Lately, certain pieces of the puzzle of Life have been coming together, and this post is my inner-wisdom manifested into the outer world that I received from my Higher Self.
About a month and a half to two months ago, I had an unusual experience—an experience that society in general may label as schizophrenia.
Eckhart Tolle gave an excellent example of a comparison that he had made about a woman who was having a conversation with herself out loud in public and himself on page 33 of his book, A New Earth:
“She thought out loud. I thought—mostly—in my head. If she was mad, then everyone was mad, including myself. There were differences in degree only.”
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Although I didn’t completely resonate with all of Eckhart’s teachings in this book (summary of reasons on bottom of post), I decided to take whatever does highly resonate with me and apply the wisdom to my daily life, to the best of my ability in every present Moment of Now.
On that unusual morning, I was sitting on the toilet conducting my #2 business. Yes, I realize this is TMI (too much info); however, it’s part of the story.
I was in a good relaxed mood (since I wasn’t constipated or creating explosions), so I was quite startled when I heard an inner female voice for the first time that was loud, crystal clear and unfamiliar, and said with an angry tone, “You need to die!”
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While more than likely looking dazed and confused, I was like, “Who just said that?” to which I received no reply.
I’ve observed numerous thoughts throughout my life—both negative and positive—but this was the very first time that I had heard a voice that was unfamiliar to me.
I then started to wonder, and from that unforgettable moment on—that was intertwined with a simple bowel movement—I had questions that needed to be answered.
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The following are some of the thoughts that pooped into my mind during that timeframe:
- Who wants me to die with so much passionate hatred? Is it Spirit that wants me (my ego self) to hurry up and die? But hatred stems from fear energy, so it can’t be Spirit since Divine Spirit/All That Is is all about unconditional love energy.
- So is there some other spirit out there that hates me so much that it wants me to die? Who did I piss off so badly in this lifetime or past lifetimes that it would communicate such a statement to me? But when I expanded my perspective, I realized that everything and everyone outside of me—my outer reality—is a reflection of my inner reality; hence, so-called “others” are my soul sisters and brothers since “we are all One,” and ultimately, “others” are extensions of my Expanded Self/the Universe within me.
- So rather than pointing my finger at “another” for making such a hateful statement, I need to look within myself and acknowledge that the fearful energy is ultimately an aspect of me. And who is that? My shadow feminine energy within me who hasn’t fully healed yet; hence, it has forgotten its true nature as Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness who is meant to integrate with fully healed ego self/wounded inner-child/masculine energy in order to become whole soul and merge with Divine Spirit/All That Is.
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I used the quote “Compassion is the highest frequency of love and fear is the lowest frequency of love” from the book Sacred Union: A Journey to Joyful Living at the top of my homepage in order to remind myself of this profound way of seeing everything with Unity Consciousness.
In the book, We, The Arcturians, the same truth is expressed in a different way on pg. 63: “In this case, the soul experiences darkness as one aspect of the Light.” The following is a quoted section from the reading,”The Arcturians Speak About Fifth Dimensional Leadership ~ Suzan Caroll Ph.D – Oct.1st, 2012“:
“It does not matter if the darkness is in the Earth, in you, or someone else. In fact, as you continue to move into fifth dimensional Unity Consciousness, someone else become an extinct term. The cleaning up of the final remnants of Gaia’s 3D polarities has to be done, and YOU have volunteered to do it. In fact, you volunteered before you took this form […]”
With all this said, then fearful energy to the extreme, such as passionate hatred, is merely one of the lowest frequencies within the love frequency spectrum, just as the so-called “bad” or “evil” other is merely a soul of All That Is that has forgotten its essence (“fallen”/dropped its naturally high vibrational frequency) as well.
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When I finally realized that that particular moment was the remnants of my fearful shadow feminine energy that had surfaced in order to be noticed (without a shadow of a doubt), recognized (as something unknown/shadow, yet familiar), acknowledged (as part of whole self), embraced, healed, and transmuted, I became open to receive further insights from my Higher Self.
