Intro: I shared this message with the creator of this image on right:
Thank you for sharing this perfect image that instantly reminded me of the integration of the lower physical world and the higher spiritual world via the RAINBOW BRIDGE (the blue Being in the middle) observing a shooting star. I used it for post: [this one]
Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay
Upon waking up this morning, I was able to recall a vivid dream that was similar to the one I had during autumn of 2015; and I recorded this dream in a post titled, “Dream of Little Angel Alerting Outside of Window.“
The following is an excerpt from this post:
At one point, I started calmly walking towards what appeared to be a little, cupid angel—that I’ve never seen before in my dreams—making the strange sounds, with its wings rapidly flapping like a humming bird.
He/she was definitely making an effort to communicate a message to me, but all I heard were muffled, high-pitched sounds.
In this physical reality, I would’ve been ecstatic for the golden opportunity to witness an actual angel, but I wasn’t. Again, I trust that this was due to Being in a neutral state.
I then looked behind the little angel, and noticed in the dusk atmosphere, an airplane that had a hole on its side as though it had been hit by something, which took a big chunk out of it.
As I watched it descend in slow motion, I further noticed meteors falling from the sky all around it.
I didn’t feel scared, but just stared at them as though they were snowflakes gracefully making its way down to the ground.
For this morning’s dream, I was at what appeared to be an amusement park that include a water park with a group of unknown people.
At one point, while pointing at the sky, I shouted to the group I was with, that there were many meteors falling from the sky.
Similar to the above mentioned dream, I wasn’t fearful, and neither were the people I shared this information with; they just had a neutral expression.
At another point, there were many different aircrafts in the sky on the right side, and I think my husband said that it was the various branches of the military.
There were other details that made this dream seem more symbolic than a premonition for this particular physical reality, a parallel reality or even an alternate reality (the latter being the first dream of many meteors).
After getting out of bed and in the bathroom, I noticed a moth fly towards my husband’s shirt that was hanging on the wall.
It looked exactly like the one that I saw yesterday, that one of my cats (Leo) was watching like a hawk, but I distracted him so that the moth can be free.
As I’ve shared within this blog at least a few times, whenever I see a moth, I thank the Moth Spirit Guide—and/or Moth Totem, Moth Spirit Animal—for assisting me to SEE (with CLARITY) Light within so-called darkness. I will later look up any new messages as well.
So even though both similar dreams of many meteors falling from the sky, can be perceived as a premonition, I realized that it can also be interpretated as the integration of extreme opposite energies.
As I’ve shared in at least one update in the past, the first dream reminded me of the polar opposite energies of heaven (angel) and hell (many meteors falling, and more than likely the end of this world).
And in this second similar dream, the JOYFUL and FUN amusement park and THE END of JOY in Life seems to be the opposite energies that are merging.
So what can we learn from this experience? Perhaps to enJOY Life more while we can, during many PRESENT and pleasant moments of NOW—since we never know when something like this could happen in the future.
This doesn’t mean to that we need to fear the future, but rather, find more ways to deeply appreciate all that we currently are and have in our lives, and all the uplifting blessings (and blessings in disguise) we can tune into in the bright future.
However, I also added the following update to the previous post, “Solutions for Korean Children & Adults, Addictive Foods & Drinks, Diseases & Death“:
I strongly sense that if humanity continues to only focus on the physical world (without waking up to the Divine within), to include various addictions—i.e., unhealthy and addictive food, drinks, alcohol, nicotine, technology, social media, video games, self-sabotage, drugs (legal and illegal), sex (without unconditional love), fear-based lifestyle, negative environments, abusive relationships, etc.—then we should not be shocked if we repeat the downfalls of human history.
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