Have you ever had an experience so mind-blowing and awe-inspiring that you couldn’t help but to pause for extended moments in silence and stillness?
Well, imagine moments like that soon after having some unpleasant life experiences (i.e., gifts of CONTRAST).
Image by Ria Sopala from Pixabay
The following is part of a story within this post to give you an idea of what to expect, which will then lead to two other parts to this intro before the main post:
A few days later, I noticed the tiny piece of paper that the head police officer wrote his contact info on.
And to my delightful surprise, it included two sets of triple digit angel numbers that I’ve been frequently seeing for almost a decade now.
Both number sequences instantly remind me of the main players—Galactic and Universal soul families and Ascended Masters.
The following excerpt is from today’s 1 of 3 posts, “Pure Love Black Heart,” and I’m going to use it as part of this intro:
Normally, if I came upon an old post, my logical, former analyst mind would want to revise it before publishing for the public eyes.
But thanks to my recent solitude trip experiences, and the continuing, daily Divine synchronicity that I’ve noticed, I’ve been able to receive various forms of uplifting abundance […]
I’m learning more and more to let go of everything that no longer serves a positive purpose in my life, to include but not limited to: judgement of self/others, remnants of anal perfectionism, […]
Anyhoo, I’m going continue trusting that whatever I’ve shared with this blog thus far, and will share more today and probably in the future, is perfectly imperfect.
Due to having several surgeries soon, I will need a healing phase where I won’t be able to use my laptop for a while, among other things.
And I realize that with any type of surgery, there are probable risks, to include something going “wrong”; but I choose to trust that All is Well in every moment of our NOWs no matter what.
So regardless of what happens, I fully embrace it.
But just in case my spirit chooses to Be completely free from this particular human body, I’d like to at least share what might possibly be my last 3 blog posts: 1) this one 2) “My Exciting New J.O.B.: Joy Of Being!” and 3) “Old Merging with New Wisdom.”
10/9/20 Korea Time = 10/8/20 U.S. Time
The following is an excerpt from the previous post, “My Exciting New J.O.B.: Joy Of Being!” that shares how the gift of synchronicity can leave a magical trail/breadcrumbs of joy:
This open-mic comedy set [that I was inspired to create this morning, 10/9/20 Korea time since I’m currently in a 14-day quarantine facility/hotel] beautifully integrates various precious and amazing experiences I had with the 23 pre-school children and main teacher (and others) at Mustard Seed Early Learning Center from the fall of 2012 to the spring of 2013.
Also, I recalled journaling about these fascinating children, so I searched within my blog, and sure enough, I came upon this old draft post, “My Exciting New J.O.B.: Joy Of Being!” that not only contains detailed stories, but surprisingly also contained deeply heartfelt, profound wisdom quotes from self/others that relate to my recent experiences from Sedona and current Korea.
So the following are those profound quotes followed by related recent observations, personal stories, narrow and expanded perspectives, and insights within the brackets:
“Some people want to see God with their eyes as they see a cow, and to love Him as they love their cow – for the milk and cheese and profit it brings them. This is how it is with people who love God for the sake of outward wealth or inward comfort. They do not rightly love God, when they love Him for their own advantage. Indeed, I tell you the truth, any object you have in your mind, however good, will be a barrier between you and the inmost Truth.”
–Meister Eckhart 1260-1327″
“I AM in the challenging process of remembering to love God unconditionally by loving myself and others unconditionally…since We Are All One.” Bobbie, March 30, 2013
“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God’s eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”
Meister Eckhart
The following quotes are from “Eckhart’s Eye” by Richard Woods which helped me to better understand the famous quote above:
It is like the ecstasy of lovers gazing into each others’ eyes, oblivious of anything except their love. True intercourse means forgetting any distinction between “your” joy and “my” joy, or love, or being, or presence, or anything else. Such awareness expands even beyond any awareness of “our” into an unimaginable and ineffable dimension of one-ness, what in Hindu teaching is called Sat-chit-ananda — “being-awareness-bliss…
What I think of as I is an eye with which I experience the multitudinous diversity of consciousness from the point of view called “me.” We are all the eyes of consciousness, the sensory organs of “God,” seeing the world — which is the variety of manifestations in three dimensions of multidimensional consciousness. We are consciousness experiencing consciousness experiencing consciousness.
My act of meditation is a choice to pass beyond the little self of ego (that’s going to die in a matter of years anyway) and to remember — and thereby experience and become — the “spark” of consciousness that is what I really am (and that will one day wake up from my individual life to become all life). Then I can say “Yes” to life , say “It’s great just the way it is” — in spite of suffering and disappointment and death — and wish happiness for all beings, judging no one, wishing harm on no one. And that, I think, is the purpose of meditation — and, indeed, of all religious activity.”
