001, soon after I left the Christian church, and also let go of other religions (before joining the Army).
I also had many otherworldly, vivid dreams and physical world experiences of Thoth during and after reading the Emerald Tablets book, to include sudden, effortless astral travel I didn’t know about (within this past 13 years), so l intuitively and strongly sense they are indeed connected.
I even shouted out to Jesus 3 times in 2 different dreams—one in pitch darkness, and one in a dimly lit house symbolic of my Soul—and I felt a very powerful, invisible PRESENCE enter somewhat within me and in front of me.
He—Jesus/Thoth, ultimately no separation, but more reincarnation—helped me MANY times.
Whether within these dreams, or within this particular physical world, and in dream state of many earthly and otherworldly parallel or alternate realities—that included interactions with practically all peaceful and harmless extraterrestrials and aliens—and even symbolic dreams.
In 2013 or so dream within a dimly-lit cave, I saw a darker skinned Being, with dark brown eyes, wavy shoulder-length hair and beard in a white robe, who didn’t look like the white Jesus with blue eyes and dirty blond hair.
This Being was initially a hunched back zombie-looking being.
I later came upon readings and I think a video that Jesus was hunched back, short, and ugly 😅. I still love Him/Thoth 🥰.
Even comedian D.L. Hughley joked about it in one of his comedy specials.
Anyhoo, this zombie-like being was laying down on the ground with his head on or near my crossed legs (while I was sitting down on the ground).
When I told him in a commanding, yet, gentle woman’s voice (whose voice was familiar), “Merge with me and become one.”
He suddenly and seemingly transported a few feet to my right side—and while standing sideways with his hunched back—he gave me a look like, “This B!+CH is CRAzy.”
By the way, in another dream, I said in that same voice, “As my I AM Presence, I command you to leave this body.”
Back to the cave and Jesus dream: At another point, we were standing in front of each other practically face to face.
He started vibrating INTENSELY, then started dripping water-like fluids from his body.
Then he very briefly transformed into whom I have intuitively felt was Jesus, especially his very powerful, gentle, soulful, eye contact, that was so familiar to my Soul.
This was all within a dimly-lit cave with a family-like small group of people who were also wearing white clothes.
Anyhoo, I started TONING loud at one point, and later learned through various readings, that this happened in ancient Lemuria and ancient Egypt (where I was also TONING in another dream; read that this happened during those times as well with Priestesses).
Because I’ve also had many dream of the Mother Goddess—to include walking in a garden with 2 lions by my side, and seeing a naked female faceless body pregnant with a big, cubed belly (i.e., She created original God/Her other half of the Cosmic Coin), I intuitively know that these were past/present/future lives ALL interconnected.
Also, I bought Billy’s book a while ago, and then forgot about it, so will start reading it.
Going to continue watching video.
PREVIOUS COMMENT from about a week ago:
SO REFRESHING 😃🥰. Many viewers who resonate with this video, and has many followers via social media, may you help make this collaborated video message become VIRAL, since THE TRUTHS NEED TO BE REVEALED.
Thank you so much 🙏 to Billy and Interviewer of this podcast (looked for name in description section, but wasn’t able to find 🤷🏻♀️).
You guys are Being BAD@$$😎, MAJOR GAME CHANGERS ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥, highly benefiting and contributing to humanity and way beyond.
Wishing 🎐🌌🌠 for you both to receive, a thousandfold, ALL the uplifting, empowering and inspiring gifts 💝 that you share with interconnected Life, especially an abundance of Light 🕯️ (NEW Information that expands our individual and Collective Consciousness) & Unconditional Love (for the Self/self/others).
Will continue watching and enJOYing 🐸.
Mulantis 🕊️🐲|🐮🐯|💖
[may add more insights throughout the rest of this video]
I attempted to share this post via TikTok, and it was quickly removed stating that it was in violation of their guidelines, though I didn’t say anything offensive, vulgar, inappropriate form of sex related, etc.
