The following is a comment I shared for the helpful video, “3 Signs Your HIGHER SELF Is Working MAGIC In your Life… (this will surprise you!)“:
Image by Skyler H. from Pixabay
True. I used to believe (due to thinking repeatedly) that Sedona, AZ—known as the Mecca of Spirituality—is where I wanted to live and connect with others within this particular, spiritual community.
However COMMA after 9 jobs since 2017, that mostly felt like I was experiencing repeat versions of hell on Earth (the “negative feedback” you mentioned in this video), I finally realized that I no longer have a desire to live in Sedona, and I definitively don’t care to work here anymore.
It’s been the same $h!+ different job locations, where I crossed paths with some of the most challenging people I’ve ever met my entire life (besides my parents); and though I’ve been doing my best to do shadow work, and integrate these “negative” aspects within, sometimes, it was overwhelming.
It seems that my ego self (the immature version of the mental energy body)—merely doing its best to survive and thrive in this physical world—was so determined to make life in Sedona work (since my husband loves his job here), that it often pushed aside my true feelings (my intuitive side/emotional energy body).
Well, last night, a vivid dream of a giant, otherworldly creature within the vast, deep ocean, revealed to me—via symbols I would instantly recognize, to include: “monster”, white snake and dolphin—that I’ve often been disconnected to the spiritual and joyful essence within me lately.
This makes sense, since I’ve been using my imagination more than ever lately, visualizing my new, future life that’s completely different from my current one—since visualization plus feelings is known as the language of our subconscious, 95% of our mind that creates our realities—and I trust that it’s in alignment with my Higher Self within, since I FEEL so happy during those moments.
I feel more ready than ever before to fully release EVERYTHING that no longer serves me/that habitually makes me unhappy.
I won’t be lonely because I play very well by myself (since childhood), though I enjoy great company as well (also since childhood).
I’m an ambivert, though leaning more towards introvert as I get older, rather than the mostly extrovert that I used to be in my younger years; I simply love being whatever, and changing whenever.
I’ve also been making certain preparations for this major shift, where I reinvent self/Self and fully enjoy Life (“look to other options” that you mentioned in this video).
I’ve also been practicing to be more understanding, inclusive, gentle, compassionate, empathetic, and ultimately more loving of my inner-child (whom I’ve also dreamt of lately).
Because how we treat ANY neutral aspect within full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (human self)/Self (Higher Self/Source: Soul & Spirit within/God & Goddess)—to include our ego aspect that’s only being and doing its best from its state of less aware consciousness—will determine how much we actually love ourselves UNconditionally.
Because we cannot fully, generously, and truly give to others from an empty or barely-filled cup. But when our inner cup (Heart) is full, it can effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
When I expand my perspective, I remember that ALL experiences—earthly and otherworldly puzzle pieces—within our Life journey is invaluable.
And even with the Sedona jobs, I’ve met a handful of wonderful souls over the years, learned many life lessons, and gained profound wisdom.
Granted, though I love nature within Sedona—to include the amazing Oak Creek Canyon drive, and the breathtaking red rocks, creek, trees and vortexes—Sedona’s “spiritual” community somewhat reminds me of what happened to holidays (became overly commercialized), that were meant to represent the true gifts of Life, like: Unconditional Love for self/others (to include Unconditional Giving), Gratitude, Appreciation, Harmonious Relationships, True Soul Freedom (and not from ongoing wars), Rebirth (from ancient Goddess tradition), etc.
I get that Sedona is a very touristy location, but it seems that many business have forgotten, or are unaware, about the purpose of this ancient, sacred place, and they’re more concerned about profit, though profit is beneficial when NOT misleading, deceiving, misusing hoarding, withholding (not paying employees what they deserve), or abusing others (treating employees like doo doo).
I’ve also met a handful of souls and businesses within Sedona who seem to be true healers and/or soul teachers, and providers of the helpful stuff of Life.
Now I understand why Sedona’s meant to be a place to visit rather than reside (learned from an old book I was reading when I first came to Sedona, but didn’t take it seriously at the time; but the Natives were aware of this, and only came to Sedona during sacred ceremonies).
During your big move Vic, I hope you and your family take much needed rest, relaxation, and enjoyment of Life. I’ve moved a lot since childhood, and yes, it can be pretty exhausting and stressful.
BUT, I recall you sharing that listening to, and enjoying, MUSIC helps with doing seemingly mundane tasks, so JAM away soul brother! ๐
Also, thank you again for sharing this uplifting message. Wishing you and your loved ones (to include Aaron) an abundance of happiness in Austin TX! ^_^
The following is a comment that I shared for the video, “Why The Same Bad Things Always Happen To You” that showed up in perfect timing, and is related to this post:
Thanks so much Teal for this very helpful message that I trust will FINALLY help resolve at least four of the patterns that I was able to identify from this video:
1) Emotionally unavailable partner relationshipsย (2 boyfriends and 2 marriages, to include current one which slightly improved due to realizing that I need to be more emotionally available for self first and foremost),
2) Relationships of being cheated on in the past,
3) Being in situations where you donโt belong and youโre not compatible (9 Sedona jobs since 2017/some of the most challenging coworkers I’ve ever experienced),
and 4) PTSD: 3 car accidents within a few years in the past that totaled each car (1 minor accident in Sedona a couple of years ago; 2 of 4 accidents my husband was driving).
I took screenshot notes for the questions you asked, as part of the exercise you suggested, and created a Word doc to organize my thoughts, feelings, insights, etc.
I often felt hopeless due to these patterns that I’ve been aware of—though not this organized and clearer than ever—but felt powerless to change no matter how many different things I’ve done over the years (to include shadow work and inner child work, which I could practice more of).
Anyhoo, you are deeply appreciated soul sister!
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