I was drawn to a further mind and heart opening (Consciousness expanding), reading today via the Medium app—which I may or may not continue to be a member of, depending on how I feel about it (cancelled, but enjoyed while it lasted).
And as I started typing a reply, I noticed it became too long as usual, so I decided to only share a portion of my message.
The following is the entire message, to include the part that I shared with the writer:
Thank you so much 🙏🏼 Ruchi, for sharing this very helpful reading, where I highlighted multiple sections as a great reminder.
I have noticed that merged Heart/Mind 💖 led by Cosmic Heart 💗/WHOLEy Spirit 🕊️/Mother Goddess ✴️ (as Trinity 🔱) IS a flowing 🏞️ way.
The most rapid manifestation I ever experienced (once 😁) was during my first and last sacred retreat to Egypt a couple of years ago.
While our group was at an outdoor market, I was drawn to 2, small figurines (Isis & Anubis)—to complete my sacred altar collection of ancient Egyptian Soul Families I’ve been dreaming about within 13 years (especially Mother Goddess Hathor 🐮-Sekhmet 🦁/Bast 🐈⬛/Isis, Thoth, Horus, etc.; but the 3rd one they didn’t have was Sobek 🐊).
So I bought 2, and trusted that it will show up if it’s for the highest benefit of Self/self/interconnected 🕸️ Life 🌳🌼.
Meanwhile, I continued to joke around, have fun, and laugh 😆 with our authentic, honest, super JOYful, unconditionally kind, and overall amazing guide, Mohammad.
When one of the organizers of this retreat announced that it was time to depart, Mohammad and I started leaving the market whiling continuing to talk and enjoy each others’ company ☺️.
And right before we were about to approach the exit, an Egyptian man in a white robe suddenly turned around, and approached me with the third figurine of Sobek in his hand. 😮😃🤩🥰
So I quickly played their game of bargaining for fun, bought it, and thanked 😘💗💓💕🐻🫂Beloved Self (Spirit & Soul/Goddess & God)/Universe for this gift 💝.
I trusted that this additional version of a Trinity set would energetically assist me for whatever phase(s) of my physical/spiritual journey—often reminding ✨ me 🪞of the ongoing loving presence, support, and assistance from my Earth 🌏🌎🌍/Galactic/Universal/Multiversal/Omniversal Soul Families 💖.
I fully trust that Unconditional/True Love 💗 (Unity Consciousness ⚫️) is INCLUSIVE 🫂; hence, it INCLUDES separation consciousness 🔲💎🌈 and physical worlds 🌏🌎🌍 that come with the package deal 🎁 of highly effective—and beneficial opportunities to gain wisdom 🐢🦉🐋 —of OPPOSITES/CONTRAST/BINARY/DUALITY/POLARITY 🌊🔥/🌚🌞/🚺🚹/🥶🥵/🎨📊/🥰🧐/etc.
Therefore, though it’s definitely beneficial to habitually Be in high vibrational frequency states, it’s also perfectly ok to dip down to lower energy states at times, since it’s part of being physical human as well.
[This comment is becoming lengthy—which I’ve had a tendency to do 😅 as I’m passionate ❤️🔥 about expressing; but I’m working on not oversharing this New Year 🎆🎇 of 2024 🐉 🐲. 🙌🏼
So I will share the rest in my own post, “Rapid Manifestation, Not Just High Vibes Only & Living Wisdom (Not End Goal) of Enlightenment.”
Thank you again Ruchi!
EnJOY 🐸 many fully present 💝👁️👀 and pleasant 🌅🏞️🌄🌌🌠 moments of NOW 🌳🌲🌾🪷💖!
❤️🧡💛end of above comment💚🩵💙💜
It’s deeply loving to acknowledge 👁️👀 and embrace 🫂 our authentic emotions and true feelings—and express them in healthy ways—rather than ignore, deny, and suppress them, because we only want to be “High Vibes Only” (which isn’t realistic, and too much unnecessary pressure).
I’ve learned via self/others that whenever we suppress how we really think and feel, it doesn’t go anywhere, but rather, it SHOWS UP in OUT OF CONTROL WAYS.
These SHOVED DOWN “negative” thoughts and emotions bubbles and stews within—like scorching hot lava—and then either seeps out in passive-aggressive ways, or EXPLODES 💥 like a volcano 🌋.