I even attempted to share the second time—first with Gladiator songs, “Now We Are Free” and then “The Battle”—but both were rejected 🤔, OH WELL 🤷🏻♀️ (screenshots below; UPDATE LATER: After adding additional stories and insights below, I felt like revising the “Side Note” at the beginning of this post, which FELT 👌🏼; so this “rejection” from TikTok worked out PERFECTLY 😯😃🥰):
These are the screenshots I attempted to share via TikTok:
And the following are some of the screenshots —of some of Jesus’ true teachings hidden by the Church—from a video I watched early this morning, before creating this post (also see posts at bottom of this post, that includes a video, regarding Jesus’ profoundly wise teachings stemming from MUCH FURTHER BACK ANCIENT TIMES—about 36,000 years ago if I recall correctly—especially from God Thoth, The Atlantean, and his Emerald Tablet, or Tablets)
Regarding the 3rd to last Jesus quote in above screenshot, I had included it within a poem card that created over a decade ago.
I initially shared it with certain family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, acquaintances, strangers, and even via this blog.
I also shared it twice at two different open-mic poetry events in San Antonio, TX, in where I used to reside, about 7-8 years ago.
I was so grateful that I had built up the courage to do this—before doing open-mic comedy performances—because I had some uplifting experiences.
For one of the open-mic poetry places, I felt drawn to go to a theater-size place with mostly a black crowd of various ages.
From a limited perspective, this can seem very intimidating, like the childhood TV show song 🎶 , “Which one these don’t belong with the others?“ 😅
However COMMA I chose to trust my inner guidance/Heart/intuition, and went for it.
And to my delightful surprise, a small group of older, black women—sitting in one of the front rows—were nodding their heads up and down while I was read this poem, sporadically shouting, “Amen!”
In addition, some guy with a deep voice—who sounded like he was between 20’s and 30’s—shouted from the back, “YEAH!!!” while clapping. 😄
So since then, I continued to share, and even attempted to sell cards via Zazzle.
But I’ve been the only customer and #1 fan 😁 (and the latter is a MUST, since self-love is just as important as love for others).
Also, Zazzle strangely disapproved of a few of my non-offensive, child-like art, but avoided explaining WHY; so I discontinued adding more (but kept my old account for whenever I want to order more).
I’ve embraced being an outcast of this world since early childhood. I’ve grown to love even the “weirdo” 🤪 aspect of Self/self. 😜
None of my immediate and extended family members from 3 sets of blood-related, half-siblings, and step-siblings shared any feedback when I shared this poem card over a decade ago. 😆
Even my then teenage daughter said with the typical teenager attitude 😤😒🙄, “Who TALKS like that⁉️”
Touché‼️ 🤣
She cracks me up. 😄😐
She even had a FIERY 🔥 personality when she was a toddler—and my first husband said she seemed fearless.
To me, she’ll always be lovable 🥰—and I’ll forever love my children—even though my adult son told me that she (adult now) said she hated me last year 😅, due to a misunderstood conversation.
I trust we’ll make peace again, one magical 🦄 day, IF she responds to my next message.
My then second husband’s 3 children didn’t say anything about the poem card either;
but by then, I had already been used to not even receiving an acknowledgment of receipt from others.
But nonetheless, I just wanted to share, because I completely trusted in the Heart-led message inspired by Spirit/Goddess within.
And to my great surprise, years later, one of my second husband’s sons—the oldest, as an adult in the Army—shared a deeply heartfelt feedback 🥹 that I thanked him for, and felt super grateful.
He basically said that he’s been collecting everything we’ve gifted him all these years—to include the poem card—something not even my own children (from my first husband) ever said, despite an abundance of gifts.
Granted, after 20 years, both my adult daughter and son increasingly started expressing gratitude for whatever I shared, and showing appreciation, which deeply moved me 🥹 as well.
And several years ago, one of my (now former) husband’s coworkers became deeply emotional 🥹 and teary-eyed, after receiving this poem card, and thanked us for sharing.
She’s a very kind, not your typical Christian woman—but one who seems to do her best to represent Jesus’ love-based teachings, the best she knows how.
