In the past, I’ve shared posts about the sacred, inner (and then possibly outer ) Twin Flame relationship within this blog, to include—“Curiosity, Observations, Questions, Insights & Wisdom About Twin Soul/Twin Flame, Monad, & Trinity“ andย “Misrepresentation of Twin Flames: A Blessing in Disguise“—and I trust that this topic resurfaced into my current reality awareness, to remind me of the importance of unconditional self-love, before searching for this True Love outside of ourselves.
Image by albina01 from Pixabay
I shared the following comment for the video, “Relationships (& The Impact Of Awakening) w Mat Schaffer (Twin Flames, Soul Mates, & Ending Cycles)“:
Thank you Victor and Mat for this VERY helpful video message that includes expanded perspectives, refreshing honesty, heartfelt wisdom, great insights, and open-minded and open-hearted soul-igniting FULL PRESENCE (of balanced energies).
I especially appreciate what you shared about noticing the patterns of behavior, rather than the [shiny] words [especially the non-heartfelt version of “I love you,” which has been excessively misused and abused throughout human history] , sporadic moments of an ideal partner, and the potential of a partner.
Sometimes, when there were chaotic roller coaster moments—which seemed to very slowly improve over the years, within a total of 15 years of marriage as well—I wondered if I wasn’t being understanding enough, compassionate enough, empathetic enough, unconditionally loving enough; but I realized (more than ever before) that I wasn’t being enough of these loving things to myself.
I’m excited about your 3 Week Program Mat, which is a sure, celebrating sign from within. I also LOVE it whenever I experience uplifting series of synchronicity (which this is part of).
Yesterday evening, I had a sudden, unusual, and strong craving for a type of food that I’m normally not attracted to, which was intriguing to me, since I experienced these thoughts pop into my awareness a few times before, but because they were more subtle, I disregarded them.
However, I’ve been practicing to follow my inner guidance more and more these days, and sure enough, as I was eating beef chow mein (which I didn’t finish), I recalled what Victor shared in the previous video about learning from and appreciating the CONTRASTS that show up—something that I’ve been working on for a while as well.
And so I expressed gratitude for this particular contrast, that helped me to decide that it was going to be the LAST chow mein meal that I would have in this last lifetime.
I’ve had similar experiences before, and I fully trust that they’re helping me to KNOW (WITHOUT a SHADOW OF A DOUBT)—via personal experiences/experiential knowledge/true wisdom—all that I PREFER, and DON’T PREFER in Life.
And last but not least, I felt like checking out the two, fortune cookie messages, and they read, “Pay attention, an opportunity will knock on your door,” and “Go for it. You never know whom you might run into.”
So THANK YOU SO MUCH Universe within, to include both of you Soul brothers, for this golden opportunity! ๐
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