When I first started creating this post, I chose the title to be, “South Korea Possibly Repeating The Downfall of Ancient Atlantis”; but after adding more personal stories and insights each day, I decided to change it to a more suitable one.
On my way to Incheon International Airport—after my extended trip in various locations of South Korea (mostly Seoul and then Busan)—a very authentic, unconditionally kind, and wise young driver from Grand, informed of me information I was meant to hear.
He shared that around the timeframe that I arrived to Korea, approximately 60 people per day were tested positive with COVID-19; and the day I was leaving (12/9/2020 Korea time), it had increased to approximately 600 per day,
Today, 12/13/2020 (US time), I just noticed—upon opening an internet tab online—that the numbers increased to 1000 per day, with the South Korean President intending to place even stricter rules, to include the country going to level 3 social distancing restrictions (it went from level 2 to 2.5 towards the end of my trip).
During my trip, and especially towards the end, I strongly sensed that South Korea, and similar countries, is rapidly heading towards the direction of possibly repeating history—particularly the “myth” of the downfall of ancient Atlantis—just as they rapidly climbed the latter of economic success and security within this world.
Though South Korea is a tiny country compared to many others, it’s not about the size, but how it represents itself (as microcosm) within the bigger picture (macrocosm), just as a tiny, single cell is as powerful as its interconnected parts of the whole body.
I’ve used this country as an example since it shows how quickly something can rise and even fall; and this is just the beginning of the probable domino effect it can have for the rest of this world (alongside the Divine purpose of COVID-19/a blessing in disguise when it comes to the spiritual evolution of Life within this world and way beyond).
This place currently has the similar vibe/vibrational frequency of the coming, sudden downfall of other, once great civilizations.
This stemmed from an excessive focus of the mental, physical, material, and technological aspects of Life, without the balance and harmony of the emotional and spiritual aspects.
Granted, too much focus on the emotional and spiritual aspects isn’t beneficial as well (as the ancient Lemurians have learned).
This includes: often wanting to escape physical life via meditation (and other spiritual tools meant to be used in moderation), and often remaining within one’s safe bubble of an environment—like a very supportive and loving spiritual community—to avoid all the “negative” encounters of outside Life.
It seemed that no matter where I was, so many people appeared to be like emotionless, AI energizer bunnies on crack—just GOING, GOING, AND GOING, and DOING, DOING, AND DOING, with their cell phones that they couldn’t break their attention from, even while walking in the subway area, riding the escalator, being in the presence of others (friends, family, coworkers, etc.), at restaurants, and while moving within the markets and malls.
This state of being isn’t new, and has been witnessed by many people throughout the world via the web and in person.
But it seemed to stand out more than ever before, as though the collective state of this particular level of consciousness skyrocketed, and became amplified in its energies.
Or perhaps, my own level of awareness has increased as I expanded my consciousness; and hence, I was able to notice this glaring CONTRAST more than ever before.
This gave me the opportunity to learn from the CONTRASTS showing up in my outer reality what I actually do prefer to experience in Life.
I can then fully let go of (the judgment that is) whatever no longer resonates with me with gratitude and unconditional love, and simply embrace what IS (and positive changes are naturally birthed from this sacred, unconditional love space).
From a limited, human perspective, there was an unspoken sadness to this limited way of Life that could make one question the purpose of it.
The world-wide theme for the majority of humanity seems to be: be and do what society tells you to be and do, WORK WORK WORK your ass off (continue to be poverty consciousness obedient slaves), make enough money to barely make ends meet, escape from miserable reality via various addictive distractions (especially via excessive alcohol, tobacco, food, technology, etc.), save some money for the non-guaranteed future, and REPEAT DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY/MONTHS/YEARS/DECADES/(and even LIFETIMES)…UNTIL YOU FINALLY DIE WITH MANY REGRETS.
However, from an expanded neutral perspective, I trust that these glaring CONTRASTS serve a highly beneficial purpose for us all.
Because without the contrasts, we wouldn’t know all that we don’t prefer, and the meaning of deeply appreciating interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
While in Korea, and during my travels, I reviewed notes/reminders that I had collected throughout the years, whether it was my own wisdom gained from personal experiences (ultimately as God-Self/Goddess-Self within, aka I AM Presence), or from many outer, great soul teachers that I’ve learned from (though I don’t resonate with everything they teach), to include but not limited to: Neale Donald Walsch, animal spirit guides (showed up in dream state while in Korea and after I returned as a playful black panther this time, otherworldly pitch black bird-like creature, many ants, and for the first time that I recall: a gentle white possum, an upright hippopotamus and gray rat on 12/16/2020, and recently the gnat again in waking reality that reminds me to enjoy Life), Bashar (channeled via Darryl Anka), The Arcturians, The Pleiadians (via Barbara Marciniak), Abraham-Hicks, Alan Watts, Rumi, Teal Swan, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Jamye Price, Sadhguru, angelic realm, Ascended Masters, etc.
I noticed that the more I experienced the poverty lifestyle that many within humanity was conditioned to believe since childhood (i.e., what we were convinced we deserve in life), the more I deeply yearned to experience its opposite—-which is essentially healing, according to one spiritual interpretation by Teal Swan, that feels light/right/true to my heart.
