I’m grateful that I had an interest in watching the video below, which was a blessing in disguise.
It has taught me to learn/remember more of my True Self. I left the following comment (in italics), and then decided to create a new post from it since it was helpful to me, and may be for others as well:
ย The True History of the Anunnaki; Explains Why they came to Earth and What they were after
Note: Thank youย ownyourlight.caย for beautiful yin and yang image on right.
Comment left for video mentioned above:
Being informative/providing Light is great; however, the missing element in this video is Love.
The mere intention and act of instilling fear in others (especially loss of hope for humanity) doesn’t stem from Love, which places this video in the same category as those who also control and instill fear in society.
Also, throughout the video, there is much low frequency sounds which is questionable. It’s understandable when giving examples, but why so often and so much?
What is the purpose and intention of only introducing “evil” aliens that appear frightening, and who also make screeching and loud sounds?
Perhaps to also instill fear into the subconscious minds of those watching this video, since the language of the subconscious mind deals with visual images and feelings?
As vast as this omniverse is, why not also mention the many “good” aliens/celestial beings who are currently (and have been) helping humanity as well?
If this video is meant to reveal the truth and help others to wake up and see the Light, why half-ass it? Let’s bring it all out in the open and reveal the WHOLE truth.
Or are we so arrogant and ignorant to the point that we only believe in “evil” aliens?
Just as humanity has the “good” and the “bad,” wouldn’t aliens also have the same types of different vibrational beings—ranging from those who speak and act from fear energy (the lowest frequency within the Love frequency spectrum) and those who speak and act from compassion (the highest frequency within the Love frequency spectrum)?
Remaining in the duality of “good” vs “evil” will not help us to reunite universally, and eventually return to All That Is.
If we truly choose to believe in an Almighty/omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and ALL-loving Creator, who created the omniverse (not just our universe), then would it not makes sense that darkness (to include the devil) is also part of that creation since darkness brings life to Light, and fear brings life to Love?
Now, if we choose to believe in a much lesser high power, than it would make sense that this so-called god is apparently and continually helpless in defeating “dark” forces, to include the “devil” and “evil” aliens.
My soul brothers and sisters, let’s re-member our true essence (and also help those who have forgotten their true essence due to their very low fear vibrational frequency—the so-called “bad” and “evil” beings) and choose to Be our True Selves/:
- Balance/Harmony/Faith/Unconditional Love/Peace/Joy/
- Freedom (from fear)/
- Abundance (trusting that we have everything we need for our soul in every Moment of Now since everything happens in Divine perfect timing))/
- Truth (that we are ALL One, expressing our spiritual selves in human and/or alien bodies separately so that we may physically experience Life on Earth, or other planets, that can teach us MANY lessons about who we are individually and collectively; thus, duality is highly effective in allowing us to define ourselves, which in turn helps Prime Creator to define His/Her/Itself)/
- Wisdom (to see with clarity from our heart space/seeing others through the eyes of Universal Love)/
- Discernment (following one’s intuition/gut feeling whether or not something is true)/
- Creativity (to co-create a better world/a Heaven on Earth by ending separation—“good guys” vs “bad guys” which has been going on for centuries and has not been helpful to humanity or any other species)/
- Self-Empowerment (releasing “victim” mentality and remembering our true power from within/our Christ Consciousness)/
- Unity (that we are ALL parts of the whole, just some more DENSE in their vibrational frequency)
Thank you for this gift/video; it is a blessing in disguise that has helped me to learn/remember more of my True Self. Have a great week! ^_^