After finishing Eckhart’s book mentioned above, I started reviewing certain sections of a book I had already finished reading a while back called, We, The Arcturians-–to include highlighted words and phrases, notes, folded corners of the book, reminders, questions and thanking for clarity/answers from my Divinity within ahead of time, and comparisons with personal experiences.
While reading a particular section that I was drawn to, but didn’t highlight or make any notes at the time, it occurred to me that my experience of being pinned down—in the post, “Releasing Another Surge of Stored Fear Energies from Within“—was connected to the “Physicians of the Universe” mentioned in the Arcturian book on pp. 246-247 and pp. 250-251.
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When I had woken up from that dream, I recalled having a feeling that the Arcturians were helping me to heal (since they are members of my Family of Light, and they’re also known for their advanced healing technologies), and that me being pinned down was my soul agreement; I just didn’t know the how I was being healed, so I just let it go.
But because I had wondered at one point—and I had also recently started making intention statements at least twice a day (something I learned/remembered from the book, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians), to include, “My intention is to be open to receiving assistance from my Higher Self and all other extensions of my Divinity within me with my individual and collective soul growth,” I trust that the Arcturians and Pleiadians, among other Guardians of Light—extensions of my Divinity within me/my Higher Selves—gave me Divine guidance.
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“The Higher Self is who you are at a deep spiritual level. The Higher Self has been frequently referenced in many spiritual traditions around the world. The Higher Self has also been called […]” Quote from reading => What is the Higher Self?
In the post that I had published on October 1st of this year titled, “Releasing Another Surge of Stored Fear Energies from Within,” I had come to a conclusion that the aspect of me that experienced so much anger and hatred in my dream was my shadow feminine energy.
It was my ego self—wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy aspect of my soul—who had repressed and suppressed the shadow/unknown aspects of the feminine (as well as masculine) energy for way too long because society frowns upon so-called “negative” characteristics that we don’t fully understand or are familiar with; and the ego self strives to be accepted and approved of by society in order to protect us and help us to survive in this world of much suffering.
The following is an italicized section of the post/link above:
I was crying and trying to scream for help because I noticed that my arms and legs were pinned down. At one point, as I was helplessly lying there,I turned to my right.
I saw this being whose face was right in front of mine. Although I wasn’t able to make out the details of his blurry facial features, I sensed that he was male. The next thing I recall was that I started yelling at him how much I hated him. I think I hated him so much that I wanted to kill him.
The overall experience felt as though I was within a small space filled with the most intense version of negative energies—especially, anger, hatred, and fear—that I had ever experienced.
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Like I mentioned in the bullets above, since my outer reality is a reflection of my inner reality, that means that the male being that I was looking at in my dream (as my shadow feminine energy/consciousness) was a reflection of my fearful ego self/wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy aspect of my soul—who had also forgotten its true nature as Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness.
I trust that the most extreme hateful energies of my shadow feminine energy was pinned down in order to finally face the other half of its soul.
It was an opportunity for my shadow feminine energy to release all the hurtful energies stored deep within my DNA, from this lifetime and past lifetimes; hence, be fully healed and transmuted into its true nature as Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness in order to become whole soul and merge with Divine Spirit/All That Is.
In order to Be my Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness with profound honor, which is in essence unconditional loving energies—to include deep understanding, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, embrace, intuition, insights, healing, etc.—I must first experience fully being my shadow feminine energy.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => (thank you) Quote from this link => “The Divine feminine and the Divine masculine needs to find unification of both energies within themselves and this is why shadow work is important.”
The following is another italicized section of the post, “Releasing Another Surge of Stored Fear Energies from Within,” before I share another insight:
After getting up for the day, my husband informed me that upon waking up, I had mumbled to him (in an angry yet calm tone) something to the effect of why he didn’t take me to the hospital; and I apparently ended my sentence with a “I hate you so much.”
Although I was aware that I was talking to him in my somewhat disoriented state, I recalled that the voice strangely didn’t sound like my own, or even feel like it was coming from me, which was a bit disturbing at first.
