Whenever I experience any series of synchronicity—the coincidence-like, breadcrumbs of interconnected Life, whether positive or negative (though I much prefer the former ^_^)—I continue to be amazed by these seemingly magical and miraculous occurrences.
They show up in Divine perfect timing and order, and surprise us as invaluable gifts that the Universe delivers in the form of obvious blessings, and blessings in disguise (IF we’re paying attention).
Image by Daniel Hourtoulle from Pixabay
This morning, I watched a very helpful video message, and then added the update below for post, “Expanded Perspectives of Various Triggers, Such as Negative People and Nightmares” (from July 21, 2021):
The following is a comment I shared for the further eye-opening/mind and heart opening video, “How To Respond When Someone Is Being Nasty | Sadhguru“:
Thank you so much Sadhguru for this deeply heartfelt, soul-igniting, and profoundly wise message.
Then, as soon as I logged onto Peter Sage’s website, to check out the next session for his online, “Ultimate Self Mastery” course, I noticed the following, anger-filled comment on the main page (from one of the members), so I shared a comment with him (further below):
John Bird
Your Peter Sage is a fucking scam people Iโm a native American medicine man from the United States in Michigan and I read through him and heโs a British scam artist probably sitting in prison right now taking your money so good luck if you wanna learn how to manifest things contact birdjohn427@gmail.com Iโll give you proper guidance heโll take your money
My Reply Comment to John Bird:
Hello John Bird ^_^, your comment about Peter Sage was on top, so even though I had the choice to easily disregard it as someone ranting about nothing, I was reminded from within—my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner wisdom/gut feeling—that EVERYONE’S perceptions and perspectives ARE VALID (though not necessarily fully accurate); also, my cat-like curiosity desired to further explore this intriguing conundrum.
Fortunately, before logging onto this website, I had JUST watched an eye, mind and heart opening, 3 minute YouTube video that shared profound wisdom [the one mentioned above: “How To Respond When Someone Is Being Nasty | Sadhguru“] related to what you mentioned; and I’d like to share it with you, along with a related, personal story, and an expanded perspective, JUST in case it’s helpful to you or anyone else who may read this.
First and foremost, I have no doubt that ALL of us—even a Medicine Man (or Woman), Guru, Shaman, Wounded Healer, Priest, Pastor, Monk, etc.—have so-called positive and negative aspects (to varying degrees) within our full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical, human self)/Self (Soul/Spirit within), whether or not we’d like to admit this Universal Truth.
These seemingly SEPARATE and OPPOSITE aspects (and extensions) are ultimately 2 sides of THE SAME COSMIC COIN—the Moon & Sun, Yin & Yang, Heart & Mind, Spirit & Soul, Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies, Goddess & God, Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known), etc.
What I was reminded about from this helpful video message (mentioned above), is this:
Whenever we focus on the negative, wrong, and bad aspects of self/other/interconnected Life, then MORE of those seemingly unpleasant aspects will show up in our reality (the power of our mind [and emotions]).
However, if we choose to SEE—with open and integrated Mind/Heart, and crystal clear CLARITY—the positive, right, and good aspects of self/other/interconnected Life, then more of those seemingly pleasant aspects will show up in our reality; and perhaps even help change and transform (to whatever degree) the so-called negative, wrong, and bad aspects to their more beneficial, exalted, expanded vibrational states of Being.
Example Personal Story [that I’ve shared within this blog a while back (with more details), though the name of the post escapes me, since it was a story within stories as usual]
I’ve crossed paths with many humans throughout this world, to include some extremely challenging ones; and one of the most soul-igniting, memorable ones was from 19 years ago.
In a nutshell, there was this Army Staff Sergeant who was known as an A$$HOLE to many Soldiers within my first unit; and he definitely was one, because he habitually MISUSED and ABUSED his position, status, and power, and the Soldiers around him.
The collective belief of the Soldiers was that he KNEW that he could treat everyone below him like a MEGA LOAD of doo doo, and get away with it, because he was in charge of our Company Headquarters’ administrative section; hence NO ONE wanted to stand up to him because of the repercussion that would most likely happen (their personal paperwork can suddenly disappear).
One seemingly magical and miraculous day, I met a female Soldier friend for lunch at a restaurant in Korea. To my UNdelightful surprise, this Staff Sergeant arrived there as well, and asked us if he could join.
I was pretty sure I was going to end up with some major indigestion that afternoon, but the clever Universe had another surprise; this man who seemed so heartless every day at work, revealed another side of him that was so wonderful.
So another day, after a platoon dinner party one evening, while we were all walking back to our post (from downtown), I gently mentioned to him that I was glad that I had the opportunity to see such a wonderful side of him the other day (and that evening), and wondered why he wasn’t that way at work, and instead, often treated people like crap (and yes, I said it like that).
He gently smiled like an innocent child, while looking at the ground, and then confessed that it was his defense mechanism to keep people away, so that he won’t get hurt anymore; I realized that day that he was acting like a jerk because of his unhealed, wounded heart.
The Universe BEING generous and supportive with its unlimited possibilities, and seemingly countless probabilities, gifted, yet, ANOTHER amazing surprise.
The following work day after our soul connection and deeply heartfelt conversation, I—and everyone else in our company unit—had the golden opportunity to Be a WITNESS to something unbelievable.
And for me personally, it started with this transformed Staff Sergeant cheerfully greeting me as I entered the HQ office, “Good morning SGT ______!” (my last name at the time).
Since then, we were all like a second family, and a few of us—to include two other female Soldiers—even baked him a cake, and threw him a mini, surprise birthday party; I had never seen him look so happy, and I’m grateful to this day, that we even took pictures, in order to capture such priceless moments of joyful Life.
Looking back, I realize, that by further opening our mind and heart—expanding our individual and Collective Consciousness—we can literally shift into an improved version of a parallel reality on planet Earth. So thank you John, for igniting this Soul memory.
When it comes to Peter Sage, you have every right to feel angry, or even enraged, for whatever you perceive as unjust; and I trust that you will make whatever decision that supports yourself.
For me (and possibly others), and from what I’ve experienced so far with Peter Sage—from my personal and also, valid perceptions and perspectives—he has contributed more to my overall well-being, in a beneficial way (and for many others that I’ve noticed) than not, which I’m grateful for.
So until he proves otherwise, I choose to trust him for now—even if he did negative, wrong, and/or bad things in the past (like all of us, if we’re being transparently honest)—while continuing to follow my inner guidance, maintain healthy boundaries, and simply Be wise, cognizant, and discerning.
John Bird, as a Medicine Man, I trust that you will use your healing abilities and other strengths to quickly, and even instantly, expand your vibrational frequency back to your CORE ESSENCE—the immensely empowering, HEART-centered, VICTOR Mentality within Unity and Prosperity Consciousness.
Because at the end of the day, whenever ANY of us mistreat so-called others, these fear-based/very low vibration/dense energies WILL CIRCLE BACK (GUARANTEED), since we are ALL interconnected within this world and way beyond; and not NOT as some form of punishment from a Higher Power—whatever man-made, earthly names we give The Nameless—but for us to learn important Life Lessons that help us to grow and evolve as Spiritual Beings within physical bodies, and to RE-MEMBER that we are ultimately many parts of the greater WHOLE/THE ONE.
Take care Soul brother! ๐
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