Granted, as I’ve shared before—related links to posts within this post as well—it’s becoming very mainstream knowledge that…
there’s MUCH MORE to the TRUE TEACHINGS and ESSENCE of Jesus & God than man-made religions.
Anyhoo, I haven’t been participating in this world’s holidays for over a decade, since every day can be a celebration of Gratitude, Unconditional Love (for Self/self/Life), Freedom, Peace, etc.
So for this past Christmas of 2023, I also shared this poem with some Veterans via a review (since there seemed to be a lot friction within the mostly negative reviews).
The following are related screenshots (UPDATE added on 4/18/2024: recently, after sharing these screenshots, I found out from my recently divorced husband, that VA had called stating that our Primary Care Provider that I had mentioned in this review below, had suddenly left; perhaps I had SHIFTED into a PARALLEL REALITY that Bashar—channeled via Darryl Anka–taught about; anyhoo, so I cropped out his name, along with the staff’s names within the first screenshot below):
Here’s the post:
“Celebrating Your Birth to Heaven on Earth – Poem/Card”
Part of this particular series of Divine Synchronicity:
Yesterday, my former husband—now harmonious partner/Soul Brother/good friend—wanted to watch this comedy special together.
The screenshot’s below; this show has its own unique presence and creativity, but I wouldn’t exactly recommend it to anyone, or ever pay to watch him—or watch another one of his specials—though he shared some great perspectives, and was funny at times.
Anyhoo, for the title of this Netflix comedy special, though the comedian was probably referring to corrupt white men, mostly from back in the day (especially during slavery)…
this, “Shame the Devil” title instantly reminded me of, not only the same, main word, “SHAME,” for this recent, post title…
but also another post I had created a while back, titled, “Ancient, True Meanings of: Bitch, The Devil, Beast, 666, Serpent, Witch & God.”
Plus, this world’s patriarchal, religious leaders gave many negative labels (to include The Devil) to The Divine Feminine Energies / Goddess essence.
And not just the Catholic Church—plus other Christian, Muslim and other rigid religions—but even certain, misogynistic teachings within Buddhism.
They SHAMED billions of girls and women throughput human history, especially with the HEAVY, Collective GUILT of Eve’s “mistake.”
What happened to FORGIVENESS?
They burned 🔥 alive MANY witches (aka The Wise Ones), many of whom were known as the peaceful versions, who were Healers and/or Plant 🌱Medicine Women.
Granted, just like the CONTRASTS of EVERYTHING in Life, there were probably others versions of witches as well.
Many witches were known to have also worked with animals (Animal Spirit Guides)—like black cats 🐈⬛, who were also burned 🔥 alive.
The patriarchal, religious leaders also managed to influence humanity into believing that natural, very high frequency, menstruation🩸is dirty.
They also convinced billions within humanity that females need to cover up their whole bodies (except their eyes)…
They even made up a false belief around what beauty is and isn’t (so that if you don’t look like a gorgeous supermodel, model, or attractive celebrity, you’re not in the category of beauty; even the Dalai Lama “jokingly” made a comment about this to Larry King a while back)…ETC.
Plus, “The Devil” instantly reminded me of another Being who was harshly judged by mankind…
God Enki 🌊🔱, actual Creator of humanity…
as well as Savior of mankind, since the original Noah story stems from MUCH FURTHER BACK, ANCIENT TIMES, with a different name main character name.
The bottom line is NOT to further separate and judge humanity for whatever’s been done in the past; but to unconditionally forgive.
However COMMA many more within humanity need to at least become AWARE of these TRUTHS—that’s increasingly, and even RAPIDLY becoming mainstream knowledge.
The goal is NOT to allow those who still want this information secret, to CONTINUE SWEEPING IT UNDER THE RUG.
It’s about taking FULL RESPONSIBILITY, to include the patriarchal, world leaders and mankind in general (not just religious leaders) owning up to the fact that there have been (and continue to exist)…
the OPPRESSING and SUPPRESSING of The Divine Feminine Energies & Essence within humanity (regardless of gender).
Because if this doesn’t stop, I have a strong feeling that this world WILL meets its DOWNFALL ☄️☄️☄️sooner than later.
