I shared the following message for the video, “Taking Care Of Yourself | Joel Osteen” (though it doesn’t show up, but it doesn’t matter; if he’s meant to read it, I trust he will):
I’ve only crossed paths with a little over handful of Christians throughout my over three decades of adult life, who seemed to do their best to Be Living Wisdom (that Jesus taught about), and are deeply and truly devoted to God/Jesus.
And they are 1) unforgettable Mr. & Mrs. Langholz (from high school back in the late 80’s to early 90’s, who were a rare kind of Christian missionaries also working at a DoDDS, a school for military [and international] children; their unconditionally loving ACTIONS spoke VOLUMES, and they were loved by many students though they never once preached the bible)…
2) an older sister-like Korean friend/coworker and then restaurant employer from VA in the early to mid 90’s…
3) a Korean neighbor from Okinawa in the early 2000’s who was like a female Christ (who I realized was a mystic a decade later)…
4) Joel Osteen (a different kind of pastor; details further below)…
5) a fairly new female friend I had met in Brazil this year (who was very caring, thoughtful and helpful)…
6) and my adult son (who is like a wise, old Soul who’s willing to continually learn and grow, and Be a true follower of God/Jesus).
Regarding the thousands of others I’ve crossed paths—regardless of their various beliefs and many earthly background labels—there were those who were nice, those who had some very respectable and admirable qualities, and those who went above and beyond with their customer service.
But none of them were as soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, and memorable as the seemingly few (to include the consistently true, but few, Soul Teachers within the very broad, non-religious, Spirituality community who merges spiritual and physical worlds, as The Rainbow Bridge). [An empowering and inspiring video about MEMORABLE Souls within this post, “What All Comes With ENORMOUS Success, Including, ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’”]
And if I never crossed paths with the majority again, I wouldn’t lose any sleep, and I definitely DON’T MISS ANY OF THEM.
Like I’ve shared in a previous comment, I discontinued watching your videos for years Joel; but I’m grateful that I tuned into this high vibrational frequency channel again, because this message is hands down THE BEST that I’ve watched so far, and I’ve experienced many of your motivating messages.
Thank you so much Joel for Being so open-minded (with discernment), open-hearted (with healthy boundaries), very wise, authentic, honest, encouraging, heartfelt, soul-igniting, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and Consciousness expanding (for our individual and Collective Soul growth/spiritual evolution).
And you continue to have a great sense of humor! ^_^ I smiled and laughed throughout your message, and even felt deeply moved at certain points.
I’m glad you’re leading by example (what True Leaders do) when it comes to doing your best to Be Balance & Harmony on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.
Sometimes, when we’ve been drained and depleted for a while—from trying to be and do what only our logical and limited, lower minds think we should be and do for outer world—we can easily FORGET to take care of our sacred vessel of WHOLE self (physical self)/Self (Divine Self within: Higher Heart/Spirit/Goddess & Higher Mind/Soul/God).
However, I’m reminded that when our lower minds (ego selves) remember to follow our Higher Hearts—as integrated, balanced, and harmonious Heart/Mind—then the ego/lower mind aspect of our WHOLE self/Self becomes the profoundly wise Higher Mind.
I’ve felt immensely drained from outer world lately—to include practically ALL personal relationships, humans in general, some misleading and questionable YouTube ads [whom I initially trusted] (e.g., Fullstaq Marketer, Thought Leader Coaching for TEDx Talks, Peter Sage, and similar online businesses, who are much more mind-centered, than Heart-centered, and overly aggressive and not fully honest in their sales tactics), etc.
I’m taking a break from watching the usual YouTube videos that have one too many ads, which has FELT lighter already.
[Related Video to the above added on 10/4/2022: Includes choosing what aspects [of WHOLE self/Self] and types of frequencies [energies] we prefer to experience more of in our lives, by following our passions: “Bashar :: Resonance: The Mechanism of Reflection – Highlights.”]
Instead, I’ve been incorporating more time for myself and all that I truly enJOY Being and doing, to include just relaxing, exploring what truly interests me, reading books more often, being creative whenever I FEEL like it, and even watching Gaia TV.
I even told my cats (female Shadow & male Leo) one morning recently that I need to fill my own cup first, when they kept meowing for me to first focus on them.
This especially applies to my younger, male cat who can be excessively needy and vocal, despite having all of his needs met in an above and beyond way.
