Ever since I learned about unconditional self-love several years ago—which helps us to fully love interconnected Life within this world and beyond—I’ve been reminding myself and doing my best to make it an important part of my daily life.
Note: Image on right found next to link => YouTube
Granted, at times, my vibrational frequency would drop and I would feel down, but I’ve learned to unconditionally embrace my lower energies within as well, since they, too, are part of my whole self (physical human self)/Self (Soul/Spirit within).
I’ve learned (especially from Teal Swan) that shadow work and inner-child work helps immensely with integrating so-called “negative”/low/dense/fear-based energies.
I noticed that the more I practiced NOT judging myself, not being so hard on myself, and not criticizing self, but rather, focus on unconditionally accepting, embracing, or even deeply loving more and more aspects of self, the easier it became to simply Be authentic, free self/Self.
Note: Image on left found next to link => Graphic Design Junction
In addition, I started noticing more of my outer world mirroring to me the states of my inner world; even more so recently, while having a combo package experience unlike any other I had my entire life.
Note: Image on right found next to link => Wallpapers13.com
I’ll be sharing stories from this mini journey full of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual adventures in the post, “A Treasure Chest of Experiences from The Mirror Workshop in NYC“; yesterday, I published the subtitles within this post as a reminder to self and others.
Note: Image on left found next to link => Photogrist
Yesterday afternoon, I received a message from my adult son who asked me if I had heard the news about North and South Korea.
I replied that I didn’t, but that I would look into it. I haven’t paid much attention to this subject ever since I quickly lost interest in the excessive, child-like bickering between Kim Jung-Un of North Korea and our President Trump.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => Daily Mail
I briefly wondered what happened, and the fearful aspect of self (my ego self conditioned by society) was afraid that something terrible might have happened—like these two connected countries were on the brink of war.
The idea of how this would negatively affect my Korean mother and relatives in Korea was daunting. But at that moment, I had a choice to either be consumed by bombarding, negative thoughts (all within my mind), or to be liberated from them.
Note: Image on left above found next to link => Illusion – Scene360
I chose the latter since one of my major goals in life is to experience ultimate freedom to the best of my ability in this physical reality—along with Unconditional/True Love for ALL aspects of Multidimensional self (physical self)/Self (Soul/Spirit within), which would help me to fully do so for interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
Note: Image on right found next to link => illusion.scene360.com
Since I was almost done with completing a post that I was working on, I focused on fully expressing myself and enjoying the process without any further distractions.
Once I published it, I briefly learned what happened from my husband who came home shortly after I received the message from my son.
However, since an official decision had not been made yet (according to my unaware husband), I chose to relax for the rest of the evening by enjoying dinner and a stand-up comedy show on Netflix.
Note: Image on left above found next to link => Pinterest
Images below found next to links => 1) Huffington Post 2) panda (Pinterest), 3) Redbubble 4) Flickr 5) Rhino & Lion Nature Reserve 6) Canberra Nature Map – NatureMapr 7) Healing HealthCare Systems 8) FreeImages.com 9) Pinterest10) ViewBug 11) flytothesky.ru 12) Pinterest
This morning, I watched the video, “The historic Koreas summit, in three minutes” (published on 4/26/2018/2 days ago) and left the following comment:
I was deeply moved by this video; and yes, the thought did cross my mind that there could be ulterior motives on either side. However, for now, what felt like genuine, peaceful reunification is suffice, and I choose to put forth my energies into the betterment of our world.
I’m very grateful that we, as humanity—despite many outer circumstances that may not appear so appealing—are making progress toward our individual and collective soul growth and evolution, from the energy levels of physical, mental, emotional, financial (poverty consciousness to Prosperity Consciousness) and spiritual.
Ultimately (the bigger picture), I trust that as we unconditionally accept, embrace, and even deeply love more and more aspects of our Multidimensional self (physical self)/Self (Soul/Spirit within)—the polarity (rather than duality) of the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.—not only will we be able to fully accept, embrace, and even deeply love interconnected Life throughout this Universe and beyond, but we will also be able to notice (if we choose to be self-aware) that our outer world will gradually mirror back to us the state of our inner world.
Basically, on an individual to collective level:
– chaotic inner world = chaotic outer world
– integrated, balanced and harmonious inner world = integrated, balanced and harmonious outer world
Example: I’m Japorean (Japanese/Korean)-American, and I’ve experienced more than enough judgment from others (due to my background) that made me feel ashamed of myself during childhood.
The hatred was mainly from my Korean mother—an overall good person/wounded wounder/lost soul who was understandably devastated and heartbroken due to my Japanese-American bio father suddenly abandoning us when I was a baby.
However, in my early twenties, I chose to be transparent with my Japorean background, despite others not accepting me. I’ve also crossed paths with very authentic and kind Korean people and Japanese people (among others throughout the world) with wonderful qualities. [Side Note that wasn’t part of the comment I shared: A story in old post, “Acceptance” where I referred to myself in the third person, probably due to easier processing/healing]
Since then, and over two decades later, I realized that the external world conflict (that’s been going on for so long) ultimately represented my inner world conflict; so I chose what I only had control of, which was to unconditionally love more and more of myself regardless if no one else did.