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Ever since I gained a deeper understanding of my shadow feminine energy, I now have a clearer understanding of why I had a particular experience almost a decade ago, which I wrote about in the post, “Transformation of the Children of the Corn.” The following italicized section is from this post, and provides a preview of my insights:
“Of course, I didn’t want to create an awkward moment or even scare them away. Timmy came up to me and suddenly shouted with a serious expression, “Buy me toy!” I chuckled as I bent down to his level and softly said with a smile, “If you’re good!” He immediately kicked me in one of my shins, ran away a few steps, turned around, and said through his clenched teeth and squinting eyes, “I hate you sooo much!”
I understood where his anger stemmed from…fear of losing his daddy’s full attention, as well as fear of losing any hope for his dad and his mother reuniting. His parents had been divorced for almost two years before we had met, and his mother even lived with her boyfriend, but Timmy still perceived me as the “other” woman who didn’t belong in the equation.
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He was hurting inside, and sometimes, people (to include children) who hurt, don’t know better than to hurt others. Some turn their anger inward and become sad or depressed, and others turn their anger outward…like my brother did when he was a kid, and the way Timmy did.
Plus, both Arin and Timmy were diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), and were on medication. So I knew I would need to be above and beyond understanding and patient.”
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After my husband told me what I had said to him—“I hate you so much”—after being in a disoriented state from the dream (from the post, “Releasing Another Surge of Stored Fear Energies from Within‘”) I realized that that hateful comment was the exact same one that his five-year old son had said to me when we first met.
Again, even at that time, his little son was merely reflecting back to me my own wounded shadow feminine energy/aspect of soul—that I described about him above as “He was hurting inside.”
Since he was a child, his ego self had no need to suppress his shadow self/true negative thoughts and feelings about me.
When I dig deeper, I realize that his hurtful words and actions were actually reflections of my own feminine shadow self’s negative thoughts and feelings toward my ego self/unhealed masculine energy/wounded inner-child who continued to repress, suppress, deny, ignore, reject, disown, and dishonor my Divine Feminine Energy/Consciousness within me.
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Additionally, being surrounded (outer reality) by two (not just one) boys diagnosed with ADHD was like a neon sign that I was blind to at the time, revealing to me that my ego self had major problems with focusing due to one too many, unnecessary random negative thoughts bombarding my mind.
This inability to focus was due to my ego self’s unhealed Mental Energy Body that needed to be healed with Christ Consciousness—Being a master of one’s thoughts by only thinking truthful thoughts that best serve our individual and collective soul growth/evolution.
And once I/we achieve Christ Consciousness (Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness), I/we can then integrate Buddha Consciousness (Divine Feminine Consciousness)/lotus symbolism in order to heal my/our Emotional Energy Body and finally merge with Spiritual Energy Body/Divine Spirit/All That Is with an integrated and balanced soul’s very high vibrational frequency.
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It was no wonder my husband and I recently joked about how it seemed like I had ADHD at times in the past. This also explains why I often had multiple links on my laptop opened because I would see so many shiny objects.
What was once 40 drafts in this blog that weren’t published, has now built up to 73 drafts because I would start working on one, and then, as another idea came up, I would create another post, and so on.
Granted, hardly anyone else reads my blog, but it doesn’t matter; what truly matters is whether or not I validate myself, and find value and worth within my sacred space where I get to freely express from my heart and soul, heal, gain insight, become wiser, and ultimately, fully accept and love myself unconditionally so that I may fully accept and love other soul brothers and sisters unconditionally as well .
As I heal, others heal…and as others heal, I heal, since we are all interconnected as One/All That Is.
Since I choose to trust that everything happens in Divine perfect timing and Divine order, I must realize that even having a lot of unpublished drafts in my blog happened perfectly. I have a feeling that some were never meant to be published since they may have been my fearful ego self’s writing.
And the ones that were inspired by my Higher Self, and other extensions of my Divinity within, will be completed and published in due time.
Before this realization, I used to get frustrated because I couldn’t keep up with all the ideas and insights that came into my mind, but then I recently came upon a reading—in Divine perfect timing and Divine order—that provided comfort and relief to this seemingly overwhelming madness.