I’ve learned that it’s okay to desire to experience Prosperity Consciousness, which is various forms and non-forms—like profound wisdom, inner peace, freedom, joy, and unconditional love—of uplifting abundance, to include some luxuries and money, a neutral tool meant to be used with wisdom, discernment, and generosity, to highly beneficial the self/interconnected Life, and NOT be misused or abused.
For instance, I’ve stayed at 4, 2, and 3 star hotels during my extended Korea trip.
And as I experienced the various contrasts/opposites, I came to the realization—after I chose to be transparently authentic and honest with self (without the concern or worry of society conditioned me to believe)—that I actually enjoy the nicer stuff of life, that I used to believe I didn’t deserve, due to my low self-worth and self-esteem.
Each hotel had its strengths regardless of what star category they were in, but I noticed that the 4 star hotel (Four Points by Sheraton in Gangnam) came with customer service at its finest (which I shared a 5 star Google review for), along with much better quality food (that I enjoyed their breakfast buffet about 4 times) and super comfortable bed, bedding, and surrounding furniture.
One day, I intend to experience a 5 star hotel to fully treat and pamper self without any beliefs, thoughts, and feelings of unworthiness.
I’ve experienced staying at a 5 star hotel at least few times in the past, but they were for other reasons—during my visit with my children when they were younger, for my honeymoon with my second husband, and at least once during high school, when my parents decided to include me in the family vacation since elementary school (only because my adoptive dad wanted me there to babysit his toddler daughter he had from his Korean mistress).
One of the doctors I crossed paths with during this trip was hands down the most challenging to accept, embrace and integrate into whole self.
But when I expanded my perspective, I was reminded that the repeating themes were like a bright, blinking, neon, sign attempting to get my full attention to what’s still triggering me, in order to be fully healed.
At several different points during my interactions with this doc, he repeatedly stated, “Don’t be so greedy,” just because I asked a couple of valid questions due to curiosity.
And at one point (towards the end of my interactions with him), I told him that I’d like to experience being greedy (a forbidden, shadow aspect within humanity), since I experienced much of the opposite most of my life—often caring too much about others’ needs, wants, desires, dreams, thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, traumas, heartbreaks, pain, sufferings, and feelings, while neglecting my own.
Granted, I’m at a point in my life path, where I feel pretty comfortable and confident in exploring these unknown, forbidden, negative aspects, without becoming lost within them.
Just as the “aggressive” aspect can be very powerful when used wisely in Divine perfect timing and order, so, too, can the “greedy” aspect (and any other “negative” aspect) be very powerful when used wisely (but not misused or abused).
I ended up writing this doc a detailed letter (which I plan on sharing in another post) after our conversations—that included the limited, human perspective and the expanded, multidimensional perspective—since he blurted out a mean comment of projection (which I immediately called him out on), and he wasn’t exactly open to others’ thoughts and feelings.
I had a strong feeling this wasn’t the first time he’s treated another this way, and if swept under the rug, it wouldn’t be his last.
Though the head interpreter/ department manager—a second witness who was shocked by this doc’s unprofessionalism—said she translated, and then shared, the letter with this very insensitive doc (along with the head doctor), he never apologized even on my final appointment with him.
Within days, I was informed by the head doctor that this doc’s father had suddenly collapsed, so he had to take a week off to stay by his side (I asked him if it was the truth, and he said yes).
The head doctor then apologized for him, stating that he was baffled by this unusual behavior (which I was glad I had at least two other witnesses to; though ultimately, he was mirroring to me my own, hidden judgment towards self, which I even shared with him in the letter, as the BIG picture).
In addition, I was also mirrored the opposite aspects of this soul-less way of living, which I felt very grateful for as well.
I had the opportunity to cross paths with some very loving, open-minded, open-hearted/unconditionally kind, wise, humorous, authentic, passionate, honest, and helpful souls, as well as a gorgeous, sacred location.
I will share detailed stories of more of the “positive” and “negative” aspects of various “others”/self, that include the profound wisdom that I was able to gain from them (via shadow work), once I was willing and able to see beyond the obvious blessings or blessings in disguise (since there were at least a handful of very unpleasant characters that were initially very challenging to unconditionally accept/embrace and integrate into whole self, like the example shared above.
From the limited, linear, narrow, human perspective, it seems very strange that my ways of being, thinking, believing, behaving, feeling, eating, sleeping, and other perceptions and doing(s) have noticeably changed since the beginning of this trip.
However, from an unlimited, multidimensional, expanded perspective, it is crystal clear in an inner peace kind of way.
This includes the series of Divine synchronicity experiences that perfectly matched the Cosmic Consciousness Ascension deck cards that I had selected, and was using right before and throughout my extended, Korea trip.
These intriguing deck of cards were created by Jamye Price, and the ones I benefited from since the beginning of this past October include: Pleiades Expanding Clarity, Orion Releasing Self-Hatred, Lyra Awareness Confidence, Lyra Awareness: [Authentic] Communication & Discernment (two different cards), plus Orion Releasing Denial & Addiction (again, two different cards, and both in its many forms—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual).
