The sudden, rapid growth of Chinese Bamboo Trees after invisibility and seemingly no growth for years.
Image above by oadtz via Pixabay
I never imagined being able to effortlessly let go of certain relationships and certain material world matters.
Granted, I’ve been releasing A LOT for over three decades (especially the 3rd), much more than most Souls do within lifetimes.
This morning—while lying in silence and stillness with my eyes closed—I noticed a major shift within me, a CRYSTAL CLEAR CLARITY unlike ever before.
And the best way I can describe this FEELING is a rapidly growing sense of fearlessness.
Recently, I “accidentally” signed up for a free, tandem sky diving opportunity that was offered as part of an entrepreneur training/business gathering in Tenerife.
I thought it was tandem hang gliding, due to a photo that showed up after I did an online search for the phrase tandem sky diving.
I was going to email them and back out since I’ve had an INTENSE fear of heights from childhood through adulthood.
But I noticed 3:33 after realizing that I had “mistakenly” made a CRAzyass decision; and 333 (or 3333) has been reminding me of the presence of the Ascended Masters within a decade.
So I chose to trust in this particular series of Divine Synchronicity, the way I’ve been doing since 2001 (1 week of mystical dreams within inner world followed by 3 signs to join the Army from outer world).
And with each day passing by, since that decision, I felt the energy aspect of BOLDNESS re-emerging from the pitch black abyss within.
This seemingly fearless state reminded me of the energetic state I was in within the vivid dream I had of a cupid angel alerting me outside a high rise window, to many meteors falling from the sky (shared in this blog’s category page, “AM I : I AM”).
I fully trust that I was in a neutral, fearless, I AM Presence state—I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence—with Goddess/Higher Heart/Intuition/Inner-Wisdom LEADING God/Higher Mind/Discernment/Experiential Knowledge (Wisdom).
As I’ve shared before, IF we only had a year to live, how would we live this new life? [ related post, “What IF 2022 is Humanity’s Last Year to Fully Live Within This World?“ ]
It would make sense to no longer BE who we truly AREN’T.
It would make sense to no longer DO what we don’t prefer DOING.
It would make sense to no longer DRINK and EAT what our body REJECTS.
It would make sense to no longer FOCUS on what FEELS HEAVY and draining.
It would make sense to no longer be around habitually UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS that are often NOT authentic, honest, sincere, considerate, unconditionally loving, supporting, caring, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and/or consciousness expanding. [6/2/2022: I later realized that I need to have more compassion for others—while continuing to MAINTAIN HEALTHY BOUNDARIES of course, and also having highly beneficial self-compassion—even if they’re not Heart-centered at times, because there can be various factors (to include much stress in Life) as to why they are the way they are. Other UPDATES toward bottom of this post]
It would also make sense to no longer visit places where we’re NOT truly welcomed.
I realized more than ever before that just because relationships are blood related—or even bound by some legal document (like marriage)—doesn’t necessarily mean that they need to be permanent, especially if they’ve habitually been non-beneficial to the Heart & Soul.
And just because we paid for a retreat(s), paid for plane tickets, made hotel reservations, agreed to participate in whatever event(s), etc., doesn’t necessarily mean that we HAVE to do anything should we no longer strongly feel like it.
For instance, back in 2007 or 2008, I volunteered to switch my MOS (military job) while in the Army to the much dreaded and avoided (by many Soldiers) 97E MOS (changed to 35M).
The reenlistment officer—a seemingly intimidating, black female SFC—said in a very confident and demanding manner, “Well sergeant _______, looks like you’re going to have to stay another year.”
I confidently, gently and assertively replied, “NO.”
Not only did she look surprised, but after I shared with my First Sergeant what had happened (since he asked), he asked with enlarged eyes, a big smile, and disbelief, “You SAID that?!”
And sure enough, because it was such a strong CONVICTION that I wasn’t going to do what I absolutely didn’t want to do, I did NOT end up continuing to work as a Cryptologic Analyst at the soul-draining underground facility—KRSOC at the time, now HRSOC—for another year.
And at the end of 2008, though a small, selected group of 11 Soldiers were split into two groups—one deployment to Iraq and the other to Afghanistan—and I was assigned to the latter, because my Heart & Mind was set on Iraq (another CONVICTION), it was switched the last minute.
Such unusual, illogical, and unexplainable situations are often called MIRACLES.
And I’ve been building the Heart muscle of TRUST in Divine Intervention—from our Higher versions of Multidimensional selves—since childhood.
I’m increasingly realizing that NON-ATTACHMENT to more and more of this material world is ultimate FREEDOM from within.
It’s truly liberating to NOT allow whatever forms and degrees of negative chaos from the outer world—past physical manifestations from past NEGATIVE thoughts, beliefs, and emotions—to shake our inner world’s peace.
Before I depart for my mostly solitude journey, I decided to take care of some things that I don’t need to focus on anymore.
I permanently deleted my fb account of less than a dozen Earth, blood family members, so-called family friends, friends, and acquaintances.