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Once again, because I had wondered, and even asked for assistance from my Higher Selves, I came upon yet another reflection—“other” teachings from outer reality— of my soul’s inner-knowing. The following quoted sections are from the very helpful, comforting and inspiring reading, “ARCTURIANS — WE ARE YOU “:
“The former superiority of your ego is shifting. In fact, you are beginning to grow beyond the confines of ego. Whereas once you identified yourself as your ego and only occasionally listened to your Inner Voice or your Higher SELF, now you ARE your Higher SELF and your Inner Voice is YOUR voice. Your ego still exists, but it has been relegated to care and maintenance of your earth vessel for as long as you decide to keep wearing it. This vessel is feeling very tight lately, and it seems VERY slow.
Your mind often races far ahead of your body and your brain. Your brain, once only connected to your earth vessel, is now connecting to your Multidimensional SELF. Because of this new connection, you are receiving many messages from the higher frequencies of reality. Some of you receive these messages in your dreams, some of you receive higher message through your thoughts and writings, and some receive messages through emotions or even actions […]”
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So what else have I learned/remembered from the gradually reuniting of these puzzle pieces of Life?
That the so-called “children of the corn” that I had wrote about in the above mentioned post—which I thought were “others,” like my step-brother and my current husband’s two sons that were not interconnected to me—were in essence reflections of my own shadow self who was overflowing with much stored resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, and rage (that all stem from fear energy) from this lifetime and past lifetimes.
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Since my own ego self had repressed and suppressed pretty much all the “negative” human characteristics and traits that society frowns upon, my shadow self decided to manifest in others in order to be noticed, recognized, acknowledged, embraced, healed, transmuted, integrated, balanced as a whole soul, and then merged with Divine Spirit/All That Is.
Back then, I wasn’t aware of this truth; however, I’m just grateful to have been given this amazing opportunity to better understand the all of self (ego self and shadow self—of both masculine and feminine energies) and my extensions of my Divinity within me.
Before I’m able to experience profound and unconditional acceptance/love for the all of my self, higher self, all others extensions of my Divinity within me, and so-called “others”(my soul sisters and brothers/extensions of my Expanded Self), I had to first experience the extreme opposite—hatred of self/others.
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Ever since I was a child, I often heard my mother complain about how bad humans are, and that she hated humanity so much that she wished that there was a nuclear war and the world exploded.
I also heard her mention several times that she could easily write volumes of books about the injustice of life. When I first heard one of Maya Angelou’s quote (on right), it instantly reminded me of my mother.
I agree with Ms. Angelou’s great words of wisdom—everyone wants their story to be told (as Spirit having a human experience), especially when it comes to injustice and human suffering, because they want to be heard and reassured that it’s not just them experiencing a crazy world.
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When we haven’t experienced much human suffering, we’re unable to deeply empathize with others, or have compassion for them—only sympathize at the best. Therefore, insensitive words can easily slip through our lips, though our intentions may not be to disrespect others.
As much I found Eckhart Tolle’s teachings helpful in his book, A New Earth, one of the things I didn’t resonate with was his seemingly devaluing of human story-telling. It’s not always about the ego self’s, “Me and my sad story.”
And as much as I still find Joel Osteen a great motivator, an optimist, and a lovable human being, his words of, “Just get over it” (to include a title of one of his sermons) doesn’t resonate with me as well, since healing is a process, not something that one immediately just drops like some object.
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Would one tell a young woman—who’s unable to have children because she had been kidnapped, duck-taped, and then gang-raped as a 12 year-old child—to stop whining about her ego self’s sad story? Would one preach to her to just drop it and get over it? Of course not.
For those of us who haven’t gone through such a horrific incident couldn’t even begin to imagine the human suffering that she went through, and continues to go through on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis, to include—frequent nightmares, severe PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) symptoms, paranoia, distrust in men, sleep deprivation, self-mutilation (e.g., habitually picking at pimples, scars, moles, etc.), loss of appetite, over-eating, substance abuse, intense feelings of injustice and anger, feelings of lost to ever have a family of her own, etc. Healing is truly an art, not logical checks off the blocks.
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Profound compassion and priceless wisdom can be birthed from story-telling, and sharing them with humanity and beyond.
