I’ve noticed a pattern that’s been occurring for a while.
I’ll simply have an intention to share a gratitude comment for a YouTube video that was very helpful, it turns into a long@$$ message—that I trust is channeled by Spirit within, since I’m able to suddenly type super fast (though that’s not the norm)—and I then intuitively know that it’s meant to be shared as a post itself.
The following is a comment I shared with Victor (and another) for his YouTube video, “5 Signs You’ve Shifted Timelines (& this is HUGE!)“:
Hi Victor, thanks for sharing this helpful video that’s SPOT ON when it comes to shifting timelines.
The following is a reply comment that I partially shared with the commenter, Cloud Leopard, below (but I also wanted to share this with you, along with the remaining details, just in case it’s helpful):
Cloud Leopard’s comment: The Lottery is “Their ” Game ! you could be the 1 in 13 million that gets a rare dis ease
My reply comment:
As many of us are already aware, BELIEFS are very POWERFUL. So if we have NEGATIVE beliefs about money in general, PLAYING the lottery whenever one truly FEELS like it, having certain preferences in Life, etc. then those beliefs WILL manifest in our reality (even in dream state, revealing to us our beliefs).
However COMMA when we shift our perspective to an expanded one that’s NEUTRAL and MULTIDIMENSIONAL, then it’s simply ALL ENERGY, rather than the CONTRAST/DUALITY/POLARITY of right vs wrong, good vs bad, light vs dark, us vs them (or our vs “Their”), etc.
I wanted to share this because I’ve recently noticed (more than ever before), that whatever I was genuinely and briefly EXCITED about in the past—but then forgot about it and continued living Life—would show up in Divine perfect timing and order when I’m least expecting it; and it would be a delightful surprise. ^_^
I’ve also learned that PLAYING the lottery every now and then (IF one truly FEELS joyful about it)—rather than be attached to it with the HEAVY energy of desperately needing to win and/or have (like addiction and poverty consciousness)—can help one to tune into whatever amount of uplifting abundance that can be helpful at that phase in one’s life.
Recently, I won $100 from PLAYING the lottery, and I trust that I was able to SHIFT and TUNE INTO this parallel Earth reality because of my vibrational frequency at that time.
I was simply enjoying my day—that included joking around and laughing—and when I realized that I forgot about a lottery ticket that I had bought a week ago (while following my inner guidance), I checked it, and felt surprised, excited, and grateful for this particular form of uplifting abundance.
Now that doesn’t mean it’s beneficial for me (or anyone else) to go ape$h!+ CRAzy when it comes to playing the lottery in the future, and believe that this is the ONLY means of tuning into monetary abundance; but I realized that it also doesn’t mean that I need to label this GAME as only wrong, bad, and/or evil, and this applies to unconditionally embracing ALL neutral aspects that exists (to varying degrees) within us and all around us.
I’ve developed a habit of expressing gratitude for any type of uplifting abundance that shows up in my life, to include a penny on the street, series of synchronicity (to include # synchronicity), dream messages, etc., since the Universe within/Source/Higher Self/Soul/Spirit/God/Goddess/I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence, etc. doesn’t discriminate between a penny vs a million dollars, a dream of an ant vs a dream of an elephant, one number vs a quadruple number, etc..
EVERYTHING in Life (despite outer appearances)—within this world and way beyond—has Divine Purpose, and is invaluable/priceless.
The question is…are we willing to truly SEE—with CLARITY/open third eye/expanded perspective/open mind and heart of integrated Mind & Heart/expanding consciousness—the Divine gifts that All of Life (All That Is) is generously offering to us?
For instance, after my husband and I finished watching the Netflix series, True Blood (that Victor mentioned watching in one of his previous videos), we also enjoyed watching The Kingdom, and now Ozark.
Despite the so-called “negative” scenes within these shows, there are also a plethora of soul-igniting and heartfelt life lessons that we can learn from if we pay attention—along with the high levels of imagination and creativity, intriguing stories, great acting, interesting characters that grow on you, engaging dialogues, the expression of raw emotions and true feelings, deep eye contact, important themes like: Unconditional/True Love (for self/others), the GIFT of CONTRAST/DUALITY/POLARITY, authenticity, compassion, unconditional forgiveness, inner peace, humor, joy, etc..
I’ve also tuned into other energetic forms of uplifting abundance recently—physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually—that I’m VERY grateful for (to include a sudden influx of $$, and not from the lottery).
And I have no doubt this stems from Being and doing my best to follow my inner guidance daily, and PRACTICING to TRUST self more and more each day that ALL IS WELL in my life—despite occasional drops and fluctuations in my vibrational frequency, which is natural for us while living in this physical world.
Hope this helps soul brother. Sending much love to you and your loved ones, and also wishing for y’all to experience various forms of uplifting abundance. ๐
Barbara from Sedona
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