Happy Veteran’s Day to all who have served and is currently serving throughout the world!
Your daily dedication to: serve your country, accomplish your challenging missions, work long hours multi-tasking in high-stress environments, continuously take care of your fellow service men and women and their families, be on-call 24/7, conduct additional duties, excel in discipline and initiative, maintain mental toughness and physical fitness, increase self-awareness and motivation, encourage camaraderie and teamwork, be highly flexible for instant change in plans, often sacrifice your time away from loved ones, and Be a beacon of hope to others will not go unnoticed.
Note: Thank you www.zazzle.com for image on right.
Thank you for all that you do and who You choose to Be In every Moment of Now…a man or woman of great character—courage, passion, confidence, professionalism, understanding nature, gentle kindness, compassionate heart, assertiveness, ambition, determination, persistence, humility, resilience, a great sense of humor/joy, integrity, diligence, positive attitude and outlook, discernment, wisdom, honesty, selflessness, forgiveness, respect (for self and others), acceptance (of differences), strong faith (in your higher power), unconditional love for self and others, and overall…honor.
Thank you for leading by example, especially encouraging and inspiring the younger generation to become great leaders/amazing people with BIG hearts as well.
May you live and Be in every Moment of Now with much gratitude, appreciation (especially for the small things in life that we may often take for granted), peace (especially relaxation, comfort and inner tranquility), joy (especially excitement, a great sense of humor, and much smiles and laughter), unconditional love (of self and others), freedom (to Be your authentic/true self/soul), self-empowerment (to Be fearless and have strong faith), truth (your truth deep within your soul), abundance (trusting that you have everything you need in every Moment of Now), and creativity (co-creating who you choose to Be—especially your true essence, which is Unconditional Love—as well as your version of heaven on earth) so that you may receive more blessings from our magnificent and generous universe, one of the countless and precious gifts from God/Goddess/All That Is.
Remember…not only are you a gift to the military and our country, but you are also Love and Light to humanity as well. ^_^ God bless.
Note: Thank you desperatelyseekingdeals2.blogspot.com for image on left.
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