An example of such noticeable and seemingly drastic change: Since childhood, I used to experience much excitement and anticipation being around Korean street food—a highly frowned upon type of food since my mother used to tell me how dirty it was, though she would allow me to occasionally enjoy some.
One of the new experiences I had during this recent trip was while walking through one of the well-known, open market places in Seoul.
Though each street food stall offered various street food that I loved for the longest time—tteokbokki, odeng, soondae, twigim, jokbal, pajun, etc.—I must have passed by at least 50 of them without a single interest.
There were older to elderly Korean women using their communication skills (to the best of their abilities) to lure me into their mini world stall of delicious street food—some aggressive, some persuasive, some gentle and sweet, and some just silent—but strangely, none were inviting, to include all the food that appeared as though they had been sitting out all day, gradually collecting the invisible, black contaminants of Seoul’s famous, heavy pollution.
Though I ate some street food at different locations, as well as other types of well-known Korean foods at nice restaurants—to include KFC/Korean Fried Chicken that I used to love, and the one recommended by Mikey Chen’s video—none of them blew me away, or came close, which surprised me at first.
In addition, I noticed a pattern in the street food stall areas, that the conversations that took place among the customers and sellers revolved around poverty consciousness—working hard, needing to make money to survive (rather than thrive), barely making ends meet, not having enough money, needing to eat cheap food due to a very low budget, etc.
This experience was, yet, another helpful CONTRAST that made me realize more than ever before, the type of environment (and people) I no longer prefer to be around, since it’s not encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, joyful, exciting, growing and/or expanding.
Perhaps the late childhood and early adulthood experiences were different from what I had remembered—either the “great” experiences were exaggerated in my mind back in the day, and/or my taste buds had changed due to another phase of an increase of heightened sensitivity that I’ve been experiencing (ultimately, both are true).
Granted, there was the Deli Manjoo that I never had before, a warm/hot, mini cream filled Korean cake—in the shape of a tiny, cute corn on the cob—that was so delightful.
I also “accidently” tried the wannabe version at another location (another CONTRAST), and the lady of the original, franchise store at Myeongdong was spot on when she confidently said that their version tastes the best since the cake and cream is made in-house.
The other brand, that had the name manjoo in it (but wasn’t the authentic version), tasted artificial inside and out.
Unfortunately, I ended up buying three bags of these not so heavenly treats—one for self, one for the kind, auntie-like lady at a convenience store that I frequented, and one for the helpful front desk staff at my hotel.
And I didn’t realize it until I dropped them off, went back to my hotel room, and then took a bite of it myself. I was like, “Son of a _____, this isn’t it!”
I just wanted to share a piece of heaven on earth with the souls that felt like family, but the plan didn’t work out as I expected, though it ultimately did.
I called the front desk soon after taking a bite, and informed them that I had bought the wrong kind (since we were initially excited that I had brought them the real deal).
And the Team Manager chuckled and said that they were going to enjoy it nonetheless, and that they appreciated the thoughtful gesture.
I hardly ate baked goods while in Korea. though there were more than enough well-known, Korean bakeries that I used to love.
In addition, though I walked past a plethora of stores that sold so many different, same, and similar products—that the old me would’ve loved to fully explore and even buy an abundance of—I had absolutely no interest in most of them; and only ended up buying basic things like socks (due to my very small feet), a small amount of traditional Korean theme gifts for self and loved ones (to include my two cats), and other minor necessities.
And last but not least, what took me a while to believe was that I was at peace with not seeing my mother and Korean relatives at all while visiting Korea.
The old me couldn’t even imagine doing such a culturally frowned upon thing.
Though I haven’t been able to get a hold of them, I know deep within, that if I truly wanted to, I could make it a successful mission to find them.
But the truth is, I didn’t (and still don’t) miss all the excessive, earth family dramas, though I wish them all great health, profound wisdom, unconditional love, inner peace, happiness, and other forms of uplifting abundance.
I simply chose to trust that they’re all doing perfectly find on their own soul paths, at their own pace, and that ultimately, all is well within all of our lives.
If it’s meant to highly benefit us all, I trust that we will cross paths again in Divine perfect timing and order.
Even while being held at immigration in South Korea for an extended amount of time, I was asked to provide my Korean family’s cell phone numbers; but as I informed them, none of them worked for a while, and they confirmed it by calling the numbers themselves.
At one point, one of the young guys (with major attitude) asked in a judgmental manner, “What do you mean you’re not in touch with any of your Korean family members?” as if to make me feel ashamed of myself.
Though I very briefly felt the familiar shame from the old and outdated, conditioned belief, because I chose to recognize it as such, I was able to quickly release it; hence, not continue to feel guilty about it.
I simply told him that I put forth efforts to contact them, but as he can see, no one’s answering the phone numbers; he was speechless.
The group of ROK Army volunteers—who were apparently helping out immigration—ended up admitting (three hours later) that they had made a mistake for holding me there for so long, due to a misunderstanding of what category of travelers I belonged to (sure, we’ll go with that); I had the choice of looking into it further, but wasn’t interested.
