In the middle of the night, my husband woke me up because I was apparently whimpering. I was so grateful that he rescued me from the most terrifying nightmare that more than likely stemmed from one of my dark, unknown, inner realities.
It was also comforting to see my dog gently approach me with concerned eyes, the way he usually does during such vulnerable moments.
Once I pet him to let him know that I’m feeling better, he then goes to the other side of our bed to check on my husband, which is so precious. I have no doubt that this loving behavior stems from his heart space, where his spark of consciousness resides within him.
One would think that a dream like, “The Dark Being and Jesus Within Me” would be under the horror category, but it strangely wasn’t.
The last nightmare that I considered “hell on earth” was a while back, and in it, literally everything in my actual earth life that could go wrong seemed to be multiplied by 10.
The main insight that I had gained from that dream was that I was going through some accelerated process of healing by being exposed to a mega combo package of devastating earthly dramas—my hidden fears regarding my close Earth relationships.
My belief at the time was that the Arcturians, who are known for their advanced healing technology, were responsible for the initiation that I had requested at some point.
And after highly resonating with their book, We, The Arcturians, at a later time, I became certain that it was their assistance indeed.
The only difference between then and now is that now I’m aware of the assistance (with individual and collective soul growth/evolution) of other Guardians of Light as well, who may also be members of my Family of Light, to include but not limited to the Pleiadians, Sirians, and recently Andromedans (the Andromedans are the only ones I’m not aware of having experienced in a dream state, only through a book that wasn’t even specifically about them).
So I trust that I will gain some insight from this nightmare as well, and be able to see with clarity for what it actually is—a spiritual dream of great wisdom, like all the other so-called nightmares.
As soon as my husband woke me up in the middle of the night, I noticed that my heart was still beating rapidly for what felt like at least a few minutes, which was a new experience upon waking up from a nightmare. Other times, I still felt a rapid heartbeat, but they were less intense and brief.
As I laid in bed, I still felt the remnants of all the negative energies that stemmed from fear. I’m usually able to recall most of my vivid dreams and nightmares, but this one was difficult to recall, and the parts that I did recall were somewhat blurry.
All I remember is that the atmosphere was like dark grayish, and I was lying down on I have no idea what. I felt movement right below me, and I sensed that whatever was underneath my left or right side of the body was whole, and whatever was underneath the opposite side had a chunk missing from it.
I was crying and trying to scream for help because I noticed that my arms and legs were pinned down. At one point, as I was helplessly lying there,I turned to my right.
I saw this being whose face was right in front of mine. Although I wasn’t able to make out the details of his blurry facial features, I sensed that he was male. The next thing I recall was that I started yelling at him how much I hated him. I think I hated him so much that I wanted to kill him.
The overall experience felt as though I was within a small space filled with the most intense version of negative energies—especially, anger, hatred, and fear—that I had ever experienced.
After getting up for the day, my husband informed me that upon waking up, I had mumbled to him (in an angry yet calm tone) something to the effect of why he didn’t take me to the hospital; and I apparently ended my sentence with a “I hate you so much.”
Although I was aware that I was talking to him in my somewhat disoriented state, I recalled that the voice strangely didn’t sound like my own, or even feel like it was coming from me, which was a bit disturbing at first.
I later realized that the unfamiliar voice was my shadow aspect of my feminine energy that still had remnants of the hurtful energy within her that my ego self/masculine energy/wounded inner-child had repressed.
I have a feeling that the comment about the hospital and how much I hated “him” was an enactment in physical reality of what my feminine shadow was not finished expressing to my masculine shadow due to me being woken up from the dream state.
I sense that my feminine shadow wanted to know why my masculine shadow didn’t allow her to heal (symbolized by the word, “hospital”) by often repressing and suppressing the feminine energy throughout God knows how many lifetimes. And of course, the “I hate you so much” comment that followed stemmed from deep, hurting wounds.
I wondered about the dream earlier today, and I now sense that I just received an insight from my Divinity within, in the form of inner-wisdom.
Before I’m able to completely embrace and integrate my masculine energy aspect of my soul with my feminine energy within me—hence, creating balance—I (my feminine shadow aspect of self) must first completely heal by releasing the stored hurtful energies with its DNA.
As my feminine shadow realizes that by fully facing the so-called “worst”/extremely aggressive aspects of the masculine energy actually helped it to trigger its hurtful energies to be released (part of the Divine Plan), it will then be able to reunite with my masculine energy with an open heart in this particular physical reality, which is just one version of many parallel earth realities.
I sense that this particular dream-state reality was one of the lowest vibrational frequency states because it matched my low vibrational state last night.
My vibrational frequency was lowered due to my recent very lower energies along with my consumption of snacks that contained an excessive amount of sugar and wheat in them the night prior to the nightmare.
Sugar and wheat apparently lowers our vibrational frequency, among other foods that interfere with the proper functioning of the mind or are simply dense foods—especially red meat, an other meats, which were not raised under clean, healthy and loving conditions and butchered with compassion.
