To be transparently honest, I’ve been going through a phase lately where I felt very depressed, with suicidal thoughts at times.
Granted, Being an empath is part of my full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, so it’s probable that I’ve been tuning into parts of the Collective Consciousness energies that may be feeling hopeless during these times.
Image by wal_172619 from Pixabay
Nonetheless, ultimately, there is no separation between self and others, so I have no doubt that I was meant to revisit these fear-based energies, so that I can further assist with the individual and Collective deep healing process.
I’m grateful that I was strongly drawn to this video (below) that popped into my awareness this morning—like energies attracting one another in Divine perfect timing and order.
It helped me to further open my mind and heart (to integrated Mind/Heart), expand my perspective, receive insights, BOUNCE BACK—something that we’re all capable of doing, which is to tune into our core essence within, our merged Light & Unconditional Love vibrational frequency—and share this message with whoever can benefit from it.
I dedicate this post to the aspects of WHOLE self/Self/interconnected others who experienced (or are currently experiencing) deep pain and suffering for whatever VALID reasons, and just desire to be noticed, acknowledged, unconditionally embraced/loved, and integrated as One.
Whether it was my younger past self who first attempted suicide in my early twenties, my younger cousin who committed suicide, my mother and older cousin who attempted suicide, and other similar Souls like Robin Williams and Anthony Bourdain (just to name a few) who shockingly took their lives and left me, and many, wondering, “Why?!“…
I SEE You, I HEAR You, and I FEEL You. You are NOT alone, you and I/We are all ONE, and everything’s going to be okay no matter what, and how things may temporarily appear on the outside.
I shared the following comment for video, “We See It Too Late – Robin Williams On The Fragile Meaning Of Life”:
I’m grateful that such a highly creative, talented, and joyful Soul like Robin Williams existed; however COMMA I also wish that before he committed suicide, Robin remembered (as a Soul) and learned (as a human) to generously share some of that precious, Unconditional love for himself as well, and NOT just for others.
Unconditional Love is an unlimited and abundant Cosmic Dance energy, and our core essence, meant to be shared with the self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond; nothing is separate.
However, this world’s religions—and even some within the Spirituality community today—have deeply ingrained so many people throughout human history to focus mainly on GIVING GIVING GIVING to others, while neglecting the self, since focusing on the self is considered very selfish (all about the ego).
But there’s a big difference between selfishness and unconditional self-love.
We cannot fully, truly, and UNconditionally give to others from an empty or barely-filled, inner cup/heart; hence, why it’s immensely important to unconditionally love oneself as well, because only then, will the Unconditional/True Love effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life.
When we’re UNable to UNconditionally love ourselves, we will have low self-worth and self-esteem, despite appearing super happy most of the time on the outer surface.
When we don’t connect with the Unconditional Love from our inner world, we will then end up basing our own worth by our outer world’s superficial standards, to include: how successful we are with our jobs or careers, how liked and loved we are by others, how much money we have, how much material things we own, what our status and position is according to society, etc.
Many people throughout the ages have given to others for conditional reasons (i.e., to be approved by a higher power like God, to convince self and others that one is righteous and good, to be accepted and approved by others, to end up at a place called heaven, to avoid going to hell, to meet their own needs and wants, to avoid negative karma, to attract positive things to self according to the Universal Law of Giving and Receiving, etc.); but conditional giving is from the calculating logical mind, and NOT from the pure Heart, which is why it doesn’t last.
There have been way too many people running around trying to help, heal, save, and even rescue others, without even realizing that they’re the ones who need to be helped, healed, saved, and even rescued from their own “blindness,” “deafness,” and unawareness—as LOST SOULS still sleep walking while desperately trying to wake up other sleep walkers.
Our individual and Collective Ego has earned a bad rap, but the truth is, without it, we would not be able to survive, let alone thrive, in a physical world.
Like every other neutral aspect of our full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (human self)/Self (Spirit/Soul within), the ego is merely a part of ourselves that’s doing its best to help us to exist in this world.
And when our egos reach a higher consciousness state—to its exalted state of full-potential Divine Masculine Energy/God Consciousness—and is willing to follow Spirit/Heart within (as an Advisor to planet Earth), then amazing things happen for self/Self/interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
Becoming or even Being WHOLE is not just about focusing on the LIGHT, but also acknowledging, embracing and integrating the DARK side of Life—the other, neutral half of the Cosmic Coin.
