I further realized, that the more I remember daily, to embrace whatever shows up in Life, from an overall neutral perspective…
with a MERGED Heart/Mind—a discerning open Mind (to not be gullible), and an open Heart with healthy boundaries (to not be a doormat)—
the more I AM INNER: WHOLEness / Authenticity, Profound Wisdom, Gratitude, Appreciation, Peace, Freedom, Unconditional Love, Joy, Every Stepping Stone of WHOLE Self/self Success, Power, and much more.
When I can SEE 💖👁️👀 with CLARITY all the abundance of gifts 💝 that Life has to offer—whether obvious blessings and/or blessings in disguise—then…
I AM Inner & Outer Wealth.
I took a photo of the gorgeous, cactus 🌵 flower 🌸 this morning, since the 3rd flower bloomed, which reminded me of sacred Trinity within (a non-religious meaning).
I then uploaded it to Pixabay to share; but since it can take up to 3 days for it to be approved, I also created a poster out of it using canva.com.
5/11/2024 Saturday (yesterday): I shared the following message for Dr. Joe Dispenza’s video via his Facebook page, “The latest research on memory says that 50% of what we talk about in our past isn’t the truth“:
It’s wise to Be Discerning about what information truly resonates.
Expert scientists from the past have made inaccurate claims as well, to include most of our DNA being “junk DNA,” humans and Mother Nature only being able to perceive through 5 senses, the structure of the atom, etc.
The majority of UNKNOWN Life within this Universe and way beyond canNOT be understood and measured via the logical mind, as much as science would like to attempt.
It’s also wise to ensure that there’s no GASLIGHTING occurring when you tell people that they’re making up 50% of what they recall.
Consciousness is NOT just about brain 🧠 measurements and other forms of categorizing via many limiting boxes 📦.
After all, there are also many positive, LOVE-based memories as well.
I respect Dr. Joe Dispenza for his mind’s intelligence, and his gifts he shares with humanity and beyond.
But I’ve noticed that he seemingly rarely speaks about the importance of intuition, multidimensional psychic abilities, Unconditional Love, and many HEART related topics, as well as the BENEFITS of emotions and FEELINGS, and NOT just being from the past.
Doc, how do you and these scientists explain MANY earthly and otherworldly, vivid dreams, to include parallel and alternate universes, and experiences of even interacting with Extraterrestrials from various star systems from the past?
So far, I’ve watched two of Joe’s Rewired episodes via Gaia TV, and the majority of the content was impressive and very helpful.
But I’ve also learned to NOT always take onboard everything anyone from outer world says—even if they’re so-called experts—since I prefer to follow my own inner guidance/intuition.
I’ve also learned to NOT “throw out the baby with the bath water,” so I will continue to watch his series.
Nonetheless thank you Joe, and I hope you also connect more with your Heart and your spiritual essence, and not mainly focus on your mind’s abilities and science, since we highly benefit via the MERGED Heart/Mind.
I also came upon the following part of a podcast that makes some keen observations, “98 PLACEBO JOE DISPENZA” (you can click on the above title to open the link in another window; screenshot below):
The new experiences above led to the following share of a message for the same podcast channel that I discovered yesterday, “Conspirituality 49: Traumatic Influence (w/Kyra Haglund & Hala Khouri)“:
Thank you all for sharing. I listened to what seemed like more than half of this podcast. I skipped certain sections that I wasn’t interested in.
The guys brought up some keenly observant, discerning, intelligent, and valid points, and also shared some very helpful information, especially about Teal Swan and the other young, social media influencer.
Throughout my life, I’ve been following my inner guidance first and foremost while learning from outer world, Soul Teachers—regardless of the earthly labels, to include age, gender, career title, etc.—and only taking onboard what highly resonates, and discarding whatever doesn’t.
After leaving the Army life in 2011–and deep diving into inner work and healing for 13 years, I’ve explored the broad, rainbow spectrum of Spirituality, and further learned to Be a discerning open Mind (to avoid being gullible), and an open Heart with healthy boundaries (to avoid being a doormat).
In this journey, I have also directly questioned many who claimed to be spiritual teachers and healers, whenever I strongly sensed red flags 🚩.