From a limited, human perspective, I thought that my Korean family members had all changed their phone numbers to avoid staying in touch with me (which can be a probability).
But from an expanded, multidimensional perspective, it could be that slowly, gradually, and even rapidly changing my state of consciousness (vibrational frequency) caused me to tune into noticeably different, continuously shifting, parallel realities (parallel realities taught by Bashar, channeled via Darryl Anka).
Another example:
Right before I returned from my extended trip to Korea, my husband informed me that three of our neighbors (whom I didn’t really resonate with)—two head-butting elderly men who moved in after us, and our apartment manager who also lived within the complex in another building—-had suddenly moved, though they still had a lot of time left on their leases, and though the manager had just started his job this past summer.
“Interesting,” I thought.
A week or so before I left Korea, I was also informed by my husband that my Korean step-mother—my adoptive dad’s decade mistress turned third wife—-was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.
She had been a heavy, chain smoker for at least four decades that I’ve known her (since I was around 10 years old); plus, she was a very smart woman, so I have no doubt that she knew that one could lead to the other.
I told my husband that I wondered if he was next in line, since he, too, smokes a lot (though not a chain smoker), and he’s had this habit since he was a tween.
He still chooses to outwardly (and jokingly) be in denial about smoking being addictive, and that it can cause various diseases, since he claims that he only smokes because he enjoys the process.
But I have no doubt that deep down, he’s aware of the painful truth (i.e., smoking is one of many forms of addiction).
From an expanded perspective, I also understand that he, like the rest of us, is just being and doing the best he knows how.
I also realized that this particular energy aspect that he’s mirroring to me is the same as my mother’s, whom I haven’t stayed in touch with for a while due to our unhealthy relationship (i.e,. her unwillingness to respect my healthy boundaries, and let go of being verbally and emotionally abusive, though I’ve asked her more than once).
Like my husband, she, too, liked to tell anyone who was willing to listen, how healthy she eats and how she exercises daily (and hour per day, and additional hiking in the mountains as well).
But, yet, she’s a hardcore alcoholic (addict) who drinks soju (similar to vodka) at least three times a day (usually two bottles), and claims that it alleviates indigestion.
So whenever she would start bragging about her great health, the look on my Korean relatives’ face probably mirrored my own thoughts and feelings, which was knowing the truth and feeling sad for her.
When I further expand my perspective, I also realize that this same old energy aspect is still showing up in my reality because I need to continue completely letting go of what no longer positively serves my life.
This means, even if it’s very challenging, due to the same old habit of feeling obligated to put another’s need to be happy before my own; perhaps this is my own addiction.
But rather than stress myself out about it, the way I have been lately, I’m going to simply go with the flow and Be and do my best at every moment of Now, and allow everything else to fall into place in Divine perfect timing and order.
Anyhoo, it’s all fun and games until…you know, it’s time to go bye bye (i.e., transform into a lighter, faster vibrating energy state/soul state—like dense solid ice to liquid to super fast vibrating steam).
I had let go of the unhealthy relationship with my Korean step-mother back in 2013 or so, due to her adamant attempts to convert me into a Catholic, though I tactfully asked her to respect my choice of beliefs the way I did for her; but as soon as I heard the news, I felt this jolt of sadness in my heart.
Despite our seemingly non-existent relationship, she’s been sporadically in my thoughts—like my Korean bio mother, Korean relatives, other Caucasian-American step-siblings, and Japanese-American half-siblings—and I’ve visualized treating all of them to a better life one day when I tuned into more monetary abundance, to include buying my step-mother a small house since she didn’t want to be burden to her daughter and her daughter’s husband (a common wish among older Koreans).
But rather than dwelling in what could’ve been, I chose to let go of old dreams, and simply trust that she (and all other earth families) will experience their own versions of heaven on earth, in Divine perfect timing and order (whether in this or other lifetimes).
I then thanked Spirit for helping my step-mother to not experience unnecessary pain and suffering, and to be inner peace.
Less than a week after I returned to the States, my husband and I received news from my step-sister that her mother had passed; we sent our condolences and support.
When I expand my perspective, I’m reminded of the moment when I found out that my bio father’s third wife had passed away from cancer as well.
She was only in her early 50’s and was a non-smoker, though she, too, was a Catholic.
She was diagnosed a few months or so after I met them for the first time in my mid-thirties, on 11/11/2008, Veterans Day.
After my husband found him while I was deployed in Iraq, I decided to surprise visit him after I returned (post series shared within this blog a while back, to include the post, “My First Encounter With a Narcissist”).
Two years after she passed away, my bio father was diagnosed with cancer, and then had two strokes the following years.
During those times, I had a feeling—from a greater picture standpoint—that these events were symbolic of the dying of the old, outdated, heavy, fear-based energies within ourselves/our world (and not just related to Catholics).
Shortly after we moved to Helotes, TX, our next door elderly neighbor—a very kind, gentle, and wise soul who loved creating art—passed away.
She was one of those seemingly rare Christians who seemed to walk the talk, and I respected and admired her for her graceful way of being.
I also appreciated her gifting me with two of her paintings of beautiful flowers, though I ended up donating them, along with many other things before we moved.
