I shared most of the following comment for the soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt video, “LEO | SPIRIT URGES YOU TO KNOW YOU’VE BEEN CHOSEN OUT OF EVERYONE FOR THIS” (included this note within certain sections, “[had to delete here since comment too long, but will be in a post]):
Spiritually Honest Tarot, you truly are a profoundly wise, old Soul, despite your very young appearing, physical, human vehicle.
I had a very rough day yesterday, to the point where I felt I had reached the peak of exhaustion on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—and thanked Spirit ahead of time for having deep compassion, and for the Divine gift of death (preferably peacefully in my sleep, since I’m ready).
Side Note: Above paragraph shared in yesterday’s post, “Thank you Heart/Spirit/Goddess for Deep Compassion & The Divine Gift of Death“
This morning, I noticed the title of this video show up into my awareness in Divine perfect timing and order; and from the moment I clicked on it, I experienced this particular series of Divine synchronicity, which I’d like to share with you, and whoever else happens to be drawn to this message, since I continue to trust that sharing Light (beneficial information, knowledge, and wisdom) and Unconditional/True Love (for self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond) powerfully contributes to the expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness.
Soon after you started speaking from your Heart—you sound like a clean channel of Spirit by the way—I broke down crying from the depths of my Heart, but not so much in a sad way, but while feeling deep gratitude to Spirit/Heart/Goddess, God/Light, Universe, Angelic Realm, Ascended Masters, Earth/Galactic/Universal Soul Families, animal spirit guides, Elemental Realm, and all other loving and supporting aspects and extensions of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self.
I did experience a series of synchronicity in January of this year (2022), that included seeing a license plate in Sedona, AZ that read “CHOSEN”—on my way to get a COVID-19 test due to the most INTENSE “flu” like symptoms I’ve had in over a decade (result was negative since it was ascension, Light symptoms)—and then reading later that day about “chosen” ones, from where I had left off within a book that I suddenly and strongly sensed to continue reading again, though I hadn’t for a while (about The Return of The Anunnaki supposedly scheduled for the end of this year).
[Side Note inserted: This post included the “chosen” story: “Synchronicity: Update About Covid-19 & Galactic & Universal Puzzle Pieces“]
I once had a vivid dream years ago, where I noticed a group of unknown, female beings—-though don’t recall what they looked like—who seemed to be setting up an area, like at a wholistic festival.
They laid out small cases of makeup, and while I was checking out an eye shadow case with shades of blue, a female Being said to me, “The Anunnaki don’t wear those colors.” I replied, “Who are the Anunnaki?” and that’s all I recall from that dream.
Of course, being a former, Cryptologic Analyst and then Human Intelligence Collector in the Army, I wished I had asked follow up questions like, “Are you implying that I’m an Anunnaki?” and “Then what colors do the Anunnaki wear, and why?”
I also wondered if I was drawn to and checking out the color blue eyeshadows, because of a dream I had of standing on some platform and traveling with a small group of Light Beings, while feeling safe and comfortable.
We were gracefully moving through a dark environment, and when I looked to my left, I saw a humanoid, shadow figure just staring at me.
When I looked down, I saw a very intense, bright blue light, and then woke up. I also recall my husband waking me up another day, and I was super disoriented because I had just been traveling through a blue wormhole.
Well, shortly after sharing these insights about the Anunnaki dream within a post a while back, I came upon a reading about Goddess Inanna and her colors being green and yellow—since whenever I wonder about something, without needing to ask Spirit—I receive and answer in Divine perfect timing and order.
I then noticed one day, while updating one of my category pages of my blog, that one of my childhood photos that I had shared (when I was around five or so) was of me in a green and yellow outfit with Princess Leia hairdo, feeding a white puppy that had been separated from the rest of the tan colored pack of puppies and its mother near us
I just intuitively sensed to look up ‘leia” for the very first time, since I’ve mentioned Hawaii within this LONG@$$ comment, and sure enough, it means “child of heaven” in Hawaiian.
This is why I love sharing comments and blogging because I often receive profound insights.
My full name (the meanings of both), birth month and year, and many other personal experiences also match that of Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet (same essence as Goddess Inanna, just different earthly names).
But I didn’t really share this part for a little over a decade because I didn’t want to be judged as extremely arrogant and delusional by general society.
However, recently, especially today, I don’t care. The negative judgments and opinions of general society can kiss my Japorean-American @$$.
I’d rather die fully and authentically owning WHOLE self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Higher Self/Universe/Source: Spirit & Soul within/Goddess & God), then be concerned with petty things that don’t matter.
I’ve also had multiple dreams of God Thoth and God Enki, and even heard my inner voice transform into a deep, ancient-sounding, poetic, male voice while reading the emerald tablets book for Thoth The Atlantean.
I’ve also had dreams of being within a flooded area in front of a metal-like temple, while standing on a very wide set of stairs, as well as swimming with dolphins at their pace, etc.; so all related for sure.
Anyhoo, when I first visited Sedona, I saw two different vehicles with the license plate numbers 3333, which blew my mind, and I instantly thanked the Ascended Masters—also mentioned within this Anunnaki book (that I had not read at that time)—for their loving and powerful presence, since I had been seeing 33 and 333 soon after 2011 (after I left the Army life and experienced the 11:11 Phenomenon, followed by daily and multiple number synchronicity: 11-99, 111-999, 2222-9999, palindrome #s like 1221, and then mixed number messages/angel numbers/truth codes/activation codes/etc.).
On this same day, my husband and I stopped by an inner and outer art store, and while exploring the unknown, I came upon a license plate within the store that had my 3 initials on it, followed by 0144.