I once crossed paths with a certified healer (she shared) who wore a t-shirt that read, “High Vibes Only.” It was while I was briefly working at a boutique in Sedona.
During our conversation, I thanked her for her service, and also shared the importance of her influence as a healer.
And this included her allowing her clients to freely, fully, and authentically share their true thoughts, perspectives, emotions and feelings, in order to deeply heal (rather than spiritually bypass issues that need to be addressed).
And this especially applies if they’re going through very challenging times, to include major changes in life (e.g. a divorce, losing a job, recovering from an illness, and needing time to grieve for a loved one who passed away).
This healer became very teary-eyed, and thanked me for sharing, since she had learned from “High Vibes Only” spiritual communities (who meant well) that the more high vibes one is daily—especially as a spiritual healer and/or teacher—the higher their state of Consciousness, and closer to enlightenment (insights about this further down).
But this limiting belief has led to many not even wanting to be around anyone they perceived as “low vibes” people, which further separates.
Granted, it’s not beneficial and healthy to habitually be in mostly fear-based and negative relationships and environments (especially draining, abusive or unsafe ones) .
But if one is truly spiritual—and actually has a very high, core vibrational frequency—then one can trust in one’s multidimensional ability to transmute lower energies with the very powerful, merged Light & Unconditional Love Frequencies from within (aka merged Heart/Mind).
I trust that as we continue to do our best to Be discerning, opening mind, and opening heart with healthy boundaries…
we can Be a rainbow 🌈 bridge between physical and spiritual worlds (ultimately ONE—just as Spirit & Soul or Goddess & God are 2 sides of the SAME Cosmic Coin).
This 🌈 🌉 is within our heart 💚chakra space—where true feelings are created from our thoughts and emotions merging as one (as Gregg Braden taught graciously and eloquently, as well as The 7 Essene Mirrors 🪞 of Relationships).
I realized within a year, that true Enlightenment is not an end goal or destination.
But rather, we can tune into enlightened 🕯️moments of NOW as we are doing our best to focus on the PRESENT 💝 moments, connect to and align with our Spiritual Self (of merged Heart/Mind), Be AWARE 👁️👀 of inner and outer world, and naturally continue expanding our individual and Collective Consciousness.
But most of all, I trust that an enlightened state is the most powerful when we are Being our natural state—Light & Unconditional/True Love to ourselves/“others”/interconnectedLife within this world and beyond.
We can still tune into “other than present moments,” by reflecting, pondering, and gaining insights from the past, but not dwelling, drowning or becoming lost from past experiences from a state of disempowering, victim mentality, that can cause us to feel powerless (when we’re not).
We can also wisely plan and do whatever for future-related goals, but not be concerned or worried about the future.
We can Be (first and foremost), and then do whatever, which is different from being on autopilot, robot 🤖 mode of DOING DOING DOING, like an energizer bunny on CRACK.
I trust that habitual Enlightenment is Being Living Wisdom daily to the best of our ability.
Then, one seemingly magical and miraculous day, we may REALIZE that we have become what we truly were from within—a Master of Enlightenment.
And this is not about being an emotionless, robotic being devoid of feelings, even while witnessing something deeply heartfelt.
Even though we are ‘spiritual beings having a human experience,’ we’re also sentient, human beings.
It’s being able to choose whenever, to tune into whatever (ultimately neutral) energy state and FEEL interconnected Life as ONE.
This is different from allowing self/others’ emotions to take over the entire ship (WHOLE Self/self), because these energies don’t have a Captain, a wise Leader—a powerful, inner foundation (hence, out of control).
I’m grateful for all the opportunities to continue exploring, experiencing, learning, mastering
challenges, growing, flowing, enJOYing, and evolving on all energetic levels— mentally, emotionally, physically (via further DNA 🧬 activation), and spiritually.
Recently, I’ve been embracing and integrating more “DARK”(meaning UNKNOWN & SHADOW) aspects—whether the typical negative or positive Golden Shadows—and I’ve discovered more ways in which, “I can be ____ (aspect) too at times (or have been in the past)”.
In addition, when aspects show up that I don’t prefer to be, think, believe, behave, say, and do, then I can thank them for mirroring 🪞to me the contrasts.
It’s similar to a huge, largest international buffet on planet Earth, where we (as Souls) have the option to explore many dishes.
