Intro: I shared this message for the creator of image on right => Thank you Gerd for sharing this creative and colorful image that reminded me of:
Integration : the merge of physical self and Divine Self, Mirror Work/The 7 Essene Mirrors/Shadow Work, Unity Consciousness of spiritual worlds (that contains separation consciousness of physical worlds), Interconnected Life within this world and beyond, and Major Transformation on all energetic levels: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. I used it for post: [this one]
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
^^^end of Intro^^^^
I shared the following message for video, “Shadow Work: What Is It? (& When To Back Off)“:
Thank you Vic for sharing some great, new insights that I was able to relate to within this helpful video message.
I also shared details supporting your insights, along with some other expanded perspectives from personal experiences, but I will keep this comment short, and share the rest within a post, to include the themes:
1) observations of contradictions, and shining light onto shadows/the unknown
2) more mind-centered—rather than integrated Heart/Mind (with Heart leading mind)—metaphysical teachers who weren’t aware of their own shadows (to include the irony of often judging the individual and Collective Ego)
3) what I further LET GO of that felt HEAVY; hence, felt lighter afterwards
4) lower mind vs Higher Mind
5) separation consciousness vs Unity Consciousness
6) a metaphysical documentary film that didn’t share a very important, other half of a story (whether unknowingly or knowingly) 7) the consequence of spreading fear-based, false beliefs
8) how I wasn’t aware of certain “negative” shadow aspects as well as “positive” Golden Shadow aspects
9) my first 5 ayahuasca ceremony experiences:
Being in the unbelievable, INTENSELY FELT, Full Presence of God Thoth, Goddess Sekhmet and other Gods, and then
mostly amazing, inner-child work, to include the deepest and longest cry I recall ever experiencing, vividly interacting in various ways with my inner-child (to include having FUN), seeing very happy versions of my inner-child, and experiencing BLISS at the end
10) while hiking within the red rock mountains in Sedona yesterday, having a profound, almost 2 hour conversation with a stranger—transforming on all energetic levels: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual–and then all 3 of us seeing a snake and a beetle afterwards (both animal spirit guides main symbolism is TRANSFORMATION; part of this particular series of Divine synchronicity )
Image by Graham Hobster from Pixabay
11) practicing healthy boundaries and conserving energy
12) knowing when to actively listen, moderately share, and even generously share, and…
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
13) related Alan Watts profound teachings, to include Trusting the Universe, Embracing ALL Feelings, and the ways of the Mystic (i.e., simply direct merged Heart & Mind connection, alignment, and experiences with the Divine that we all have access to from within, not needing a third party, like a priest, pastor, guru, spiritual teacher and/or healer, though outer Soul teachers of various earthly labels can be helpful too).
Have a great weekend Soul brother!
Ahaya Mulantis
Shadow Work & Other Soul Teachers
Yes, I, too, have experienced phases of my life within a decade, of diving too deep into shadow work at times, and neglecting my physical self within this particular reality (which isn’t unconditionally loving WHOLE self/Self I realized).
As much as I appreciated Soul teachers like Teal Swan—though I didn’t resonate with everything that she shared (but only took onboard with discernment what FELT light/true to my Heart)—I had to discontinue watching her YouTube videos that seemed to lean much more towards ironic judgments about various aspects within humans, as well as other forms of negativity as the years went by (though her earlier videos FELT soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt, which I shared with her).
And I noticed that I was allowing the frequent negativity to bring me down, even feeling depressed at times.
And sure enough, once I fully LET GO of this part of my life—and not subscribing back again due to hoping that she had changed—I noticed how lighter I felt.
Plus, she often didn’t appear peaceful, happy, warm, and other love-based energies anymore (especially at her NYC event years ago), but rather, she often radiated energies that FELT distant, cold, heart-broken, apathetic, ironically judgmental (towards the individual and Collective Ego and some “negative” shadow aspects).
[WOW, after completing the draft post, and organizing and reviewing it, I realized that I can be like Teal too at times (i.e., distant, cold, heart-broken, apathetic, and ironically judgmental ). Another UPDATE: I found out that she had her 4th divorce before this NYC event—which I wasn’t aware of at the time—and explains why she often appeared these ways. I wish I had known this fact then, which would’ve helped me to have more compassion for her. Granted, I still wouldn’t resonate with three of the shocking things she said that seemed out of character; but again, she wasn’t her usual self I suppose. Moving forward, I will be even more cognizant of taking such possible factors into consideration with so-called others.]