We had been gradually downsizing our material gatherings ever since we were stationed in Hawaii (back in 2006).
It didn’t make any sense to hold onto stuff, like clothes, that hung in the closet for extended amounts of time; why not let someone else enjoy them.
I wished for Lillian to realize, in Divine perfect timing and order, that she can let go of the conditioned, false belief that the higher power essence called God, is within a limiting, religious box labeled by mankind, who values men much more than women.
I’ve also shared this related story within this blog a while back. My husband and I used to go to this Korean supermarket in San Antonio, and the owner used to be a noticeably bitter man.
Once, I said hello to him in Korean about a couple of feet away from him, and he just looked at me and walked off.
Another time, my husband and I heard him go off on one of the cooks (and older lady) within the supermarket for several minutes, and you could hear him yelling down the aisles.
His younger relative—an older man who worked there as a multi-tasker (to include cashier and stocker)—shared with me that he was moving to New Mexico to start a donut shop because he was so tired of the owner working him to the extreme with hardly any off time.
He only shared this story because after grocery shopping there, my husband and I went to the nearby McDonalds or Starbucks–don’t recall which one at that time—to buy him a vanilla ice coffee (that Koreans usually like) since he looked so exhausted with dark, heavy bags under his eyes, leathery tan, sagging, facial skin, and sad eyes; and he expressed his deep appreciation.
It sounded like the owner was taking advantage of his younger relative, so I told him that I was happy for him that he was moving on to a better life (and that he decided to have healthy boundaries, and realize that he deserves the best in life, like all souls).
Anyway, shortly after witnessing all of this, and other times where this owner wasn’t so pleasant, I walked into the supermarket one day, only to notice that he was in a wheelchair.
His half droopy face, and his inability to talk clearly, revealed that he had a stroke.
When I gently approached him and initiated a conversation, he smiled for the first time that I saw, and he was actually kind.
At the time, I thought that it would’ve been nice if it didn’t have to take such an unfortunate incident for him to further open his mind and heart.
But Spirit works in mysterious ways, and I trust that no matter what happens in Life, it all happens for our souls’ highest benefit (i.e., as obvious blessings, or blessings in disguise).
Anyhoo, since the owner’s wife, daughter, and son-in-law had been habitually kind and helpful, I shared a 5 star, Google review for this supermarket before we moved to Arizona (though they already had plenty of positive reviews)
I had created a post series about this pattern of deaths and diseases showing up in my physical reality, that I’ve been noticing over the years; but then discontinued because I no longer felt like focusing on these subjects.
However, I never imagined that years later, COVID-19—along with its huge impact and current mutations—would bring back these familiar subjects on a global scale.
In addition to the noticeable changes mentioned further above—three of our neighbors suddenly moving and my step-mother passing away—my husband also informed me (as a Realtor) of another change.
He found out that Victor Oddo—whom I used to enjoy watching his YouTube videos, and even participated in one of his Sedona retreats—and his wife Pattie (and probably the rest of their family) recently moved to Sedona, which was a nice surprise, since I thought that they really loved living in Nevada, and would remain there permanently.
By the way, I’m pretty sure it’s no ancient Chinese secret that they moved, since they’re pretty transparent with their lives. I will probably watch at least one more video to confirm. UPDATE inserted on 12/26/20: Comment to Victor and Pattie included within this new post, “Compassion for the Aspect That Mocks Heartโs Dreams“
Another example of a very noticeable change: I used to only give a big tip if the so-called other provided great customer service (often at a restaurant).
However, I found myself providing big tips to a couple handful of those—mostly cab drivers (who shared that these times were hard on them) and restaurant delivery guys—who: didn’t provide professional, personable, and prompt service, weren’t kind, vented about all the corruption of the Korean government (a popular subject), appeared sad or pissed or hopeless, seemed ill, and even to one cab driver who believed he had tricked me (though I did make it clear in a tactful manner at the end, that I knew what was going on, which I could tell he felt sorry for). And by the way, in Korea, there’s no tipping.
And the surprised to shocked non-verbal cues (especially facial expressions) and/or verbal expressions of super joyful gratitude that I received from them were a delightful surprise for myself as well.
My intention was to cheer them up a bit, since we could all use a break in Life due to various challenges; and I realized that just gifting them with a big tip IF they were “right” or “good”—the way many children have been with Santa Claus—is conditional love, not unconditional love.
One of the most amazing souls I crossed paths with was an elderly Korean man (taxi driver) who was in his eighties, but looked 20 years younger.
He had been a taxi driver since the 60’s, before I was even a twinkle in my mama’s eyes.
He knew Seoul like the back of his hand, and I could tell how calm and confident he was with his smooth driving skills.
Though the initial cab ride was silent the first five minutes or so, a soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt conversation started.
In a nutshell, Mr. Kim was a prime example of one who lives profound wisdom.
He shared that every morning he wakes up, he intends to be the best taxi driver by: doing his best to uplift his customers, being more understanding and forgiving of aggressive drivers, learning what not to do from reckless drivers (especially drunk drivers who can harm the self and others), and providing a safe and comfortable ride for the customers.