I don’t regret eating two Nutella Togo’s, like I haven’t been regretting anything else that I end up doing or Being lately, because if I choose to trust that everything happens in Divine perfect timing and Divine order, I must also trust that I (at the integrated soul level of a higher frequency parallel reality) sent myself such an experience so that I could operate (life purpose/soul mission) at the low levels of dream-state reality/4D in order to finally and fully face the rest of my wounded aspects of self—the “hurt” energy trapped deep within me from this and other life times.
I noticed that it’s easier to raise one’s vibration—via Being present, eating lighter and healthier foods, being surrounded by nature, Being grounded, drinkings lots of purified water, thinking/feeling/speaking/acting in a positive way, Being grateful and appreciative of all of Life, etc.—and thus, be able to explore the heavenly, beautiful and even fascinating Life in positive dream-states and other higher dimensions.
However, not only is “hanging out” at higher dimensions not a priority of my life purpose/soul mission right now (as Pleiadians have mentioned in one their messages from the book, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians), but it’s also much more challenging to allow oneself to lower one’s vibrational frequency very well knowing—without a shadow of a doubt—what’s ahead in dreamland; and it definitely ain’t flowers and rainbows.
A seemingly downside of playing/experimenting with one’s vibrational frequency is being one’s own guinea pig.
I learned (as a human being)/remembered (as a soul) from the Arcturians’ teachings that we learn our life lessons in all of the dimensions, to include the many life lessons of 3D physical reality, and the life lessons initiated by Jesus during his time regarding the 4D physical reality or dream-state, which is mastering the journey inward/the expression of unconditional love to self and others, as well as forgiveness.
We must pass the life lessons of Earth school prior to moving onto other higher dimensions. Note: If this information highly resonates with you—and you’ll intuitively know it because it’ll excite you, a sign that it is in alignment with your soul—read the Arcturian book mentioned above for further details. 😉
As I raise my vibrational frequency, I tune into another parallel that matches my state, and one of the higher versions includes an already existing version of my soul that has fully healed, integrated and balanced itself by merging with one another, and with Divine SPirit/All That Is.
Once again, my masculine energy within me revealed to my feminine shadow its darkest and densest side.
I have a feeling that I was pinned down, not against my will, but because my soul—the fully healed, integrated and balanced version/my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Consciousness in a parallel reality—had chosen for that experience to happen in Divine perfect timing and order so that I would seemingly have no choice but to stick around and see the very dark side that I (my fearful ego self aspect of me) have been more than likely doubting, avoiding, denying, suppressing, rejecting, disowning and repressing for more than likely this lifetime, as well as many other lifetimes.
It’s no wonder that within this past week, I’ve experienced sudden moments of feeling intense anger which seemed to just come out of nowhere. It was like multi-symptom PMS week amplified.
Granted, I only recently learned to turn off at will my sometimes overactive empathy (which needs practice), which is natural for an empath.
For instance, my son currently has shin splints, and is not a happy camper about it, and understandably so because he’s a high-speed and long distance runner.
While going grocery shopping the other day, my left shin was briefly aching, and I instantly knew that it was related being able to physically empathize with my son’s pain.
A while back, my husband fell in the bathtub and hit his butt on the tub faucet. The next day, my right butt cheek hurt (the exact location as his bruise), and I was speechless because I had never experienced that before.
That was my introduction to a foreign word at the time called empath, although I was familiar with the word empathy.
So some of the “negative” energies of anger, sadness, apathy, judgment, etc. may not actually be mine (although ultimately others are extensions of my Expanded Self), but I may have absorbed some of those energies through phone conversations with close family members this past week.
In order for one’s full healing to take place—to include being exposed to Light and Love frequencies—all the seemingly “bad,” “negative,” “dark,” and “evil” stuff has to surface from the deep wounds within—its once long-time hiding place.
As our inner wounds surface (sometimes gradually and subtly and other times abruptly and intensely), let’s strive to remember to Be our gentle and loving Divine Presence to ourselves—to include having self-awareness, self-respect, self-worth, self-confidence, self-empowerment, deep understanding, empathy, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, unconditional acceptance and unconditional love—and to also honor both our positive and negative feelings, which communicates to us the root of the deeper wounds, especially during dream state.
If I were to tell you, or even worse, convince myself, that I wasn’t at least somewhat fearful there might be another surge of major negative energies waiting to be released, I would be lying.
Anyone who has ever experienced very vivid and life-like nightmares knows how much it can shake one up; however, I’ve noticed a pattern.
As I gain insight from such nightmarish dreams, I’m able to go to bed every night and silently state my intentions, which includes, “My intention is to effortlessly fulfill the Divine will within me,” which comes with the implication that I’m ready for any seemingly crazy-ass experience that will be highly beneficial for my individual and collective soul growth/evolution.
Like the great Nelson Mandela once said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”
Rather than dreading so-called “negative” experiences, I’ve decided to trust the process of Life and embrace them with an open Mind/Heart to the best of my ability at whichever Moment of Now, something I’m working on mastering with much practice, until trust is no longer needed since inner-knowing will eventually take its place.
What matters is that I’m still here, even after a dramatic dream-state experience, and if Divinity/Divine Consciousness within me chooses to continue experiencing physical reality within me, as me, and through me, then so be it…the Divine will shall be done. ^_^