What is True Freedom anyway? Do we have it or not? And if so, how much, and by whose standards is it enough? And if not, for how long do we need to chase it?
Will we be on our death beds wondering if we were ever fully and truly free?
Because that would be a sad ending, like many K-dramas are known to be; and though I really enjoy some of them, I would actually prefer my life—and interconnected Life within this world and beyond—to have a happy ending, perhaps mumbling my last breath of words, “I wasn’t always aware that I was completely free within, at every moment, but I’m grateful that I remembered (as a Soul/Spirit within) sooner than later.”
Like me, and many others, if you’re tired…or even exhausted, from deeply yearning for this seemingly unattainable thing called FREEDOM—and not these tiny bits and pieces that we feel like we experience every now and then, like leftover scraps—then let’s LIBERATE ourselves once and for all.
Image by Kevin Phillips from Pixabay
How? By REALIZING that we are FREE to BE whoever at every moment of now…yes, EVERY single moment of NOW.
For instance, we have the power to choose what we think and believe about ourselves and so-called others, rather than being told who we are (our inner world) and what our outer world is.
Rather than be a prisoner to our seemingly uncontrollable emotions (that stems from suppressing them), we can choose to be authentic and embrace ALL neutral emotions—our inner compass revealing how we really feel at any given moment—without labeling them as right or wrong, good or bad, light or dark, etc.
Instead, we can express and process them in healthy ways, so that they don’t end up exploding in an out of control manner, like: honest and tactful communication (to self/others), neutrally observing meditation, art, music, dancing, hiking, other forms of exercise, relaxing, napping, coloring, reading, soaking in a bath, journaling, listening to uplifting music that you love (to include high frequency healing music), inner-child work, shadow work/mirror work (via the 7 Essene Mirrors), etc.
If we choose to believe that we are poor, then we will continue to experience poverty consciousness—continue to feel trapped within poverty, a poor person’s mentality—and continue having various related experiences of lack (e.g., not enough self-love, money, time, relationships, material items, status, power, health, joy, etc.).
However, if we choose to believe that we—our full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (human self)/Self (Soul/Spirit) within—is abundant, rich, and wealthy beyond any worldly values, currency and treasures, then by initiating and habitually Being in this state of Prosperity Consciousness, we will naturally attract to us everything that we need for our journey (and not necessarily everything our individual and Collective Ego thinks it needs).
When I was in first grade or so, my adoptive American dad, Korean mother, and I rented a tiny room to live in while residing in Korea.
We were so poor, that instead of eating rice with kimchi and other side dishes (the typical Korean meal), my mother chopped up some onions, mixed some ketchup with it, and we ate it as the only side dish with rice.
My dad often ate western meals by himself—that either my mother prepared, or at restaurants—and sometimes we would join him.
What’s interesting to me is that back then, I actually enjoyed this meal, and was too young to understand what it meant to be poor; hence, not concerned or worried about it, and not even experiencing lack.
So I’m reminded that it really is about a shift in perspective. Innocent children throughout this world truly are free-spirited, authentic Beings who simply flow with Life, fully trust it, and enJOY the journey (until they’re later conditioned by society to fear many things about Life).
When I used to be called various, unpleasant names throughout childhood (and even adulthood at times), it used to hurt me deeply.
However, I’m at a place within my Life journey where I can comfortably reply to another (should they say anything hurtful) something to the effect of, “Your perception, like everyone else’s, is valid, though it may not be completely accurate or even true.”
If someone were to ever make a comment about my facial appearance, I can gently, lovingly, and assertively reply, “You’re right, I can be ugly, according to this world’s limited definition of what beauty is, but I can also be beautiful in my own, unique way that I fully embrace and appreciate.”
If someone were to ever make a sarcastic, ridiculing comment about my shoe size (the way my most recent, former employer did), I can now gently, lovingly, and assertively reply, “You’re right, I sometimes shop for children’s shoes since I have very small feet, which I fully embrace and adore.”
If my mother were to ever tell me (again, for the third time) that I have a bad personality, I can gently, lovingly, and assertively reply to her, “You’re right mom, I can be bad and wrong, but I can also be good, deeply loving, and right, and many other aspects.”
