I’m deeply grateful for a priceless gift from the supportive, unlimited, and generous Universe today.
It brought together many more reasons as to who I am/AM as Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self…
why I’m here—Life Purpose, Life Paths & Soul Missions—that includes reuniting with, remembering, embracing, integrating, and honoring The Divine Mother Goddess essence within all interconnected Life of this world and way beyond, that’s been long suppressed within our Collective Consciousness…
why I’ve had seemingly countless, earthly and otherworldly Life experiences—in this particular physical reality (to include many series of Divine synchronicity) and in dream state for many lives as human, E.T., animals, Priestess, God, Goddess, The Observer, etc.—and all the profound wisdom I’ve gained from them…
and why I’ve had a intuitive and strong passion to create all that I’ve created throughout my entire life, to include the ancient, Lemurian symbol that I intuitively drew within artwork since childhood and throughout adulthood before learning about its sacred meaning)…
as well as this blog (since 2010), using many verbal and non-verbal detailed expressions, shades and hues of colors (for fonts), as well as images (that was different from the typical blogs, as explained in my About page):
I shared the following, brief comment for video, “The Real LAW OF VIBRATION”- The HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE They Never Told You!“:
Thank you so much for sharing this very invaluable and immensely helpful video.
While watching this, I experienced many related, earthly and otherworldly flashbacks of personal experiences from childhood throughout adulthood—as well as known series of Divine synchronicity since 2001—for practically every part of this message.
I saved screenshots to further ponder upon these amazing puzzle pieces that further contributed to the treasure collection within—that helps to expand my individual and Collective Consciousness—as well as all that I’ve shared within my blog for over a decade (of essentially merging the spiritual and physical worlds that is ultimately The One).
It’s just like the so-called opposites energies within duality/polarity of physical world—Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known)/Spirit & Soul/Goddess & God/Higher Heart & Higher Mind/Water & Fire/Cold & Hot/etc.—are ultimately 2 sides of the same 1 Cosmic Coin.
I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed right now—due to what FELT like a RAPID and MASSIVE download of higher frequencies, especially the Light & Love Frequencies—so this comment will be brief, though I usually share LONG ones.
Ahaya Mulantis
Added same day
I shared the following comments for the videos below:
YouTube video, “Soul Groups, Earth based Souls, Interplanetary Souls, and Reincarnation Explained“:
Thank you so much Gregg, your team, Linda and Lisa for sharing this helpful video that gifted additional puzzle pieces to the BIGGER picture of my individual consciousness and life,/the Collective Consciousness/interconnected Life within this world and beyond. Ahaya Mulantis
YouTube video, “Dr. Linda Backman: How Do Past Lives Show Up in Your Current Life?“:
Thank you so much Linda for your helpful video that gifted additional puzzle pieces to the BIGGER picture of my individual consciousness and life,/the Collective Consciousness/interconnected Life within this world and beyond. I saw you within a YouTube video, “Soul Groups, Earth based Souls, Interplanetary Souls, and Reincarnation Explained,” shared by Gregg Braden Official’s channel, and resonate with your authentic presence and further soul-igniting message.
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