This post is about understanding the importance of raising our frequencies (as vibrational beings), not only as individuals, but ultimately more so as a collective group of souls, so that we can bring about more positive changes to our precious world.
I’d like to share with you a quote from a book called, “Sacred Union: A Journey to Joyful Living” by Suzanna Kennedy that explains frequency in an amazing way:
“Frequency is a measurement of the speed at which energy moves. Everything is energy. Love is the only energy there is. Compassion is the highest frequency of love and fear is the lowest frequency of love. Many teachers say that fear is the opposite of love. But there can be no opposite to All There Is. I agree. Not because they are opposites, but because of the Law of Harmonics…”
For further reading, click on the link below, and scroll down to the section (using the hand icon) called Frequency:
The following are additional interesting articles and videos:
- The Human Mind’s Best Kept Secret
- Basic Principles of Energy Healing
- Introduction to Energy Healing
- Human Energy Field (“Aura”)
- Chakras – Reiki Music (fascinating)
- Chakra Chart
- Throat Chakra Music (beautiful and inspiring)
- An Introduction to Chakras
- Your Chakra System
- CHAKRA ENERGY: Ways to Energize Your Chakras
- Chakra Meditation “Mastering the 7 Spheres of Consciousness with Sacred Sound (my favorite!)
- Kundalini Awakening Process (“The Illuminated Chakras”)
- Let Your Body Teach You to Be Healthy
- The Value of a Mantra
- Vibrational Frequency & Your Health (Includes 20 Ways to Increase Your Frequency & Optimize Your Health)
- Ways to Raise Your Vibrational Frequency
- A true healer
- Transparency vs Spin in Healers
- The secrets of self-healing
- Listen to your body for balance and health
- How to raise your vibration and lift your spirit? Process your fear!
- Why did they delete this from the secret? (by 7freelessons)
- The Sixth Chakra and Opening the Third Eye
- 936Hz Pineal Gland Activator Meditation
Note: Also check out the following related, positive posts:
- Struggle (A positive post that I reblogged from a spiritual blogger)
- Reblogged: A truly inspiring post about spiritual affirmations! (from another wonderful blogger)
- Basking in God’s Beauty
- Learning to Embrace and Rise Above Negative Transference of Energy
- Harmony of Light and Darkness
- A Purple World
- Turning Dreams Into Reality
“Let go of your old stories that keep you small. At this stage of the game, it is only your old habits, and illusions that can stand in the way of you becoming everything you desire to be. Be aware of your ‘I am’ statements. They define you far more than you realize. Be mindful with your words. Be a focused creator. Your ‘I am’ statements loudly announce to the universe who you really are. So, if you have an old habit of talking about how sick and tired you are, Dear Ones, you will not be having a very enjoyable time.
Let go of your old wounds, your old stories that no longer honour who you are. You have stepped completely out of those old energies at this point. That is what the purging process you’ve been going through has been for! Do not hold onto your old stories for they no longer apply.
You have magnificent blank canvases in front of you and each and every one of you has a palette that is filled with the most glorious colours and energies and it is up to you what you want to create, not only for your own life expression but for the New Earth as well. Having the courage to step into your mastery and embrace your authentic self and encouraging others to do the same is your sacred mission, Dear Ones. We are walking with you and enjoying every step of the journey with you. You are loved and honoured and so very blessed for the roles that you are playing. Step into your own sacredness but also allow yourself to have fun! Enjoy these now moments because this is what your soul has been craving to experience for millennia. This is what we wanted to share with you today.” Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young (
The following are videos that help us to focus on postive “I am” statements:
- I am
- Law of Attraction Daily Affirmations (by secretmeditations)
- Raise Your Vibrational Frequency to Higher Consciousness and Heal (by sedonahealthcoach)
Note: This post will be continuously updated as I come across other informative and interesting articles, posts, and videos. I you have any recommendations, please share them! I’m still learning about raising our frequencies, so any extra info would definitely help. I’m just excited to share this great info with whoever might be new to this. 🙂
Remember my brothers and sisters…”We Are All ONE.” A quote by Neale Donald Walsch
bobbie says
You’re very welcome Jonathan! 🙂 It’s so true, but I know we’ll eventually master it…it’s in our nature. It’ll probably take some baby steps, but we’ll get there. 😉
servingothersblog says
Thank you Bobbie. There is so much wisdom here. If we could all just know this, and remember it, especially when our faith is being tested, what a different world this would be.