I’ll be deleting my Instagram account next since that apparently requires via a computer. [6/2/2022: I decided to leave this for now. Other UPDATES toward bottom of this post]
I briefly wonder who and what is next, though I have a hunch; but I shall find out in Divine perfect timing and order.
Until then, I’ll simply flow with the Cosmic River of Life, be/Be authentic, and live in the present moments to the best of my ability (as usual).
If this happens to be my last blog post, I wish humanity and beyond the best in Life.
This morning, I received an email that my flight to Tenerife was cancelled—a trip for Peter Sage’s Elite Mentorship Trainer/EMT Entreprenuer program (that included the Elite Mentorship Forum/EMF course that I completed a month ago).
Though the old version of me would’ve felt very disappointed—since a part of me was looking forward to the new experiences, I placed a lot of focus preparing for the trip, and I had already packed my suitcases—to my great surprise, I was able to gracefully and fully embrace the sudden, unexpected change (aka RAPID CHANGE, included in the title of this post).
The change was due to severe weather conditions in the east coast—where my flight from Phoenix was scheduled to land before switching planes—that apparently started the evening after I created and published this post.
Fortunately, I was able to receive a full refund for the roundtrip flight and shuttle service, since the cancellations were due to adverse weather conditions; however, I may not receive a refund for hotel reservations at Iberostar Bouganville Playa in Tenerife, Spain (we’ll see since I emailed them to make an exception due to severe weather conditions).
I chose to continue trusting, that at a subconscious level—Divine Goddess essence/Consciousness, where 95% of our reality is created from—my Higher Self created this needed change for the highest benefit of self/Self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
I also wondered if this was related to a collection of personal experiences I had shared in post, “Observations of Extreme Weather Anomalies and Their Connection to Powerful I AM Presence.“
Within this post, I had shared a story about my husband and I being a witness to hail (the size of his palm) fall down during May.
And this morning, after doing some online searches, I came upon a weather article mentioning hail the size of golf balls to baseballs during this severe weather phase, and it’s June!
I shared the following comment for the uplifting, empowering, and inspiring video, “Leo ‘Happening In Big Leaps!’ June 2022 Tarot” (and donated a ‘$10 Thanks’ via Paypal to further show my appreciation):
Chris, thank you so much for a VERY HELPFUL reading with multiple SPOT ON points and profound insights.
I usually leave a LONG@$$ comment, but I’m sure you have more than enough to read, so I’ll just leave it as that (give us a break).
You are deeply appreciated Soul brother, have a wonderful weekend enJOYing many present and pleasant moments of now! 😉
I shared the following message for the helpful video, “5 MORE Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon! (May 30th, 2022)“:
You crack me up Vic with your animated self/Self! ^_^ Thank you for a helpful video message, especially the last part.
Regarding the theme about the entire spectrum, I recently shared a message with a family friend about this that I’ll share later (gotta go for now).
She basically put me on the spot (indirectly) about a very sensitive, personal topic (that was shared due to trust) in front of her immediate and extended family whom I barely know (which was initially awkward).
But I was able to basically communicate in a transparently honest, gentle, assertive, and tactful manner, something to the effect of, “What you’re REALLY trying to say is this, and now I’m going to share with all of you an expanded [Multidimensional] perspective.”
She looked very surprised, which pretty much always happens when I just bring it all out to the open so that we can discontinue the somewhat subtle mind games.
I’ll copy and paste the text message later, that I felt very grateful for since it provided profound insights even for myself (which often happens), that I fully trust expands our individual and Collective Consciousness. [Update: text message was deleted]
By the way, you may want to add a “Super Thanks” icon to your YouTube videos (I donated to a video for the first time today).
I’m copying and pasting the HOW TO instructions from online:
How do you get a thanks button on YouTube? Turn on Super Thanks Sign in to YouTube Studio. From the left menu, click Monetization. Select the Supers tab and follow the on-screen instructions to get started. Once you’ve completed all the instructions, you’ll find “Super Thanks” with an on/off button in the Supers tab. Toggle on “Super Thanks.” Turn on and manage Super Thanks – YouTube Help – Google …
Have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones! 😉
I shared the following message for the deeply moving video, “LEO | THIS READING WENT LEFT! I HAVE NO TITLE FOR THIS“ (and donated a ‘$10 Thanks’ via Paypal to further show my appreciation) :
Authentic, Honest, Sincere, Super Loving, Wise, Beautiful Soul/Spirit/Mariah, if I knew you in person, I would love to treat you to a delicious meal at a nice restaurant, and ask you, “How are you Mariah?”
You asked, “Who’s there for you?” and ultimately, I trust that we, ourselves—our Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical self)/Self (Higher Self: Spirit & Soul within)—need to be there for ourselves FIRST AND FOREMOST.