However, our phone calls have been pretty peaceful lately, so I’m grateful for these new changes, that I trust stem from changes within (via shadow work/mirror work via the 7 Essence Mirrors).
I’m realizing more and more that TRUE FREEDOM is BEING our CORE ESSENCE—Divine Love (Unconditional Love for self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond), Divine Wisdom (the realization that ALL IS WELL in Life at every moment; everything has a Divine Purpose, ultimately for Life’s highest benefit) and Divine Power (Spirit/Heart power meant to highly benefit all, not misused or abused).
It’s also NOT allowing the outer world to shake our precious and invaluable inner world. It’s saying NO THANKS to whatever doesn’t FEEL right/light/true to our Hearts.
Even if something extremely drastic and horrible were to happen (according to limited human perspective)—like someone pointing a gun to our heads threatening to take our lives—rather than become frantic, desperate, and beg for our lives to be spared, we can actually take a deep breath, connect with our Sacred Self within, and choose to remain calm (to the best of our ability).
We can CHOOSE to simply TRUST that no matter what happens—to include death, a mere transformation of energy state—ALL IS WELL with our full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (human self)/Self (Soul/Spirit) within, that is much greater than the physical body.
Like I sometimes share with others, if it’s time to go…it’s time to go; so why not go gracefully rather than kicking and screaming, especially if the latter doesn’t help the situation.
Doesn’t that FEEL more liberating and empowering?
When Death visits me, in Divine perfect timing and order, I intend to welcome it with open and loving arms, giving it a BIG BEAR HUG, and thanking it for its service, like you would a Veteran and like others.
In this particular world, the word freedom often goes hand in hand with what needs to be earned, especially via the military through back to back to back, seemingly never-ending conflicts, battles, and wars.
However COMMA I trust that True Freedom is interconnected Life’s Divine birthright, to include Souls.
This morning, while sitting on the toilet, I felt grateful after realizing how much freedom I have, though often times, freedom is something that we all chase after, like an elusive butterfly dancing within nature with its colorful and graceful Beingness.
I was reminded that at every moment of now, we have the freedom to choose who to Be within our inner world—mentally (ex. whether to be optimistic or pessimistic), emotionally (ex. whether to be unconditionally kind or unnecessarily hard on ourselves), physically (ex. whether to make healthy choices or not), and spiritually (ex. whether to unconditionally embrace so-called others or not)—and even what to say and do, despite our outer, temporary circumstances.
Even when it comes to our financial status, I was reminded of a definition of Bashar (channeled via Darryl Anka) shared a while back, and also realized that I have everything that I need in the present (and I trust that I’ll continue to have what I need in the future); I googled Bashar’s definition of abundance.
Rather than go to his direct website, I was drawn to a reading shared by Healing Zen, who does a great job of sharing an insight to how she feels insecure, whenever she thinks about her financial status, which many of us can relate to, in addition to the following (click on the link/word ‘Abundance’ below to open in another window):
“Bashar said clearly about the definition of ‘Abundance’: The ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it. Bashar also told us to relax our definition about how abundance is supposed to come to us in whatever form, and then we will allow all the forms to work together. Abundance is not just about money, Money is just part of its forms. Abundance could also in a form of synchronicity, imagination, gifts, etc. synchronicity is a form of abundance: Bringing what you need exactly when you need it […] “How follow an excitement can support you?“ (I forget at times how helpful Bashar’s teachings are).
So I continued to follow my inner guidance—only doing what I felt excited to do at whatever degree—which was watching a helpful video by Artie Wu (link further down).
After this short video, I noticed the top comment (right below) when I was about to share a gratitude comment, which instantly, intuitively, and interestingly reminded me to continue creating via this blog, as well as YouTube videos (that I had paused for a while), but this time, communicate and share in person:
Sharlene Speights
1 month ago
Please put more posts out there we are suffering so intensely in these times and hungry for wisdom and you have some to share. Greatfull for what you offer.
Just for fun, I felt like googling the meaning of the name Sharlene above (something I do whenever I feel like it), and the following is one interpretation from the website Think Baby Names:
Sharlene as a girls’ name is pronounced shar-LEEN. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Sharlene is “free man”.
