Upon waking up every morning, I like to meditate (while lying down) for however long I feel like it, and ask WHOLE self/Self if there are any messages, to include dream state ones, that would be helpful paying attention to for insights.
I then get out of bed, brew some organic coffee, and read or watch something that’s encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and that expands my awareness/consciousness (individual and Collective).
Image [Invaluable/Inner Wealth/Priceless/Precious/Unconditionally Loving/Profoundly Wise/Immensely Powerful/Divine Goddess/Spirit within Interconnected Life in this world and beyond] by bernswaelz from Pixabay
So I was grateful to read Teal’s unconventional, soul-igniting message below [Teal Swan / 17 hours ago]:
From the second you were born (and every second in between), you have deserved to be doing that thing that makes your life make sense. The thing that makes hours go by in a second.
Some people say that I suffer from delusions of grandeur. But I say, if delusions of grandeur can make life as beautiful and as meaningful as thisโฆ then bring them on.
Image [Universe Within & Without] by Fabian Sykes from Pixabay
I shared the following comment:
Very well said Teal, thank you so much for sharing this super, helpful message! I’m grateful you exist—the WHOLE you, and not just the “good” and “right” aspects according to our society-conditioned, Collective Ego.
Image [WHOLE Earth/Humanity] by Arek Socha from Pixabay
I also deeply appreciate the invaluable gifts that you’ve been generously sharing with humanity and beyond all these years.
Image [Dark/Light] by Jae Rue from Pixabay
You are a MAJOR PLAYER in expanding our individual and Collective Consciousness.
You’re a TRAILBLAZER, and whoever can’t take the FIERY PASSION HEAT OF SPIRIT within all interconnected Life, can GET THE F!@# out of the way. ๐
Image [God: Earth Adviser to Goddess] by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
I’ve been noticing that the less I give a rat’s@$$ about others’ judgments—to include the remnants of my own ego’s judgments towards self at times—the more LIBERATED and EMPOWERED I FEEL; and I LOVE it!
Image [INTEGRATED, WHOLE, and FREE] by Soufiene goucha from Pixabay
Though I haven’t mastered this ability yet, I’m excited to do so—in Divine perfect timing and order—as I simply do my best to Be authentic WHOLE self/Self at every moment, effortlessly flow with the Cosmic River of Life, and do more of whatever the hell I feel like doing; and whoever doesn’t like it can kiss my Japorean @$$.
Image [Cosmic Peacock] by Mary Gorobchenko from Pixabay
While embracing and integrating more and more NEUTRAL aspects of full-potential, Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Spirit & Soul within), I’ve noticed how challenging it can be to do so for “REALLY negative aspects” that are harshly frowned upon by our Collective Ego (like delusions of grandeur).
Image [Universe Within Us: Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self] by Trandoshan from Pixabay
However COMMA depending on which perspective we choose—and I like to choose the expanded version over the narrow, where we can SEE the BIGGER picture of Life—this challenge can be FUN rather than miserable.
You and your team enJOY many pleasant moments of NOW! ^_^
Image [Hawk/Spirit/ALL-Seeing EYE] by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay
Whenever I notice any form of Divine Synchronicity in my life—e.g., signs, symbols, number synchronicity (angel numbers/activation codes/truth codes/etc.), animal spirit guides, dream state messages, etc.—and whenever I FEELย like it, I tune into intuition/inner-wisdom/insightsย and/or check out outer interpretations that I’m attracted to, only take on board what FEELS right/light/true to my Heart, and disregard the rest.
Image [Magical & Miraculous Divine Synchronicity Within Cosmic River] by sharonjoy17 from Pixabay
Since I noticed that I had “accidently” typed 7777 while creating this post, I looked up the reminder message.
In addition, when I noticed that Teal had posted her message “17 hours ago,” I felt like reading this new message that I don’t recall ever reading before.
Image [Miraculous Gifts of Mother Nature/Earth] by Kateลina Duskova from Pixabay
The following is one version of its meaning from the website ANGEL NUMBER ~ Joanne Sacred Scribes (click on “17” in first sentence below to open link in another page):
The number 17 is an auspicious number as it embodies the โnewโ with manifesting good fortune. Remember to be grateful for all that the Universe provides.
Image [The FORTUNE/WEALTH of the Merged Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Energies/Giving & Receiving/God & Goddess/Mind & Heart/Yang & Yin/Sun & Moon/Light & Unconditional Love/etc.] by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Angel Number 17 indicates that your angels want you to know that you are on the โright pathโ on your lifeโs journey.
The angels support and encourage you with your Divine life purpose and soul mission, and you have good reason to be optimistic about your chosen direction or path.
Image [Realm of the Ascended Masters] by ๐ Mabel Amber, who will one day from Pixabay
Angel Number 17 is a message encouraging you to listen to your intuition and higher-self and take appropriate action as only you can serve your soul purpose and fulfill your destiny.
The angels encourage you to maintain a positive attitude and use positive affirmations in order to manifest your highest ideals and aspirations.
Image [Inner Guidance/Heart/Intuition/Spirit Within (Goddess)/Path of Joy/Life Purpose] by ELG21 from Pixabay
Angel Number 17 can also suggest that it is time to begin (or expand) a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession or heart-based service.
The Universe and angels will ensure that all that you require will be provided for you, and you are to trust your own inner-wisdom, skills and abilities. Use your talents to serve humanity and bring illumination to those who seek it.
Number 17 also relates to the Number 8 (1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.
Image by Nic Mair from Pixabay
[I shared this comment with the creator of the above image (on right): Thank you for sharing this soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, gorgeous, amazing image that reminded me of: Circle/Sphere/Very Holy Spirit/WHOLE/Unity Consciousness/Unconditional Love (for self/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond)/Divine Mother Goddess/Mother Nature/Earth/Father Sky/God/Light/I (God) AM (Goddess)/I AM/I AM Presence]
I shared the following comment for this very helpful video, “The Value Realization (A Realization That Can Completely Change Your Self Worth)” that’s definitely worth watching more than once (to develop a solid, beneficial, NEW belief, since repetition of thoughts creates beliefs, whether negative or positive); click on title link right above to open video in another window:
Thank you so much Teal for this soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt message that made me cry. I think I watched this video before, but I have no doubt that I was strongly drawn to it again, because I was ready to receive it at a profound level.
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