And this even includes the red flags that showed up while working and residing within Sedona, known as the “Mecca of Spirituality,” that used to TRIGGER 🤬😤 me 😅 with some of the 🐂 💩 and corruption (to include taking advantage of the deeply wounded and vulnerable).
Even within Sedona, I, too, triggered many (especially coworkers), by expressing what I observed. Let’s just say I wasn’t popular.
However, I’ve also experienced a handful of true spiritual teachers and healers, that I fully trust are the REAL DEAL, as well as some genuinely kind Souls.
So it’s not black and white, but many shades and hues of colors and grays.
Even when it comes to crystals, just like everything in Life, there’s the WHOLE spectrum of authentic through fake, and everything in-between.
I have experienced a handful of crystals where their metaphysical properties matched my vivid dreams, while wearing them, or placing them in my pillow. I’ve even energetically FELT a Moldavite once, before I even knew what it was (also had an otherworldly dream).
But are there many within humanity who misuse and abuse spiritual tools, and any other type of energetic tools, to include ultimately neutral money? Absolutely.
But it’s NOT about the energetic tool itself, but the operator. For instance, a hammer can be used to build beautiful and practical furniture, or to harm Life.
Without turning this into a mini novel, I’ve learned that even within the so-called darkness of Spirituality—and Life in general, especially within the male-dominated and sometimes corrupt military—I was able to gain profound wisdom by learning from the so-called right vs wrong, good vs bad, light vs dark, etc.
After all, we exist within a PHYSICAL world that includes the package deal of OPPOSITES/CONTRASTS/DUALITY/POLARITY, that are very effective gifts 💝💖 in helping us to REALIZE what we prefer and don’t prefer in Life.
The further REALIZATION was that I don’t need to completely resonate with everyone and everything, but to be receptive to whatever gifts 💝💖 that ultimately NEUTRAL Life has to offer.
And this includes controversial Souls like Teal Swan—whom I confronted many times, and called her out on her BS and some harmful ways—as well as feeling grateful for some of her beneficial gifts that she does share.
Ironically, I actually learned from her “NOT to throw out the baby with the bath water,” which I’ve been doing my best to apply to daily Life since then.
However COMMA I intuitively and strongly knew NOT to join any spiritual communities that FELT OFF (to include Teal’s Tribe), despite not minding tuning into her shares once in a blue moon (that I’ll naturally be drawn to, or not).
In addition, the NON-PHYSICAL World is VAST beyond the physical mind’s comprehension; hence, it’s wise NOT to swing the pendulum to the polar opposite extreme, and remain STUCK in separation consciousness.
When it comes to channeling, extraterrestrials, psychic abilities, etc., NOT everything about is untrue, just because there are many who don’t represent the sacred Divine in an honest way (with integrity).
I’ve had an abundance of earthly and otherworldly experiences, to include daily synchronicity of past/present/future lives within parallel and alternate realities, as well as interactions with extraterrestrials from various star systems in dream state, see Lightbeings, having psychic abilities (much more in dream state), etc.; but I don’t expect anyone to believe me.
What matters most is that I KNOW—via experiential knowledge/wisdom—what I experienced, and not gas-light myself, by allowing the outer world tell me who I am, or not—about my core essence, vibrational frequency.
I deeply resonate with what the two ladies shared towards the end of this podcast, which FELT like balance and harmonious wisdom from the MERGED Heart/Mind.
Thank you all for helping me to tune into my own inner-wisdom as well, and sharing these insights that came to me while typing.
Your sharing has gifted me with this new experience that wasn’t unexpected.
By the way, regarding the other, young female, social media influencer…
I don’t know her, but I did a quick search after you mentioned her, and noticed that her book looked familiar.
I then realized I had bought her book a while back, due to a series of synchronicity that I had experienced (which led to it).
And though I haven’t read it yet, I now will (with Discernment), since I found out today (thanks to you guys), that it includes the channeling of the Mother Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet 🐮🐯, among other earthly names/representative of The Divine Feminine energies/essence (ultimately The Nameless).
S/He—The Divine Feminine Goddess & Divine Masculine God Essence (aka MERGED Heart/Mind, ☯️✡️💖)—IS The Return.
Wishing you all many forms (and non-forms) of uplifting blessings 💝 .
Mulantis 🕊️🐲|🐮🐯|💖
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