Years ago, while very briefly tuning into a TV show—which I fully trust was part of that particular series of Divine synchronicity—I watched an innocent and slightly sad appearing young boy (probably around 6-7 years old) sitting on his bed within his room in a silent foster home.
Image by Taufan Kharunia from Pixabay
Using his imagination, like free-spirited children do, he started pretending that the pictures of strangers—that came with the few multi-picture frames on a desk—were his actual family and friends (even communicating with them), which deeply moved me.
Image by Anatoly777 from Pixabay [Hey! Sacred code 777 that I often notice, and then read the reminder—from website, ANGEL NUMBERS ~ Joanne Sacred Scribes—while following my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom/insights first and foremost. ^_^]
I was able to relate to him (even if he was just a fictional character), because I had done something similar since I didn’t feel at the time that I had anyone in my life—that wasย habitually supporting, encouraging, uplifting, celebrating, liberating, empowering, inspiring, and individual and Collective Consciousness expanding—which included Earth disconnected family members (at that time) and no friends for a while (though I’ve done my best to genuinely connect with and put forth efforts to make and maintain friendships).
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay
Granted, I did watch various mystical, spiritual, and self-help YouTube videos, as well as read various readings (books, other blog posts, articles, etc.), but even though these outer world Soul Teachers were often very helpful in their own unique way, they didn’t DEEPLY FEEL like the unforgettable connections I had experienced from my inner world.
Image by Tanja Schulte from Pixabay
So I had created vision boards of various aspects and extensions of what I trusted to be my own unconditionally loving, very supportive, and continually assisting Planet Earth, Galactic and Universal Soul Families (to include ancient ancestors).
Image by beate bachmann from Pixabay
This included those whom I’ve been in the presence with and interacted with in dream state, as well as those whom I very quickly saw during meditations as a flash image (which I’ve shared many stories within this blog for over a decade).
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Image [right below] by Shazib Nadeem from Pixabay
Some Examples: non-Caucasian, darker version of ancient Ascended Master Jesus within a cave, a group of Light Beings during our travel together, many earthly and otherworldly animal spirit guides/animal totems/power animals (to include telepathically talking ones), spiritually evolved and gentle loving E.T. Beings, a cupid looking angel, physical form representations of God & Goddess, and inner-child, One Eye within wormhole of moving squares within squares, that I trust to be theย
I AM Presence within: I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence
/Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse/ultimately, Holy Spirit/Cosmic Heart & Womb/The Unknown/The Void/Quantum Field (of Possibilities)/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Monad/Divine Mother Goddess/Alpha & Omega/All Names/The Nameless/Infinity.
Image [above right] by illusion-X from Pixabay
Granted, even if you’re not able to recall dreams (from not having opened your third eye yet), doesn’t mean that you didn’t experience them; and I trust that you will remember in Divine perfect timing and order.
In over 17 years that I’ve known my husband, I’m pretty sure he only recalled one dream, yes 1/uno/un/ichi/hana/il/etc..ย
Image by Zahid Bhat from Pixabay
And he shared it while he was seemingly half asleep, but told me about it as I was returning to bed after using the bathroom in the middle of the night.
The dream itself was otherworldly, where he and I were basically walking through what appeared to be an enchanted forest, in the presence of several cheetahs that were calmly sitting down and relaxing.
Image by Darkmoon_Art from Pixabay
If I recall correctly, we were being guided by some Being, though I don’t recall who; I’ll ask him when he arrives home, but he more than likely won’t recall either since he doesn’t journal his dreams, and I think I may have, will check later.
We looked up various interpretations of the cheetah spirit guide/animal totem in case he resonated with any of the messages.
Image by Elsemargriet from Pixabay
The photo below—which you can download and use, or create your own—is a new, sacred altar I had created I think the day before 12/6th’s New Moon and Solar Eclipse, an upgraded version from the two that I had created in the past, with added figurines, additional crystals that I had carefully chosen (though I’m mostly done buying more small ones), shaman related stones, etc.
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay
I even added this photo as my laptop wallpaper today to remind myself, daily, of my unconditionally loving, profoundly wise, immensely powerful, unstoppable, and overall amazing inner world support system, which I trust will continue mirroring back to me via the various, daily forms of my outer world’s series of synchronicity in Divine perfect timing and order.
And to my delightful surprise, even Earth relationships started mirroring back to me my inner world’s positive transformations.
For instance, not too long ago, I had further let go of the need to receive love back from various Soul relationships—my husband, Korean mother, adult kids, relatives in Korea, family friends (of my husband and I), Peter Sage’s EMF14 (Elite Mentorship Forum) members, Soul Teachers and others from online, acquaintances, strangers, etc.—but simply shared various forms of Unconditional Love from my Heart.
I simply filled my own inner cup/heart, and if they wanted to say farewellย at any point in our relationship, I was ready to fully embrace it.
For about a few months or so, I gradually started experiencing my outer world mirror back to me more of the same true love circle back to me—though very challenging ones would show up as well from old and outdated energies ready to be acknowledged, embraced, integrated, deeply healed, transmuted and released—and I’m deeply grateful for this gift.ย
Image by Elsemargriet from Pixabay
Granted, I’m also doing my best to unconditionally love full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical selves, to include human)/Self (Source/I AM: Soul & Spirit within) as well—to include developing and maintaining healthy boundaries (one of the main themes of the previous post, โDream of Baby Porcupine or Echidna & 3 Fox Cubs & Further Reclaiming Inner Powerโ )—which is very important and highly beneficial since we cannot fully, truly, and UNcondiitonally give to interconnected others/Life from an empty or barely-filled cup/heart.
Image by Merlin Lightpainting from Pixabay
However, whenever we fill or refill our inner cup/heart, our merged Heart’s Unconditional Love & Higher Mind’s Light —aka Spirit & Soul/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies/Goddess & God/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Water & Fire/Cold & Hot/Unknown & Known/etc.—can effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
Image by Kevin Phillips from Pixabay
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