I often wondered what my life purpose is, and ever since I became curious, I continued to experience Divine synchronicity on a daily to weekly basis, that includes vivid dream messages, the appearance of various earthly and otherworldly animals in my inner and/or outer worlds (i.e., animal spirit guides), number synchronicity (i.e., 11:11, 12:12, palindrome numbers, and number sequences that include 11-99, 111-999, and 2222-9999), etc.
Note: Image on right found next to link => stmed.net
When I looked up the interpretations of certain number sequences—aka angel numbers, activation codes, truth codes, etc.—-I was informed by the angelic and spiritual realms, to include the Ascended Masters within, to start a spiritual career.
Note: Image on left found next to link => Cursosde
After much experimenting with various life experiences that could potentially be a spiritual career, I learned what all I don’t resonate with, which I trust helped me to be closer to all that I do resonate with from my heart.
Note: Image on left found next to link => Heather Hildebrand
Granted, I found myself still concerned, and even anxious at times, about not knowing for sure what this spiritual career is; however, I let go of the need to know (which was a relief) starting 2/7/2019, thanks to a project that I started last month (January).
I would ask myself on a daily basis, “What would someone who loves themselves do?” and then Be, do, and record the answers in my phone calendar.
This year-long project was inspired by Teal from one of her videos; I forgot the name, but I’ll find it at a later time so that I can leave her a gratitude comment and share the results (so far, very effective).
Note: Image on left above found next to link => Mystical Journey
Though I don’t resonate with everything that Teal Swan teaches, I do highly resonate with a lot of the profound wisdom she has shared with humanity and beyond thus far.
Also, Victor Oddo has been very helpful for a while, to include his recent newsletter message, “Signs You’re Going Through A ‘Re-Calibration,'” and his upcoming, full moon video insights.
I’m very grateful for both of their invaluable existence—as well as many others who also share much Light and Love—and I have no doubt that they will continue to contribute to humanity and interconnected Life (within this world and beyond) in powerful ways.
Note: Image on right found next to link => The Earth Plan/”Thank You to My Soul Family.”
Anyway, since then, as I focused more on unconditionally accepting, embracing, and even deeply loving more and more aspects of Multidimensional self/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within)/others, various forms of uplifting abundance has showed up in my life, especially much JOY, to include humor, smiles, laughter, sharing (of Light, Unconditional Love, and heartfelt stories), teamwork, assistance, soul-igniting connections, new relationships, opportunities for growth, great benefits (to include a near future opportunity to experience for the first time acupuncture, for my sporadic sciatica and back issues recommended by my VA provider, possibly a hypnotherapy appointment to better understand a certain recurring, nightmare-like dream that stems from my subconscious mind, and professional training offered by the new company, mostly during orientation day only and online), material abundance (e.g., great deals on Organifi Green Juice and Red Juice, a free sample packet of Organifi Gold Juice which I’m going to try tomorrow night, my first pair of super comfortable Sketchers sneakers, my first pair of progressive semi cat-eye glasses with a bold, slightly shimmery, and pretty turquoise frame, an effective new moisturizer perfect for Flagstaff’s very high elevation plus dry and cold winter weather, my husband’s free iphone XR that he received as a gift. his new pair of glasses since his had a few cracks, his increase in business, a great deal on our two cats’ awesome, new, great quality catio/high, practical, and comfy cat tree, delicious food, ), etc..
Note: Images above found next to links => 1) THE BAMBOO TREE and 2) Douglas Kibuchi/Mature Bamboo Trees
Granted, there are still fear-based moments (from self/others), but Light and Love seems to be enlightening the so-called dark (especially via sharing of inner-truths and highly beneficial information/expanding individual and collective consciousness) and transmuting the low vibrating fear energies (especially via Unconditional Love in the forms of deep understanding, empathy, pure compassion, unconditional forgiveness, and unconditional acceptance/embrace).
Thank you Universe within. ^_^
Note: Image on left above found next to link => Life on the Blue Highways
The following is an update message that I added today to my GoFundMe Project (for further details, click on the GoFundMe icon on top left of this blog, which also shares the purpose of this blog):
I recently came upon an opportunity to work at a beneficial place where I can interact with many people from around the world.
I have no doubt that I’m meant to put to daily practice all that I’ve learned so far on my life journey, especially the sharing of much profound wisdom/Light and Unconditional Love (for self and interconnected others).
I was reminded from within that, ultimately, the physical and spiritual worlds are one, and that it doesn’t matter what earthly job or career position we hold or don’t hold (which are impermanent), but who we choose to BE (I AM).
I don’t know how long Spirit would like me to Be present at this location, but it doesn’t matter.
I intend to simply go with the flow, continue to follow my inner guidance to the best of my ability, trust in the Divine Plan, unconditionally accept, embrace, and even deeply love whole self/others, and enjoy Life while continuing to be grateful for all the uplifting abundance that I already have, and will receive in the future.
I also intend to finish writing my first book (integrated with artwork) in Divine perfect timing and order, whether it’s through the money that I make (and put aside) and/or through the help of others.
Note: Images above found next to links => 1) Trabber 2) WorldEventZ.com 3) Hipmunk 4) MakeMyTrip
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