As mentioned in other posts, whenever I’m drawn to a reading online, I ask Spirit within for discernment, clarity, inner-wisdom, and inner-knowing, and then enjoy whatever I read in a neutral state of mind (to the best of my ability), and only extract whatever Light (information) and Love (wisdom) that most highly resonates with me.
They (whoever they are) say that teaching others helps us to learn more ourselves, and I was reminded of this wisdom after sharing a comment for the reading, “Important Points from the latest Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series (The Arcturians – through Sue Lie).”
The following is the comment (in green font):
Sue and Arcturians, first and foremost, thank you for sharing much Light and Love.
I was wondering if you could provide some clarification for the following:
You stated, “We, your Galactic Family, are protecting YOU. The forces of darkness could not harm any of us. But, in their attempt to harm us, they could harm you, or dear Gaia […]”
However, isn’t the belief in needing protection being in a state of a lower vibrational frequency that stems from fear energy? The belief that something “out there” is out to get you seems to be an anxious energy.
If one chooses to fully TRUST that one is truly Multidimensional Self at every moment, then one would also trust that the world one lives in is SAFE (since there are countless probabilities, and we have the choice to choose a Life that is meant to work FOR us rather than AGAINST us).
In addition, since ultimately, we are Mother Earth/Gaia/Galactic Family/other Higher Selves/Prime Creator/Mother Goddess, and vice versa, we can’t be HARMED.
We also don’t need to be “RESCUED” since needing to be rescued is part of victim mentality (that one is powerless).
Last but not least, isn’t the continuous reminders of the “dark ones” within our reality just further FOCUSING ON and giving power and more life to the fear-based energies within us?
Because ultimately, isn’t the whole ongoing discussion of the “us vs them” part of separation consciousness?
After rereading my own comment (above), I came to a realization that this message was ultimately for self (though for interconnected others as well since we’re ultimately ONE).
I then felt grateful for this reading mirroring back to me some of my own unconscious beliefs that surfaced in my outer reality for re-examination, release, transmutation and healing.
After this realization, I left the following 2nd and last comment for the same reading/link above:
Regarding the above first comment of mine: I just came to a realization that those parts of this reading were merely mirroring my own unconscious beliefs that resurfaced in order to be re-examined, released, transmuted, and healed. Thank you for the reflection.
Throughout my spiritual journey—most of which is recorded within this blog—I, too, have believed the beliefs (that stem from fear) that I pointed out in the comment above.
The following are 1) conditioned fear-based beliefs that I’ve identified, 2) example stories/links of what more than likely contributed to the false beliefs within me and 3) example stories/links of gradual release of them:
- Conditioned fear-based belief: that I/we need protection from something “out there” determined to get me/us in some way, shape, or form
- Conditioned fear-based belief: that I don’t trust self (only believing that I was a limited 3D being); and I don’t trust others
- From the post, “Liberating Wings of Freedom: Rising Above Childhood and/or Adulthood Abuse” (under subtitle, “Comments of the Unloving Mother vs. the Loving Mother”)
- Unloving mother: “Your real father abandoned us because you cried excessively as a baby!”
- Loving mother: “Your real father abandoned us, not because of anything you did, but because he and I didn’t have a healthy relationship. It’s not your fault; you were just six months old.”
- “Humiliation“
- “Trust“
- “My Beloved Inner-Child: Be Empowered and Free“
- “A Truth About Number Synchronicity, Healing Process, Twin Soul Reunion and Realization“
- “A Way To Better Know, Trust and Unconditionally Love Self“
- From the post, “Liberating Wings of Freedom: Rising Above Childhood and/or Adulthood Abuse” (under subtitle, “Comments of the Unloving Mother vs. the Loving Mother”)
- Conditioned fear-based belief: that I/we can be harmed by an outer force; though ultimately, even if something/someone “out there” did do the seemingly worst (i.e., kill me/us), I/we would merely transform into another energy state
- “Liberating Wings of Freedom: Rising Above Childhood and/or Adulthood Abuse” (especially under subtitle, “Comments of the Unloving Mother vs. the Loving Mother”)
- “Rage“
- “To Be Disempowered by Others OR Empowered from Within“
- Conditioned fear-based belief: that I don’t live in a safe world (an outer illusion merely mirroring my deep, conditioned inner beliefs)
- “Not Flight or Fight…but Freeze“: trauma
- “Awkwardness“: molestation
- “Forgiving the “Bad” To Help Them Remember They Are Good Souls“
- “Liberating Wings of Freedom: Rising Above Childhood and/or Adulthood Abuse“
- “Manipulation“: rape (further insights and other stories in post, “Outer Angels and Demons Reflecting All the Inner Ones“)
- “Symbolic Message from a Murder: Conditional Love vs Unconditional Love“
I’m still working on releasing this old and outdated belief (which I trust will happen soon), and FULLY replace it with a solid TRUST that I live in a benevolent Universe that fully supports me, Mother Earth/Gaia, my loved ones, and other interconnected Life. I can’t think of an example story/post at this moment where I gradually release the “unsafe world” belief, but I’m confident there are some, and when I do recall them, I will most certainly share them.
- Conditioned fear-based belief: that Life was working against me rather than for me
- Conditioned fear-based belief: that I, humanity, Mother Earth/Gaia, other worlds (with low vibrational frequencies) needed to be rescued because we’re all powerless (victim mentality)
- The following section is from the post, “I Was Blessed to Have My Dad“:
- “One time, my dad was home, and he started banging on the bathroom door shouting, “What the hell is going on in there?” I recall being so grateful that my dad was there to rescue me. Looking back, I believe that was just one of the many ways that my mother released her frustrations in life onto me […]” When my adoptive dad was no longer around to “rescue” me from harm, I believe I turned to the next trustworthy father-figure a while back—Jesus; hence the posts below
- “Dreams of Jesus“
- “The Dark Being and Jesus Within Me“
- “Closure for 2013: Releasing Unhealthy Relationships“
- “A Reminder for Us to BE Courageous Role Model from Within“
- The following section is from the post, “I Was Blessed to Have My Dad“:
- Conditioned fear-based belief: that I needed to focus on “us vs them” (separation consciousness); Examples:
Thank you Spirit within/Prime Creator/Divine Mother Goddess for this experience, and the ability to gain wisdom from it. I love you for all that you do and don’t do for the highest benefit of All of Life/All That Is, and all that you simply and amazingly are at every moment.
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