It’s not about condoning the wrong, bad, and dark of Life, but deeply understanding it, having compassionate for it, and allowing them to simply be without judgment (without becoming consumed by them), and then being a witness to them naturally transforming into their exalted states of being, in Divine perfect timing and order.
It’s great to honor Robin with all of his wonderful, worldly accomplishments, that he definitely deserves.
But I trust that his Soul would want the whole truth to be shared with humanity and beyond, and not just the shiny objects, while the dark dust and dirt gets swept under the rug.
So it would be beneficial to include in a video like this, the truth that Robin also committed suicide, and why (if it’s known), which left many people baffled with unanswered questions.
Perhaps another Life lesson here is not to gloss over such important matters while wearing the “LET’S ONLY BE POSITIVE AND HAPPY” mask (of the ego), but deeply explore what’s TRULY going on with these situations, so that they are much less repeated in the future; because THAT would be truly sad.
By the way, Robin was clearly judgmental towards his individual ego (as well as the Collective Ego), who often wore the NON-STOP JOY mask, which was probably exhausting at times (and not authentic).
This—and probably other known and unknown factors—explains why he also became an alcoholic, to further SUPPRESS and SHOVE DOWN the so-called “negative” emotions he more than likely had difficulty dealing with.
But whenever we FORCE DOWN our negative emotions—that are simply doing its best to communicate to us our authentic states at whatever moments—they don’t go away.
They bubble up inside like lava, build up tension, and eventually EXPLODE like a volcano in an out of control manner; hence, why it’s so beneficial to embrace all of our neutral emotions—to include simply holding space for them and FEELING them without judgment during meditation (and then experience the inner-peace afterwards), and/or expressing them in healthy ways (so that they don’t end up OUT OF CONTROL).
Neither our individual and Collective Egos—immature, unawakened version of male energy within interconnected Life—nor our emotions, are meant to take over the WHOLE ship (WHOLE self/Self), since they’re not experienced enough to safely and effectively sail it, though, like children, they definitely assist with the beautiful journey via their own gifts .
But rather, they’re meant to follow and support the so-called Captain of the Ship—Holy Spirit/Comic Heart/Divine Mother Goddess within—who is ANCIENT, immensely EXPERIENCED in Life, profoundly WISE, unconditionally LOVING, and unstoppably POWERFUL.
Robin mentioned God in this video, but when we embrace the God within ALL Life, but yet deny the Goddess, then we also reject the other half of our whole selves, and vice versa. They are 2 of 1 (THE ONE).
And with worst case scenarios, this intense, inner conflict can eventually manifest as various dis-eases, like dementia that Robin apparently had, stemming from the need to love the self and to let go of the belief of not having enough success, as well as Parkinson’s Disease (that he also had), due to having a logical mind-based mission that neglects others energy bodies, to include suppressing emotions (emotional energy body).
Ongoing inner conflict often lead to dis-eases like cancer as well, or even suicide, because we cannot bear to live with ourselves within a world that rejects our other half, and has conditioned us to do so as well.
Even society has shown throughout history that it’s unable to live according to its own extremely strict rules of ONLY being right, light, and good 24/7.
It’s TIME for all of us to simply Be WHOLE.
It’s okay to feel angry or sad at times, it’s okay to be lazy or uncaring at times, it’s okay to feel ugly or fat at times, it’s okay to feel uninspired or unmotivated at times, it’s okay to make mistakes and fail at times, etc., as long as we’re NOT STUCK and COMPELTELY LOST within these neutral aspects.
And it’s also okay to be a B!+ch or @$$hole at times, as long as we’re not MISUSING and ABUSING these neutral aspects.
The beginning of this video title states, “We See It Too Late”; however, I trust that it’s NOT too late to truly SEE (the BIGGER picture) with CLARITY from our united, Unity Consciousness, ONE HEART.
It’s okay to simply Be Authentic You/Me/We.
Now FEEL how LIBERATING that IS. ๐๐๐๐๐๐
Same day, shortly after publishing this post…
I forgot to mention that I recently selected the Light Language card, “Pleiades Expanding: Compassion [for self/interconnected Life]” from Jamye Price’s Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck (Healing Light Language Transmission).
And as usual—for over a year so far since I purchased this invaluable, spiritual tool—whenever I choose whatever card(s) from this deck, I notice matching, personal experiences that blow me away with its SPOT ON accuracy.
I have no doubt that I’m meant to remember more (as a Soul) and learn more (as a human) about pure compassion (for the self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond).
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