The photo on right—taken at a previous apartment in Sedona, AZ—are my pet cats named Shadow and Leo.
Shadow is the former feral/stray (wild), black, older, female cat on left, and Leo is the tabby, younger, male cat on right, who we adopted from The Humane Society—that stated he was neutered on his paperwork (but wasn’t)—when he was 6 weeks old.
Their AUTHENTIC, WHOLE nature—where they fully embrace ALL aspects of their entire being (e.g., lovey dovey or distant, calm or energetic, gentle or feisty, etc. and everything in-between)—has been reminding me of:
the seemingly opposite, immature versions of the female and male energies within all of us, whenever they butt heads, as well as the mature and already integrated and merged version of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Essence when they unconditionally love one another.
I intuitively and experientially know, that whenever we tune into our authentic, core, essence within, our WHOLE self/Self, we have an abundance of opportunities to explore and enJOY, invaluable, Heaven on Earth Life experiences.ย
Image by Barbara Davis from Pixabay
I shared the following comment for the very helpful video, “Leo ‘This Is Deep’ Timeless Bonus Tarot“:
What a gorgeous, peaceful, and uplifting environment you’re at; and you crack me up with your “top secret” location! Lol ^_^
The background, natural lighting, lively plants, the light wood table, and the perfect contrasts of colors (especially with the peachy orange cushions), creates a very warm and inviting, sacred space.
Chris, you actually DON’T look washed out due to the camera setting at all; but rather, you appear much more naturally glowing, and THE BEST physical appearance, Heart-centered Full Presence, and physical area setting I’ve seen so far from your videos.
I share this neutral observation since feedback can help us all to SEE (with CLARITY) by incorporating various perspectives, which can expand our own Multidimensional perspective.
You were right about how we would be entertained with you and your deck on the “not so cooperative” table! ^_^
But you have such a great sense of humor that you’re able to transform seemingly “imperfect” situations into perfect, funny moments (like the Merlin aspect or archetype).
Life is not meant to be boring most of the time, though it does serve as a highly effective CONTRAST, like all other NEUTRAL contrasts within physical worlds’ opposites/duality/polarity.
The Beetle animal spirit guide—and animal totem, and power animal—have showed up in my life within a decade ago.
While doing interval runs—walk, jog, run, and repeat, that are known to be highly effective for toning up and staying in shape (that I haven’t done for a long time)—within my neighborhood at the time, I looked down and noticed a black beetle stuck on its back with its legs moving rapidly.
I recall imagining at the time, that if I were out in the middle of a desert—with a huge and heavy backpack on my back (and hence, fell backwards and wasn’t able to get back up)—and a giant happened to cross my path, wouldn’t it be nice if s/he helped a sister out?!
During that timeframe, I didn’t like touching bugs—though during childhood, I often did play with bugs and insects without society-conditioned fears—so I grabbed a stick, and gently flipped the beetle, and even imagined it telepathically saying, “Thanks man, I mean WOman, I was hoping somebody would come along and help a beetle out!”
Anyhoo, I later learned that the beetle in general is symbolic of major transformations and REBIRTH (as you stated), like the snake and butterfly, and I started to return more to my inner-child’s state of embracing and integrating more and more neutral—not good or bad, right or wrong, light or dark of duality—Beings of Mother Nature within both inner world (dream state since I dreamt of many earthly and otherworldly creatures) and outer world (when they would visit).
And they were various types of bugs, insects, land or sea animals, etc.; and I intuitively knew that my unconditional love was growing in a profound way, when I even had deep compassion for bugs and insects that are generally frowned upon and/or repulsed by society, to include (but not limited to): cockroaches, flies, fleas, gnats, pincher bugs, spiders, wasps (btw, Paper Wasps look like yellow and black sometimes aggressive wasps, but they’re very gentle unless provoked), etc.