He continued that often times, we humans expect to receive this form of love and positivity from others; but that we may soon realize that not many people are able to give this gift to us (let alone generously).
Thus, it’s so important to Be and give this sunshine-like love and positivity to others first and foremost, and we’ll discover that everything else will fall into place beautifully.
I thanked Mr. Kim for sharing such profound and helpful wisdom, and that I highly respect and admire him for leading by example, and that our world would be a much more happy place if more people were unconditionally loving and optimistic like him.
He then shared that many people are not receptive to wisdom, and hence, the helpful words will go in one ear and out the other; but that he was grateful that I was, and that he felt I was different.
He also shared other inspiring stories that I will continue to share in the future related to other themes.
At one point while interacting with Mr. Kim, I wondered if he was an Ascended Master disguised as a human, due to his seemingly effortless way of sharing profound wisdom, but mostly living the talk (which seems rare).
When he dropped me off at hotel #3 of 4, I asked Mr. Kim if I could take a picture of him for my memory, and he enthusiastically agreed.
When I later shared the story and photo with my husband, via Whatsapp—a free app that you can use overseas via audio or video chat—he replied, “He looks like a happy soul.” And indeed he does.
I also gifted him with a 50,000 won (KRW) bill (first time I ever gave such a huge tip to a taxi driver)—that’s approximately $45, depending on the daily exchange rate—even though the taxi fare was about 8,000 won (around $7 and some change).
And his face lit up even more, and he thanked me with much excitement, which was more than worth it.
Plus, who knows how many decades he’s been generously sharing so much Light and Love with his fellow citizens.
If I was a millionaire, multi-millionaire, or even billionaire, I would gift him so much more, since you can’t really put a price tag on a highly evolved Being, whose invaluable contributions are beyond precious gems and gold.
I was eager to share the 50,000 won bill with this wonderful soul, because at the beginning of this trip, when I had the golden opportunity to hold in my hand for the very first time this bill—that I had only seen before in photos online—I felt so excited about this new experience that made me feel so rich! ^_^
I also wanted to share this priceless experience with other special souls.
I gave a 50,000 won bill tip to the wonderful, young driver who picked me up from the airport, and later dropped me off.
I reminded him about our conversation—that includes the importance of self-love and prosperity consciousness (that helps our inner cup to overflow to others)—and to remind himself often (whenever he looks at this bill), “My mind and heart are wealthy, and I’m attracting various forms of uplifting abundance into my life, to include lots of money!”
He was so noticeably happy, and he thanked me with much excitement as well.
As I was telling him that I would give him a hug if it weren’t for these “social distancing” times, he immediately gave me a bear hug nonetheless, and thanked me for sharing much wisdom with him, the way his loving mother does.
I also brought back two more bills (one for my husband and another for me).
Another one of the highlights of my Korea trip was to the only temple in South Korea located along the sea coast within Busan, named, Haedong Yonggungsa.
I intuitively knew I was going to visit a Korean temple, so while I was searching for one, I was instantly drawn to the story of how this particular one was inspired, ultimately, by the Divine Goddess (Goddess-Self within, in the form of the Bodhisattva of Compassion) & The Dragon (another form representing the God-Self within).
It reminded me of the dream of an overall green dragon in a large body of water, gently staring at me with curiosity, shared within this blog a while back.
While walking along the higher ground areas surrounding the main temple, I deeply appreciated being in the presence of the mostly calm sea, as well as hearing the rhythmic, strong waves crashing against the boulders near the shore.
It had been a while since I visited such a large body of water, that seemed to merge with the pastel and gloomy colors of the vast sky above.
At one point, while checking out the temple area that has three, vertical water fountains of Divine Beings, I saw that there were many coins that people had thrown (mostly around the first, closest fountain), probably as a gesture to help their heart’s wishes come true, and/or just for fun.
While taking out my tiny change bag from my purse, I heard a group of young, male voices approaching me that radiated much fun and innocence.
When I looked up, they appeared to be in middle or high school, and they were joking around with each other.
When they realized that only one of them had one coin to throw at the fountains, they sounded disappointed, but with humor.
So without hesitation, I immediately offered each of them a coin, and they all thanked me with much excitement.
I just threw mine without much expectation, but doing my best to aim for the closest one; and when I noticed it pass by the fountain closest to us in slow motion—something I’ve experienced in the past due to not being in the 3D, linear, vibrational state—I wasn’t surprised that it didn’t go in, but wasn’t discouraged by it either.
However COMMA, the coin went into the second/middle fountain, and the all the guys turned around towards me and shouted, “WooAH!” (Korean version of “Wow!” or “Whoa!”); and I, too, silently shouted the same amazement with my eyes.
Then they each threw their coin, but none of them went in. I wondered if mine had gone in because it didn’t really matter to me, since I was more interested in having fun, like a free-spirited child.
I noticed a pattern of how manifestation works from personal experiences.
Unlike many teachings, I don’t have to ask for what Spirit within already knows within my heart.
I simply get briefly excited about something that I would love to experience, visualize it, FEEL it, then forget about it, and continue enjoying Life to the best of my ability each day.
I then notice (when least expected), that the manifestations miraculously and magically show up in my life.