And 0 has often reminded me of Circle/Completion/Goddess and 144 has been reminding me of Soul Families/Light/God, so the Divine Mother Goddess that created the original God, aka Spirit guiding Soul and Heart leading Mind as integrated Heart/Mind (The One).
I’ve read a few of Zecaria Sitchin books years ago, and what was so amazing is that I saw an ancient image within this book that looked exactly like an unknown female figure that I had a vivid dream about (at night, she came out of a square shape on my bedroom wall, and snuck around like a thief). If I recall correctly, the image was Goddess Inanna.
And this led to many other puzzle pieces, to include having many dreams of lions; in one of them, I was walking around on a bright green lawn during a sunny afternoon, with two lions, one on each side of me, and I wasn’t afraid of them (which would not happen in this particular, physical reality, at least not yet! Lol).
At one point within this same dream, I approached some house, opened the door, saw a dark gray environment with I think my Korean family in the house, so I made a hand gesture to the lions to stay, and I walked in without them (I intuitively sensed that this was symbolic of moving from spiritual world to physical world).
Within these books, I’ve also had other matching experiences that I shared within my blog. And I realized that despite the many earthly labels/names, it’s about the core essence, since I also had vivid dream of toning in a cave and transmuting a so-called “dark being” into a Soul-familiar Being (with strong eye contact) who looked like a darker skin toned Jesus, with shoulder-length, wavy, dark brown hair, a beard, and a white robe.
I also had dreams of toning in ancient Egypt, and being a Korean shaman in ancient times.
After following breadcrumbs of joy—another series of Divine synchronicity—I came upon a reading about ancient Lemurians toning, to include related info about Mt. Shasta, which explains why I had been intuitively drawing the 8-point star symbol—[ancient Lemurian symbol, and also used by the Anunnaki]—from childhood throughout adulthood whenever I created home-made cards for family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, acquaintances, and evens strangers.
So I have been embracing more and more of all these bizarre and amazing experiences within both inner and outer worlds, and I’ve been trusting that all the puzzle pieces will come together in Divine perfect timing and order, for our individual and Collective’s highest benefit.
But sometimes, I just want to peacefully leave this world that I mostly don’t resonate with, and simply go to Soul Home. However, I’m continuing to learn that when it’s not time, it’s not time.
Because what you suggested FELT light/true to my Heart, I added a reminder phone note for October 27th and 28th [of this year], to rewatch this video.
What’s interesting to me is that I’ve been able to effortlessly imagine, visualize, and strongly FEEL performing open-mic comedy while visiting Oahu, HI during that timeframe (where I used to be stationed at during my second unit in the Army); it’s for a rare, extended family, small group gathering/vacation that I’m very grateful for.
I trust that no matter what happens, there will be an abundance of things to feel grateful and appreciative of while simply enJOYing Life with loved ones.
I’ve been sporadically creating open-mic comedy sets (whenever I receive downloads, often within showers), and performing them at times within various locations in Arizona (started in San Antonio, TX); but I wondered if I’d have more of a supportive audience within an Asian-American community, and there are lot of them in Hawaii! Lol ^_^
It would be nice if it didn’t matter what type of community I was in; perhaps the new, positive belief needs to come first, since beliefs are very powerful.
Anyhoo, I will definitely share with you an update, though I don’t expect you to read it since I’m sure you have thousands of comments to read, which can feel like an underpaid, over-time job!
One thing’s for sure; if I happen to experience whatever miracles, and tune into more prosperity, I will always remember wonderful Soul Families like you.
And since it’s very powerful to Be Wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST—aka Prosperity Consciousness, FEELING grateful for all the various forms and non-forms of abundance that we have in the present moments of NOW (and imagining, visualizing, and FEELING that we’ve ALREADY manifested what we prefer in our future)—I will start by donating to you today via your Paypal link above (REMEMBER, sacred number 144).
I don’t know you from a human perspective, but I FEEL that I love you nonetheless, since your very high, vibrational frequency FEELS so incredibly Light and Unconditionally Loving; plus, we are ultimately interconnected.
Have a FUN weekend Soul sister, continue Being an invaluable gift to humanity and beyond, and continue SHINING BRIGHT Beautiful One! ^_^ This world needs more amazing, free-Spirited, Souls like you. 😉
Mulantis: Reuniting All
Example Post About Goddess-Self from this blog’s category page, “AM I : I AM“:
“My Mesmerizing Spiral of God, Goddess and Divine Spirit Experience“
- UPDATE added on 8/25/2021: While following my inner guidance/Heart/Spirit within, and noticing and FEELING the trail of breadcrumbs of joy, I came upon the following information (Light) that instantly reminded me of the dancing, golden, spiral light that entered my left eye while meditating in bed:
- “The Eye of Horus has been used for many metaphors over the years, i.e., “Eye of the Mind, Third Eye, Eye of the Truth or Insight, the Eye of God Inside the Human Mind.” The ancient Egyptians, because of their beliefs in the Eye of Horus’ mystic powers, gave all of these names to the Eye of Horus.” by ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- “Why is the Eye of Horus so important? Eye of Horus, in ancient Egypt, symbol representing protection, health, and restoration. According to Egyptian myth, Horus lost his left eye in a struggle with Seth. … The eye was magically restored by Hathor, and this restoration came to symbolize the process of making whole and healing.” by britannica.com
Thank you so much Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet Self
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I shared the comment below for the video, “You Have the Right to Know Who You Are/Divine Feminine Light Counsel of Interplanetary Peace“:
Thank you so much Shekina. Your invaluable existence, powerful Full Presence, and unconditionally loving and generous contributions to your Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond, is deeply appreciated. Continue SHINING BRIGHT and Being a Divine gift to All That Is. Our world and beyond is a much better place because of wonderful Beings like You. ^_^ Mulantis: Reuniting All
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