The above name meaning reminded me to Be Free at every moment since we (our I AM Presence within) are ultimately in charge of our inner world on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—though it may not manifest in outer world right away (like a reflection in the mirror); I trust that it will in due time.
This freedom theme also reminded me of a fun trip I had with my husband yesterday, though before we left, it wasn’t so fun.
I had suggested this trip several times for almost two years, and he would always have a reason not to go, to include this past September’s reason that it was too hot, and day before yesterday’s reason (end of October) that it was too cold (which I brought to his attention).
Side Note: When taking into consideration Shadow Work/Mirror Work (especially via the 7 Essence Mirrors), I realized that I can be this way too (i.e., making excuses when it comes to going places). The last time I agreed to go hiking with my husband in Sedona, AZ (where we currently reside), the trail that he chose that day was a bit lengthy, and included multiple steep hills; hence, I experienced intense back aches—that I didn’t have for a while thanks to a mostly clean keto diet with treat days—for almost a week upon returning from it. Ever since, I didn’t look forward to going on hikes with him, and I explained to him why (which he understood). However, I initially told him what he had been telling me, excuses like, “It’s too hot” and “It’s too cold.”
Anyhoo, I didn’t want to force him to go—though he claimed that he was truly interested ever since I brought it up—so I finally let it go, told him to forget about it, and that I would go by myself one day with or without him (something I often did before I met him and after my divorce with my first/ex-husband—explore and fully enjoy my outer world on my own; and I didn’t even own a TV during this timeframe via choice, not because I didn’t have the money).
To my surprise, he insisted on going, and he was really glad that he did, because we both had some new and heartfelt experiences.
Unlike the typical zoos, places like Out of Africa Wildlife Park (in Camp Verde, AZ) supposedly provide a sanctuary for wild animals that are not beneficial to release back to their natural habitat; plus, they have a huge area to explore, rather than a small, confined space.
We had never experienced being so close, yet, feeling so safe around so many wild animals, especially very large: giraffes (that we had a chance to feed celery sticks to), zebras, orange and white tigers, lions and lionesses, gray and white wolves, brown and black bears, a couple of hyenas, a cougar, and an Asian rhino (which I’ll add videos that my husband took another time).
While standing in front of them, or near them, we were intrigued by their strong presence that strangely felt so comfortable.
I meowed several times at the felines, and howled at the wolves, and my husband chuckled while sharing that a boy near us was also howling; like him, that was my inner-child freely and fully expressing without any logical thoughts about what others may think! My husband also told me that he recorded the moments.
Despite their vast, available space, only three of the animals—1 of multiple tigers, 1 white wolf of several, and 1 cougar—seemed to be fully enjoying their environment, sitting like a HUGE, confident and powerful sphinx, guarding its throne and keenly observing surrounding Life.
The rest appeared so tired and/or depressed, laying on the dry dirt baked by the scorching hot desert sun.
I wondered if they deeply yearned for freedom, the way our Soul does whenever it’s not following Spirit/Heart, Being authentic, full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, and only doing what it loves, enjoys, and is truly passionate about.
The Asian rhino, that was by itself, initially didn’t come out of its indoor space, but slowly made its way out after a couple of minutes of us standing there wondering where it was.
Even the rhino looked sad and practically lifeless. At one point, it gently pushed against some bars attached to the wall in front of it.
It did this several times, and I shared with my husband that it more than likely has the power to effortlessly break down the bars and the wall with its huge size, but s/he probably doesn’t realize it due to what she’s been conditioned to believe (like the deeply heartfelt story of the huge, grown elephant that was tied to a tree since it was a calf, but didn’t believe it could break it down, though it could).
The story of this rhino was blurred out by the old sign that could use some renovation; hence, we didn’t know its gender.
From an expanded perspective, I realize that none of us are victims of this world—like the Pleiadians reminded in one of Barbara Marciniak’s book—which includes these magnificent animals; perhaps they volunteered to have their own, unique experiences before manifesting on planet Earth, in order to grow and evolve on all levels (like us).