He will allow you to massage and/or pet him all day if it was up to him; and I told Leo, “I’m NOT your full-time masseuse you little turd!”
I was also so tired of them (mostly him) waking me up several times in the middle of the night and morning (that matches what you basically said about how people will allow you to basically do whatever for them 24/7 if we allow them to, which I’ve learned the hard way is SO TRUE).
For instance, I’ve learned from multiple relationships from my adulthood, that if we allow excessively chatty people to talk without limits, then they will be happy to do so for several hours or more.
And they won’t care if you try to tell them that you have to go, if your stomach growls, if you yawn, if your ears fall off, etc., they will just YAP AWAY LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW.
And if you have a highly to ultra sensitive empath aspect within WHOLE self/Self since childhood (like me), then it’s natural to feel deep compassion and empathy for others.
However COMMA this is where self-compassion needs to come into play, and to learn how to conserve our own precious energy, time, and focus.
Over two decades ago, my step-mother [a Catholic] told many sad stories from her past while crying in-between, which made it extra hard to tell her that I had to go, even after a few hours had gone by.
But at a certain point, I realized that I REALLY had to go since I had work the next morning; so I ended up telling her 3 different times whenever I was able to get a word in, but she continued to carry on.
Around 3 or so in the morning, my adoptive father woke up, came downstairs, and said to her that I had work that morning, so she needed to let me sleep.
Fast-forward over a decade later at my dad’s funeral in 2011, my well-meaning step-mother did the same thing until past 2 am—which I allowed since I understood she was grieving—but we all had to be up early for the funeral, so I brought up a few times that we needed to get some sleep (but it went in one ear and out the other as usual).
My step-sister even woke up and shouted, “MA!! Let Bobbie sleep!!!” and then slammed her door. Lol But she STILL wouldn’t stop talking!!! 😳🤯😵
So though I had never done this to anyone before, I simply TURNED MY BACK TOWARDS HER AND PUT MY BLANKET OVER MY HEAD; and to my great surprise, she turned off the lights and left the living room.
Not too long after, I stopped staying in touch with her, since she was this way over the phone as well (since she lived in a far away state), a minimum of 3 hours.
She passed away from cancer last year at an early age of still being in her 60’s, and I initially felt guilty for not having stayed in touch with her and continuing to be there for her.
But I eventually had to LET GO of this HEAVINESS. I saw a younger version of her in a dream soon after, and she seemed happy all dressed up and getting ready to party with her girlfriends in Korea, so I was happy for her.
I’ve also been aware that because I continue to have a strong tendency to Be Fully Present with others, often giving my FULL attention, and being a very active listener, I make up for it by fully and freely expressing within my own sacred spaces, to include my unconventional blog of over a decade where I’ve been expressing myself A LOT (that I also do within YouTube comments! Lol, but no one has to read them).
I also had to LET GO of a few, new friends that I made since the spring of this year, because I realized that they’re definitely NOT the type of long-term relationships that are healthy, overall uplifting, and highly beneficial (i.e., NOT the Top 5 relationships that help you to become a better version/help you to grow).
Joel, I very much appreciate your precious and invaluable existence, SUNSHINE and a BREATH OF FRESH AIR presence, and all of our wonderful gifts that you share with humanity and beyond.
Your contributions surely make our world a better place, especially when it comes to important themes of Life, like:
Unconditional Love (for the self/others/interconnected Life), that includes (but is not limited to):
compassion (for self/others/Life), making self a priority (not in selfish way, but in a healthy self-love way)…
letting go of non-beneficial guilt (a very low and HEAVY vibrational energy)…
not allowing the outer world distractions and noise to bombard the strong foundation and peace of our inner world…
and realizing the importance of self-care (since we cannot truly, fully, and UNconditionally give to others from an empty cup; hence, the importance of Unconditional love for the self).
I still choose NOT to be a part of this world’s limiting religions, only because the Divine that I know (from experiential knowledge/profound wisdom) is MUCH GREATER than man’s religions, and don’t belong in limiting, earthly boxes.
And this Divine essence includes God/Jesus//Sun (Son)/Yang/Light (Known)/Soul/Higher Mind/God Particle/etc., and especially the Divine Mother Goddess/Female Christ/Moon/Yin/Dark (Unknown/Unconditional Love)/Spirit (Holy Spirit/Great Spirit)/Higher Heart/Cosmic Womb (Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities)/She who created original God (Her Other Half of the Cosmic Coin)/One of Many Names/Ultimately The Nameless/The Forgotten One/The Most Ancient One/The Most Powerful One/Alpha & Omega/etc.