However, if I hold onto my desires and wishes too much—overly thinking about them, obsessively wanting them, desperately needing them, etc., basically in the lack mentality mode of poverty consciousness—then the manifestations don’t show up.
Granted, I haven’t mastered manifestation, at least to my current awareness, but I trust that as I continue practicing all the wisdom that I’ve learned from Life, I will in Divine perfect timing and order (for the highest benefit of self/others).
But one of the things that I’ve noticed lately, is that my desires seem to be vanishing, since all that I used to desire, I’m gradually losing interest it.
If Spirit felt that it would be in Life’s best interest for me to leave this world, I feel ready at any moment of now; hence, I don’t fear COVID-19 as well.
When it comes to the Bodhisattva of Compassion—which there are various, earthly names that represent Her—I initially communicated to this Ascended Master how incredibly deep her love must be to be willing to basically hang around until everyone and their mamas and grandmamas reached the buddhahood, awakened/ascended state, which, at this point in time, could seem like it would take forever.
I then received an insight this morning (12/18/20) an expanded perspective of this passed down, collective belief throughout the ages, of an extremely compassionate, merciful, rescuing, heroine-like figure.
Since souls are also interconnected parts of the whole/The One/Spirit/All That Is, it makes sense that the Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation/Divine Mother Goddess remains omnipresent throughout interconnected Life.
So it’s not so much the idea of an authentic, Ascended Master living on planet Earth lifetime after lifetime after lifetime praying, “Any day now humans, let’s pick up the pace! Accelerated ascension symptoms activate!! I’ve been extremely patient with you stubborn-ass, hardheads, and now I’m exhausted from all of your repeating, fear-based BULLshit. ENOUGH.”
Prior to visiting the temple named, Haedong Yonggungsa, I read a very detailed, helpful article from a foreigner sharing his perspective and perceptions, which was mostly disappointing to him (to include the title), due to the majority of visitors there not behaving appropriately at a peaceful temple, vendors hollering to buy stuff, and stray cats gathering in the area (I left a comment for him sharing expanded perspectives).
I was also able to deeply empathize where the writer was coming from, because even during my own visit, there were some loud-asses who didn’t seem to respect the sacred space where many go to experience tranquility, deep connection, and quiet prayer.
At one point, while walking down the 108 stairway by myself, an adorable kitten-like cat approached me with a gentle meow.
As I slowly walked towards it, a group of females from behind me were being very loud and obnoxious, which startled the cat and caused it scurry away.
However, it occurred to me that despite the girls “misbehaving,” they were having a great time in their own way.
And even though a stray cat may seem like a nuisance to society—hanging around a technically free area for everyone—they, too, are just searching for a place to be safe and to belong; and a temple dedicated to the Goddess would surely be a safe haven (or more like heaven on earth).
Before I reached the temple stairway, I was walking alongside several vendors, and a few, like the writer had shared, were shouting out to potential customers.
Since I couldn’t find any information online as to how long the walk was from the taxi area to the temple, I figured I get an extra bite to eat.
I stopped by one stall, and started eating a Busan fishcake on a stick. A conversation started with two, older women, and I asked them if they would like to try some Deli manjoo—those delightful treats I mentioned above.
I told them that I had a few left from earlier, but that I didn’t touch them. They excitedly accepted the offer, and communicated, verbally and nonverbally, how delicious they were.
One woman was loud and obnoxious, in a humorous way, but I could tell it was masking something.
I was going to leave after one fishcake, but the woman suggested I stay a little longer since Life’s not a rush; she had a great point, and I felt grateful for the important reminder.
And sure enough, she desired to share something personal. She later revealed that her loving mother had passed away about a month ago, and it became crystal clear that she was still in the grieving process; and this was understandable since she had to continue working even afterwards.
After listening to her stories about her relationship with her mother, I shared with her that she was a very loving and thoughtful daughter, and that her mother’s in a peaceful state now; and the woman looked at me with some deep, soulful eyes, and thanked me.
Before I left, the outgoing lady offered me a couple of snacks to express her gratitude for me sharing a snack with them.
We agreed that I would at least take one rather than two since I was full by then.
As I left this area, I felt grateful that I stopped by, despite the heads up from the writer of the article about the shouting vendors; in this lady’s case, it was a cry to be SEEN for her broken heart.
So I was reminded that whether it’s the loud people, obnoxious food vendors, or the stray cats, we can have the same or similar encounters, but perceive them in different ways depending on our state of consciousness at that time, that can shift and change at any given moment (i.e., how open or closed our mind and heart is at the time).
While traveling in Korea, I became familiar with the subway systems for the northern and southern areas of the country, building my confidence with each outing, with various routes, and with some “mistakes,” which I loved doing.
I also love building confidence in my experiences with Divine synchronicity.
One day, soon after I got off the subway, and walked through the ticket machine. I thought to myself, “Now which way is the Namdaemun exit?”
A second or so later, an older couple walked by me, and the husband said to his wife, “We need to go this way to Namdaemun market”; and I thought how perfect that moment was, and thanked my soul families for their assistance.
In addition, I treated myself to my first experience of the KTX bullet train, which took about two hours and 40 min (not 2 hrs 15 min as advertised) from Seoul to Busan, and vice versa.
