The following is from today’s update to this blog’s category page, “AM I : I AM“:
UPDATE on top of this page added on 4/6/2021
Hathor am I, and to my beauty drawn
All glories of the Universe bow down,
The blossom and the mountain and the dawn.
Fruit’s blush, and woman, our creation’s crown.
I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine,
I am the love and life of the divine!
Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine—
Are mine.
While following my inner guidance—that started with a dream analysis this morning—I came upon the above reading, “HATHOR, THE TURQUOISE GODDESS” that shared an excerpt from a poetic work that stated the below paragraph (which preceded the quote above)
The goddess Hathor appears sporadically throughout the works of Crowley where she is usually seen as either a solar deity or as the Egyptian equivalent of Venus or Aphrodite.
In Crowley’s poetic work, Tannhauser, she is one of the characters that is of the “World of the Gods.”
Therein she has merely one line: “Light, Truth, arise, arise!” In this work she is seen as being synonymous with Aphrodite and Mary.
From dream journal on 3/26/2021 (Fri):
I had a vivid dream (with elusive details) of a blue whale being set free into the ocean.
I think I was surrounded by dolphins as well. I then went under water, heard and saw the whale that was at a distance, and started swimming towards it.
I trust that the ginormous blue whale and vast ocean are spiritually symbolic of Prime Creator/Creator of ALL Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Divine Feminine Energies within interconnected Life of this Universe and beyond/Ancient Lemuria Energies/Moon/Yin/Higher Heart/Cosmic & Profound Wisdom/The Great Holy Spirit/Divine Mother Goddess.
And the dolphins are symbolic of the Divine Masculine within interconnected Life/Sun/Yang/Higher Mind/Soul/God/Ancient Atlantis Energies.
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