Related Comment
I shared the following two messages with my adult Christian son yesterday morning (10/2/2022, Sun):
Message 1 of 2
Anyhoo, I just shared this message with a new, Christian friend I had met in Brazil, and I have no doubt that that it can be highly beneficial for you to read as well, if you choose to be receptive to it with an open mind and heart.
Good morning ________, I thought about what you said, “because of him”—do you mean the devil/satan?
Christians have blamed the devil for centuries for every wrong, bad, and evil that humans think, say, and do.
Even thieves, murderers, rapists, child molesters (to include Catholic petophile priests), etc. have used the “blame game” towards the devil to justify their actions.
So many corrupt within Christianity have even killed MILLIONS of people throughout human history (via “holy” wars)—to include women, children, and elders—in the name of religion, God and Jesus.
And it all stemmed from the belief that Christians are better than others who are NOT Christian.
How does this stem from true love? It doesn’t. Because as long as we continue the blame game of “us versus them” and “me versus you,” we will exasperate this vicious cycle of conflicts, battles, and wars (within outer world and within ourselves).
Many Christians claim to have strong faith in an Almighty God/Jesus. If this is true, then there’s no need to fear the devil, or blame the devil for humans’ ongoing flaws, mistakes, and failures.
This is why I left this world’s man-manipulated religions. Because the God/Jesus that I know is MUCH GREATER, and is about TRUE LOVE—Unconditional Love for the self/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
I realize we all have our different beliefs, and that’s okay. But I just wanted to share this message so that we are clear about where we each stand in our relationship with God/Jesus.
_______, you have been one of the few loving Christians I’ve met; but even your love seems CONDITIONAL at times—rather than unconditional like Jesus—since you still think the way many Christians do, only believing everything that the church and Bible teaches.
It’s well known nowadays that the Bible has been changed, deleted, reorganized, manipulated, revised, and controlled by corrupt leaders of religions and politicians.
That’s why there have been discovered The Lost Gospels of Jesus, and other once hidden truths (truths that have been buried and destroyed by the corrupt).
Jesus knew this, felt angry, and even flipped tables due to church leaders corrupting what is SACRED (not just a physical church, but contaminating the essence of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit-Goddess).
So I chose to further open my mind and Heart and SEE the BIGGER picture.
I am a witness to not only the greatest of God/Jesus, but especially of the long forgotten, hidden, oppressed and suppressed, Divine Mother Goddess/Heart/Holy Spirit/Great Spirit (that Native Americans called)/The Female Christ (God/Jesus’ wife).
The Return is about BOTH God & Goddess/Male & Female Christ (THE ONE). But you don’t have to believe anything I share. Always Follow what you FEEL DEEP WITHIN YOUR HEART and SOUL.
Message 2 of 2
Continuing: By the way, the 7 Essene Mirrors teaches about the different MIRRORS of various Soul/human relationships, and the profound wisdom we can gain from SEEING with CLARITY the BIGGER picture.
And whenever I FEEL drawn to the idea, I look up the meaning of names (which is also a form of energetic MIRROR).
Ever since I’ve worked at and lived in Sedona, I’ve crossed paths with almost two dozen coworkers and strangers whose names were some variation of Chris, Christina, and Mary (and I understand that they are common names as well).
But I’ve worked with a Crystal, Cristy, Crista, Christian, and Chris; and despite them being the most difficult people I’ve ever worked with my entire life—and I’ve been working full-time summer jobs since 9th grade, and many types of jobs throughout adulthood (and there are also challenging people in the military as well)—I never imagined people could be so impossible.
However COMMA I gradually learned to see Jesus/God within them due to their names reminding me of the meaning, which is Follower of Christ (true followers from the heart, that is).
One day, while working at a boutique here, several customers named Mary showed up within half a day😳🤯😵💫😲🥰; and I intuitively and strongly sensed the REPEATING MIRRORS.
Because whenever the stuff of Life REPEATS—whether outer world signs or even inner world signs, to include dream messages—it’s a sign from the Universe/God/Goddess to PAY ATTENTION AND LEARN THE LIFE LESSON (TO GAIN PROFOUND WISDOM).