I already had 2 of 3 VIVID dreams of MANY meteors ☄️☄️☄️ falling.
And certain premonition dreams have come true—to include COVID, that I shared stories about within this blog—since the POWERFUL Cosmic Forces will no longer support ONGOING CORRUPTION in its various forms.
on ALL energetic levels: mental, emotional, physical 🧬 and spiritual.
Related Posts
MANY more earthly and otherworldly stories and Divine Synchronicities from this blog’s multiple category pages—especially AM I : I AM and Earthly and Otherworldly Puzzle Pieces (the second one includes numerous dream messages from earthly and otherworldly Animal Spirit Guides)—and the within the rest of this blog (click on title links above to open in another window, or simply go to the top of this blog) .
“Dream of Shouting to Goddess While Flying Through Wormhole“
Pregnant Woman with Cube Belly and Smiling Child” (Divine Mother Goddess created original God
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“Dream of Shouting at Ibis, ‘God Thoth, Wake Up!’”
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“A First Ayahuasca Experience, God Thoth & Epiphanies of Puzzle Pieces“
“The Response to ‘God, I’m Scared‘”
“A Dream of Shouting, ‘GOD!!!’“
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”Full Embracing The Anunnaki Aspect of Full-Potential 🧬, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self”
“Realization of Goddess-Self, Ascended Masters & The Return of The Anunnaki” (& Related Post: “Recorded Personal Experiences Within Blog That Match Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet“):
Example Post About Wholeness from this blog’s category page, “AM I : I AM“:
“My Mesmerizing Spiral of God, Goddess and Divine Spirit Experience“
UPDATE added on 8/25/2021: While following my inner guidance/Heart/Spirit within, and noticing and FEELING the trail of breadcrumbs of joy, I came upon the following information (Light) that instantly reminded me of the dancing, golden, spiral light that entered my left eye while meditating in bed:
- “The Eye of Horus has been used for many metaphors over the years, i.e., “Eye of the Mind, Third Eye, Eye of the Truth or Insight, the Eye of God Inside the Human Mind.” The ancient Egyptians, because of their beliefs in the Eye of Horus’ mystic powers, gave all of these names to the Eye of Horus.” by
- “Why is the Eye of Horus so important? Eye of Horus, in ancient Egypt, symbol representing protection, health, and restoration. According to Egyptian myth, Horus lost his left eye in a struggle with Seth. … The eye was magically restored by Hathor, and this restoration came to symbolize the process of making whole and healing.” by
Thank you so much Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet Self
“Divine Mother Goddess: A Gift for You & Interconnected Life on Mother’s Day ^_^” (includes Divine synchronicities regarding God Thoth & 777)
Channeling EYES Essence of Divine Mother Goddess Sekhmet/Hathor
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Excerpt from post, “Emotions, Benefits of Low Energies, Inner & Then Outer Prosperity & Goddess Shakti“
For instance, two weeks ago, I shared a comment with Sadhguru—screenshot of a Highlight story within my Instagram on right (click to view larger image)—about a dream I had of being face to face with him, and telling him in a very confident, BOLD, and powerful way, “I AM SEKHmet,” and then proceeded to passionately kiss him.
The part I did NOT mention in this comment—since Instagram may not allow such verbal expressions, and Sadhguru may not have resonated with this part as well—is that […] [Continuing within upcoming post, “Dream of Goddess SEKHmet & Connection to God Thoth at First Ayahuasca Ceremony”<= THIS POST WAS STILL A DRAFT, SO JUST COPIED AND PASTE ONTO THIS POST]
The part I did NOT mention in this comment—since Instagram may not allow such verbal expressions, and Sadhguru may not have resonated with this part as well—is that while kissing him (in this vivid dream), I reached down and grabbed his (CONTINUING IN POST, “What was the Root, Energetic Cause of Sadhguru’s Brain 🧠 Hemorrhage🩸? Observations 👁️👀 Feelings, Insights 🕯️, Contradictions & A Way to Truthfully Share What’s Highly Beneficial for Life”)
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