Through my blog, I’ve not only been able to express my own stories and my experiences with Trinity: God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is—and other extensions of my Divinity/Higher Selves within me—but I’ve also been able to share the seemingly unnoticed, untold, and/or unwritten stories of other souls, to include my heroes and heroines of humanity and beyond—angelic and disguised “dark” angels.
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As a kid, I was unable to relate to my mother’s passionate cry, but after having gone through certain life experiences as an adult, I was able to deeply understand her pain, empathize with her suffering, have compassion for her aggressive ways of being, forgive her for being a wounded wounder, accept her the way she is, embrace her so-called “negative” characteristics and traits, and eventually…love her unconditionally.
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My mother had also reminded me often not to trust people since they usually have ulterior motives as to why they want to have a relationship with you (e.g., use you to make up for their loneliness, borrow money, recruit you to become a Christian to make themselves feel “good,” etc.).
I remember feeling sad whenever she used to share such stories with me. Looking back, her overall conclusion of humanity had been birthed from a lot of hurt that she had experienced with humans.
Before I left Korea to supposedly attend a university after high school, my mother reminded me to only have boyfriends, but to never get married since all men eventually cheat on their wives—that it was just in their nature.
For her, this was a truth since my biological father left us when I was an infant, and my Caucasian father (who had adopted me when I was three years old) had a couple of one night stands during their marriage, and then had a major affair with a woman who was approximately 20 years younger than him.
He ended up marrying her (I call her my Korean step-mother by choice), but after hearing many of her stories after my father passed away of a heart-attack a few years ago, he apparently had an affair while married to her as well.
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My mother also planted a seed in my mind that I shouldn’t be concerned with making friends as well.
I sensed that this fear-based belief had stemmed from one of her close friends in her early twenties (as well as others) who had convinced my mother to cut her eyelashes because it makes them grow longer.
My mother had trusted her, although the idea seemed unbelievable. However, she later realized that this so-called close friend’s action stemmed from jealousy.
Regardless of what my mother had said, I went out to the world and did everything she told me not to do—I made lots of friends, had boyfriends and one night stands, and even got married in my early twenties—because I didn’t want to believe that the world and humanity was so bad.
Ironically, I ended up having a close friend when I was 19 years old—whom I had known since 9th grade—who managed to convince me to let her trim my hair.
When I agreed, my hair that went past my butt ended up to my shoulders because she said that she kept making mistakes, so she kept cutting rather than telling me what was going on and asking me if it was okay.
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I had friends come and go, and yes, some even used me for whatever reasons, to include borrowing money, in which they had no intention to pay back.
I also had two boyfriends who lied and cheated on me, and eventually a first husband who had a one week affair while deployed to the Philippines. After a year of trying to repair the marriage, I ended up joining the Army, and then getting divorced around another year later.
From that moment on, I didn’t care to be the “good girl/woman” that society said I should be. I went out and had my fair share of one night stands, and even affairs with a few married men. My attitude was, “I can play this game too world, and I’m going to show you how it’s really done.”
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I eventually got married again to my current husband, but I never truly cried for another man or friend again.
I even told my current husband that if he ever catches himself not Being in the present Moment of Now while with me (i.e., his mind and/or heart wanting to be with someone else and/or somewhere else), then he needs to do what highly resonates with him/what’s true to him, and to do me a favor and at least let me know so that I can move on with my new life.
After many relationships that seemed to go south, I remembered what my mother had warned me. It then occurred to me that she was merely trying to protect me from humanity that has a tendency to be hurtful due to their own built up hurt from others—wounded wounders rather than wounded healers.
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In my late thirties—after medically retiring from the Army of a little over a decade—I noticed that I went from being an extrovert to an introvert.
I still made friends every now and then, but I no longer found myself emotionally attached to any of them the way I used to be to people. This would be the start of my journey of unconditionally accepting/loving self and others.
The more solitude I experienced, the less I became attached to this world and humanity in general with my ego self’s expectations, neediness and conditional love. I then understood the meaning of “being in this world, but not of it.”
The more quality time I spent with myself, I noticed that I started to accept and love myself unconditionally, which I didn’t before, and didn’t even know how to do so.