Sadhguru once taught in one of his YouTube videos, that when someone teaches you to do whatever, see how it’s worked for them, which is a great point (and I realized also applies to me).
So I shared Sadhguru’s quote within a comment to Peter Sage for his Elite Mentorship Forum (EMF) online course, because despite his very confident claim of living in a friendly Universe—and sharing with his members (to print out and say out loud daily), an Oath of Manifestation poster that included an entire page of positive affirmations (and living in a friendly Universe)—he didn’t seem like he truly believed he did.
He was often very cynical of various things about this world and the people within it, to include his frequent and aggressive judgments about our individual and Collective Ego (ego/Ego).
So during one of his live calls—where everyone is automatically placed on mute (so only he can talk)—I shared a comment that it’s IRONIC to be very judgmental towards the ego/Ego, when our ego/Ego is known to be very judgmental (due to society’s fear-based conditioning).
[WOW, after completing the draft post, and organizing and reviewing it, I realized that I can be like Peter too at times (i.e., claiming to believe and trust in a loving and supportive Higher Self—aka I AM Presence/Universe/Source: Spirit/Higher Heart/Goddess & Soul/Higher Mind/God—but yet, having little trust/faith at times; and even judging mine and others’ egos and negative aspects).]
Years ago, during one of the hikes within your retreat, an older man (probably in his 60’s) approached our group and went off on a rapid rant (that felt like 30 minutes or so) about how the mind is bad and evil, and that it’s only about the Heart.
So I shared that whenever we make an enemy out of ANY ultimately NEUTRAL aspects of ourselves/others, we add fuel to the fire of inner and outer world conflicts, battles, and wars; he was basically speechless afterwards, gave each of us heart-shaped stones, and went on his merry way.
Years later, I noticed him within a documentary film that one of the Community Managers (of Peter Sage’s EMF group) shared, but they didn’t mention WHAT half-ass message he was actually sharing with everyone and their mamas and grandmamas; but rather, portrayed him like a saint.
And this made me realize that just because someone created a seemingly official and accurate documentary within the Spirituality community, doesn’t necessarily mean that it contains the whole truth.
[WOW, after completing the draft post, and organizing and reviewing it, I realized that my blog can be like that documentary film at times (i.e., not sharing the other side of another’s story, whether known or unknown to me).]
I wondered how many people he had shared this fear-based belief that only told half the truth for god knows how many years or even decades.
And since Sedona’s a major tourist location that people from around the world visit, how many people left believing that our mind is bad and evil.
What’s also IRONIC—and I don’t recall if I had shared this with him—is that he was using his mind to think and communicate to us, and he, and the rest of humanity, wouldn’t be able to function without our minds.
But there’s the society-conditioned, wounded, so-called lower mind, and there’s the profoundly wise, Higher Mind/Soul/God essence, just as there is the unhealed heart, and the fully healed version of the unconditionally loving Higher Heart/Spirit/Goddess essence.
This older man more than likely had good intentions from his state of lower consciousness, though still part of separation consciousness, rather than Unity Consciousness.
But if we were to believe what this older man preached, we would go through the rest of our lives always suppressing, denying, projecting (onto others), judging, , rejecting, resenting, and even condemning half of our WHOLE self/Self.
So whether it’s Teal, Peter, this older man from Sedona, or any of us, whatever we DENY within ourselves—to include our own (or others’) egos that we continue to judge—IS an aspect(s) of our UNKNOWN/SHADOW; and this isn’t just “negative” shadow aspects, but positive, Golden ones as well.
Alan Watts gracefully teaches about this subject in such a profoundly wise, eloquent, soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, and inspiring way.
But you’re absolutely spot on [Vic] about incorporating balance and harmony with shadow work, since it can burn us out.
Because even though I had discontinued watching Teal’s videos, going overboard with shadow work can still be tiring at times.
Like you said, there seems to always be more shadow work to explore, but thanks to your helpful message, I can refrain from going overboard at times.
Granted, for a while now, shadow work has become less of so-called challenging work, but more like second nature, effortlessly recognizing and acknowledging whatever negative or positive aspects of others as aspects of WHOLE self/Self.