This includes but is not limited to: UNconditionally embracing and even deeply loving more and more neutral aspects of our entire self/Self, being our own BFF first, being loyal to ourselves, having self-compassion, unconditionally forgiving ourselves, being kind to ourselves, developing and maintaining healthy boundaries, incorporating self-care, etc..
However, YES, it does help to experience others being there for us as well. So personally, the answer to “Who’s there for you Leo?” is…FIRST AND FOREMOST Spirit & Soul within—and all other loving and supportive aspects and extensions of Spirit within inner and outer worlds—and this includes unconditionally loving, BIG Hearted Souls like you/You Mariah.
Your deeply heartfelt messages have helped me through some very challenging moments and days, and at times, even made me weep or uncontrollably cry at a profound level (crying is releasing/healing).
The funny thing is, I don’t receive anything close to this level of care from my mother, adult children, relatives, and some family friends, though occasionally from my current husband (who does his best).
That’s why I shared once that it’s not necessarily about blood relationships (though it can be), but about Soul Family relationships that are profound and deeply heartfelt.
When I expand my perspective—to a more open-minded/open-hearted, empowering, Multidimensional one (rather than a disempowering, victim mentality one)—I trust that as I unconditionally love WHOLE self/Self more and more within, my outer world will eventually MIRROR my inner world in Divine perfect timing and order.
Plus, I’m reminded that we are all doing our best from whatever consciousness level we’re at on our Soul journey, that’s at our own pace.
I have no doubt that you’re a highly sensitive/gifted Soul (I was since childhood, and so are many others); but you may also be an ultra sensitive empath with DNA-activated, Multidimensional abilities (and possibly even a Blue Ray starseed) like me.
Granted, this is just one of many earthly labels of our WHOLE self/Self, though ultimately, we can choose whatever NEUTRAL aspect(s) to simply Be at any given moment (meaning, we can Be whoever we choose to Be).
I FEEL Spirit’s pure messages channeling within you, as you, and through you, which I rarely feel from others. I fully trust it’s because your Heart and mind are in alignment within you (as integrated and merged Heart/Mind); hence, why you’re a clean channel.
Just so you know, it’s very much appreciated that you have the Heart-centered intention to stay on the tarot cards, but I have no doubt that you’re meant to share with humanity and beyond your mindful and powerful Full Presence—I AM Presence: I (Soul/Light/Sun/Fire/Yang/God/Higher Mind) AM (Spirit/Unconditional Love/Moon/Water/Yin/Goddess/Higher Heart) Presence—while following your inner guidance/Heart/intuition/insights/Inner-Wisdom FIRST AND FOREMOST.
Who you ARE take precedence over what you DO; and this applies to all of us.
You brought up such a soul-touching observation about how you love being in a room with other people, because basically everyone is experiencing some form of loneliness as well. This is why I often actively listen to others share their stories.
You also mentioned a SPOT ON point regarding being able to walk into a room full of people, and no one truly knowing who we are and what all we’ve been through, since they can only see the outer surface.
In 2010, a peer Army lady from my military women’s PTSD group shared with me that she was wondering why I was even there since I appeared as though I was well put together (little did she know, Lol).
Since she had separated herself from the group during lunch (due to her own unhealed, heart wounds), a group of us stopped by the break room before heading to lunch every day, and invited her to eat with us; and one day, to our delightful surprise, she agreed to join us. We became, and that led to other phases of new experiences and growth for both of us.
Mariah, you weren’t being sloppy with this message, and you’re definitely NOT a mess. I have to remind myself daily to fully let go of society-conditioned, negative self-talk, and replace it with loving, positive self-talk; and like a muscle, it takes practice to develop and build into a solid and unshakeable, healthy habit.
I fully trust that everything happens in Divine perfect timing and order, ultimately for the highest benefit of interconnected Life, though it may not appear so on the outer, temporary surface. Every precious moment is part of the stepping stones of individual and Collective Soul success.
Authenticity is known to be the highest vibrational frequency because Spirit is known to Be AUTHENTIC/PURE/NEUTRAL/UNCONDITIONALLY EMBRACING/WHOLE (i.e., WHOLEy Spirit/Holy Spirit/Divine Mother Goddess/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Cosmic Heart/Unconditional Love Frequency that includes Light Frequency/Soul/God).
Your invaluable existence and presence alone is SO deeply heartfelt, soul-soothing, uplifting, empowering, and inspiring…always REMEMBER that.
It’s not about impermanent, earthly labels like: job or career positions, status (single or married, upper or lower society, popularity or lack thereof, etc.), background (biological, educational, financial, etc.), race, gender, color, number of social media followers, certificates, degrees, test scores, material possessions, etc., but your CORE ESSENCE.
And YOU radiate a super Light and Loving energy, even when you say things like f!@# (Lol), which is part of being authentic. 😉
THANK YOU SO MUCH Mariah for simply Being you/You, you are deeply appreciated. You’re such a priceless and rare gem, a Divine gift to All of Life.
Wishing you many present and pleasant moments of now, have a wonderful weekend BRIGHTLY SHINING siSTAR! ^_^
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