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I then realized that my outer reality has been the way it was not because my mother told me that the world and humanity was no good—she was merely reflecting back to me my inner reality—but because of my own stored hurt energy from this lifetime and past lifetimes.
Like attracts like (the Law of Attraction); hence, my lower vibrational frequency (negativity within me) throughout the majority of my life (due to not having been healed) caused me to tune into a “negative”matching reality.
By crossing paths with many hurtful people and experiences, they (as disguised wounded wounders/soul sisters and brothers) have all helped to trigger the negative hurt energy deeply stored within my DNA; thus, giving me the opportunities to release them, heal them, and transmute them.
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I went through my own moments where I, like my mother, hated humanity. During those times, I played the “victim role” because I didn’t know any better. I also didn’t understand why I was exposed to so much hurt and human suffering.
Well, how can I/we expect to experience deep understanding of self and humanity, as well as empathy, compassion, unconditional forgiveness, unconditional acceptance, embrace (even “negative” aspects of self and humanity), and eventually unconditional love for self and the rest of humanity if I/we don’t even know what it means to experience the opposite? Like Jesus once said, it’s easy to love those who love us.
We cannot rise like a phoenix bird from the dark ashes if we’ve never been in the darkness to begin with. That’s more than likely why even Jesus spent much time with darkness and suffering of humanity, rather than hanging out in the safe bubbles of the fancy temples drinking wine and enjoying a feast.
However, with an open and highly intelligent Higher Mind and open and pure Higher Heart (like the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum—the indivisible Mind/Heart, or the integrated Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies/Consciousness as whole Soul merged with Divine Spirit/All That Is ), I trust that one can learn (as a human being)/remember (as a soul) much profound wisdom and inner-knowing from other souls’ rising above dark experiences rather than go through them themselves. It’s just that most of us, whose ego self is so lost (like me), had to/have to learn from our own plethora of mistakes.
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I trust that another one of my daily intention statements (which I hope that others will incorporate into their daily lives as well) has been coming into fruition, which is “My intention is to effortlessly know who I truly am, and to effortlessly Be who I truly am.”
I’ve learned (as a human being)/remembered (as a soul)—from spiritual and mystical teachers like Neale Donald Walsch, Bashar (channeled through Darryl Anka), the Pleiadians, the Arcturians who support the Ascended Masters, and Eckhart Tolle—that doing something effortlessly (i.e., “following one’s path of excitement and passion” as Bashar put it, and “Being acceptance, enjoyment or enthusiasm” as Eckhart Tolle put it) shows that it’s in alignment with our Higher Self/and all other extensions of Divinity within—our soul’s way of shouting, “Yes! Thank you for choosing with your free will this path that is in alignment with your Divine will within/life purpose/soul mission!”
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The following is a summary of my two cents of Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth that I mentioned above I would share, from a section of a recent post, “Embracing the Art of Masturbation as Divine Presence Within“:
Since I mention a teaching from Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth in this section of the reading below, I decided to add this short intro in order to paint a clear picture of where I’m coming from, and how it relates to this post.
I highly resonate with much of Eckhart’s teachings in that book—especially his expanded understanding of Jesus’ teachings, his sharing of short stories of wise masters of wisdom throughout the world, and his very helpful suggestions to Be Presence.
However, I also noticed that the majority of the book ironically, and perhaps overly, focuses on the many negative labels of the ego self, which is merely the unhealed male energy aspect within every soul (regardless of gender).
I also don’t resonate with referring to our so-called “painbody” as a “psychic parasite,” because whether they’re our “negative” thoughts or “negative” emotions, they are nonetheless existing aspects of our whole self.
Therefore, the goal is to notice (with observation), recognize (with self-awareness and soul’s intuition), acknowledge (as part of whole self), transmute and heal the wounded aspects of ourselves with deep understanding, self-compassion, self-forgiveness and unconditional love for whole self (as Divine Spirit/All That Is would), not treating them as some energy that is separate from us; hence, must vanish into some other space away from us.
Afterall, everything is ultimately interconnected in this web of Life (unity consciousness).
This very helpful post helped to birth a new post titled, “Outer Angels and Demons Reflecting All the Inner Ones” that I worked on simultaneously, and will be published soon after this one.