I shared the following comment for Peter’s Inside Track (audio version of book) Companion Program, Ch. 6 Summary Video 3 (out of 1-3) that includes an intro to Indigo Children (which Peter and I are, among others; and this is just one of many earthly labels of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self):
Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
Last Comment for Video 3 of 3 (Part 2 of 2):
Peter, this is simply an invitation to entertain an idea: Rather than continuing to use certain, old videos and even audios, I’m confident that you can co-create with talented Team Sage a NEW video on this topic that better represents the more spiritually evolved version of you who’s often taught about:
Our vibrational frequency/level of Consciousness/FEELING state that we radiate out, verbal and NON-verbal cues (and how the latter reveals A LOT), how we SHOW UP (our legacy), HUMILITY (rather than arrogance) and NON-JUDGMENT (rather than very obvious judgments).
For example, though practically all of your ST audios are highly beneficial and awesome, the old one where you were adamant about purchasing your $5M condo—despite how your staff felt about it (due to lack of money and having to work a lot of hours within a short timeframe, in order to meet your demanding needs)—seemed to radiate the opposite of serving others over self that you’ve often taught about.
So when I had read a few reviews about others (to include former members) experiencing you as narcissistic, I was able to empathize with them.
However COMMA I intuitively know deep down that this earthly box label is NOT your Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, but a small part of you (that’s NOT meant to be denied and suppressed).
Because those and all other “negative” aspects exist within all of us to varying degrees of awareness, as you already know.
And I fully trust that they’re meant to be gracefully embraced and integrated into WHOLE self/Self, so that its higher vibration, EXALTED versions can be used in highly beneficial ways for the self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
Example: Highly sensitive to ultra sensitive EMPATHS are known within the spiritual communities to be attracted to different types of NARCISSISTS (to include the more difficult to identify “Vulnerable Narcissist” [that’s not dominant within you]).
WHY do they cross paths? Not to be a MAJOR PAIN IN THE @$$ to each other, but to TRIGGER one another (to be SEEN and hopefully RECOGNIZED), and to DEEPLY HEAL AND TRANSFORM on all energetic levels.
Though this type of unhealthy RELATIONSHIP DYNAMIC often REPEATS itself within many lifetimes, during these energetically accelerated times, we can CHOOSE to SEE (with AWARENESS & CLARITY) the BIGGER picture, and co-create GREATER CHANGE.
We all have the empath and narcissist aspects—among many other ultimately NEUTRAL aspects—within us.
And in order to DIScontinue the ongoing CONFLICTS, BATTLES AND WARS within both INNER and OUTER worlds, we must EXPAND our Consciousness (NOT just raise).
The empath can embrace and integrate some of the narcissist’s overly selfish and aggressive energies so that the empath can start loving the self (and not just others), develop and maintain healthy boundaries, as well as become more confident and assertive.
And the HEAVY masculine energy centered narcissist can embrace and integrate some of the empath’s excessive feminine energies in order to connect with and fully open the heart, embrace and process neutral emotions in healthy ways, honor true feelings (of merged Heart/Mind), deeply FEEL compassion and empathy (not just talk about it), and overall Be more Heart-centered (with Heart leading mind).
This is just one example of how we can co-create more inner and outer peace, that I trust that we all deeply resonate with at the interconnected Soul level.
I realized that if today happened to be my last day on planet Earth, would I want to share this final message with my Soul brother, even if he, Team Sage, and/or other members ended up judging, resenting, or even hating me? ABSOLUTELY.
Because most people—besides those who write one-sided negative reviews—AVOID sharing such unthinkable messages in order to be polite, courteous, good, respectful, righteous, loving, compassionate, etc. not realizing the most PROFOUND LOVE of all…IS, says, and does what’s most beneficial for ALL due to SEEING the BIGGER picture.
I fully trust Spirit/Heart/Goddess within to lead the way, even if my ego may be embarrassed at times for appearing abnormal to others.
Parts of This Post Series
- “Thank you Heart/Spirit/Goddess for Deep Compassion & The Divine Gift of Death“
- “Turning the Other Cheek, When It Is & Isn’t Abuse & Jesus Honoring Heart/Goddess“
- “How Time Reveals What We Feel Obligated to Do, and What We Truly EnJOY Doing“
- Most Recent Update of 3/16/2023: “The Cosmic Dance of the Narcissist & Empath ENERGIES
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