From Jesus:
[Though I chose to no longer be religious since 2000 or 2001, I still highly resonate with certain, heart-centered, profound wisdom from the bible since there are many gems of wisdom found throughout this world and beyond]
“Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
[This quote was a great reminder since the food situation at the current, Korean government quarantine facility/hotel is figuratively and literally not so hot. I journaled the following recently due to being baffled and frustrated: Even prisoners from most countries around the world are offered at least one hot meal per day. I get that this is a quarantine facility, but the pre-packaged, refrigerated food here is not only cold (not even room temperature), but it’s hands down the worst food I’ve ever experienced eating in almost 50 years on this planet. The quality of the food is without a doubt very poor, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they used the lowest bidder to purchase the already-made meals. The food has characteristics like:
Strong, artificial flavors
Unpleasant taste (some foods I ended up spitting out as soon as I took a bite because it was that disgusting)
Mystery meats that have a very off and odd texture and appearance
Potato wedges that seem as though they’ve been marinating in its deep fried oil for an extended period of time
“Hot meals” that aren’t usually cold: soups (liquid and creamy), fatty meats, scrambled eggs, rice, etc. [I chose to turn these negative experiences into open-mic comedy sets]
Update: I realized that this “worst food ever” phase was an opportunity to be more cognizant of what I eat and why. I requested to switch over to vegetarian meals (see YouTube video), and ever since then, I felt grateful that I was guided from within to go through a phase of cleaner eating before my surgeries.
I’m also grateful of the life lesson to no longer allow food to determine my vibrational frequency state, which I’ve done all of my life.
If the food was good to great, then I would feel good to great, but if the food wasn’t all that, then it would negatively effect how I feel (to include getting really irritated at times). So who has the power?
This, and other insights will be shared in my K-quarantine YouTube video series, since I already dared to create my first one (where I’m going to improve and use the humor parts in an open-mic comedy set at the beginning of next year in Sedona, Flagstaff, Cottonwood, and Glendale AZ, among others places if they’re open during that time).
There’s always room for improvement when it comes to projects, so I chose not to be so concerned that I would make mistakes, but to just take the hardest first step, and simply embrace that the first dozen videos may suck Lol (great advice and inspiration shared by Victor Oddo and Aaron D. from one of their teamwork YouTube videos I saw a while back).
I also intend to share many other subjects as well, to include but not limited to: wisdom gained from personal experiences, dreams during dream state, animal spirit guides, poems, and pretty much other summarized versions of the contents of this blog since my posts tend to be very lengthy .
Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
(Matthew 6.31-34 ESV)
For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?”
(Mark 8.34-36 ESV) [This reminded me to not be concerned, or even worried, about what others might judge, or what others think I should be, how to live, and what to do, but to always follow my own inner guidance/intuition/heart/passion/excitement]
“You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. [This reminded me to realize that the opposite/contrast/duality/polarity NEUTRAL aspects within the Unity Consciousness of interconnected Life is meant to highly benefit us; and it would be very wise to deeply appreciate both seemingly separate sides of the same coin. I’m also reminded of what I heard of while in the Army, and that is…great leaders were also willing to be great, lower-ranking soliders, the way great teachers are willing to be great students as well; because we can even learn from children and all the creatures of Earth, like animal spirit guides/totems/power animals]
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” [This now reminds me that Jesus—like many other Ascended Masters who shared and spread very high vibrational frequencies while on Earth (e.g., Buddha, Mary Magdala, Muhammad, etc.)—came to planet Earth not to collect love from humanity (like the Pleiadians mentioned about those who resonate with them), but to unconditionally give unlimited love to interconnected Life since His cup was full (i.e., He knew the importance of loving self as well), so it effortlessly overflowed to so-called others. I don’t about Him giving his life as a ransom, but to Him, and like others, they knew the wisdom that, ultimately, there is no “other” to serve, but seemingly countless interconnected, energetic parts of The One/Source/I (God) AM (Goddess/God/Divine Mother Goddess:Very Holy Spirit/Prime Creator: Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666].
(Mark 10.42-45 ESV)
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5.43-45 ESV)
[This quote was a great reminder since I experienced a realization this morning, while meditating, that I have the inner power to choose to be at peace with any outer circumstance, to include the recent series of unpleasant experiences, that are blessings in disguise when I expand my perspective and simply embrace what IS.
