Note: This is an update for the recent post, “Unusual Symptoms, Incidents, and New Experiences from Accelerated Energies of January 2019“
While deleting bookmarks that I no longer resonate with—along with further clearing various inner and outer clutter from my life—I came upon certain ones that I chose to keep.ย
One of these bookmarks was the result of my first magick ability test that I took a while back due to curiosity and wanting to have some fun.
Note: Image on right found next to link => Tanya Casteel/”Raven & Crow. Meaning, Medicine & Magic”
Ever since I moved to Flagstaff in the fall of 2017, I’ve been noticing a lot of ravens and crows show up in my reality—especially right outside my apartment windows.
Note: Image on left found next to link =>ย /“It is said that people who carry Raven medicine also carry a heavy responsibility to Spirit. It as if these people have come into this Earth walk in order to help others break through old paradigms and belief systems into a new, more expanded awareness of reality.”
I’ve been reading various interpretations of the raven and crow spirit guides, which includes the medicine of magic/magick, which I’m not familiar with in this particular lifetime, though I find myself being drawn to it with increasing intensity.
It trust this is due to other aspects and extensions of my Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within) already having various degrees of this ability, to include the Master of Magic/Magick—aka Master of Alchemy/Transmutation and Master of Frequencies (within the rainbow spectrum and beyond).
Note: Image on right found next to link => Pinterest/”Medicine of Magic”
So I felt like retaking the test again, and sure enough, one of the test questions included the symbol I had recently seen before—which I found out is pagan symbol for Earth; image on left)—that looks like the pics I took of the upside down triangle with two horizontal lines at the base area (image on right; also shared in the post mentioned on top).
Note: Image on left above found next to link =>ย Pagan Symbol – , and image on right is a pic I took while returning from the Hopi’s Three Mesas (see post mentioned on top for details)
I’ve decided to buy the booklets from the website Simple Mystic Miracles, and experiment with the unknown while enjoying the new experience.
I trust that any form of actions (to include rituals and spells) done from love-based intentions will produce highly beneficial results for self and interconnected others.
On the other hand, actionsย (to include rituals and spells) done from fear-based intentions will circle back to self, not as punishment from the Universe, but as a learning lesson and reminder that we are all One.
Note: Image on left found next to link =>ย
UPDATE (inserted later the same day): This is regarding an order I placedย from the websiteย Simple Mystic Miracles (mentioned above) soon after I published this post.ย
I filled out the online survey once clicking on the link that asked if I had received my orders. I gave various star ratings for several questions (which were mostly above 2 stars); and the following is the comment that I shared (the overall, 2 star rating was automatically given):
I’m excited about exploring magick—and I highly resonate with the simple instructions and the colorful picture e-books and other creative materials (as well as audios)—but I don’t like it when any shopping experience with a company is vague and doesn’t FEEL light/good/right.
One shouldn’t have to find out that they ordered more products just by clicking on a link that appears to be related to the initial order. Solution: State something to the effect, “To order this additional product that costs $____, click on this link.”
Transparency, integrity, honesty, and clarity equals long lasting success; deception and/or manipulation in any form ends up spiraling downward.
Also, communication is essential, but going overboard with back to back emails can be confusing [I received several].
I had recommended this website to interconnected others before I even made the initial purchase, but now I’m wondering if I made the right decision since no one likes vague orders.
Nonetheless, thank you for the products. Take care.
Update inserted 1/29/2019
The following is a continuation review after receiving a private apology reply (since it was sent as a private message, I won’t share it here):
I forgot to mention this in the previous review, but as soon as you order the basic order that costs $7, you’re immediately taken to an audio recording, that’s about 15-20 minutes long, that you have to listen to before having access to your order.
I feel that a customer has the right to make a choice in this matter, and not be placed in this situation.
Granted, the information in the audio recording was helpful—which is why I didn’t demand for a refund when I accidentally ordered another set of products by clinking on a link within an email that was supposed to confirm the initial product I had purchased—but that was the first time I experienced having to listen to an audio recording (that’s not brief) prior to gaining access to an order I can use right away online.
I’ve bought plenty of products online, and I’ve never had this shopping experience. So although I appreciate the professional apology reply—hence, I increased the star rating (as requested) for various questions, to include the overall shopping experience to 3 stars—I know what I experienced throughout the shopping process, and there were a few times that it didn’t FEEL light/good/right due to red flags.
Nonetheless, it’s fine now. Depending on the results of the products, I may change the rating again, leave another review, and/or shop here again.
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