Added poster on right on 9/18/2022 (day after), and was exciting to read an additional confirmation for the paragraph above. ^_^
Amazing Experiences from First Ayahuasca Ceremonies
As I’ve shared before, my intention for my first sacred ayahuasca retreat this past July, was to better KNOW self/Self, to include further deeply healing whatever aspects of WHOLE self/Self.
I wasn’t interested in turning the ayahuasca experience into some ongoing, recreational event, or even doing it because of others.
Therefore, I dedicated myself to a very strict preparation phase (via Spirit Vines), to include a very clean diet, and even for a while after the retreat, where I spent a total of a month in Brazil (without my husband).
And for my first ayahuasca ceremony, I asked Ayahuasca (part of Mother Goddess) to reveal to me my fears so that I can face them and overcome them.
I experienced being in front of God Thoth—along with the Full Presence of the Divine Feminine essence of Goddess Sekhmet, and other Gods—which again, was the most INTENSE vibrational frequency I had ever experienced, and FELT so REAL.
I later realized that my greatest fear is my Golden Shadow Self of immense and unstoppable power (that’s meant to highly benefit self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond, NOT misused and abused).
Image by 💙♡🌼♡💙 Julita 💙♡🌼♡💙 from Pixabay
Perhaps in past lives, I had misused and abused my powers, and/or I used my powers of healing, and was burned alive, like the millions of witches (witch means The Wise One) throughout human history (which explains various related dreams, as well as my deep fear, and deep love, of both fire and water).
During my 4 ceremonies out of 5 , I actually did much more inner-child work, to include uncontrollably bawling the deepest cry I recall ever experiencing, that included heavy breathing, for what seemed like within 10 minutes.
A part of me didn’t want to disturb others by crying and making too much noise (society-conditioned ego that wants to do what’s right), but another part of me (which was more powerful: Heart/Spirit/Goddess) encouraged me to release without concerns; so I did, and I FELT so much lighter afterwards.
During the remaining ceremonies, I was able to effortlessly visualize—more than ever before when I did inner-child work in the past on my own—and FEEL the REALness of them, interacting with various ages of my inner-child, sharing much Light (helpful knowledge and profound wisdom in understandable ways) Unconditional Love, and FUN moments.
Plus, it was the first time that I recall seeing my inner-child so happy at various moments, which made me so happy.
And after the last ayahuasca ceremony, I experienced going from what appeared, sounded like, and FELT like a gloomy realm to the opposite, which I suppose is what is often referred to as BLISS.
It felt so peaceful and heavenly; and afterwards, I swam in the pond again—something I refused to do before due to not wanting to swim in water that wasn’t clear—and it felt so smooth, refreshing and supportive, along with the surrounding, gorgeous, paradise-like nature (all part of Mother Nature/Earth that’s also supportive and uplifting).
I was even healthy on all levels for a while after the retreat, where I spent a total of a month in Brazil. I was so grateful for this invaluable experience.
Sharing, Transformation & A Visit from Related Snake and Beetle
Upon returning to Sedona, I experienced much low energy states—though I often felt so happy while in Brazil, playing, enJOYing Life in various ways mostly with myself, and even with new friends at times (which I shared with my husband).
And yesterday, while bouncing back to hiking with my husband within the Sedona red rock mountains, and taking a break on top, two young men asked me if I could take a picture of them, and we ended up having a conversation.
Soon after they left, an older gentleman (in his 60’s) from out of state (visiting), approached me and another conversation started.
He said he overheard me interacting with the young guys, and felt drawn to me.
Added second poster on right on 9/18/2022 (day after), and was exciting to read an additional confirmation for the above sentence, and the rest of this section.
However COMMA the dates on the top right corner of this poster is not related to me, but I have no doubt that the snake is one of my main spirit guides since childhood—along with cat, dog, wolf, black panther, ants, dragonfly (symbolizing ability to SHIFT in ANY direction with an expanded, Multidimensional perspective), and cockroach (yes, symbolizing the ability to not only survive, but THRIVE in ANY environment)^_^
I felt grateful for this new experience since we shared and mirrored to one another various aspects that we were able to learn and grow from.
And because he seemed open-minded and hearted, and receptive, I actually shared with him expanded perspectives of various childhood through adulthood stories he shared with me (to include society’s fear-based conditioning, false beliefs passed down through generations, inner and outer conflicts, confusion, heartbreaks and traumas).
