I used to think or believe that my life purpose had to do with the following, but after having such experiences, I realized that they are parts of the whole, but not the ultimate purpose:
- experience much of the “dark” and fear-based side of this world, and learn many life lessons (and obtain wisdom) after much struggle, pain, and suffering (I’ve intended to fully release the need to learn in this way)
- caring about, helping and contributing to humanityย
- helping and contributing to Mother Earth
- sharing my gifts with this world, to include my:
- existence, especially my mind and heart
- writing
- artwork
- poetry
- song writing
- book writing (that I haven’t completed)
- multidimensional open-mic comedy sets
- sharing of much Light and Love no matter where I go
- deeply connecting with, communing with, communicating with, and simply living Jesus/Christ Consciousness/God/Higher Self/Source/Buddha Consciousness/Goddess/Monad/I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence within
- reconnecting with, caring about, helping and contributing to other interconnected beings within our Galaxy, Universe and beyond
- unconditionally accepting, embracing, and even deeply loving ALL aspects of Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within)
My Actual Life Purpose
It is my intention to simply Be, only do what I enjoy doing, and live the rest of my last lifetime on this planet with much uplifting abundance and freedom; and anything and anyone in the way of that desire, I uncreate, delete, and de-story everything about it all across all time, dimensions, space, and realities.
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