Update: The video mentioned right below ends at 133:33, and then repeats itself for whatever reason; so it’s not actually 2:22:34 (2 hrs, 22 min, 34 secs) long
May 4, 2015
So far, I love the parts of this video, Ancient Alien Mystery Nibiru İ Return Of The Anunnaki Documentary where they basically convey that it’s not about the seemingly separate DUALITY of life (merely within one spectrum)—-good vs bad, right vs wrong, moon vs sun, Neanderthals vs Cro Magnon, and Divine Feminine vs masculine energies of fearful ego self that has forgotten its true self—but rather, that it’s about the POLARITY of life—the MERGING of the seemingly opposites in life since they balance and complete one another.
Examples: Hot and cold merging as warm, and the healing and transmutation of the fearful ego self (wounded inner child/unhealed masculine consciousness) in order to integrate with the feminine energies; hence, creating the whole and balanced Divine Masculine (God) and the Divine Feminine (Goddess) merged with Divine Spirit/All That Is (Trinity/Divine HUman)/I (Divine Masculine) AM (Divine Feminine) Presence/Christ within/Twin Flame within.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => qiana.flavors.me and added quote from author noted in poster via canva.com ((thank you all).
Without bad, how can we know (through personal experience) and truly appreciate what good is ? Good would only be a concept without it’s opposite.
For instance, when we (as souls experiencing many lifetimes) play the role of “bad” or “evil,” and we don’t resonate with the opposite expression of good, we help one another to remember that we are good by nature, and are of unity consciousness.
If everyone and their mamas and grandmamas were good all the time, then surely, good would lose its profound meaning.
Without fear energy, how can we know that our true essence is unconditional love? Unconditional love would only be a concept without it’s opposite.
For instance, loving another only for their acceptable, likable and lovable qualities is conditional love, which is too easy to do. By adding fear into the mixture, we’re able to actually experience unconditional love.
We, as humanity, are often quick to conclude and/or say that we like or love others, but the moment they show us any aspect(s) that seems undesirable or unknown, we judge, criticize, ridicule, ignore, deny, gossip about, reject, condemn, and/or attack (verbally, psychologically, and/or physically) them.
However, loving all aspects of another—both positive and negative—is unconditional love—the way Ascended Masters like Jesus loved humanity and beyond.
Without darkness, how can we know and truly appreciate light? Light would only be a concept without it’s opposite. For instance, how does SPirit (having a HUman or other experience) know that it’s omniscient—all knowing—if it’s never experienced darkness/ignorance?
In addition, without darkness, the beautiful moonlight and all the trillions of sparkling stars wouldn’t be able to shine so bright, and we wouldn’t be able to enjoy them.
Take care humanity and beyond, I’m taking a long break from blog world due to a major project—co-creation of first book/artwork with my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within—that requires my full Heart’s commitment.
I hope this blog was as helpful to you as it was for me. If not, that’s okay too, since we each resonate with the countless parts of the whole/All That Is in our own unique way (until we all reunite as One), and there are a plethora of other great readings available on the interconnected web, as well as other places.
Thank you for visiting this precious space, for your generously kind comments, for sharing your heartfelt stories, for sharing my posts with others, for doing all that you lovingly do for self, Mother Earth/Gaia, humanity and beyond, and just Being all that you amazingly are for Spirit within having an invaluable HUman experience! ^_^
Always Remember soul brothers and sisters to unconditionally love ALL aspects of self, so that you can fully do so for others as well.
Please continue to send your ripples to tsunami waves of the most powerful binding force of the Multiverse—Your core essence => Unconditional Love/Unity Consciousness. Bless you precious soul/Spirit. <3 <3 <3 Forever…Bobbie
Added May 15, 2015
A very helpful reading that I trust will assist us to release old and outdated beliefs that block us from tuning into our Divine birthright of abundance, prosperity, wealth and Divine power—all of which are tools meant to be used wisely and with Unconditional Love/Unity Consciousness to better serve Divine Spirit/All That Is, Mother Earth/Gaia, humanity and beyond => Becoming a Prosperous Teacher, Part I
The following is a section of the reading above that reminded me how polarity can teach us great wisdom (e.g. the experience of feeling hatred toward another/self—which stems from fear energy—can lead us to the experience of deep understanding, empathy, compassion, unconditional forgiveness, unconditional acceptance, and/or embrace, which can then lead to the experience of profound unconditional love/unity consciousness):
“My feeling about this one is: money and fame give people power and the more they become powerful the less they can be manipulated. The systems of earth are designed to keep us powerless. In order to do so they need to indoctrinate us in beliefs that support their agenda. Of course we agreed to this before we incarnated so that we would have to work our way out of a state of powerlessness in order to understand our power. I don’t believe we can truly understand power until we have experienced powerlessness. In addition, we cannot lead people out of a state of powerlessness unless we have had the personal experience of finding our own way out. So, I do not feel any of us are victims here. We just need to see these beliefs and those who perpetrate them from the highest perspective, thank them for the lessons and move on […]”
Added June 24, 2015
Bashar on Simplicity, Abundance and The Natural Self : I love this very helpful, empowering, and inspirational message from Bashar (channeled through Darryl Anka), as well as the video, The Absolute BEST 1-hour BASHAR (Anka) Interview, that provides a clear understanding of channeling itself (something that probably everyone does at some point, even as our own Spirit within expressing through us).
The following are some intention statements that I co-created with my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within/Twin Flame within, after watching the above Bashar videos:
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