In Divine perfect timing and order, I trust that my outer world will continue to reflect back to me the transmutation, transformation, and integration of more and more seemingly opposing aspects within Multidimensional self/Self (which are all different sides to the same coin).
I also trust that this applies to all interconnected souls throughout this world and beyond.
My we often Be:
– inner-peace (the calm eye within any storm)
– trust (in our Multidimensional selves)
– joy (to include contentment, happiness, humor, smiles, laughter, and excitement)
– freedom (that doesn’t need to be earned through seemingly never-ending, ongoing conflicts, battles, and wars; but true freedom which is a soul’s Divine birthright)
– wisdom (experiential knowledge, inner-wisdom, insights, intuition, inner guidance and
– abundance (in its various forms, both tangible and intangible)
– passion and purpose: Let’s remember to follow our path of joy while embracing ALL of our
invaluable emotions, and honoring ALL of our true feelings (the language of the soul). Let’s remember that everything has a Divine purpose that’s meant to highly benefit the greater, interconnected whole; and not one is better than, more righteous or more superior than another.
– and last but not least…may we remember to Be our core essence [I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence]: Light (aka mature Divine Masculine energy/God/Yang/Sun/Higher Mind) & Unconditional/True Love that starts from within (aka mature Divine Feminine energy/Goddess/Yin/Moon/Higher Heart).
<3<3<3 Mulantis
The following is an excerpt from the post, “What are Real, Badass Beings Like? And What is Unconditional, True Love at its Finest?“:
When I noticed the video, “What North Koreans Think of America [Full] | ASIAN BOSS,” I became curious about their perspective. Though my first job in the Army as a Cryptologic Korean Linguist/Analyst revolved around doing in-depth analysis on the North Korean military, I’ve never heard the civilian people’s side of the story. I’m really grateful for this experience because it further opened my mind and heart. I even left the following comment:
Thank you all for creating, participating, and sharing this intriguing and informative video. ^_^ I was really impressed with the former, North Korean young men who seem overall very authentic, transparently honest, eloquent, open minded and open hearted (aka integrated Mind/Heart), highly intelligent (mentally and emotionally), and deeply wise.
I see a bright future for them, and I wish for their souls to experience much wisdom (obtained from profound, life lessons on planet Earth), great health, freedom, inner-peace, joy (to include much humor, smiles, and laughter), happy abundance (in various forms, both intangible and tangible), and last but not least…Unconditional/True Love (for ALL aspects of self and interconnected Life within this world, Galaxy, Universe, and beyond).
The interviewer also did an outstanding job of asking a broad range of helpful questions, so I wish him all of the above as well.
Note: Images above found next to link =>1) www.telegraph.co.uk 2) www.express.co.uk and 3) 38north.org (created posters adding personal quote and using canva.com; initially shared in post, “To So-Called Leaders of This World: A Delicious Taste of Your Own Medicine”)
4/28/2018 (day this post was published)
After watching the above video, I was drawn to a few other ones due to my curiosity of various perspectives and feelings from interconnected souls:
- “‘Is unification possible?’: South Koreans express hope after historic Korea talks“
- “Japanese people react to the inter-Korean summit“
- “South Koreans React To Inter-Korean Summit | ASIAN BOSS,”
For the third/last bullet above, and I shared the following, unconventional, lengthy comment which led to creating this related post:
I’m glad that I came upon this video, because it was mind/heart opening (aka consciousness expanding) to truly SEE and HEAR the various perspectives of interconnected souls.
There were moments where I felt deeply moved by some of the authentic, refreshingly honest, soul-igniting, mentally and emotionally intelligent, wise, and/or heartfelt expressions of the Korean people.
Granted, the highly educated people of Seoul (the capital of Korea) only represent a fraction of the people of Korea, but I understand that not everyone and their mamas and grandmamas can be interviewed.
Note: The rest is the same as the above comment, starting from the sentence, “I’m very grateful that we, as humanity…”
This last video, “What Do the Chinese Think of “Made In China”? | ASIAN BOSS,” that I was drawn to for today doesn’t seem to be related to the theme of this post, but it is (from an expanded perspective), and I left the following comment which is very similar to the one above at the beginning:
I’m glad that I came upon this video, because it was mind/heart opening (aka consciousness expanding) to truly SEE and HEAR the various perspectives of interconnected souls (and NOT just related to the theme of ‘Made in China” products).
There were moments where I felt deeply moved by some of the authentic, refreshingly honest, soul-igniting, mentally and emotionally intelligent, wise and/or heartfelt expressions of the Chinese people.
Granted, the highly educated people only represent a fraction of the people of China , but I understand that not everyone and their mamas and grandmamas can be interviewed.
There have been times where I felt conflicted about products made in China, because some companies provided good to great quality of products, deals, and customer service, and certain others didn’t (i.e., mysterious, potent chemical odors on ordered items, cheap material, late deliveries, and poor customer service).
But then again, these seemingly opposite circumstances are prevalent throughout our entire world, and not just in China; it’s just that HUGE China happens to stand out more.
Note: The rest is the same as the above comment, starting from the sentence, “I’m very grateful that we, as humanity…”
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