But just in case they could use some Unconditional Love and upliftment, I imagined, visualized, and did my best feeling as though I was gently petting them and transmitting the Love frequency from my heart space to theirs.
One of the daily shows included an opportunity to touch a 13 foot and over 100 lb Burmese Python; and was excited about it, and stood in line with dozens of children and adults who probably felt the same. Duchess (the snake’s name) was so gentle and curious, and felt so smooth and full of moving Life.
I gently placed both of my hands onto her skin and blessed her, the way I visualized doing for the other animals that I wasn’t able to physically touch.
I shared the following comment for the above mentioned video, “Why great ideas and inspiration come to us in the shower“:
Artie, thank you so much for sharing this helpful video message, especially why we’re more open to receiving downloads while in the shower, which has happened multiple times.
I love the dream interpretations that you’ve shared in your soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt “7-Day Healing” course, so I hope you still don’t feel as though you’ve been “dragged” into it (as stated in video).
You have various, invaluable gifts, to include the profound wisdom that you’ve shared in your live, sacred sessions. It would be nice if more of us were open to such gems of Light & Unconditional Love, but I trust that for all of us, the unconventional Master Teacher/Healer will appear when the conventional students and teachers are ready.
Continue SHINING BRIGHT for your full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, and interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
We may not witness all the ripple to TSUNAMI waves of effects of our contributions, but I have no doubt that they are touching many hearts of seemingly countless Souls throughout the Multiverse.
You are appreciated Soul brother! 😉
Today is Halloween/ October 31, 2021
Since I’ve been experiencing a lot of fatigue lately, as well as hearing various tones (to include loud musical ones) and having back to back earthly and otherworldly dreams lately, I reread the freedom post related to moon energy (below), as well as a few other ones, and received some great reminders.
I was also drawn to this reading about the upcoming New Moon on 11/4/2021, “Here’s The Spiritual Meaning Of November’s New Moon”—since I’ve noticed a pattern over the years of feeling the intense moon energies at least a few days before and after—which correlated with this morning’s dream of my adoptive dad who passed away, as well as Halloween (today):
While Halloween will have just passed by the time this new moon peaks on Nov. 4, this lunation will actually extend some of spooky vibes of the season.
That’s because the annual new moon in Scorpio is sometimes known as “Lunar Samhain” — a reference to the witchy celebration of Samhain (which typically takes place on Halloween).
During this pagan holiday, it’s believed that the “veil” between the world of the departed and the living is thinner and more penetrable, so many people use this occasion to connect with the spirit realm and honor their ancestors.
That said, November’s new moon is a meaningful moment for looking inward and getting real with your dark side.
Instead of resisting the unknown and fearing the inevitable cycle of passing and rebirth, now’s a time to fully embrace the more shadowy parts of your psyche and try transforming your pain into power.
Related “Freedom” Posts From This Blog
- “Freedom” (an old, yet profound, post from when I started blogging)
- “Let’s Gift Ourselves and Others More Freedom to Fully BE“
- “Liberating Wings of Freedom: Rising Above Childhood and/or Adulthood Abuse” (especially under subtitle, “Comments of the Unloving Mother vs. the Loving Mother”)—which also includes links to posts, “Generosity” and “Sharing” (examples of wonderful qualities of my mother)
- “TRUE FREEDOM: Be, Think, Believe, Feel, Say, Do, Eat, Drink, etc. What YOUR Soul TRULY Desires to Experience“
- “A Path to Ultimate Freedom: Know Love & Trust Self/Soul/Spirit Within“
- “Divine Synchronicity of Moon Energy, Non-Attachment, and True Freedom“
- “A Farewell List to Ultimate Freedom“
- “Path to Ultimate Freedom Graduation Card“
- “Ultimate Freedom of The Neutral Infinite Creator Within ALL of Creation“
I shared the following comment for this very short video, “Rise Up – Rumi (Powerful Life Poetry)“:
Thank you so much for sharing this soul-igniting and heartfelt poem by Rumi! ^_^
I shared the following comment for this short video, “Carl Jung – Ending Your Inner Civil War (read by Alan Watts)“:
Thank you so much for sharing this unconditionally loving, profound wisdom by Carl Jung.
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