Strangers sharing their very personal stories with me has happened so many times throughout adulthood, that’s it’s become a belief, then a absolute CONVICTION that I have a Divine gift of teaching and healing others just with my Full Presence—which many angel number messages, dream state messages, and animal spirit guide messages have confirmed as well—which is why I intend on creating short (1 minute and under) to around 12 minutes YouTube videos in the near future from my publicly shared blog posts, as well as many unpublished draft posts and journals.
Speaking of the latter, almost 2 hours after our conversation, he thanked me for being so wonderful and patient with him, allowing him to share so much, and for helping him to have an amazing experience, to include feeling like a sunroof opened on top of his head (an interesting analogy), and he was introduced to so much helpful, new perspectives that were empowering (rather than disempowering).
I also thanked him for sharing his wonderful self, to include him being so free-spirited, curious, inquisitive, generously loving and caring towards others, loyal, and much more from his childhood through adulthood.
I also thanked him for mirroring to me what I had been pondering about lately, to start creating YouTube videos from my blog that I’ve been working on for over a decade, only using the most helpful parts.
He was wondering if he should do what he had thought about, which was to start a YouTube channel, and I told him that his voice is very soothing, his demeanor is calm, cool, and collected, and he has a lot of love and wisdom to share; and he was also great with analogies.
But because he was so curious, I shared with him subjects he was struggling with, like the difference between conditional love and unconditional love, conditional forgiveness and unconditional forgiveness, half self (only “right” “good” and light”) vs Authentic WHOLE self/Self (BOTH sides of the same coin), as well as the importance of balancing this Unconditional Love within for self as well (to include healthy boundaries), and not just for others (as he’s been taught, like many within humanity).
To my great surprise, when he shared about accidently walking into a prickly pear cactus behind his right foot yesterday, I shared an insight that I received at that moment, that in order for him to move forward in his life (symbolized by the right foot) in a more empowered way, he needs to develop and maintain healthy boundaries (symbolized by the prickly cactus).
Plus, he’s been having left foot issues as well, which I explained that left side of body is related to feminine energies, and issues stems from not embracing our true feelings like anger—which he was taught by his father to NEVER express, among other “negative” qualities—and basically suppress, which is unreasonable and unrealistic since we’re physical humans as well.
I explained the difference between healthy expressions of our “negative” emotions and the consequences of them being suppressed (like the seemingly dormant volcano that suddenly EXPLODES, the passive guy who ends up going postal, or the seemingly apathetic teenager who ends up doing school shootings, not to say that aspects like passive and apathy have a tendency to lead to such destructive actions, but they can when anger is overly suppressed).
The Mystic Alan Watts taught about the importance of embracing ALL FEELINGS, which is authentic and honest, though these feelings don’t have to always lead to actions (i.e., there’s nothing wrong with feeling anger or even hatred, but it’s not necessary to punch someone in the face or kill another; plus, such violent actions stem from UNACKNOWLEDGED negative emotions, which is often harmful and even dangerous).
But to DENY how we truly feel within is DISHONEST.
Anyhoo, back to the stranger from Sedona. In addition, that was the second time that a prickly pear cactus SHOWED UP in his reality, though the first time it went into the top of his shoe, but didn’t poke his skin.
I mentioned that whenever we’re not fully aware of the messages from the Universe (an extension of our Higher Self) that can teach us Life lessons, they will show up again, in the same, similar, or different forms; and each time a more amplified version to get our attention.
I continued that had he not FELT the pain of the cactus, he probably would not have shared that story with me, which enabled me to share the insight with him.
But we don’t always have to gain wisdom from Life lessons the hard way, to include through pain and suffering.
His eyes opened wider, and the rest of face lit up and thanked me.
Anyhoo, right before heading back down, my husband—who joined our conversation towards the end—noticed a tiny (perhaps baby snake), slim, adorable, gray snake who didn’t seem afraid to show itself out of its hole and hang around (see video below followed by still photos; click on image to see larger view).
The contrasting black and light pink (or taupe) reminded me of what I shared at the beginning of this post: Integration [of what seems like opposites, but ultimately 2 sides of the same 1 Cosmic Coin] : the merge of physical self and Divine Self […] & Unity Consciousness of spiritual worlds (that contains separation consciousness of physical worlds).
