Note: Link for image on right => “Goddess Sekhmet in Ancient Egypt“
The following is a comment I shared for the YouTube video, “Black Leopard Nikita Update & Reunion | The Lion Whisperer” that I was drawn to this morning, though I haven’t watched Kevin Richardson’s videos in a while:
I’m glad I watched this neutral video, because it gave me the opportunity to share something with you (Kevin)—the CONTRAST/DUALITY/POLARITY of good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.—which I trust will be highly beneficial, should you (and even others) have time to read it.
First of all, thank you wonderful Kevin and team for all the Unconditional Love that you generously share with these magnificent animals. I recently made a few donations to your foundation to support those who are part of our Galactic and Universal Soul Families, and to also show my appreciation to you and your staff.
They say dogs are a great teacher of unconditional love, and I agree since my husband and I had many interactions with various types of dogs, and we also had a black and white Siberian Husky pet named Kami, who was the epitome of free spirit, super friendliness, and unconditional love, though he passed away to his freer state in 2016.ย
Kami was mostly very easy to love, though at times, he initially seemed challenging because he was very intelligent and clever, and he sometimes didn’t feel like being and doing what us humans expect pets to obediently be and do.
[Post, “In Memory of Our Amazing Pet Kami“]
I have two cats, a black, female cat named Shadow, and a male, tabby named Leo, and I’ve learned that they, felines—originating from Lyrians/Star Family/cat people of the skies/ancient souls “who have experienced a tremendous amount of Cosmic Life Experience”—are MASTER Teachers of Unconditional Love; and that includes the Black Leopard.
Why? Because it’s way too easy to only like the likable and love the lovable. And when we only like and love the so-called “good” and “right” according to limited, human perspective…is this Unconditional/True Love?
Unconditional/TRUE love is able to fully embrace the so-called unlikable and unlovable aspects of the whole being since ALL aspects have a Divine purpose meant to highly benefit interconnected Life within this world, Galaxy, Universe, and beyond.
You mentioned that the black leopards can be selfish and even narcissistic, and I understand those aspects are challenging to like, let alone love. But I appreciate that you love them nonetheless.
I’ve learned that the frowned upon, seemingly unacceptable aspects that are called “selfish” and “narcissistic”—and many other “negative” aspects—give us all the golden opportunity to unconditionally accept and integrate these “dark”/unknown/shadow aspects into the whole being.
These unsavory aspects show up in our realities because they deeply yearn to finally be noticed, seen, recognized, acknowledged, embraced, integrated, healed, and transformed (into their true state/Light & Love vibrational frequencies); they no longer wish to be judged, denied, ignored, ridiculed, rejected, condemned, oppressed, repressed, and suppressed.
Others mirror to us these “unwanted” aspects that we, too, have within us, since ALL aspects exists within the whole being (humans, animals, E.T.s, etc.) to varying degrees, though the shadow aspects—both positive and negative, though mostly known for the latter—are hidden from our awareness due to us repressing these undesirable aspects during childhood, and suppressing them throughout adulthood, due to society disapproving of them (and in order for us to survive in this world, our ego aspect of whole self learned to be mostly “good” and “right”).
These “selfish” and “narcissistic” aspects remind us to unconditionally love more and more aspects of whole self, and they often show up in the reality of those who generously give love to others, but have a tendency to neglect their own needs, wants, desires, and preferences.
So these are the Divine GIFTS of the aspects that are labeled SELFISH and NARCISSIST.
Unconditional Love is meant to be given to self AND others, like a cosmic dance, ebb and flow, between the God and Goddess/Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Energies/Soul & Spirit/Mind & Heart/Yang & Yin/Sun & Moon.
Unfortunately, society, stemming from many old and outdated religions, have often taught humanity throughout the ages, to only GIVE GIVE GIVE to others (especially to their churches), while barely touching the surface of teaching humanity about the importance of unconditional self-love as well.
I’ve often had vivid dreams of the black panther/leopard, so I trust that it’s one of my nine animal totems (along with lions).
And thanks to you, I now have NO DOUBT, that not only did the black panther totem appear to me in dream state to remind me to reclaim my inner power…
but to do so most effectively by unconditionally loving ALL aspects of full-potential, multidimensional, WHOLE SELF/interconnected Life; and we can accomplish this by taking baby steps, every stepping stone of success, and even leaps in individual and collective consciousness.
By the way, when I first saw the photo of you and a pack of hyenas online, it deeply moved me, and I thanked Spirit for such a loving soul like you, who managed to powerfully shift humanity’s perspective of having perceived the hyena in mostly negative ways, to truly SEEING (with clarity) the wonderful animal that it is.
I’ve only seen a hyena mother who birthed cubs in a dream once, so I trust it’s an animal spirit guide (rather than a totem).
I trust that the main message and reminder is to ensure that I often ENJOY Life; and incorporating much humor, like the hyena laughter, works wonders.
I realize it’s not easy to be peaceful, let alone joyful, around those who have a tendency to be selfish and narcissistic—because I’ve experienced more than enough people who unknowingly gifted me their blessings in disguise—but I trust that the more we embrace, integrate, deeply heal, transmute, and transform these “negative” aspects (into their exalted, higher vibrational states), the less they will need to show up in this way.
I’m very grateful that our cats taught us—by mirroring to us “unacceptable” aspects at times—to be more authentic, to have healthier boundaries, to be fully present, to be keenly observant, to take better care of our needs, wants, desires, and preferences, and to unconditionally love self/others; because only a full or overflowing CUP can truly and fully be shared with interconnected Life.
Our cats can be distant or super lovey dovey, non-obedient or obedient, feisty or very gentle, hyper or calm, ignoring or welcoming, non-responsive or deeply compassionate, and much more.
They are a great representation of the whole being.
Our outer world mirrors our inner world—the way macrocosm mirrors microcosm, and vice versa—and in Divine perfect timing and order, may our physical realities mirror to us ALL Heaven ON EARTH…the heavenly state within us that is our pure, core essence—PURE as in WHOLE, Unity Consciousness which includes the seemingly separate “lost” consciousness/contrast/duality/polarity of good vs bad, right vs wrong, light vs dark, etc..
Again, thank you all for Being an invaluable gift to humanity, Mother Nature, and way beyond.
During these challenging times…wishing everyone and their loved ones:
great health, profound wisdom, the realization of invaluable self-worth and priceless Life purpose (every Soul’s Divine birthright), gratitude and deep appreciation (for even the smallest gifts from the Universe within, that we may take for granted at times), inner and outer peace (the POWERFUL calm within the storm), self-empowerment (reconnecting to our Soul’s inner power), PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS (farewell poverty consciousness!), true freedom/every Soul’s Freedom (that doesn’t need to be earned via old, outdated, fear-based conflicts, battles, and wars), joy (to include contentment and humor), pure vulnerability (an empowering strength), respect (for self/others), harmonious relationships with healthy boundaries, soul-igniting Life experiences (to include heartfelt interactions), genuine compassion (for self/others), unconditional forgiveness (for self/others), BOLD courage, refreshing authenticity, the further opening of the mind and heart (to integrated Mind/Heart, expanding Unity Consciousness), the embracing of all neutral emotions/our inner compass (while not allowing them to become out of control), the honoring of true feelings (language of the soul), fiery passion, every stepping stone of success, much $$ (to be used in highly beneficial ways for self/others), other non-forms and forms of uplifting abundance, and last but not least…
Wishing you all much Unconditional/True Love for ALL neutral aspects of full-potential, Multidimensional, whole self (human self)/Self (Source: Soul & Spirit/God & Goddess within), and interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
I realize this is a long@$$ comment, but it fits.
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