[Extra Side Note inserted: shared related blog posts within category page, “Earthly and Otherworldly Puzzle Pieces” to include:
- โThe Beauty of the So-called Unbeautifulโ
- โThe Lesson of the White and Black Butterflies from Withinโ
- โA Visit from Spirit as Spider & Grasshopperโ
- โTo Fleas and Fruit Flies: What Message You Got?โ
- โLessons of Compassion and Power with Unwelcomed Flies and Roachesโ
- โCoexisting with Friendly Paper Waspsโ
- โThe Presence of Moth, Wasp and Gecko Uplifting Meโ
- โBeing Completely Okay with Both Fearful and Compassionate Aspects of Selfโ (HUGE roach inside and out) ]
You’re spot on, for a little over a decade—ever since I left the Army life in 2011, which was like hell on earth (with glimpses of heaven) the last two years (meant to push me towards a NEW path of further deep healing)—it was super ROCKY, especially from 2017 to last year of 2021 (since the latter timeframe I worked and then lived in Sedona, AZ, where the high vortex frequencies are known to AMPLIFY energies within inner and outer worlds.
Therefore, A LOT of the old, outdated, fear-based energies within everyone and their mamas and grandmamas become RESUFACED like, “HERE I AM! TAKE THIS MFs!!! You’ve been suppressing me all these F!@#in’ years, and now I’m gonna be IN YOUR FACE 24/7; that’s right, during awake state and dream states! MWAH HA HA HA!!! [I just received an idea to incorporate this into an open-mic comedy set]
And you’re gonna SEE me, FEEL me, HEAR me, RECOGNIZE me, and hopefully deeply understand me, have compassion for me, unconditionally embrace me, deeply love me (since I am a part of you/You), and gracefully integrate me into your Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical self)/Self (Higher Self/Source/Universe: Spirit & Soul within/Higher Heart & Higher Mind within/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Water & Fire/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies/Goddess & God within/The Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities to include THE WAVE & The God Particle/One of Many Names but Ultimately The Nameless/Alpha & Omega).”
[Extra Side Note inserted: shared related blog posts within category page, “Earthly and Otherworldly Puzzle Pieces” to include some CRAzy-@$$, stepped into The Twilight Zone-like stories within the Sedona Post Series ]
However COMMA starting this new year of 2022, I started noticing a major shift in my outer reality, and as each month would pass by, I noticed a very obvious increase in the seemingly effortless flow of various forms and non-forms of abundance, to include profound wisdom, more positive happenings, and surprisingly, much more money.
And I fully trust that the daily practice—to the best of my ability (since it’s natural to fluctuate in our vibrational frequency as physical humans)—of Being Wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST, aka Prosperity Consciousness, FEELING grateful for and appreciating all the riches and wealth within, especially the priceless Unconditional True Love/Goddess/Spirit/Heart that always available to us, as well as Light/God/Soul/Higher Mind.
We cannot give to others from an empty or barely-filled cup. Only when we fill (or refill) our inner cup/Heart, can it then effortlessly overflow to others, especially when it comes to the generous sharing of our Full Presence, Light, Unconditional Love, and even physical world stuff like money and material gifts that can uplift others.
I love what you shared about the hummingbird totem, which reminds me—whenever it shows up, usually on my balcony or right outside our living room window—to enJOY Life more, and to simply Be JOY.
And like I’ve shared before, I’ve been able to schedule various vacations this year, something I haven’t done to this extent for over two decades. I’ve never even been on a cruise before, and I’m in my late forties! Lol
Once, around 2009 or so (while in the Army), a female Warrant Officer excitedly and proudly shared with a group of us that she had been on 9 cruises; and that moment served as such a great contrast, like the opposite of me, who felt that it was selfish of me to even want to experience a cruise, because my society-conditioned, fear-based ego self believed that A) I wasn’t worthy enough to be that happy, and B) I could use the extra money for more important things, especially towards my family.
But I’ve been learning that Unconditional Love is like an ebb and flow Cosmic Dance, that’s meant to highly benefit the self/Self as well as so-called others; and not just GIVE GIVE GIVE to others, the way that some of this world’s religions have been preaching throughout human history.
You’re hilarious! ^_^ You made me laugh multiple times throughout this video, thank you!