Otherwise, the Life lessons will show up again in various ways, which can often take lifetimes to learn if we are not ready.
So when Cristina from Brazil showed up, I had complete faith that it was time to fully embrace and integrate this aspect of WHOLE self (physical human self)/Self (Divine within: God & Goddess).
But rather than just share to share whenever, I trusted that everything will fall into place in Divine perfect timing and order; hence, why I shared this morning with her (and even you).
From this blog’s category page, “AM I : I AM” related to name MARY:
UPDATE on top of this page added on 4/6/2021
Hathor am I, and to my beauty drawn
All glories of the Universe bow down,
The blossom and the mountain and the dawn.
Fruit’s blush, and woman, our creation’s crown.
I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine,
I am the love and life of the divine!
Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine—
Are mine.
While following my inner guidance—that started with a dream analysis this morning—I came upon the above reading, “HATHOR, THE TURQUOISE GODDESS” that shared an excerpt from a poetic work that stated the below paragraph (which preceded the quote above):
The goddess Hathor appears sporadically throughout the works of Crowley where she is usually seen as either a solar deity or as the Egyptian equivalent of Venus or Aphrodite.
In Crowley’s poetic work, Tannhauser, she is one of the characters that is of the “World of the Gods.”
Therein she has merely one line: “Light, Truth, arise, arise!” In this work she is seen as being synonymous with Aphrodite and Mary.
Related to the name “Mary” above: The following is an excerpt from the post, “A Bizarre and Unforgettable First Breathwork Experience” (and a family friend is named Mary, whom I’ve known for over about 20 years:)
As I’ve shared before—in one of last month’s (May 2021) posts (I’m pretty sure)—I had a very unusual experience at work one day, where the main theme seemed to be The Divine Feminine Goddess essence and authentic Full Presence.
In a nutshell, since I’ve already shared the story, multiple women customers named Mary showed up all within the first half of the afternoon.
Following that, I crossed paths with two other women whose full presence—along with soulful, deep eye contact and the sharing of unconditional kindness and profound wisdom—felt unlike most women I’ve met in almost five decades of my life. […]
The following is an excerpt from the post, “Dream of Light Beings a Decade Ago & Seeing One in Physical Reality in 2020“:
And today, right before watching this video, I came upon this quote related to the frustration I had experienced in the hospital, “The Devi is present within all beings as restlessness, as frustration. within the reading, “Significance Of Devi Stotra.” [click title link for the rest of reading that will open in another window]
These quotes are related to the Light Being that I mentioned, “The Devi is present and manifest as energy within all beings” and “Wherever one sees radiance, shine and brilliance; it is none other than because of the Mother Divine.”
This quote is related to the shadow being I mentioned, “The Devi is present as Shadow, as a shade.”
This quote is also related to the MEMORY subject you talked about Sadhguru, “Memory in you is also a manifestation of the Mother Divine.”
This quote is related to dream state, “The Devi Tattva expresses itself in the form of Sleep. The Sleeping state in you is a form of the Mother Divine. As sleep, She is present in every being..”
This quote is related to E.T.s and aliens I mentioned, “It is the Devi, the Divine Consciousness that manifests as the multitude of particular (unique) species.”
There are those within the spiritual communities—whether the broad range of Spirituality, various religions, or other rigid and limiting belief systems—that teach and/or preach to humanity that one can only tune into the Divine if one is thinking positive thoughts and feeling positive emotions.
However, I’ve learned via experiential knowledge (profound Living Wisdom) that this isn’t necessarily true.
And I realized this is due to the Divine Mother Goddess BEING ALL STATES of Consciousness within interconnected Life of this world and way beyond, and is NOT limited by the duality/polarity of physical worlds—the so-called right vs wrong, good vs bad, light vs dark, hot vs cold, fire vs water, etc. S/He is EVERYTHING/the Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse/The Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities (that includes the God Particle)/The Cosmic Womb & Heart/Prime Creator (who even created original God, Her other Half of the Cosmic Coin)/Creator of ALL Creation: Crop Circle 6666/One of Many Names (but ultimately The Nameless)/Alpha & Omega/ETC.
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Includes choosing what aspects [of WHOLE self/Self] and types of frequencies [energies] we prefer to experience more of in our lives, by following our passions: “Bashar :: Resonance: The Mechanism of Reflection – Highlights.”
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