Even a Korean-American guy I met on this trip—who came to Korea to search for his bio parents—shared a great reminder that we should surrender to what was happening at immigration.
The ROK Army volunteer guys—who were clearly not trained with all the details—separately held us there for almost 3 hours.
Six of them were talking to me at different times, to include the most serious expression dude with a half-opened, swollen, left pink eye that seemed to be begging to be woken up; I had the pleasure of spending at least 2 out of 3 hours with him.
I wanted to gently ask him if he could slowly raise his mask up, shift it to the left, and use it like a pirate’s eye patch to cover that distracting eye, but I knew more than likely that request wouldn’t be granted.
Anyhoo, after what felt like an extended interrogation session, I continued to stand my ground and share all the facts and truths—without needing to tell them straight up that they were wrong—to include me having done my research prior to coming to Korea.
I even assertively told the pink eye dude, “Now I don’t know if you keep asking me the same questions because there’s a disconnect with our conversation, or because you’re trying to test me; but even if we set up a tent here and do this [questioning] all night long, my answers aren’t going to change since I’ve been telling you the truth.”
He had a smirk on his face after I said this, and I didn’t realize until later why that might have happened.
Sure enough, close to the three hour mark, one of them realized that they had misunderstood the categories, and they all apologized in a lovey dovey, friendly manner (even calling me, “mother” or “auntie”) and agreed to let me go.
I guess I should be grateful that they didn’t call me ah-jum-ma (older woman) or even grandma, though I accept whatever works.
When I expanded my perspective, I later realized that these pain in the ass moments were all triggers, meant to help raise up the deeply suppressed remnants of hurt energies from within that needs to resurface, get noticed, be acknowledged, be embraced, be integrated, and be fully healed.
Because half of them kept asking me why I didn’t have any contact numbers for my mother and relatives in Korea, which to them, was baffling.
This outer, cultural judgment of, “What do you mean you don’t have ANY family members you can contact in Korea?” was reflecting the remnants of my inner judgment of self apparently still having a slightly hurtful sore spot from within.
I gave them the numbers and invited them to try getting someone to answer any of the numbers.
Once I left immigration, the airport was a ghost town, to include the baggage claim area.
I walked around the airport until I found someone in uniform, and she sent me to one end of the airport wing.
When I arrived there, and asked for further instructions and directions, the man in uniform told me to go back to the other end of the airport wing…but further down.
As I headed that way again, I received a call from the airlines to pick up my suitcase from carousel 18.
I then had interactions with a group of police officers where the government bus was supposed to pick us up.
And they weren’t informative and kind about the process to the quarantine facility/hotel.
At one point, two officers stopped by the waiting area and basically said, “The group with a yellow tag around your neck come on the bus, but the group with red remain here.”
No one in my group knew the difference between the yellow and red tags, and we were all frustrated with the on-transparent BULLsh!+.
So I approached the section the police officers were all hanging out at, near the waiting area, and asked them if our group could receive some helpful information, like the difference in tag colors and what to expect; after all, there were those of us who hadn’t ate dinner, were thirsty, or had to use the restroom.
One of the officers replied with slight attitude that we needed to wait at least two hours for the next bus, and that red tag folks were the ones going to the quarantine facility and the yellow had other reasons, to include official business, staying with family members, etc..
So I gently asked them why they couldn’t simply tell us something like, “Everyone, you’ve more than likely had a long, tiring flight, and we’re sorry to inform you that the next bus is scheduled to arrive in two more hours. Thank you for your patience, and in case you’re thirsty, hungry, or have to use the restroom, you can use the store over there, as well as the public restrooms further down that direction.”
They’re facial expressions, body language, and speechlessness seemed to radiate the guilty vibes of young, punk-ass boys who just got busted for doing something they weren’t supposed to do.
I then calmly requested to receive the name, phone number, and email address of the head police officer of that group.
And sure enough, THAT got their attention right away, and they all did a 180 of suddenly becoming considerate, especially the head officer.
He asked with a smile why I needed such information, and I told him it’s in case I needed his contact info due to questions that might come up.
I had a talk with all of them, who, to my great surprise, stood around me and listened intently in a seemingly sincere manner while gently nodding their heads as if to acknowledge understanding.
In a nutshell, I basically asked them to reverse the roles—how would they feel if they ever traveled to another country where they could use some helpful information, and were treated without respect and kindness.
“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”
(Matthew 7.12 ESV)
I continued that during these challenging times for everyone, even small acts of kindness goes far.
I shared with them that I had heard of foreigners in the past ask questions like, “Why are Koreans so unfriendly or rude in Korea?” and that I would share with them that not all Koreans are like that; and that there are those who are very kind as well, and everything in-between.