We don’t have to go to this rainbow 🌈 spectrum of a buffet.
If we want to, we can always eat at the same old, two restaurants that only serve American food for the rest of our lives, since it’s a safe bubble.
Or, maybe that’s what we prefer—only eating American food—after having experienced many types of food from around the world.
But if we haven’t really explored other foods, and IF we’re curious—and we’d like to experience something NEW and intriguing—we may take a chance with The Unknown.
If we’re being open-minded and open-hearted, we’ll be open to the experience without judgment, without expecting the huge buffet to only be tailored to our preferences.
We’ll understand that there may be dishes that we don’t prefer, but it’s there for others who may like it, or even love it.
And once we sample the first plate of tiny amounts of various dishes that we were curious about, through a process of elimination, we can further discover what we prefer the next round.
When we experience a dish (or more) that’s AMAZING, we can FEEL deep appreciation, thanks to the polar opposite food(s) that we prefer never eating again 🤢, and the mediocre food that we’re no longer curious about.
But had we not explored the NEW UNKNOWN, we would’ve missed out on the opportunity to experience 🤤DELICIOUS and AMAZING 😲😛 food.
And our SENTIENT (and even SENSUAL) aspects of our WHOLE Self/self—especially our excited 🤗 taste buds that have been highly stimulated and AWAKENED 😲—will thank us for Heaven on Earth 🌏🌎🌍.
Allowing further thoughts, emotions, feelings, perspectives, inner-wisdom, insights, analogies, examples, and ideas to flow 🏞️ through me while blogging, has helped me to continue embracing and integrating more and more aspects of WHOLE Self/self, and to look forward to the exciting 🤗NEW 🌱🐣 and wonderful 🐸🥰.
I found it helpful to remind myself, daily, that ALL aspects are ultimately NEUTRAL parts 🌈 of the WHOLE ⚫️⚪️/🌚🌝🌓.
And even the financial 💰💰 aspect, since neutral money can be used in a highly beneficial ways for Self/self/interconnected Life, rather than be misused or abused (like a hammer is also a neutral tool that can help or harm, depending on the operator).
EnJOY 🐸 many fully present 💝👁️👀 and pleasant 🌅🏞️🌄🌌🌠 moments of NOW 🌳🌲🌾🪷💖!
Using colored pens, I wrote on a BIG calendar 📆 today a list of reminders that I can incorporate daily to assist me on all energetic levels:
mentally (meditative state in many ways, not just sitting in proper form 🧘🏻♀️; 🕯️Light Frequency; 😯 learning 🤩 overall optimistic outlook on Life 😃💡exciting ideas),
1 of multiple examples: reading (a book, article, blog post, newsletter email, etc.)
emotionally (unconditionally loving more and more neutral aspects of WHOLE Self/self 🌚🌝🌓☯️✡️💖💗💓🥰🫂):
1 of multiple examples: looking in the mirror and doing loving self-talk, and taking better care of physical self (part of valuing, respecting, and loving self, I was reminded yesterday from a helpful online article)
physically (further acting once dormant DNA 🧬):
1 of multiple examples: starting exercise again (haven’t done in a while except occasional dancing, which I intend to do more of for FUN)
spiritually (embracing 💖🫂interconnected 🕸️ Life within this world 🌏🌎🌍 & beyond 🌌♾️):
1 of multiple examples: study more esoteric knowledge and continue to do best to apply as Living Wisdom
and even financially (money 🤑💰💰💵 used in highly beneficial ways for Self/self/Life):
1 of multiple examples: Continue to work on creative projects.
I was down at times due to going through a divorce after 16+ years of marriage (and bonding for 18)—but my husband and I have become better friends since we filed for a harmonious divorce.
Plus, even though two of my Korean, elderly aunts were diagnosed with lung cancer autumn of last year (soon after I left from visiting my mom and relatives)—where my Buddha aunt passed away near winter time—my other aunt’s health has been improving, so deeply grateful 🙏🏼 for these blessings.
In addition, within a month ago or so, I had an otherworldly, beautiful, and peaceful dream—perhaps the Arcturians’ gateway where they assist those who passed away/transitioned—and I heard a voice say that this was the route that my Buddha aunt came.
One day, I may share that dream in detail, that I recorded in my journal.
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