WOW, around the 10 min mark of this video, all 3 cards further matched personal experiences, the needing to have more fun with what I shared above (before watching this section), and the other 2 cards that perfectly matched the recent themes of 2 posts that I shared, “Thank you Heart/Spirit/Goddess for Deep Compassion & The Divine Gift of Death” (day before yesterday) followed by “Realization of Goddess-Self, Ascended Masters & The Return of The Anunnaki“ (yesterday).
This is why I LOVE and deeply appreciate experiencing series of Divine synchronicity, knowingly for over a decade, and unknowingly before that (realized from highlight [hindsight] that I had experienced much more synchronicity, though I didn’t know what this was during those times).
I noticed that you initially struggled with lining up the deck, then did it really smoothly and effortlessly (at least once), and then dropped it (and you apologized, which isn’t necessary); but from an expanded, Multidimensional perspective, ALL those moments, EVERY SINGLE MOMENT, was “imperfectly” perfect AS IS.
Ultimately, there are no accidents, coincidences, mistakes, failures, etc., something I have to reminded myself of often. ๐
Whenever I use whatever cards (tarot, Light Language, matching vibrations, etc.), and a card(s) happens to POP UP or fall out, I simply trust the outer world guidance—mirroring inner world’s Heart/Spirit/Goddess guidance—and choose those lively cards that excitedly shouted, “PICK ME!!! ^_^”
You brought up a great point about the Magician energy (aka Magician archetype or aspect), and I often experience it in its various forms showing up in my life, to include tarot readings, and especially with ravens and crows that I’ve been seeing A LOT of while living in Flagstaff, AZ from 2017 and then Sedona.
And the former intuitively reminds me of more of the Divine Masculine energies of Merlin, Magic, Transmutation of Energies/Master of Frequencies/Master Alchemist/Ascended Master & God Jesus/God Thoth/God Hermes/God Enki/and other earthly names though same core essence.
The latter reminds me more of the Divine Feminine Goddess essence, since the crow spirit guide is like the main guide of Spirit’s inner world (moon energy); hence, why I’ve even dreamt of the crow, though not of the raven, who represents more of the outer world (masculine Sun energy).
WOW, regarding the very helpful share about the Magician—(with a snake wrapped around him [which allows him, or her, to change/turn into whoever s/he wants])—which I intuitively and instantly sensed is symbolic of Spirit/Goddess embracing, circling, and supporting the God essence.
[had to cut out other shares since this comment is too long, Lol]
Thank you so much Chris for sharing wonderful You, your intuitive and profound insights as usual, and your very helpful tarot card readings. Have a pleasant weekend Soul Family, enJOYing many present moments of NOW! ^_^ Mulantis: Reuniting All
Cut-Out Parts of This LONG@$$ Comment
This explains why I had a vivid dream years ago of orcas surrounding and facing my Siberian Husky, black and white pet dog named Kami in a circle.
I found out later from an elderly martial arts man that Kami means Gods in Japanese, though I named him this because I noticed that it also means Spirit of Nature in Japanese. I’m Japorean-American btw.
So the CIRCLE (symbolic of the Divine Mother Goddess essence) created/birthed the original God, and with the integration and merge of Her Divine essence, as THE ONE, the God realizes His Divine Power.
In addition, the Magician energy that can change/turn into whoever s/he wants, reminded me of an unforgettable personal experience I had during June of 2021.
It was my first breathwork experience in Sedona by Anahata and assistants (Shamangelic Healing); and the group I was with had to choose a tarot card before we started.
Everyone else seemed to choose a “normal” card, but I ended up choosing, “SHAPESHIFT,” which matched another personal experience at that times; and in a nutshell (though I wrote a post about it), I had an unbelievable, bizarre, and amazing experience, where I felt like my arms were being stretched out to my sides for miles, like in a paralyzed way, where something took over me, as if symbolic of further opening my mind and heart, and expanding my individual and Collective Consciousness.
[Extra Side Note inserted: shared related blog post within category page, “AM I : I AM“: “A Bizarre and Unforgettable First Breathwork Experience“ ]
The so-called “devil”—aka the black sheep, the perfect scapegoat for many within humanity to play the BLAME GAME towards (i.e., NOT taking responsibility for their own negative aspects)—has had a bad rap throughout human history, thanks to some of this world’s very limiting, narrow-minded, closed-hearted, fear-based beliefs within rigid and dogmatic religions.