For over two decades, I’ve talked to my Korean mother multiple times about such adventures, but she always said, “Next time,” but that moment never came, so I didn’t feel bad about going without her.
And the lesson I learned from that is, our future in general is not guaranteed since anything can happen (worst case scenario…the end of the world…not to be so gloomy, but just saying).
So if we keep putting plans off, the opportunity may not be there anymore.
Perfect example, I was going to visit my high school from back in the day on Camp Hialeah in Busan; and even my mother kept telling me we would go together one day.
However COMMA during this recent trip to Busan, I found out from a dessert cafe manager that this post—where I attended DODDs school/Department of Defense Dependents schools—no longer exists; and that they moved elsewhere for cheaper land rent.
I’ve also had some other experiences there as well, which I’ll share another time, if I feel like it, along with other wonderful experiences along this multi-faceted journey.
One amazing experience includes witnessing the presence of a moving, Light Being at my bedside in a hospital—for the first time that I recall in this waking, physical reality, though I was traveling with a group of them (possibly Galactic and/or Universal soul family) in a vivid dream years ago (also shared within this blog).
When I initially sensed what felt like hands gently, yet firmly, pressing down along the outer edge of my blanket—slowly from my feet area to my mid body—I thought it was one of the nurses.
When I looked up, it was a translucent gold, Light Being, who seemed to vanish into thin air as I tried to focus more on its presence.
I didn’t feel afraid because I intuitively sensed that even though I didn’t know the details of this individualized, unknown Being, from an expanded perspective, it was a higher version of self/Higher Self/an extension of Spirit, and ultimately, Spirit itself.
I also thought, if I was my Higher Self, and desired to show my human self full support, encouragement, and comfort, during extremely difficult times, how would I approach her while she’s in such a vulnerable state?
Well, I would slowly, gently, and lovingly make my subtle presence known in a somewhat familiar way, that wouldn’t shock and scare her.
And this approach was very helpful, since the nurses were surprisingly cold and seemingly uncaring.
The silver lining to this challenging experience was that it helped me to learn to ask for what I needed (without feeling too much like I was a burden), to include refills of water, and for them to place the water cups and bed remote where I could actually reach them.
The only thing I didn’t ask them to do was to change my period pad, because I wasn’t aware of how soaked it was throughout the night and the next day.
When I left the nurse section after three nights, I informed the department manager of how the nurses were (with the exception of one), and that perhaps it would benefit future patients that they all found a career that’s a better match, since they probably do more damage than they contribute to healing on all levels (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).
I continued that a nurse doesn’t have to be super friendly, but I have no doubt that this career field (like doctors), requires some heartfelt caring, thoughtfulness, and compassion.
She agreed, and ended up talking to the head nurse; but I realized that I would take seemingly heartless nurses any day over the so-called leader of the pack, who made it too obvious that her sudden, exaggerated kindness was completely fake.
And it became clear why her staff were the way they were; she didn’t lead by example.
They had plenty of time to watch TV real loud, and BS amongst themselves, but rarely took the initiative to actually do their jobs (unless a doctor was on the floor; then everyone seemed to have a sudden burst of enthusiastic energy and positive attitude, something the Department Manager admitted noticing in the past as well).
I will share a Google review for this hospital (and some other locations) before the end of this year (under Barbara D), which I’ll do my best to express as tactfully as possible—while sharing expanded perspectives, to include the human and higher perspectives—in order to highly benefit everyone involved, rather than cause more unnecessary hurt with the blame game.
In addition, I just now (12/18/2020, 11 am) realized that when I further expand my perspective, I trust that this “nurse” aspect within self—the aspect that’s supposed to take care of the whole self—has been neglecting the self at times throughout my life.
And this was being mirrored to me—in an amplified way via multiple nurses—when I was in the timeframe of being ready to soon SEE (with clarity), since I had been unconscious of this uncaring way of being at times.
If I don’t like others treating me this way, I need to completely stop treating me this way. Wow, I feel grateful for this profound insight.
Anyhoo, I couldn’t believe it at first, that I actually experienced seeing a Light Being, but then chose to stop gaslighting myself.
A couple of other souls mirrored to me (as gaslighting humans, 2 to 1), to remind me to stop doing it to myself (something I had learned from the helpful soul teacher, Teal Swan, a while back; though I don’t agree with everything she teaches, I still highly respect and admire her for the gifts that she shares with humanity and beyond, like many other soul teachers).
Continuing another day and time…
May we learn from our past as mentally and emotionally intelligent Beings, and not need to repeat the old and outdated history of the sudden fall of once great civilizations; but rather, reunite the once lost aspects of the whole self/Self within, so that our outer world will eventually mirror to us the balance and harmony of the reunited version of the ancient, Lemuria/Mu & Atlantis (Mulantis, moo-lan-tis, Goddess & God within and without).
This is a perfect stopping point for blogging (I used to blog for too long). I’m going to spend some quality time with my husband and cats.
Good night interconnected and merging worlds, planet Earth, humanity, Mother Nature, and the rest of wonderful Life. Sweet dreams.
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