This post was initially an update to a recent post titled, “Sedona’s Gentle Javelinas Plus Its Amplified, Triggering & Healing Energies.“
I then decided to create its own post since I added additional information (javelina spirit guide message) and insights.
Plus, it’s about the importance of our invaluable, personal experiences (experiential knowledge/wisdom) that can even gift us with the ultimate, profound wisdom, which I trust is Unconditional Love (for the whole self/Self/interconnected Life within this world and way beyond).
Image [above on right] by Calvin Tatum from Pixabay
The following is the update (plus more):
Added on 3/28/2021 (3rd Full Moon of 2021; see bottom of post for spiritual interpretation)
I recently experienced my first, face to face, close encounter with a family of javelinas, which I trust stemmed from having shared this post [the one mentioned above] that was inspired by Victor Oddo sharing a story about his best friend Aaron D.’s encounter with javalinas in Sedona.ย
After work at a Sedona boutique, I was about to throw away a trash bag into a dumpster before heading home.
I set the trash bag down for a moment to text my husband, and then sensed a presence in front of me.
When I looked up, I first saw one javalina, immediately followed by its family (or friends, coworkers, neighbors, acquaintances and/or strangers).
I took a photo of them, and then two, short videos, but as they started slowly heading towards me, a bit of fear set in because I didn’t know what to expect (which you can tell from one of the videos below where I nervously communicated to them, “Hello guys…” Lol).
In this video, I picked up the trash bag, and started slowly heading towards the dumpster just in case I was crossing their boundaries of “the family circle,” and they decided to suddenly charge my way.
But they didn’t, and simply proceeded towards the main street. Perhaps they were just curious, or thought I had some food in the trash bag.
A part of me wondered what might have happened had I not moved away due to fear.ย
Maybe…just maybe, I would’ve experienced something miraculous and amazing, like them allowing me to pet them, peacefully coexisting in the same space, and/or deeply bonding as interconnected, sentient Beings simply Being and doing their best (like humans) to survive, live, and even thrive and evolve on all energetic levels.
Here are the photo and 2 videos from my phone (photo failed to upload for a perfect reason I trust):
Additional Info & Insights
I highly resonate with the following words of wisdom—after looking up the javelina spirit guide (also animal totem and power animal)—that instantly reminded me of the previous post that I published today, “Letโs Gift Ourselves and Others More Freedom to Fully BE,” about the stories I shared, and embracing and integrating more neutral aspects within whole self/Self:
From the reading, “Nature: Observations and Meanings” (<= click on title to open link in another window):
Wisdom of the Peccary:
Keeping in Touch
Many Paths to Your Destination
Being Fierce and Tenacious
From the reading, “Spirit Lodge: Totem Animals“:
By BearInMind
From Jamie Sams’ & David Carson’s “Medicine Cards” (Revised, Expanded Edition)
Wild Boar. . .teaches us
to confront without fear,
Ripping apart the denials
and lies that appear,
Testing courage, finding truth,
its medicine will remain,
A part of every human path,
marking the victories we attain.
Although the warrior was accustomed to the sultry beat of his bayou homeland, he was shaking as if from a cold draft. The Council of Elders had caught him telling a lie.
The punishment for this offense was banishment from the tribe. To restore his honor among the People, he would have to face the Wild Boar with a knife as his only weapon.
If he failed, he would die, torn apart by the ravaging tusks of the fiery-eyed beast. This prospect filled him with dread.
Then, the spirit of the Wild Boar came to him in a dream; it was enraged that the young man had broken his warrior’s vows by lying.
It told him that he would first have to face and conquer the self-important and deceitful beast within himself, if he hoped to survive their combat.
The young warrior vowed to honor the truth from that moment forward; he faced the Wild Boar that day and killed the beast.
The warrior kept the tusk of his adversary as a life-long reminder to always confront the weaknesses within himself.
There are several varieties of Boar, and this powerful medicine of the Warrior Clans applies to all of them.
The Maya called Boar, Javelina, and the Choctaws saw the Razorback as Wild Boar.
Its medicine teaches us to confront human weaknesses and to change them into strengths.
The human spirit is empowered through Wild Boar’s willingness to confront fears, the challenges at hand, and uncomfortable circumstances.
Courageously standing tall, without running from the situations that life presents, is powerful medicine indeed.
If Wild Boar has charged into your cards today, you are being asked to confront anything or anybody that you have been avoiding. Pay attention!
Embrace your warrior nature and find the courage to confront your fears.
Or, are you being asked to confront a personal weakness or a career challenge? Is it time to finish a project that you abandoned thinking it might be too difficult to accomplish?
Confront your feelings regarding some situation that makes you nervous or causes discomfort and bring yourself the peace of closure.
If you have been procrastinating, Wild Boar is reminding you to quit avoiding the inevitable. In all cases, it is insisting that you be fully present and mindful of what is happening and why.
If you drew this card, you already possess the courage needed to confront all that life offers; just remember where you hid that courage.
Challenges do not simply vanish. Unless you actively embrace your issues, you cannot reclaim your spirit’s energy.
Half the battle is won through the warrior’s willingness to acknowledge and to accept the whole truth at all times […]
Full Moon of March 2021
The following is an excerpt from the the profound reading, “The Spiritual Meaning Of The Super Worm Moon: March 28 at 2:48 p.m. ET“:
Something else ironic about this is, Libra is symbolic of the sacred balance that exists between the divine feminine and sacred masculine, and this lunar phase is no exception.
Aries is symbolic of oneโs sense of self, individual identity, and levels of assertion; Libra has everything to do with the relationships, compromise, and justice.
When you sum it all up โ the moon being emotional, the sun representing your ego in the physical dimension, and Chiron acknowledging past wounds โ you can see that there’s a lot more to this lunation than meets the eye.
This full moon is shedding light on deep-rooted emotions and residual energies that could be potentially triggering, especially when it comes to things that make you feel vulnerable.
However, this is where your power lies, and these Aries placements are here to help you find the will and courage to overcome whatever’s been holding you back.
Though Aries wants to take action toward its passions, while Libra connects and relates to others, Mars conjunct the North Node in Gemini is encouraging you to discern the difference between the facts versus the emotional trigger.
Make no mistake, there’s a lot of work to be done in the weeks leading up to and after this lunation.
Something that’s been buried deep in your unconscious mind โ with regard to relationships, passion, and self-love โ is coming up for review, and chances are you’ve already begun doing the work.
It’s also important to remember that both Venus and Mercury are transiting through signs where they feel challenged, but there’s no need to be discouraged. In the meantime, reflect and consider the following:
What kind of foundation have your relationships been built upon? How can you show up for others and yourself, simultaneously?
4/3/2021 (Sat)
I shared the following comment for this impressive video, “Are You Afraid of Desire? The Truth About Desire – Teal Swan“:
Soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, individual and collective Consciousness expanding, and simply AMAZING message—one of the most helpful videos that Teal and her team have co-created, and is definitely worth watching over and over again until we fully integrate this profound wisdom. THANK YOU SO MUCH guys, and continue to BE a precious and invaluable GIFT to your whole selves/SELF/humanity/and interconnected Life within this world and way beyond. <3<3<3
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