Though I don’t care for most TV shows, I did enjoy the Netflix show, Lucifer, a while back, because it did a great job of cracking old and outdated beliefs, and shared a fresh perspective on the devil himself, though within all dramas, there can include some exaggeration.
One of my favorites scenes from this show is where Lucifer shares his authenticity, refreshing honesty, and vulnerability, basically stating that one female in his life wants him to be good, and the other female wants him to be bad, but that he’s basically a combination of all; hence, the name Lucifer, The Bringer of Light/Information/Knowledge/Profound Wisdom/Awareness/Expanding Consciousness of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self.
This was profound since we all contain within us—like the drop that contains the entire ocean, or the fractal that contains the entire Universe—ALL ultimately NEUTRAL aspects of WHOLE self/Self.
I’ve also learned on my physical/mystical journey that it’s WAY TOO EASY to say things like, “Oh, I could NEVER be like that, or say or do that (i.e., “wrong,” “bad,” “dark,” and even “evil” aspects).”
But the truth is, I have no doubt that we ALL can be ANY neutral aspects under the same or similar circumstances that includes god knows how many factors mixed into that situation.
For example, the Netflix show, Ozark, is one of my favorite shows—not because of all “negative” contents to include violence, drug cartels, gambling, and other non-beneficial themes (if lost within them)—but because there’s an abundance of rare AUTHENTICITY, especially REFRESHINGLY REAL, honest, and intriguing characters, RAW emotions, true FEELINGS, and very passionate, highly intelligent and deeply engaging dialogues of Ruth, Marty, Darlene, Wendy, and practically all other actors/actresses. [I’m sharing 2 IMDb reviews for these shows that includes these insights]
When it comes to the so-called “dark” side of Life, I’ve come to fully trust that “The Devil”/Lucifer (The Bringer of Light, like God Jesus/Thoth/Hermes/etc.) is God Enki (part of The Anunnaki)—the original Creator God of humanity and beyond, the other half of God Enlil (like Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet Being 2 sides of the Same Cosmic Coin).
The Divine essence of God Enki has many earthly and otherworldly names, but is ultimately The Nameless, like the Divine Goddess that has many earthly and otherworldly names, but is ultimately The Nameless.
[Extra Side Note inserted: The Anunnaki was shared in yesterday’s post, “Realization of Goddess-Self, Ascended Masters & The Return of The Anunnaki.”]
And it is the graceful embracing and integrating of the seemingly opposites (i.e., right and wrong, good and bad, light and dark, etc.)—that brings us back to Soul Home…WHOLEness—Unity Consciousness that contains separation consciousness, the spiritual world that contains the physical worlds, the Spirit that contains the frowned upon ego, The Quantum Field/The Wave/The Cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother Goddess that contains The God Particle(s)—so that we REALIZE our Full-Potential, Multidimensional God and Goddess Selves living our own versions of Heaven on Earth and way beyond.
Example Post About Wholeness from this blog’s category page, “AM I : I AM“:
โMy Mesmerizing Spiral of God, Goddess and Divine Spirit Experienceโ
- UPDATE added on 8/25/2021: While following my inner guidance/Heart/Spirit within, and noticing and FEELING the trail of breadcrumbs of joy, I came upon the following information (Light) that instantly reminded me of the dancing, golden, spiral light that entered my left eye while meditating in bed:
- “The Eye of Horus has been used for many metaphors over the years, i.e., โEye of the Mind, Third Eye, Eye of the Truth or Insight, the Eye of God Inside the Human Mind.โ The ancient Egyptians, because of their beliefs in the Eye of Horus’ mystic powers, gave all of these names to the Eye of Horus.” by
- “Why is the Eye of Horus so important? Eye of Horus, in ancient Egypt, symbol representing protection, health, and restoration. According to Egyptian myth, Horus lost his left eye in a struggle with Seth. … The eye was magically restored by Hathor, and this restoration came to symbolize the process of making whole and healing.” by
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