Shortly after, a black beetle passed by the snake real close, and thankfully, there wasn’t any confrontation (see video right below with snake on top and beetle moving downward; wasn’t able to capture the very close encounter of the snake and beetle part, since we were staring in awe at those lightning fast moments); 3 still, close-up photos under the video; click on image to see larger view).
will add video shortly, having technical issue at the moment
I did a quick search, and found an similar image from the Reptile Website (on right) that could also be related to readings, “Patching Together the Biology of a Rare Snake“ or the opposite theme of rare, “Common Snakes of the Phoenix Area [Patchnose Snake Harmless]“ (part of snake removal service).
Story continuing…
I excitedly shared that they’re both (as spirit animals) symbolic of major transformations, which mirrored us since we were having a profound conversation about all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.
I asked my husband to take a photo since it was a priceless moment (and I didn’t bring my phone); photo on right.
So even though I recall from one of your recent videos, Vic, that it’s NOT a good idea to share too much since many people may not be ready for it—and even the co-founder of the ayahuasca retreat told me that I overshare (which I briefly judged myself for, until I snapped out of it)—I chose to continue going with the flow of Life and simply do my best to Be Authentic, Full Presence self/Self, and share what I FEEL inspired to share with others.
Plus, there are many more times where I mostly actively listened to others (again, going with how I FEEL), and a new friend from that ayahuasca retreat shared another perspective about “oversharing” which I highly resonated with.
From his perspective—since he felt grateful for all the helpful information, insights, and profound wisdom I shared—my sharing was generous rather than oversharing, which I deeply appreciated.
In addition, I further realized that there’s oversharing in meaningless ways, just randomly talking for a few to several hours about overrated material world topics—to include small talk, lots of complaining about issues and problems, victim mentality, poverty consciousness topics, etc..
And then there’s sharing material world topics integrated with spiritual world topics—Being Fully Present with self (inner world)/others (outer world), expanding our perspectives, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, learning from Life lessons, growing together, sharing profound wisdom, benefiting self/others, contributing to our individual and Collective Consciousness, etc.
Learning More About Self-Love, Self-Care & Healthy Boundaries
Yesterday, after almost two hours, I informed this gentleman that I had to go since my neck was getting very hot from the heat.
I also started to sense that it was time, and that the conversation could go for much longer should I allow it to; but I was starting to feel tired.
And I was proud of myself for getting better at maintaining healthy boundaries myself, since it’s important to Be Living Wisdom, rather than just teach or preach shiny words.
And I was glad he was understanding, though he admitted to wanting to talk longer.
At one point, shortly after returning from the hike yesterday, I suddenly felt as though I had been drugged with a sleeping pill.
I intuitively and strongly sensed that those two hours—jam packed with a mega dose of transmuting energies—had taken A LOT out of me (as the highly to ultra sensitive empath aspect of WHOLE self/Self).
So next time, I will NOT go over an hour for my own well-being (because others may not be aware, and/or care as much due to a stronger desire to share their stories, which is understandable, especially if they haven’t crossed paths with that many fully present, compassionate, and active listeners).
So I attempted to take a nap, though my younger, male cat (Leo) wanted to be a pain in the ass, LOUD-ASS, and wake me up a few times (and Interrupted sleep makes me more tired) .
So I grabbed him by the back of his neck—the way mother cats do to their kittens—and firmly said, “STOP, I need sleep,” since he does this often despite getting a daily, full-body massage by me, frequent pets and cuddles (from both husband and I), and having all other needs met like more than enough water, food, snacks, outside time, play time, naps, many cat beds and catios, and even vet visits.
He got my message and finally became quiet. I then at least laid on my bed for about two hours, and felt a little better.
I realized I could’ve shut the doors, but my older, female cat was sleeping peacefully next to me, and I love my cats joining me on the bed (even at hotels), as long as they don’t repeatedly disrupt my sleep, which is vital for me to recharge.
I told my husband that I didn’t have the energy to cook dinner last night, and he agreed to eat out, though Sedona seems to have a limited choice of restaurants that serve really delicious foods.
They seem to range from mostly not good, decent, to good, but not amazing—like many restaurants at various locations within this world—and nothing to look forward to or be missed.
I’m learning more about self-care, part of Unconditional Love, to include discovering more of my preferences, which will help me to move to a highly resonating and matching environment in the near future.
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