Late last night (after 10:30 or so) and throughout the morning, I experienced the most intense thunderstorm that I recall ever experiencing throughout this lifetime.
I’m usually very excited about thunderstorms (love them! ^_^), but this one was unlike any other.
The thunder sounded so loud and powerful that I actually felt very fearful, with my heart pounding rapidly as though it was going to burst out of my chest. I later realized that child-like fear stemmed from my ego self’s fear of the seemingly unknown—perhaps my inner power.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => www.youtube.com (thank you)
I wondered if my recent, noticeably amplified ability to sense more than usual was one of the reasons why I experienced the thunderstorm so intensely, since my husband thought it was loud, but not intensely loud.
I intuitively knew that something huge was happening due to the merging of the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Pisces that I had briefly read about.
I wondered if the powerful thunder and lightning were mirroring back to me the emerging Divine Masculine (transforming ego self) within me in this physical reality, and the heavy rain was mirroring back to me the emerging Divine Feminine within.
I even felt as though I was floating at times, as well as disoriented, especially when I woke up in the middle of the night and morning twice from having to go pee and drink some water.
I had set my crystals out on March 7th-8th in order to absorb the very powerful merging Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Pisces energies, and I brought them inside this morning to benefit from the cosmic, higher frequencies of Light, Love and beyond.
This morning, shortly after noticing 10:10, I expressed gratitude to all aspects and extensions of Divinity within me for all incoming, higher frequencies to continue reigniting my once dormant DNA.
Shortly after, while listening to my favorite, otherworldly healing music (shared at bottom of page), I read a post about the merging of the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Pisces, Soul Mates and the Twin Flame connection that I received in an email newsletter.
Like most readings, I extracted whatever information most highly resonated with me, and was very helpful, and disregarded whatever didn’t.
At one point, while reflecting back on my experience last night, I started releasing a very deep, cry that seemed to feel as though it came from the depths of my heart.
Strangely, the cry seemed to be a combination of sadness and joy, though I intuitively knew it was way more joyful since I was able to feel the intense, loving energies from within.
I trusted that I was saying thank you and goodbye to old energies that no longer serve my individual and collective soul growth and evolution, while being silently grateful for the amazing transformation I’m currently going through (along with interconnected others).
As I remembered to unconditionally accept/love ALL aspects of self at every moment effortlessly, I allowed myself to just cry, transmute, and heal.
I usually visualize hugging my inner child within whenever I cry or feel down, but I trust that I didn’t at that moment because it wasn’t needed.
One of my daily intention statements that I say out loud with my husband is, “It it my intention to commit to loving all aspects of myself unconditionally and effortlessly, and making this commitment the number one step from which I operate everyday, so that everything falls into place, and I AM whole and complete.” I learned about intention statements from the book Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians., and this one I slightly modified.
To unconditionally accept/love ALL aspects of self has been my greatest challenge in life, but I know that I empower myself at every moment by taking all stepping stones of success—by following my Heart’s inner guidance/intuition—with complete trust in my Beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ within.
In addition, if I can’t even do this for myself, how can I fully and unconditionally accept/love ALL aspects of interconnected others as well?
This doesn’t mean that we take a pause at doing our best to love others until we fully love ourselves, but rather, to Be Balance and Harmony within.
I trust that it’s important to intuitively know when to put self before others, and when to generously give love to others using discernment; it’s about balancing the male and female energies within us all (regardless of gender).
We’ve learned enough from the corrupt within the so-called world leaders—especially in the church, government, military, major media, major corporations, legal system, big banks, pharmaceutical companies, etc.—on how to constantly give to others, while neglecting self/soul.
Some of the constant reminders basically conveyed, “Give your attention 24/7! Give your time (especially personal time)! Give your money! Give away your Divine birthrights! Sacrifice yourself if you’re really a good person! Volunteer your ass off even if you’re exhausted and depressed! Work very hard for the rest of your life, even though you’re barely making ends meet! Go to never-ending wars and be willing to die for your country! Vote and be a responsible, loyal and contributing citizen!
The questions is, “Are the so-called powerhouse within our world willing to do so for the majority of humanity?”
Throughout human history, this is not been the case most of the time; hence, the majority of humanity still doesn’t live in abundance, prosperity, and wealth on all levels of their being—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually (our Divine birthright).
And who’s looking out for our own souls? Do we just fully depend on a higher power while neglecting our own souls? No. Soul and Spirit exist and express best in physical reality as integrated One.
Some examples of unconditionally accepting/loving self includes the following (which I’m remembering more and more to do):
- taking care of oneself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually (that no one else may be willing to do)
- assertively drawing healthy boundaries in unhealthy relationships and situations
- being best friend to self first and foremost by always being there for self and enjoying one’s own company; hence, not needing to reply upon other relationships in order to fill some void, but rather, choose relationships in order to truly bond as souls
- knowing when to pamper and treat oneself (without getting lost in the material world), rather than depending on others to do so (especially when they don’t feel like it)
- developing the habit of positive self-talk, self-awareness, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, self-esteem, and self-confidence
- gradually (or even suddenly) remembering who we truly are, to include one’s complete self-worth (a Divine birthright), Divine purpose and full potential self
- embracing the perfectly “imperfect” self at every moment—despite outer appearances and what society labels everything—trusting that cosmically intelligent Spirit within makes no mistakes, and everything happens in Divine perfect timing and order for the highest benefit of the interconnected whole/The One
A few days ago, before I fell asleep, I asked my Beloved within for answers to questions I had (as usual), but this time, on how to overcome the inner struggle that I had been experiencing lately.
The following morning, though I woke up not being able to recall the vivid dreams that often occur, I was able to remember a gentle, loving voice reminding me to trust my Beloved I AM Presence.
Therefore, even though I felt very fearful last night, I communicated to my Beloved within, “I choose to fully trust you that all is well in my life in every moment, despite outer appearances.”
Note: For the past 10 days, I’ve invested in doing my first, major colon cleanse using Blessed Herbs Colon Cleansing Kit for the first time. I had some other interesting experiences which I intend to share in a later post, “A First Experience with Blessed Herbs Colon Cleansing Kit.”
I know there is a debate on whether or not colon cleansing is even necessary, or if the mucoid plaque is a myth; however, I asked my Beloved within for clarity, and received it, to include trusting our personal experiences (experiential knowledge/wisdom) despite what society says. Afterall, society—to include scientists who have labeled the unknown parts of our DNA “junk DNA” just because they don’t have answers—has said (and recorded) a lot of things throughout human history that wasn’t true (whether partially or all together).
I came upon this very helpful reading today, “Pisces New Moon Eclipse and SuperMoon” which I highly resonate with, and that I’m so grateful for.
The very informative, empowering, and uplifting post helped me to better understand what’s happening lately, as well as why I’ve been affected at deep levels of my being, especially last night and this morning. In addition, I better understand why the thunderstorm felt so intense and powerful. I trust that we will all continue to feel the energies whether we’re aware of them or not.
I left the following comment for Kelley (writer of post/link above), but I received this message instead (twice), though I doubled-checked my email address => “Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *”; so here’s to you Kelley if you ever happen to cross paths with this post! 🙂 :
Wonderful Kelley, ^_^
Thank you so much for sharing a very informative, empowering, and uplifting post.
It helped me to better understand what’s happening lately, as well as why I’ve been affected at deep levels of my being, especially last night and this morning.
Continue Being a gift to humanity and beyond. Your generous Light and Love is highly appreciated.
I trust that you will continue to receive all the loving energies that you give to self and others a thousandfold. 😉
<3 <3 <3 Barbara
The following are the links to the out of this world, healing music that I mentioned within this post:
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