The head officer agreed, but then proceeded to make excuses, blaming Koreans often being distant or downright rude due to culture and/or a language barrier.
I shared that kindness, a universal language, can even be expressed non-verbally, and deeply felt by all human beings regardless of their background; he agreed with what appeared to be a genuine smile and nod.
When he tried to make excuses for the chaotic process of immigration, the police, and other departments, I shared that it would be understandable if this was 20 years ago.
However, it’s now 2020, the information age where ANY department parts of the whole organization can instantly communicate with one another via various forms of communication systems, but that it also takes human connection, communication, organization, and cooperation.
Though the conversation didn’t seem to start well, to my great surprise, it became more and more harmonious as two hours went by.
The head police officer even asked me a favor shortly before the bus arrived, which him and his team thanked me for before I boarded the bus.
There were two older gentlemen from Africa, and he needed someone to translate to them why one brother (a U.S. citizen) couldn’t stay with his older brother (who was living in Korea due to his continuing education), since he didn’t have any documents prepared ahead of time; hence, he, too, had to join our group at the quarantine facility/hotel.
Though our flight arrived around 6 pm, we didn’t get to our hotel until a quarter till midnight.
So yes, it felt like a very long day with some soul-igniting, highLight moments.
A few days later, I noticed the tiny piece of paper that the head police officer wrote his contact info on.
And to my delightful surprise, it included two sets of triple digit angel numbers that I’ve been frequently seeing for almost a decade now.
Both number sequences instantly remind me of the main players—Galactic and Universal soul families and Ascended Masters.
How perfect is that as well, since this morning, while laying in bed, I also reflected on my memory of looking through the book I once had (image on right)—before giving the still brand new book to a former Hilton Bell Rock coworker when she was in the hospital with pneumonia.
The gorgeous artwork and teachings of The Goddess, I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence and Ascended Masters, who happened to look like some of the close people I knew from Virginia in the early 90’s, as well as in Okinawa in the early 2000’s (I wrote about the Female Christ-like Korean woman, also married to a U.S. Marine, in at least several posts, to include the one titled, “Inspiration”).
The similar faces were heavenly, beautiful, and awe-inspiring.]
“When I judge, neglect, reject, and/or hate myself or others, I judge, reject, and/or hate aspects of Source/God/Goddess/Spirit, since Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation is All That Is. When I understand, have compassion for, forgive, accept, and unconditionally love myself and others, I understand, have compassion for, forgive, accept, and unconditionally love the ALL of Beloved Self.” Bobbie, March 30, 2013
From the video series: Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds – Part 2 – The Spiral
“Thinking, acting and doing must be brought into balance with Being; afterall, we are human Beings, not human Doings.”
“Circumstances don’t matter, only my state of consciousness matters.”
“The way to rise above the suffering of the physical realm…is to totally embrace it…to say “yes” to it, so it becomes something within you, rather than you be something within it. How does one live in such a way that consciousness is no longer in conflict with content? How does one empty the heart of petty ambitions? There must be a total revolution in consciousness, a radical shift in orientation, from the outer world to the inner. It is not a revolution that’s brought about by will or effort alone, but also by surrender…acceptance of reality as it is.”
The image of Christ open heart powerfully conveys the idea that one must open to all pain, one must accept all, if one is to remain open to the evolutionary Source. This doesn’t mean you become a masochist; you don’t look for pain. But when pain comes, which it inevitably does, you simply accept reality as it is, instead of craving some other reality.”
“…it was through the heart that the Divine spoke…”
“When you connect the inner world with the outer world…then All Is One.”
“One must become adept at adapting…suffering exists only because we get attached to a particular form.”
“In order to open your heart, you must open yourself to change, live in the seemingly solid world…dance with it, engage with it, live fully, love fully; but yet, know that it is impermanent, and that ultimately all forms dissolve and change. Bliss is the energy that responds to stillness. It comes from emptying consciousness of all content. The content of this bliss energy born of stillness IS consciousness, a new consciousness of the heart…a consciousness that is connected to All That Is.
From the video series: Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds – Part 4 – Beyond Thinking
Thank you my True Self/God/Goddess/Spirit for this gift/series of amazing videos that seem to bring many pieces of the puzzle of Life together. I Love them! These videos are mesmerizing, mysterious, informative, beautiful, eye-opening, exciting, captivating, heart-warming, and soul-touching. Bobbie, March 30, 2013
“Because a story teaches more than a lecture.”
From Zor, tweeted Feb 27, ’13
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