While watching this video—Abraham Hicks – Expect a little more for yourself and watch the floodgates open—I paused it and created a journal (using Google Doc) of “what I choose to believe is currently in my unmanifested Vortex” (my heart’s desires) and “what I realized already manifested in my physical reality that was once in my unmanifested Vortex” (miracles).
To my great surprise, I had already manifested nine of my heart’s desires so far. By writing them down, I was able to deeply feel the impact, and I wept because I felt so grateful.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => www.reinabach.com (thank you) and added personal message using canva.com
I finished watching the video by the way, and as usual, Abraham’s message was so informative, helpful, uplifting, empowering, and inspirational.
By creating this journal, and recording all the miracles, I trust that my confidence, in tuning into all of my heart’s desires, will grow stronger with each experience…until I effortlessly and intuitively know what’s coming without a shadow of a doubt.
And one amazing day, I will fully tune into my own version of Heaven on Earth, which includes enjoying it with all of my loved ones. I also chose to trust, a while back, that whatever works for me, benefits the interconnected whole—and vice versa—since we are ultimately One.
Note: Image on left above found next to link => www.elementalbeings.co.uk (thank you)
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